Source code for main

##  SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2007-2023 Benedict Verhegghe <>
##  SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
##  This file is part of pyFormex 3.4  (Thu Nov 16 18:07:39 CET 2023)
##  pyFormex is a tool for generating, manipulating and transforming 3D
##  geometrical models by sequences of mathematical operations.
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##  Development:
##  Distributed under the GNU General Public License version 3 or later.
##  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
##  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
##  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
##  (at your option) any later version.
##  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
##  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
##  GNU General Public License for more details.
##  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
##  along with this program.  If not, see

# This is the only pyFormex module that is imported by the main script,
# so this is the place to put startup code

"""pyFormex main module

This module contains the main function of pyFormex, which is run by the
startup script.
import sys
import os
import warnings
from inspect import cleandoc as dedent
from contextlib import redirect_stdout, redirect_stderr

import pyformex as pf

[docs]def whereami(): """Report where pyFormex is installed""" return dedent( f"""{pf.fullVersion()} pyFormex executable: {pf.executable} pyFormex installation ({pf.installtype}): {pf.pyformexdir} Python sys.path: {sys.path} """)
[docs]def run_docmodule(module): """Print autogenerated documentation for the module. module is a pyFormex module dotted path. The leading pyformex. may be omitted. """ from . import py2rst out = py2rst.do_module(module) refdir = pf.cfg['sphinxdir'] / 'ref' if refdir.exists(): outfile = refdir / module + '.rst' outfile.write_text(out) print(f"Wrote {outfile}") else: raise RuntimeError( f"The ref directory {refdir} does not exist")
[docs]def loadUserConfig(): # noqa: C901 """Load the pyFormex configuration Notes ----- This function should be called to create a proper configuration when pyFormex is imported in Python and not started from the pyformex command. """"Loading configuration files") from pyformex import Path from pyformex.config import Config # Set the config files if pf.options.nodefaultconfig: sysprefs = [] userprefs = [] else: sysprefs = [pf.cfg['siteprefs']] userprefs = [pf.cfg['userprefs']] if pf.cfg['localprefs'].exists(): userprefs.append(pf.cfg['localprefs']) sysprefs = [f for f in sysprefs if f.exists()] userprefs = [f for f in userprefs if f.exists()] if pf.options.config: userprefs.append(Path(pf.options.config).expanduser()) if len(userprefs) == 0: # We should always have a place to store the user preferences userprefs = [pf.cfg['userprefs']] # Use last one to save preferences pf.debug(f"System Preference Files: {sysprefs}", pf.DEBUG.CONFIG) pf.debug(f"User Preference Files: {userprefs}", pf.DEBUG.CONFIG) pf.preffile = Path.resolve(userprefs.pop()) # Read sysprefs as reference for f in sysprefs: pf.debug(f"Reading config file {f}", pf.DEBUG.CONFIG) pf.cfg.load(f) # Set this as reference config pf.refcfg = pf.cfg pf.debug("=" * 60, pf.DEBUG.CONFIG) pf.debug(f"RefConfig: {pf.refcfg}", pf.DEBUG.CONFIG) pf.cfg = Config(default=pf.refcfg) # Read userprefs as reference for f in userprefs: if f.exists(): pf.debug(f"Reading config file {f}", pf.DEBUG.CONFIG) pf.cfg.load(f) else: pf.debug(f"Skip non-existing config file {f}", pf.DEBUG.CONFIG) if pf.preffile.exists(): pf.debug(f"Reading config file {pf.preffile}", pf.DEBUG.CONFIG) pf.cfg.load(pf.preffile) else: # Create the config file pf.debug(f"Creating config file {pf.preffile}", pf.DEBUG.CONFIG) try: Path.mkdir(pf.preffile.parent, parents=True, exist_ok=True) pf.preffile.touch() except Exception: pf.startup_warnings.append( f"Could not create the user configuration file {pf.preffile}.\n" "User preferences will not be saved.\n") pf.preffile = None # Set this as preferences config pf.prefcfg = pf.cfg pf.debug("=" * 60, pf.DEBUG.CONFIG) pf.debug(f"Config: {pf.prefcfg}", pf.DEBUG.CONFIG) pf.cfg = Config(default=pf.prefcfg) # Fix incompatible changes in configuration _sanitize_config(pf.prefcfg) # Make sure we have a writeable tmpdir if not pf.cfg['tmpdir'].is_writable_dir(): tmpdir = Path(os.environ.get('TMPDIR', pf.cfg['homedir'])) if tmpdir.is_writable_dir(): tmpdir = tmpdir / 'pyformex_tmp' tmpdir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=False) if tmpdir.is_writable_dir(): pf.cfg['tmpdir'] = tmpdir return raise ValueError("""\ I could not find a writable path for temporary files. You can specify one with the --tmpdir option of the pyformex command. """)
def _sanitize_warnings_filters(c): """Sanitize the 'warnings/filters' setting. The setting should be a set (to avoid doubles) and not contain DeprecationWarnings. Returns the corrected setting, possibly None. """ if isinstance(c, set): # Accept as is pass elif isinstance(c, list): # Remove the obsolete filters c = set(f for f in c if isinstance(f, tuple) and not (len(f) > 2 and f[2] == 'D')) else: # Remove the setting c = None return c def _sanitize_config(cfg): """Apply incompatible changes in the configuration cfg is the user configuration that is to be saved. """ from pyformex import Path # Safety checks # Warning filters if 'warnings' in cfg and 'filters' in cfg['warnings']: # We need to check if the cfg really owns the setting pf.debug('Sanitizing settings', pf.DEBUG.CONFIG) c = _sanitize_warnings_filters(cfg['warnings/filters']) cfg['warnings/filters'] = c # Path required for p in ('workdir', ): if p in cfg and not isinstance(cfg[p], Path): cfg[p] = Path(p) # Adhoc changes if cfg['gui/plugins'] is not None: cfg['gui/pluginmenus'] = [ p.split('_')[0].capitalize() for p in cfg['gui/plugins']] del cfg['gui/plugins'] if not isinstance(cfg.get('gui/redirect', ''), str): del cfg['gui/redirect'] if isinstance(cfg['gui/dynazoom'], str): cfg['gui/dynazoom'] = [cfg['gui/dynazoom'], ''] for i in range(8): t = f"render/light{i}" try: cfg[t] = dict(cfg[t]) except Exception: pass for d in ['scriptdirs', 'appdirs']: if d in cfg: scriptdirs = [] for i in cfg[d]: if i[1] == '' or Path(i[1]).is_dir(): scriptdirs.append(tuple(i)) elif i[0] == '' or Path(i[0]).is_dir(): scriptdirs.append((i[1], i[0])) cfg[d] = scriptdirs # Rename settings for old, new in ( ('history', 'gui/scripthistory'), ('gui/history', 'gui/scripthistory'), ('raiseapploadexc', 'showapploaderrors'), ('webgl/xtkscript', 'webgl/script'), ): if old in cfg: if new not in cfg: cfg[new] = cfg[old] del cfg[old] # Delete settings for key in ( 'scriptmode', 'fonts/ignore', 'gui/console', 'gui/interpreter', 'gui/bdsize', 'input/timeout', 'filterwarnings', 'render/ambient', 'render/diffuse', 'render/specular', 'render/emission', 'render/material', 'canvas/propcolors', 'Save changes', 'canvas/bgmode', 'canvas/bgcolor2', '_save_', ): if key in cfg: print(f"DELETING CONFIG VARIABLE {key}") del cfg[key]
[docs]def savePreferences(): """Save the preferences. The name of the preferences file is determined at startup from the configuration files, and saved in ``pyformex.preffile``. If a local preferences file was read, it will be saved there. Otherwise, it will be saved as the user preferences, possibly creating that file. If ``pyformex.preffile`` is None, preferences are not saved. """ pf.debug(f"savePreferences to: {pf.preffile}", pf.DEBUG.CONFIG) if pf.preffile is None: return # Create the user conf dir pf.preffile.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Do not store the refcfg warning filters: we add them on startup a = set(pf.prefcfg['warnings/filters']) b = set(pf.refcfg['warnings/filters']) pf.prefcfg['warnings/filters'] = a-b # Currently erroroneously processed, therefore not saved del pf.prefcfg['render/light0'] del pf.prefcfg['render/light1'] del pf.prefcfg['render/light2'] del pf.prefcfg['render/light3'] pf.debug("=" * 60, pf.DEBUG.CONFIG) pf.debug(f"!!!Saving config:\n{pf.prefcfg}", pf.DEBUG.CONFIG) try: pf.debug(f"Saving preferences to file {pf.preffile}", pf.DEBUG.CONFIG) pf.prefcfg.write(pf.preffile) res = "Saved" except Exception: res = "Could not save" raise pf.debug(f"{res} preferences to file {pf.preffile}", pf.DEBUG.CONFIG) return res == "Saved"
[docs]def activateWarningFilters(): """Activate the warning filters First time activation of the warning filters and customized warning formatting. """ from pyformex import utils utils.resetWarningFilters() def _format_warning(message, category, filename, lineno, line=None): """Replace the default warnings.formatwarning This allows the warnings being called using a simple mnemonic string. The full message is then found from the message module. """ from pyformex import messages message = messages.getMessage(message) message = f""".. pyFormex Warning ================ {message} {category.__name__} called from: {filename} line: {lineno} """ if line: message += f"{line}\n" return message if pf.cfg['warnings/nice']: warnings.formatwarning = _format_warning
[docs]def override_config(option, setting, delete=True): """Override a config setting with a command line option Parameters ---------- option: str Name of the option that should override a setting. setting: str Key of the setting to be overridden. delete: bool If True (Default), delete the option after use Notes ----- If the option was given, its value is written into the corresponding setting and the option is deleted. """ value = getattr(pf.options, option) if value is not None and value != pf.cfg[setting]: pf.debug(f"Override config value '{setting}={pf.cfg[setting]}" f" with value '{value}'", pf.DEBUG.CONFIG) pf.cfg[setting] = value if delete: delattr(pf.options, option) # avoid abuse
########################### main ################################
[docs]def run(args=[]): # noqa: C901 """The pyFormex main function. After pyFormex launcher script has correctly set up the Python import paths, this function is executed. It is responsible for reading the configuration file(s), processing the command line options and starting the application. The basic configuration file is 'pyformexrc' located in the pyFormex main directory. It should always be present and be left unchanged. If you want to make changes, copy (parts of) this file to another location where you can change them. Then make sure pyFormex reads you modifications file. By default, pyFormex will try to read the following configuration files if they are present (and in this order):: default settings: <pyformexdir>/pyformexrc (always loaded) system-wide settings: /etc/pyformex.conf user settings: <configdir>/pyformex/pyformex.conf local settings $PWD/.pyformexrc Also, an extra config file can be specified in the command line, using the --config option. The system-wide and user settings can be skipped by using the --nodefaultconfig option. Config files are loaded in the above order. Settings always override those loaded from a previous file. When pyFormex exits, the preferences that were changed are written to the last read config file. Changed settings are those that differ from the settings obtained after loading all but the last config file. If none of the optional config files exists, a new user settings file will be created, and an error will occur if the <configdir> path is not writable. """ if isinstance(args, (str, bytes)): args = args.split() elif not isinstance(args, list): args = sys.argv[1:] # if not pf.executable.stem == 'pyformex': # # We did not do options parsing yet: do it now # if not parseOptions(args): # return 1 # Parse the command line options from pyformex.options import parseOptions parseOptions(args) ## Process options that do not need/want config ## if pf.parser.print_help() return 0 if pf.options.usage: pf.parser.print_usage() return 0 if pf.options.version: print(pf.fullVersion()) return 0 if pf.options.docmodule is not None: pf.sphinx = True for a in pf.options.docmodule: run_docmodule(a) # This is an all_exclusive option !! # So we immediately return return 0 if pf.options.experimental: sys.path.insert(1, str(pf.pyformexdir / 'experimental')) ## Process special options that can be combined, but return ## if any is used ret = False if pf.options.whereami: print(whereami()) ret = True if pf.options.debugitems: print([ for i in pf.DEBUG]) ret = True if pf.options.detect: from pyformex import software print(whereami()) override_config('bindings', 'gui/bindings') from pyformex import gui # noqa: F401 (to get correct bindings) print("Detecting installed helper software") print(software.reportSoftware()) ret = True if pf.options.listmodules is not None: from pyformex.cmdtools import list_modules print('\n'.join(list_modules(pf.options.listmodules))) ret = True if pf.options.pytest is not None: from pyformex.cmdtools import run_pytest run_pytest(pf.options.pytest) ret = True if pf.options.doctest is not None: from pyformex.cmdtools import run_doctest run_doctest(pf.options.doctest) ret = True if pf.options.remove: from pyformex.cmdtools import remove_pyFormex print(whereami()) remove_pyFormex(pf.pyformexdir, pf.executable) # After this option, we can not continue, # so this should be the last option processed ret = True if ret: # Return for special options return 0 ## Migrate the user configuration files ## # TODO: this could become a command tool?? # migrateUserConfig() ## Load the user configuration ## loadUserConfig() ## Process special options which do not start pyFormex ## but depend on the user configuration if or pf.options.listfiles: from pyformex.utils import sourceFiles args = pf.options.args extended = False if len(args) > 0: opts = [a for a in args if a.startswith('-')] args = [a for a in args if a not in opts] if '-a' in opts: opts.remove('-a') extended = True if search = args.pop(0) if len(args) > 0: files = args else: files = sourceFiles(relative=True, extended=extended) if pf.options.listfiles: print('\n'.join(files)) else: if "'" in search: search.replace("'", "\'") print(f"SEARCH = [{search}]", file=sys.stderr) options = ' '.join(opts) quotedfiles = ' '.join([f"'{f}'" for f in files]) cmd = f'grep {options} "{search}" {quotedfiles}' os.system(cmd) return 0 ## If we get here, we want to start pyFormex ## Process options that override the config ## from pyformex import software, utils # Config settings that are overridden by the matching option for option, setting in ( ('bindings', 'gui/bindings'), ('redirect', 'gui/redirect'), ('opengl', 'opengl/version'), ): override_config(option, setting) utils.setSaneLocale() ## Check required modules ## software.Module.has('numpy', fatal=True) # minimal supported numpy version software.Module.require('numpy', pf._numpy_version) import numpy numpy.set_printoptions(**pf.cfg['numpy/printoptions']) # with gui: # Minimal pyside2/pyqt5 is 5.11; recommended is 5.15 # Initialize the libraries if pf.options.uselib is None: pf.options.uselib = pf.cfg['uselib'] # Force initialisation of the library from pyformex import lib # noqa: F401 ## Activate the warning filters activateWarningFilters() # Make sure pf.PF is a Project from pyformex.project import Project pf.PF = Project() # Add a configured syspath if pf.cfg['syspath']: sys.path.extend(pf.cfg['syspath']) # Set application paths pf.debug("Loading AppDirs", pf.DEBUG.INFO) from pyformex import apps apps.setAppDirs() args = pf.options.args if pf.options.gui is None: # Set default value for options.gui: # False if -c script option used or # first remaining argument is a pyFormex script. pf.options.gui = not (pf.options.script or ( len(args) > 0 and utils.is_pyFormex(args[0]))) # Create the interpreter import code from pyformex import script pf.interpreter = code.InteractiveInterpreter(script.Globals()) stdout = sys.stdout stderr = sys.stderr # Start the GUI if needed (should be done after the config is set) if pf.options.gui: if pf.options.mesa: os.environ['LIBGL_ALWAYS_SOFTWARE'] = '1' from pyformex.gui import guimain res = guimain.createGUI() if res != 0: print(f"Could not start the pyFormex GUI: {res}") return res # EXIT if pf.GUI.console: # we can redirect output to the console if 'o' in pf.cfg['gui/redirect']: stdout = pf.GUI.console if 'e' in pf.cfg['gui/redirect']: stderr = pf.GUI.console.errorproxy sys.stdout.flush() sys.stderr.flush() with redirect_stdout(stdout), redirect_stderr(stderr): # Display the startup warnings for msg in pf.startup_warnings: utils.warn(msg) if pf.DEBUG.DETECT in pf.options.debuglevel: # NOTE: inside an if to avoid computing the report when not printed pf.debug(software.reportSoftware(), pf.DEBUG.DETECT) # # Qt may have changed the locale. # Since a LC_NUMERIC setting other than C may cause lots of troubles # with reading and writing files (formats become incompatible!) # we put it back to a sane setting # utils.setSaneLocale() # Startup done pf.started = True pf.verbose(2, f"pyFormex started from {pf.executable}") # Prepend the inline script if pf.options.script: args[0:0] = ['-c', pf.options.script] # Prepend the autorun script ar = pf.cfg['autorun'] if ar and ar.exists(): args[0:0] = [ar] # remaining args are interpreted as scripts/apps and their parameters res = 0 if args: pf.debug(f"Remaining args: {args}", pf.DEBUG.INFO) from pyformex.script import processArgs res = processArgs(args) if res: if pf.options.gui: print("There was an error while executing a script") else: return res # EXIT # if we have a gui, go into gui interactive mode if pf.GUI: res = del pf.GUI del pf.GUI = = None # TODO: this should be moved to onExit functions # Save the preferences that have changed pf.debug("Saving preferences", pf.DEBUG.INFO) if not savePreferences(): print("!!! Preferences could not be saved !!!") if pf.options.interactive: # Go into console interactive mode import readline # noqa: F401 (allows Up/Down/History in the console) import code variables = globals().copy() variables.update(locals()) shell = code.InteractiveConsole(variables) shell.interact() # Exit pf.debug("Running (nongui) exit functions", pf.DEBUG.INFO) for func in pf.on_exit: func() #"{pf.fullVersion()} exit with status {res}") pf.debug(f"Exiting main with code {res}", pf.DEBUG.INFO) return res
# End