  1. What does OPALE mean ?
  2. What is OPALE ?
  3. What is the LGPL ?
  4. In which computer language is OPALE developed ?
  5. Which Java Development kit should I use ?
  6. Why don't you use the JDK 1.4.x ?
  7. What is the current version of Opale ?
  8. I have found a bug. How may I report it ?
  9. How is OPALE's development organised ?
  10. Will there be new modules ?
  11. How is Opale's versioning system organised ?
  12. Are there any mailing lists ?
  13. How can I participate ?
  14. Can I propose a new/other module ?
  15. Who do you need for your project ?
  16. Who should I contact for a new module development  ?
  17. When will the 1.0 version of Opale be released ?
  18. Did you plan to develop front-end or applications (aka OAPPLICATIONS) with Opale ?
  19. Where may I find those Applications ?

- What does OPALE mean ?

Translated from the french definition : computer tools for mathematical objects' representation

- What is OPALE ?

OPALE is a scientific library under LGPL. Its main goal is to develop mathematical tools for any scientist.

- What is the LGPL ?

For more information on the LGPL read this.

- In which computer language is OPALE developed ?


- Which Java Development kit should I use ?

Java2 JDK compliant. It is certified that Opale's library will work with Java2. However some classes may also compile with the JDK 1.1.WE DO NOT PROVIDE SUPPORT FOR USERS WHO WILL USE THE JRE OR JDK 1.1.x

We are discussing about a light version of Opale which will be JDK/JRE 1.1.x compliant.

To be clear, Opale development is accomplished with JDK 1.3.x and will run with the newest JDK (at this time the 1.4).

For the applications,consult their home page.

- Why don't you use the JDK 1.4.x ?

We do not use it for many reasons. It is slower than the 1.3.1. It is much more bugging than the 1.3.1. We do not need all new stuffs included with Sun's new JDK !!!

- What is the current version of Opale ?

Version 1 beta 8 ie OpaleV1b8.

- I have found a bug. How may I report it ?

You should use the Bug Tracking System on Savannah's web site.

- How is OPALE's development organised ?

OPALE is subdivided into "modules" . The matrix, mathtools, tools and cst modules are gathered under the term of Opale-Core (the old Opale's kernel).

An Opale module is a complete API designed for precise mathematical fields such as surfaces' representation, 2D geometry, polynomials or differential equations' resolution.

Here are Opale-Core's modules and their dependences :

  • Tools : No dependencies
  • cst depends on tools
  • mathtools depends on Tools
  • matrix depends on Tools and Mathtools

and here for the rest of the library :

  • swools : Opale Swing Tools --> No dependencies
  • ODE : Opale Differential Equations module depends on Tools and Mathtools
  • M2D (aka O2D or OM2D) : Opale 2D depends on Tools and Mathtools and Swools

Here is a short description of what each module does .Refers to the module's home page for more information

  • tools module consists of classes which are not mathematical objects but programming utilities for Opale's developer
  • swools module is like the Tools module except that it is used for GUI (Graphical User Interface) programming
  • mathtools provides re-usable mathematical tools for other modules like the Parser, (Re)Solver or Complex class
  • O2D provides a complete API for the render, representation and manipulation of 2D objects like lines, vectors or coordinate systems
  • matrix provides usual tools for operations on matrices
  • ODE provides methods and tools to solve differential equations

You have to keep in mind that Opale's library is only made of some modules with their own dependencies. Everything is a module, even the kernel which is modular. If you need only a few modules for you applets or you applications, the Opale's archive has some useful deployment scripts which can compile the modules you want and make a new Opale archive for your purpose.

- Will there be new modules ?

Yes. We are currently working on :

  • A scientific specialized 3D Rendering Engine

Inside the tools module we are working on an expression parser. We are also developing a small and unified language for all Opale's objects. This seems really obscure but it will become clearer in the next weeks.

we are planing to develop :

  • EDP : module to solve partial differential equations which will use the matrix and ODE module.
  • A new module called OLAF (Opale Logic & Artificial Intelligence Features)

and we are looking for contributors to develop

  • a Statistics module
  • an arithmetical module

More information is also available on this page where you will find our features plan.

- How is Opale's versioning system organised ?

Until the final 1.0 version we will continue to use the V1bx notation.

After the 1.0 version, Opale's version number will be divided into three numbers : M.x.y ,

where M is the major number version 1<=M<=?, 0 <=x<=9 and 0 <=y<=99

Any bug's correction will change the major version number from M.x.y to M.x.(y+1)

Adding new features in kernel or in modules (which have been released with the major number) will change the version number from M.x.y to M.(x+1).0

Adding a new module will change the version number from M.x.y to (M+1).0.0

- How can I participate ?

Go to the developer's area and read every available documentation. Begin with the article called "Newbie". Read also the TODO page and the ROADMAP page.

Write email to developers if you have questions not answered in those documents. See below to contact us.

Finally, download the current Opale's release Here is a link to the download page to familiarize you with the Opale's archive. You may also checkout the sources via CVS. See instructions on Savannah

- Are there any mailing lists ?

Yes. For more details, read the paragraph "Useful Information" inside the Newbie article.

- Can I propose a new/other module ?

Of course !!!

- Who do you need for your project ?

Everyone and specially :

  • Programmers/developers :
    • One to improve the opale.cst.chemestry package
    • One ore more to improve and manage the 2D Module (M2D).One of them will be in charge for this module.
    • One or more to finish the modelling and to begin the development for the 3D module (M3D)
    • One more more to develop the new module PDE/EDP. This module intend to resolve derivative of Partial Differential Equations
  • Webmaster for this website : We are looking for one or more person to manage the web-site. This person will be responsible for the web-site's maintenance and may develop new functionalities for it. Currently the web-site is developed with PHP but if the new webmaster wants to port it into Python or Perl this won't be an issue.
  • Graphic Designers
  • Translators/Proofreaders :
    • One ore more translators to translate french documentation, and web pages into English.
    • One ore more proofreaders to correct french and English web pages, articles and documentation.

- Who should I contact for a new module development  ?

Any programmer. Here is our address.

You may also contact developers on irc.tuxfamily.org on channel #opale.

- When will the 1.0 version of Opale be released ?

We hope very soon but are not very sure about the release day !

Consults the developer's area page to get more information.

- Did you plan to develop front-end or applications (aka OAPPLICATIONS) with Opale ?

Currently we have already developed

  • 2DViewer : a 2D files viewer :-)
  • OAVE : an MDI 2D files Viewer
  • Geoode : a graphical tool to solve differential equations

and we have planed to develop

  • ODRO : a 2D Object Editor which will let you manipulate Opale 2D objects
  • ONurbs : a NURBS editor
  • OCLight : a fast and light scientific calculator

Other applications will be released for the 3D Rendering engine.

Where may I find those Applications ?

Currently we did not release them because we are focusing on the release of the library and we do not have enough time to work on both side of the project. When their will be released you may find them on this page : opale.tuxfamily.org/en/oapplications/index.php.

Opale Team : January 31 2004 23:14:10.

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