Source code for gui.viewport

##  SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2007-2023 Benedict Verhegghe <>
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##  This file is part of pyFormex 3.4  (Thu Nov 16 18:07:39 CET 2023)
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"""Multiple OpenGL viewports in a Qt widget.

This module provides the MultiCanvas class which allows for multiple
OpenGL viewports in a single Qt OpenGL widget.
import pyformex as pf
from pyformex import arraytools as at
from pyformex import utils
from pyformex.gui import QtWidgets
from . import toolbar

if not pf.sphinx:
    if pf.options.mgl:
        from opengl3.mglcanvas import *
        from .qtcanvas import *

#####    Multiple Viewports    #######

[docs]@utils.pzf_register class MultiCanvas(QtWidgets.QGridLayout): """An OpenGL canvas with multiple viewports. The MultiCanvas implements a central QT widget containing one or more QtCanvas widgets. """ def __init__(self, parent=None): """Initialize the multicanvas.""" QtWidgets.QGridLayout.__init__(self) self.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.all = [] self.links = {} self.current = None self.ncols = 2 self.rowwise = True self.pos = None self.rstretch = None self.cstretch = None self.parent = parent def __getitem__(self, i): return self.all[i]
[docs] def changeLayout(self, nvps=None, ncols=None, nrows=None, pos=None, rstretch=None, cstretch=None, reset=False): """Change the lay-out of the viewports on the OpenGL widget. nvps: number of viewports ncols: number of columns nrows: number of rows pos: list holding the position and span of each viewport [[row,col,rowspan,colspan],...] rstretch: list holding the stretch factor for each row cstretch: list holding the stretch factor for each column (rows/columns with a higher stretch factor take more of the available space) Each of this parameters is optional. If a number of viewports is given, viewports will be added or removed to match the requested number. By default they are laid out rowwise over two columns. If ncols is an int, viewports are laid out rowwise over ncols columns and nrows is ignored. If ncols is None and nrows is an int, viewports are laid out columnwise over nrows rows. Alternatively, the pos argument can be used to specify the layout of the viewports. """ # add or remove viewports to match the requested number if at.isInt(nvps): while len(self.all) > (0 if reset else nvps): self.removeView() while len(self.all) < nvps: self.addView() # get the new layout definition if at.isInt(ncols): rowwise = True pos = None elif at.isInt(nrows): ncols = nrows rowwise = False pos = None elif isinstance(pos, list) and len(pos) == len(self.all): ncols = None rowwise = None else: return # remove the viewport widgets for w in self.all: self.removeWidget(w) # assign the new layout arguments self.ncols = ncols self.rowwise = rowwise self.pos = pos self.rstretch = rstretch self.cstretch = cstretch # add the viewport widgets for w in self.all: self.showWidget(w)
[docs] def newView(self, shared=True, settings=None): """Create a new viewport. If shared is True, and the MultiCanvas already has one or more viewports, the new viewport will share display lists and textures with the first viewport. Since pyFormex is not using display lists (anymore) and textures are needed to display text, the value defaults to True, and all viewports will share the same textures, unless a viewport is created with a specified value for shared: it can either be another viewport to share textures with, or a value False or None to not share textures with any viewport. In the latter case you will not be able to use text display, unless you initialize the textures yourself. settings: can be a legal CanvasSettings to initialize the viewport. Default is to copy settings of the current viewport. Returns the created viewport, which is an instance of QtCanvas. """ if not isinstance(shared, QtCanvas): if shared and len(self.all) > 0: shared = self.all[0] else: shared = None # Now shared should be a QtCanvas or None pf.debug("New viewport sharing textures with %s" % shared, pf.DEBUG.DRAW) if settings is None: try: settings = self.current.settings except Exception: settings = {} #pf.debug("Create new viewport with settings:\n%s"%settings, pf.DEBUG.CANVAS) ## ## BEWARE: shared should be positional, settings should be keyword ! canv = QtCanvas(self.parent, shared, settings=settings) #print(canv.settings) return(canv)
[docs] def addView(self): """Add a new viewport to the widget""" canv = self.newView() if len(self.all) > 0: # copy default settings from previous canv.resetDefaults(self.all[-1].settings) self.all.append(canv) self.showWidget(canv) canv.initializeGL() # Initialize OpenGL context and camera self.setCurrent(canv)
[docs] def setCurrent(self, canv): """Make the specified viewport the current one. canv can be either a viewport or viewport number. """ if at.isInt(canv) and canv in range(len(self.all)): canv = self.all[canv] if canv == self.current: pass elif canv in self.all: if self.current: self.current.focus = False self.current.updateGL() self.current = canv # Only show focus if more than 1 self.current.focus = len(pf.GUI.viewports.all) > 1 and pf.cfg['gui/showfocus'] self.current.updateGL() toolbar.updateViewportButtons(self.current) pf.canvas = self.current
[docs] def viewIndex(self, view): """Return the index of the specified view""" return self.all.index(view)
[docs] def currentView(self): """Return the index of the current view""" return self.all.index(self.current)
[docs] def showWidget(self, w): """Show the view w.""" ind = self.all.index(w) if self.pos is None: row, col = divmod(ind, self.ncols) if not self.rowwise: row, col = col, row rspan, cspan = 1, 1 elif ind < len(self.pos): row, col, rspan, cspan = self.pos[ind] else: return self.addWidget(w, row, col, rspan, cspan) w.raise_() # set the stretch factors if self.rstretch is not None: for i in range(row, row+rspan): if i >= len(self.rstretch): self.rstretch.append(1) self.setRowStretch(i, self.rstretch[i]) if self.cstretch is not None: for i in range(col, col+cspan): if i >= len(self.cstretch): self.cstretch.append(1) self.setColumnStretch(i, self.cstretch[i])
[docs] def removeView(self): """Remove the last view""" if len(self.all) > 1: w = self.all.pop() lastnr = len(self.all) if lastnr in self.links: del self.links[lastnr] if self.pos is not None: self.pos = self.pos[:-1] if self.current == w: self.setCurrent(self.all[-1]) self.removeWidget(w) w.close() # Remove focus rectangle if only one left if len(self.all) == 1: self.current.focus = False # set the stretch factors pos = [self.getItemPosition(self.indexOf(w)) for w in self.all] if self.rstretch is not None: row = max([p[0]+p[2] for p in pos]) for i in range(row, len(self.rstretch)): self.setRowStretch(i, 0) self.rstretch = self.rstretch[:row] if self.cstretch is not None: col = max([p[1]+p[3] for p in pos]) for i in range(col, len(self.cstretch)): self.setColumnStretch(i, 0) self.cstretch = self.cstretch[:col]
## def setCamera(self,bbox,view): ## self.current.setCamera(bbox,view) def updateAll(self): pf.debug("UPDATING ALL VIEWPORTS", pf.DEBUG.GUI) for v in self.all: v.update() def printSettings(self): for i, v in enumerate(self.all): print(""" ## VIEWPORTS ## Viewport %s; Current:%s; Settings: %s """ % (i, v == self.current, v.settings)) def linkScene(self, vp, to): vp0 = self.all[to] vp1 = self.all[vp] vp1.scene = vp0.scene vp0.zoomAll() vp1.zoomAll() vp0.updateGL() vp1.updateGL() # TODO: We should probably limit linking to the changelayout case
[docs] def settings(self): """Return the full configuration needed to restore the MultiCanvas""" d = { 'gui_size': qtutils.Size(pf.GUI), 'central_size': qtutils.Size(pf.GUI.central), 'nvps': len(self.all), 'rowwise': self.rowwise, 'ncols': self.ncols, 'current': self.viewIndex(self.current), # 'canvas': self.viewIndex(pf.canvas), } for i, vp in enumerate(self.all): d[f'canvas{i}'] = dict(vp.settings) d[f'camera{i}'] = return d
[docs] def loadConfig(self, config): """Reset the viewports size, layout and cameras from a dict""" size = config['gui_size'] if size: pf.GUI.resize(*size) size = config['central_size'] if size: pf.GUI.central.resize(*size) nvps = config['nvps'] rowwise = config['rowwise'] ncols = config['ncols'] nrows = None if not rowwise: ncols, nrows = nrows, ncols self.changeLayout(nvps = nvps, ncols=ncols, nrows=nrows) for i in range(len(self.all)): Ci = config[f'canvas{i}'] canvas = self.all[i] canvas.settings.update(Ci) Ci = config[f'camera{i}'] current = config['current'] if current: self.setCurrent(current) self.update()
################### ## PZF interface ## def pzf_dict(self): return { 'kargs:p': self.settings() } @classmethod def pzf_load(clas, **kargs): return kargs ## DEPRECATED ## # Deprecated old canvas/camera saving format 2023-01 # TODO: remove after 2023-08
[docs] @utils.deprecated('camera_save') def save(self, filename): """Save the canvas settings to file""" d = self.settings() open(filename, 'w').write(f"{d!r}\n")
[docs] @utils.deprecated('camera_save') def load(self, filename): """Load the canvas settings from file""" f = open(filename, 'r') t = d = eval(t) self.loadConfig(d)
# End