Uses of Interface

Packages that use Property

Uses of Property in org.treebind

Classes in org.treebind that implement Property
 class ComplexProperty
          Property with sub-properties and no value.
 class DefaultPropertyImplementation
          Default implementation of a TreeBind property.
 class LeafProperty
          Property with a value and no sub-properties.

Methods in org.treebind that return Property
 Property TreeBom.getRoot()
          Get the TreeBom root property.

Methods in org.treebind with parameters of type Property
 void TreeBom.pour(Sink sink, Property property)
          Pours a property into the sink associated to the TreeBom.
 void Property.addProperty(int position, Property property)
          Add a sub property at a specific position (for ComplexProperty only.
 void Property.addProperty(Property property)
          Add a sub property (for ComplexProperty only.
 void LeafProperty.addProperty(int position, Property property)
 void LeafProperty.addProperty(Property property)
 void DefaultPropertyImplementation.addProperty(int position, Property property)
 void DefaultPropertyImplementation.addProperty(Property property)