String class reference
[Base module]


#include <QtLua/String>

namespace QtLua {
class String;

This class is a member of the QtLua namespace.


Lua use 8 bits character strings so QString is not suitable for QtLua.

This class is used as string object in the QtLua project. It is based on QByteArray with added conversion functions.

This class is also used as exceptions type for exceptions associated with lua errors.



Members detail  


Create an empty string

String(const char *s)  

Create a string from const char *

String(const char *s, int size)  

Create a string from const char * with given length

String(const QByteArray &s)  

Create a string from QByteArray

String(const QString &s)  

Copy constructor

String & arg(const QByteArray &arg)  

Replace next % character in string with given string

String & arg(const QString &arg)  

Replace next % character in string with given string

String & arg(const char *arg)  

Replace next % character in string with given integer

String & arg(int arg)  

Replace next % character in string with given integer

operator const char*() const  

const char * cast operator

QString to_qstring() const  

QString cast operator

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