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The SDX server

For SDX to make available indexing, search and display services for XML documents, a Web server, a servlet engine and SDX must be launched and configured correctly in order to answer requests. The execution of such an environment is called an SDX server, which is an instance of a working server. Several servers can be hosted in the same computer. However, this configurationshould not be necessary, SDX resources can be shared with no application conflict.

The other SDX-2 objects, which are : applications, document bases and repositories are directly accessible when hosted on the same SDX server. o perform searches in remote databases, the SDX server will be the key to enter index aux indexes and documents.

Among the key roles of the server, is to provide access to applications, bases and repositories it hosts, according to several security criteria. The server may also be responsible for additional tasks, such as for example being the interface for requests launched according to other protocoles, such as Z39.50 or OAI.

Server address

In order to make an application visible from the Internet, the SDX server must be installed in the computerwhich is linked to the Web, with a registrated domain name (or an IP address). This address allows remote applications (SDX or others) to use SDX services and to receive their results. Each SDX server opens URLs which answer according to the API-SDX. When asking the SDX server to perform searches in remote databases, hosted in other SDX servers, those servers provides entry points, it is therefore necessary to know their address.

Server identifier

To facilitate searches in multiple databases, particularly the interpretation of search results, all SDX servers must have a public identifier. This identifier must be unique among SDX servers, it is therefore strongly advised to build it with the technique of reverse domaine names, such as in the Java "paquetages". For example: fr.gouv.culture.sdx.

This identifier is mentionned in the WEB-INF/sdx/sdx.xconf file. It is the id attribute of the superior hierarchical element sdx:framework.

A good way to specify this unique identifier is to build SDX-2 from its sources ; during the process, it is asked to the user which identifier to use (this functionality is not yet implemented).

Auteurs : Martin Sévigny ( AJLSM ) ; Frédéric Glorieux ( AJLSM ) - 2003-06-03