

Any sequence that can be interpreted as an ndarray. This includes nested lists, tuples, scalars and existing arrays.


Any object that is acceptable as input to the colors.GLcolor() function. This includes GLcolor


Either a Coords or data that can be used to initialize a Coords.


Either an ElementType instance or the name of such an instance.


An object supporting the write(bytes) method, like a file opened in binary write mode.


A string that is the key of one of the defined FileType instances. It often is the file name suffix in lower case and without leading dot, though it can also be an alias for multiple file types.


A file_type string or a tuple or list of such strings.


An object that can be used as an index in a numpy ndarray. This includes Python style slicing and numpy advanced indexing.


The dimensionality of a basic geometric entity. The highest level (3) are volumetric entities (cells). Surfaces (and faces of cells) are level 2. Lines (including face edges) are level 1. Finally, points are level 0.


An object that can be used to initialize a Lines instance. This includes a (…,2,3) shaped array containing two points on the lines, or a tuple of (…,3) shaped arrays containing one point and a direction vector.


A container object that supports arbitrary key lookups. Examples include Python’s dict, defaultdict, OrderedDict and pyFormex’s Dict and CDict.


A geometric model where entities are represented by a combination of a table of coordinates of all points (nodes) and a connectivity table holding for each element the indices of the included nodes.


A point in a mesh type geometric model.


An object that holds the path name of a file or directory. It can be a pure str or a Path.


The number of points used to describe a basic geometric entity. For example, a straight line segment has plexitude 2, a triangle has plexitude 3, a quadrilateral and a tetrahedron have plexitude 4. And a point obviously hjas plexitude 1.


A QImage, or data that can be converted to a QImage, e.g. the name of a raster image file.


A Python regular expression.


Data that can be used as argument in the smartSeed() function. This means either a single int, a tuple containing an int ant optionally one or two end attractors, or a sorted list of float values in the range 0.0 to 1.0.


Any data that are acceptable as input for the Varray constructor.


A tuple, list or array of three float values (x,y,z).