Package org.treebind

Interface Summary
Filter Filters are pipe elements which are both a source and a sink.
Name Interface to represent names.
Pipe Pipes define combinations of pipe elements.
PipeElement Pipe elements are objects that stand in pipes...
Property Properties are one of the key components of the TreeBind data model.
Sink Sinks are PipeElement which receive properties in streaming mode.
Source Although impossible to describe in a Java interface, Sources are PipeElement which are expected to pour Propertys into a Sink.

Class Summary
ComplexProperty Property with sub-properties and no value.
DefaultFilterImplementation Default implementation of a TreeBind filter
DefaultNameImplementation Default implementation of a TreeBind name This class implements a simple variant of TreeBind names composed of a domain name and a local name that are separed by a separator when they are concatenated.
DefaultPipeElementImplementation Default implementation of a TreeBind pipe element.
DefaultPipeImplementation A default implementation of a qbePipe that takes care of the attrs.
DefaultPropertyImplementation Default implementation of a TreeBind property.
JavaClassName Implementation of the Name interface to represent Java class names (composed of a package name and a local name).
JavaMethodName Implementation of the Name interface to represent Java mathod names (composed of a local name).
JavaObject2XmlSaxFilter Filter designed to stand between a JavaObjectSource and a XmlSaxSink.
JavaObject2XmlSaxPipe Pipe designed to convert Java XML objects into XML Sax events.
JavaObjectSink Sink designed create Java objects.
JavaObjectSource Source designed to read Java objects.
JenaRdf2JavaObjectFilter Filter designed to fit between a JenaRdfSource and a JavaObjectSink in a JenaRdf2JavaObjectPipe.
JenaRdf2JavaObjectPipe Pipe designed to convert RDF models read using the Jena API into Java objects.
JenaRdfSource Source designed to read RDF models using the Jena API and pour their contents starting from a resource used as a starting point.
Ldap2JavaObjectFilter Filter designed to stand between a LdapSource and a JavaObjectSink in a Ldap2JavaObjectPipe.
Ldap2JavaObjectPipe Pipe designed to convert LDAP data into Java objects.
Ldap2XmlSaxFilter Filter designed to stand between a LdapSource and a XmlSaxSink in a Ldap2XmlSaxPipe.
Ldap2XmlSaxPipe Pipe designed to convert LDAP data into XML Sax events.
LdapName Name implementation representing LDAP class and property names.
LdapSource Source implementation which pours LDAP search results or LDIF documents.
LeafProperty Property with a value and no sub-properties.
Names Name implementation used to represent general purpose builtin names.
RdfResourceName Name implementation representing RDF resources.
TraceSink Implementation of a Sink which writes the description of the properties that it receives into a StringBuffer (useful for testing purposes).
TreeBom A Filter implementation that keeps a copy of the Propertys that it receives and can pour them into a Sink again if needed.
Util Class with some utility static methods.
XmlAttributeName Name implementation representing XML attribute names.
XmlElementName Name implementation representing XML element names.
XmlProductionName Name implementation representing XML productions which are neither elements nor attributes.
XmlSax2JavaObjectFilter Filter designed to stand between a XmlSaxSource and a JavaObjectSink in a XmlSax2JavaObjectPipe.
XmlSax2JavaObjectPipe Pipe designed to convert XML documents into Java objects.
XmlSaxSink Sink designed to create XML document through SAX events.
XmlSaxSource Source designed to XML document as SAX events.

Exception Summary
LdifException Exception thrown when unsupported stuff arrives while parsing LDIF documents.
NotImplementedException Exception thrown when one tries to set a value on a ComplexProperty or to add sub property to a LeafProperty.
OutOfSyncException Exception thrown when Source, Filter and Sink are added to a Pipe in a non expected order.
TreeBindException An Exception that can be used when something goes wrong in TreeBind.