Source code for mydict

##  SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2007-2023 Benedict Verhegghe <>
##  SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
##  This file is part of pyFormex 3.4  (Thu Nov 16 18:07:39 CET 2023)
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"""Extensions to Python's built-in dict class.

Dict is a dictionary with default values and alternate attribute syntax.
CDict is a Dict with lookup cascading into the next level Dict's
if the key is not found in the CDict itself.

The classes have been largely reimplemented in 2019, because many of the
reasons for choosing the old implementation are not valid anymore because
of improved features of Python. And the migration to Python3 showed the
shortcomings of an implementation that was too hackishly meddling with
Python internals. Now we have a much cleaner and simpler implementation
while still preserving the intended functionality.

(C) 2005,2008,2019 Benedict Verhegghe
Distributed under the GNU GPL version 3 or later

from collections import defaultdict
from import Mapping

[docs]def formatDict(d, indent=4): """Format a dict in nicely formatted Python source representation. Each (key,value) pair is formatted on a line of the form:: key = value If all the keys are strings containing only characters that are allowed in Python variable names, the resulting text is a legal Python script to define the items in the dict. It can be stored on a file and executed. >>> d = {'y':'s', 'x':'t'} >>> D = {'a':0, 'd':d, 'b':1} >>> print(formatDict(D)) { 'a': 0, 'd': {'y': 's', 'x': 't'}, 'b': 1, } >>> D = {'a':0, 'd':Dict(d), 'b':1} >>> print(formatDict(D)) { 'a': 0, 'd': { 'y': 's', 'x': 't', }, 'b': 1, } """ global default_indent s = "{\n" for k, v in d.items(): s += ' ' * indent + f"'{k}': " if isinstance(v, Dict): s += formatDict(v, indent + 4) else: s += f"{v!r}" s += ",\n" s += ' ' * (indent-4) + '}' return s
[docs]class Dict(defaultdict): """A dictionary with default lookup and attribute and call syntax. :class:`Dict` is a dictionary class providing extended functionality over the builtin Python :class:`dict` class: - Items can not only be accessed with dictionary key syntax, but also with attribute and call syntax. Thus, if ``C`` is a :class:`Dict`, an item with key 'foo' can be obtained in any of the following equivalent ``C['foo']``, ````, ``C('foo')``. The attribute syntax can of course only be used if the key is a string that is valid as Python variable. The first two can also be used to set the value in the Dict: ``C['foo'] = bar``, `` = bar``. The call syntax does not allow setting a value. See however the :class:`Attributes` subclass for a dict that does allow ``C(foo=bar)`` to set values. - A default_factory function can be provided to handle missing keys. The function is then passed the missing key and whatever it returns is returned as the value for that key. Note that this is different from Python's :class:`defaultdict`, where the default_factory does not take an argument and can only return a constant value. Without default_factory, the Dict will still produce a KeyError on missing keys. - Because the Dict accepts call syntax to lookup keys, another Dict instance can perfectly well be used as default_factory. You can even create a chain of Dict's to lookup missing keys. - An example default_factory is provided which returns None for any key. Using this default_factory will make the Dict accept any key and just return None for the nonexistent keys. Parameters ---------- default_factory: callable, optional If provided, missing keys will be looked up by a call to the default_factory. args, kargs: other arguments Any other arguments are passed to the dict initialization. Notes ----- Watch for this syntax quirks when initializing a Dict: - ``Dict()``: an empty Dict without default_factory - ``Dict(callable)``: an empty Dict with callable as default_factory - ``Dict(noncallable)``: a Dict without default_factory initialized with data fron noncallable (e.g. a dict or a sequence of tuples) - ``Dict(callable, noncallable)``: a Dict with callable as default_factory and initialized with data from noncallable. And since a Dict is callable, but a dict is not, Dict(some_dict) will initialize the data in the Dict, while Dict(some_Dict) will use ``some_dict`` as defaults, but stay empty itself. If a default_factory is provided, all lookup mechanisms (key, attribute, call) will use it for missing keys. The proper way to test whether a key actually exists in the Dict (and not in the default_factory) is using the 'key in Dict' operation. Examples -------- >>> A = Dict() >>> A Dict({}) >>> A['a'] = 0 >>> A.b = 1 >>> # A(c=2) # not allowed >>> A Dict({'a': 0, 'b': 1}) >>> sorted(A.keys()) ['a', 'b'] >>> 'c' in A False >>> A.default_factory is None # A does have a default_factory attribute True Now a Dict with a default_factory. >>> B = Dict(Dict.returnNone,A) # The dict is initialized with the values of A >>> B Dict({'a': 0, 'b': 1}) >>> sorted(B.keys()) ['a', 'b'] >>> 'c' in B False >>> B['c'] is None # lookup nonexistent key returns None True >>> B.c is None True >>> B('c') is None True >>> B.get('c','Surprise?') # get() does not use default_factory! 'Surprise?' Using another Dict as default_factory >>> C = Dict(A,{'b':5, 'c':6}) # Now A is used for missing keys >>> C Dict({'b': 5, 'c': 6}) >>> sorted(C.keys()) ['b', 'c'] >>> 'a' in C, 'b' in C, 'c' in C # 'a' is not in C (False, True, True) >>> C['a'], C['b'], C['c'] # but still returns a value (0, 5, 6) >>> C('a'), C('b'), C('c') # also with call syntax (0, 5, 6) >>> C.a, C.b, C.c # or as attributes (0, 5, 6) >>> hasattr(C,'a') # hasattr uses default_factory True >>> getattr(C,'a',None) # getattr too 0 >>> 'a' in C # the proper way to test if key exists in C False >>> C['b'], C.__missing__('b') # masked entries of A can also be accessed (5, 1) """
[docs] @staticmethod def returnNone(*args, **kargs): """Always returns None.""" return None
def __init__(self, default_factory=None, *args, **kargs): """Create a new Dict instance. """ if default_factory is None or callable(default_factory): pass elif len(args) == 0: args = [default_factory] default_factory = None defaultdict.__init__(self, default_factory, *args, **kargs) def __missing__(self, key): """What to do on a missing key If the Dict has a default_factory, that is called with the key as argument and the result returned. Else, a KeyError for the given key is raised. """ if self.default_factory is None: raise KeyError(key) else: return self.default_factory(key) def __repr__(self): """Format the Dict as a string. We use the format Dict({}), so that the string is a valid Python representation of the Dict. """ return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({dict.__repr__(self)})" def __str__(self): """Nicely format the Dict as a string. Formats the dict in a human readable way. """ return formatDict(self) def __call__(self, key): """Make the dict callable This makes a Dict usable as default_factory in another Dict. """ return self[key] def __getattr__(self, key): """Allows items to be addressed as self.key. This makes self.key equivalent to self['key'], except if key is an attribute of the builtin type 'dict': then we return that attribute instead, so that the 'dict' methods keep their binding. """ try: return dict.__getattribute__(self, key) except AttributeError as e: try: return self.__getitem__(key) except Exception: raise e def __setattr__(self, key, value=None): """Allows items to be set as self.key=value. >>> D = Dict() >>> D.a = 5 >>> D Dict({'a': 5}) """ self[key] = value def __delattr__(self, key): """Allow items to be deleted using del self.key. >>> D = Dict(a=5) >>> del D.a >>> D Dict({}) """ if key in self: del self[key]
[docs] def update(self, data={}, **kargs): """Add a dictionary to the Dict object. The data can be a dict or Dict type object. """ dict.update(self, data) dict.update(self, kargs)
[docs]class CDict(Dict): """A cascading Dict: missing keys are looked up in all dict values. This is a :class:`Dict` subclass with an extra lookup mechanism for missing keys: any value in the Dict that implements the Mapping mechanism (such as dict, Dict and their subclasses) will be tested for the missing key, and the first one found will be returned. If there is no Mapping value providing the key, and a default_factory exists, the key will finally be looked up in the default_factory as well. Parameters ---------- default_factory: callable, optional If provided, missing keys will be looked up by a call to the default_factory. args, kargs: other arguments Any other arguments are passed to the dict initialization. Notes ----- If there are multiple Mapping values in the CDict containing the missing key, it is undefined which one will be used to return a value. CDict's are therefore usually used where the Mapping values have themselves separate sets of keys. If any of the values in the CDict is also a CDict, the lookup of missing keys will continue in the Mapping values of that CDict. This results in a cascading lookup as long as the Mapping types in the values as CDict (and not Dict or dict). This is another way of creating chained lookup mechanisms (besides using a Dict as default_factory). Examples -------- >>> C = CDict(a=0, d={'a':1, 'b':2}) >>> C CDict({'a': 0, 'd': {'a': 1, 'b': 2}}) >>> C['a'] 0 >>> C['d'] {'a': 1, 'b': 2} >>> C['b'] # looked up in C['d'] 2 >>> 'b' in C False Now a CDict with a default_factory. >>> C = CDict(CDict.returnNone,a=0, d={'a':1, 'b':2}) >>> C CDict({'a': 0, 'd': {'a': 1, 'b': 2}}) >>> 'c' in C, C['c'] # No 'c', but returns None (False, None) """ def __init__(self, default_factory=Dict.returnNone, *args, **kargs): if default_factory is None or callable(default_factory): pass elif len(args) == 0: args = [default_factory] default_factory = Dict.returnNone Dict.__init__(self, default_factory, *args, **kargs) def __missing__(self, key): # First try to cascade for k in self: if isinstance(self[k], CDict): # Cascade through by just trying to lookup and accept if not None try: res = self[k][key] if res: return res except Exception: continue elif isinstance(self[k], Mapping): # Any other mapping: accept if it has the key itself if key in self[k]: return self[k][key] # Then try the default_factory if self.default_factory is not None: res = self.default_factory(key) return res # Out of options raise KeyError(key) def __repr__(self): """Format the CDict as a string. We use the format Dict({}), so that the string is a valid Python representation of the Dict. """ return f"CDict({dict.__repr__(self)})"
# for compatibility (reading .pyf files) returnNone = Dict.returnNone # def __newobj__(cls, *args): # return cls.__new__(cls, *args) if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod() # End