Source code for formex

##  SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2007-2023 Benedict Verhegghe <>
##  SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
##  This file is part of pyFormex 3.4  (Thu Nov 16 18:07:39 CET 2023)
##  pyFormex is a tool for generating, manipulating and transforming 3D
##  geometrical models by sequences of mathematical operations.
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"""Formex algebra in Python

This module defines the :class:`Formex` class, which is one of the two
major classes for representing geometry in pyFormex (the other one being
:class:`~mesh.Mesh`). The Formex class represents geometry as a simple
3-dim :class`~coords.Coords` array.
This allows an implementation of most functionality
of Formex algebra with a consistent and easy to use syntax.
import numpy as np

from pyformex import utils
from pyformex import arraytools as at
from pyformex import geomtools
from pyformex.coords import Coords, fpattern, origin  # noqa: F401
from pyformex.geometry import Geometry
from pyformex.olist import List

__all__ = ['Formex', 'connect']

##   Formex class

[docs]@utils.pzf_register class Formex(Geometry): """A structured collection of points in 3D space. A Formex is a collection of points in a 3D cartesian space. The collection is structured into a set of elements all having the same number of points (e.g. a collection triangles all having three points). As the Formex class is derived from :class:`~geometry.Geometry`, a Formex object has a :attr:`coords` attribute which is a :class:`~coords.Coords` object. In a Formex this is always an array with 3 axes (numbered 0,1,2). Each scalar element of this array represents a coordinate. A row along the last axis (2) is a set of 3 coordinates and represents a point (aka. node, vertex). For simplicity's sake, the current implementation only deals with points in a 3-dimensional space. This means that the length of axis 2 always equals 3. The user can create Formices (plural of Formex) in a 2-D space, but internally these will be stored with 3 coordinates, by adding a third value 0. All operations work with 3-D coordinate sets. However, it is easy to extract only a limited set of coordinates from the results, permitting to return to a 2-D environment A plane of the array along the axes 2 and 1 is a set of points: we call this an element. This can be thought of as a geometrical shape (2 points form a line segment, 3 points make a triangle, ...) or as an element in Finite Element terms. But it really is up to the user as to how this set of points is to be interpreted. He can set an element type on the Formex to make this clear (see below). The whole Formex then represents a collection of such elements. The Formex concept and layout is made more clear in :ref:`sec:formex` in the :doc:`../tutorial`. Additionally, a Formex may have a property set, which is an 1-D array of integers. The length of the array is equal to the length of axis 0 of the Formex data (i.e. the number of elements in the Formex). Thus, a single integer value may be attributed to each element. It is up to the user to define the use of this integer (e.g. it could be an index in a table of element property records). If a property set is defined, it will be copied together with the Formex data whenever copies of the Formex (or parts thereof) are made. Properties can be specified at creation time, and they can be set, modified or deleted at any time. Of course, the properties that are copied in an operation are those that exist at the time of performing the operation. Finally, a Formex object can have an element type, because plexitude alone does not uniquely define what the geometric entities are, and how they should be rendered. By default, pyFormex will render plex-1 as points, plex-2 as line segments, plex-3 as triangles and any higher plexitude as polygons. But the user could e.g. set ``eltype = 'tet4'`` on a plex-4 Formex, and then that would be rendered as tetraeders. Parameters ---------- data: Formex, Coords, :term:`array_like` or string Data to initialize the coordinates attribute ``coords`` in the Formex. See more details below. prop: int :term:`array_like`, optional 1-dim int array with non-negative element property numbers. If provided, :meth:`setProp` will be called to assign the specified properties. eltype: str | :class:`~elements.ElementType`, optional The element type of the geometric entities (elements). If provided, it should be an :class:`~elements.ElementType` instance or the name of such an instance. If not provided, the pyFormex default is used when needed and is based on the plexitude: 1 = point, 2 = line segment, 3 = triangle, 4 or more is a polygon. The Formex coordinate data can be initialized by another :class:`Formex`, by a :class:`Coords`, by a 1D, 2D or 3D :term:`array_like`, or by a string that will be passed to :func:`coords.fpattern` to generate the coordinates. If 2D coordinates are given, a 3-rd coordinate 0.0 is added. Internally, Formices always work with 3D coordinates. Thus:: F = Formex([[[1,0],[0,1]],[[0,1],[1,2]]]) creates a Formex with two elements, each having 2 points in the global z-plane. The innermost level of brackets group the coordinates of a point, the next level groups the points in an element, and the outermost brackets group all the elements of the Formex. Because the coordinates are stored in an array with 3 axes, all the elements in a Formex must contain the same number of points. This number is called the plexitude of the Formex. A Formex may be initialized with a string instead of the numerical coordinate data. The string is passed to :func:`coords.fpattern` to generate the coordinates. The following are two equivalent definitions of (the circumference of) a triangle:: F = Formex('2:010207') G = Formex('l:127') Because the :class:`Formex` class is derived from :class:`~geometry.Geometry`, it has the following attributes: - :attr:`~geometry.Geometry.coords`, - :attr:`~geometry.Geometry.prop`, - :attr:`~geometry.Geometry.attrib`, - :attr:`~geometry.Geometry.fields`. Furthermore it has the following properties and methods that are applied on the :attr:`~geometry.Geometry.coords` attribute. - :attr:``, - :attr:`~geometry.Geometry.x`, - :attr:`~geometry.Geometry.y`, - :attr:`~geometry.Geometry.z`, - :attr:`~geometry.Geometry.xy`, - :attr:`~geometry.Geometry.yz`, - :attr:`~geometry.Geometry.xz`, - :meth:`~geometry.Geometry.points`, - :meth:`~geometry.Geometry.bbox`, - :meth:``, - :meth:`~geometry.Geometry.bboxPoint`, - :meth:`~geometry.Geometry.centroid`, - :meth:`~geometry.Geometry.sizes`, - :meth:`~geometry.Geometry.dsize`, - :meth:`~geometry.Geometry.bsphere`, - :meth:`~geometry.Geometry.bboxes`, - :meth:`~geometry.Geometry.inertia`, - :meth:`~geometry.Geometry.principalCS`, - :meth:`~geometry.Geometry.principalSizes`, - :meth:`~geometry.Geometry.distanceFromPlane`, - :meth:`~geometry.Geometry.distanceFromLine`, - :meth:`~geometry.Geometry.distanceFromPoint`, - :meth:`~geometry.Geometry.directionalSize`, - :meth:`~geometry.Geometry.directionalWidth`, - :meth:`~geometry.Geometry.directionalExtremes`. Also, the following Coords transformation methods can be directly applied to a :class:`Formex` object. The return value is a new Formex identical to the original, except for the coordinates, which are transformed by the specified method. Refer to the corresponding :class:`~coords.Coords` method for the usage of these methods: - :meth:`~geometry.Geometry.scale`, - :meth:`~geometry.Geometry.adjust`, - :meth:`~geometry.Geometry.translate`, - :meth:`~geometry.Geometry.centered`, - :meth:`~geometry.Geometry.align`, - :meth:`~geometry.Geometry.rotate`, - :meth:`~geometry.Geometry.shear`, - :meth:`~geometry.Geometry.reflect`, - :meth:`~geometry.Geometry.affine`, - :meth:`~geometry.Geometry.toCS`, - :meth:`~geometry.Geometry.fromCS`, - :meth:`~geometry.Geometry.transformCS`, - :meth:`~geometry.Geometry.position`, - :meth:`~geometry.Geometry.cylindrical`, - :meth:`~geometry.Geometry.hyperCylindrical`, - :meth:`~geometry.Geometry.toCylindrical`, - :meth:`~geometry.Geometry.spherical`, - :meth:`~geometry.Geometry.superSpherical`, - :meth:`~geometry.Geometry.toSpherical`, - :meth:`~geometry.Geometry.bump`, - :meth:`~geometry.Geometry.flare`, - :meth:``, - :meth:`~geometry.Geometry.map1`, - :meth:`~geometry.Geometry.mapd`, - :meth:`~geometry.Geometry.copyAxes`, - :meth:`~geometry.Geometry.swapAxes`, - :meth:`~geometry.Geometry.rollAxes`, - :meth:`~geometry.Geometry.projectOnPlane`, - :meth:`~geometry.Geometry.projectOnSphere`, - :meth:`~geometry.Geometry.projectOnCylinder`, - :meth:`~geometry.Geometry.isopar`, - :meth:`~geometry.Geometry.addNoise`, - :meth:`~geometry.Geometry.rot`, - :meth:`~geometry.Geometry.trl`. Examples -------- >>> Formex.__str__ = Formex.asFormex >>> print(Formex([[0,1],[2,3]])) {[0.0,1.0,0.0], [2.0,3.0,0.0]} >>> print(Formex('1:0123')) {[0.0,0.0,0.0], [1.0,0.0,0.0], [1.0,1.0,0.0], [0.0,1.0,0.0]} >>> print(Formex('4:0123')) {[0.0,0.0,0.0; 1.0,0.0,0.0; 1.0,1.0,0.0; 0.0,1.0,0.0]} >>> print(Formex('2:0123')) {[0.0,0.0,0.0; 1.0,0.0,0.0], [1.0,1.0,0.0; 0.0,1.0,0.0]} >>> F = Formex('l:1234') >>> print(F) {[0.0,0.0,0.0; 1.0,0.0,0.0], [1.0,0.0,0.0; 1.0,1.0,0.0], \ [1.0,1.0,0.0; 0.0,1.0,0.0], [0.0,1.0,0.0; 0.0,0.0,0.0]} >>> print( shape = (4, 2, 3) bbox[lo] = [0. 0. 0.] bbox[hi] = [1. 1. 0.] center = [0.5 0.5 0. ] maxprop = -1 <BLANKLINE> >>> F.nelems() 4 >>> F.level() 1 >>> F.x array([[0., 1.], [1., 1.], [1., 0.], [0., 0.]]) >>> Coords([0.5, 0.5, 0. ]) >>> F.bboxPoint('+++') Coords([1., 1., 0.]) The Formex class defines the following attributes above the ones inherited from Geometry: Attributes ---------- eltype: None or :class:`~elements.ElementType` """ _special_members_ = ['__add__'] _exclude_members_ = ['nnodes', 'append', 'actor'] fieldtypes = ['elemc', 'elemn'] ####################################################################### # # Create a new Formex # def __init__(self, data=None, prop=None, eltype=None): """Create a new Formex.""" Geometry.__init__(self) if isinstance(data, Formex): coords = data.coords if prop is None: prop = data.prop if eltype is None: eltype = data.eltype elif isinstance(data, str): coords = fpattern(data) elif data is None: coords = Coords().reshape(0, 1, 3) else: coords = Coords(data) assert coords.shape[-1] == 3 # check dimensionsionality of data if coords.ndim != 3: if coords.ndim in (1, 2): # expand to 3-d coords = coords.reshape(-1, 1, 3) else: raise ValueError( f"Formex init: needs a 1-, 2- or 3-dim. data array, " f"got shape {coords.shape}") self.coords = coords self.setProp(prop) if utils.isString(eltype): self.eltype = eltype.lower() else: if eltype is not None: utils.warn("warn_formex_eltype") self.eltype = None def _set_coords(self, coords): """Replace the current coords with new ones. """ coords = Coords(coords) if coords.shape == self.coords.shape: F = Formex(coords, self.prop, self.eltype) F.attrib(**self.attrib) return F else: raise ValueError("Invalid reinitialization of Formex coords") def __getitem__(self, i): """Return element i of the Formex. This allows addressing element i of Formex F as F[i]. """ return self.coords[i] def __setitem__(self, i, val): """Change element i of the Formex. This allows writing expressions as F[i] = [[1,2,3]]. """ self.coords[i] = val def __setstate__(self, state): """Set the object from serialized state. This allows to read back old pyFormex Project files where the Formex class had 'f' and 'p' attributes. """ if 'p' in state: state['prop'] = state['p'] del state['p'] if 'f' in state: state['coords'] = state['f'] del state['f'] self.__dict__.update(state) ####################################################################### # # Return information about a Formex # ################# @property # Use a property for analogy with ndarray.shape def shape(self): """Return the shape of the Formex. The shape of a Formex is the shape of its coords array. Returns ------- tuple of ints A tuple (nelems, nplex, ndim). Examples -------- >>> Formex('l:1234').shape (4, 2, 3) >>> Formex('1:1234').shape (4, 1, 3) """ return self.coords.shape
[docs] def nelems(self): """Return the number of elements of the :class:`Formex`. The number of elements is the length of the first axis of the ``coords`` array. Returns ------- int The number of elements in the Formex Examples -------- >>> Formex('l:1234').nelems() 4 """ return self.coords.shape[0]
__len__ = nelems # implements len(Formex)
[docs] def nplex(self): """Return the plexitude of the :class:`Formex`. The plexitude is the number of points per element. This is the length of the second axis of the coords array. Examples: 1. unconnected points, 2. straight line elements, 3. triangles or quadratic line elements, 4. tetraeders or quadrilaterals or cubic line elements. Returns ------- int The plexitude of the elements in the Formex Examples -------- >>> Formex('l:1234').nplex() 2 """ return self.coords.shape[1]
[docs] def npoints(self): """Return the number of points in the Formex. This is the product of the number of elements in the Formex with the plexitude of the elements. Returns ------- int The total number of points in the Formex Notes ----- ``ncoords`` is an alias for ``npoints`` Examples -------- >>> Formex('l:1234').npoints() 8 """ return self.coords.shape[0]*self.coords.shape[1]
ncoords = npoints
[docs] def elType(self): """Return the element type of the Formex. Returns ------- :class:`~elements.ElementType` or None If an element type was defined for the Formex, returns the corresponding ElementType; else returns None. See Also -------- elName: Return the name of the ElementType Examples -------- >>> Formex('l:1234').elType() >>> Formex('l:1234',eltype='line2').elType() Line2 """ from pyformex.elements import ElementType if self.eltype is not None: return ElementType.get(self.eltype, self.nplex()) else: return None
[docs] def elName(self): """Return the element name of the Formex. Returns ------- str or None If an element type was defined for the Formex, returns the name of the ElementType ; else returns None. See Also -------- elType: Return the ElementType Examples -------- >>> Formex('l:1234').elName() >>> Formex('l:1234',eltype='line2').elName() 'line2' """ et = self.elType() if et: return et.lname else: return None
[docs] def level(self): """Return the level (dimensionality) of the Formex. The level or dimensionality of a geometrical object is the minimum number of parametric directions required to describe the object. Thus we have the following values: 0: points 1: lines 2: surfaces 3: volumes If the Formex has an 'eltype' set, the value is determined from the Element database. Else, the value is equal to the plexitude minus one for plexitudes up to 3, and equal to 2 for any higher plexitude (since the default is to interprete a higher plexitude as a polygon). Returns ------- int An int 0..3 giving the number of parametric dimensions of the geometric entities in the Formex. Examples -------- >>> Formex('1:123').level() 0 >>> Formex('l:123').level() 1 >>> Formex('3:123').level() 2 >>> Formex('3:123',eltype='line3').level() 1 """ et = self.elType() if et: return et.ndim else: if self.nplex() > 2: return 2 else: return self.nplex()-1
# TODO: This should be deprecated.
[docs] def view(self): """Return the Formex coordinates as a numpy array (ndarray). Returns a view to the Coords array as an ndarray. The use of this method is deprecated: use the :attr:`xyz` property instead. """ return self.coords.view()
[docs] def element(self, i): """Return element i of the Formex. Parameters ---------- i: int The index of the element to return. Returns ------- Coords object A Coords with shape (self.nplex(), 3) Examples -------- >>> Formex('l:12').element(0) Coords([[0., 0., 0.], [1., 0., 0.]]) >>> Formex('l:12').select(0) Formex([[[0., 0., 0.], [1., 0., 0.]]]) """ return self.coords[i]
[docs] def point(self, i, j): """Return point j of element i. Parameters ---------- i: int The index of the element from which to return a point. j: int The index in element i of the point to be returned. Returns ------- Coords object A Coords with shape (3,), being point j of element i. Examples -------- >>> Formex('l:12').point(0,1) Coords([1., 0., 0.]) """ return self.coords[i, j]
[docs] def coord(self, i, j, k): """Return coordinate k of point j of element i. Parameters ---------- i: int The index of the element from which to return a point. j: int The index in element i of the point for which to return a coordinate. k: int The index in point (i,j) of the coordinate to be returned. Returns ------- float The value of coordinate k of point j of element i. Examples -------- >>> Formex('l:12').coord(0,1,0) 1.0 """ return self.coords[i, j, k]
[docs] def centroids(self): """Return the centroids of all elements of the Formex. The centroid of an element is the point whose coordinates are the average values of all points of the element. Returns ------- Coords A Coords object with shape (:meth:`nelems`, 3), holding the centroids of all the elements in the Formex. Examples -------- >>> Formex('l:123').centroids() Coords([[0.5, 0. , 0. ], [1. , 0.5, 0. ], [0.5, 1. , 0. ]]) """ return self.coords.mean(axis=1)
####################################################################### # # Data conversion # ################# # deprecated, silently kept for compatibility? def fuse(self, **kargs): return self.coords.fuse(**kargs)
[docs] def toMesh(self, **kargs): """Convert a Formex to a Mesh. Converts a geometry in Formex model to the equivalent Mesh model. In the Mesh model, all points with nearly identical coordinates are fused into a single point (using :meth:`~coords.Coords.fuse`), and elements are defined by a connectivity table with integers pointing to the corresponding vertex. Parameters ---------- kargs Keyword parameters to be passed to :meth:`~coords.Coords.fuse`. Returns ------- Mesh A Mesh representing the same geometrical model as the input Formex. Property numbers :attr:`prop` and element type :attr:`eltype` are also set to the same values as in the Formex. Examples -------- >>> F = Formex('l:12') >>> F Formex([[[0., 0., 0.], [1., 0., 0.]], <BLANKLINE> [[1., 0., 0.], [1., 1., 0.]]]) >>> M = F.toMesh() >>> print(M) Mesh: nnodes: 3, nelems: 2, nplex: 2, level: 1, eltype: line2 BBox: [0. 0. 0.], [1. 1. 0.] Size: [1. 1. 0.] Length: 2.0 """ from pyformex.mesh import Mesh x, e = self.coords.fuse(**kargs) return Mesh(x, e, prop=self.prop, eltype=self.eltype)
[docs] def toSurface(self): """Convert a Formex to a Surface. Tries to convert the Formex to a TriSurface. First the Formex is converted to a Mesh, and then the resulting Mesh is converted to a TriSurface. Returns ------- TriSurface A TriSurface if the conversion is successful, else an error is raised. Notes ----- The conversion will only work if the Formex represents a surface and its elements are triangles or quadrilaterals. If the plexitude of the Formex is 3, the element type is 'tri3' or None, the returned TriSurface is equivalent with the Formex. If the Formex contains higher order triangles or quadrilaterals, the new geometry will be an approximation of the input. Any other input geometry will fail to convert. Examples -------- >>> F = Formex('3:.12.34') >>> F Formex([[[0., 0., 0.], [1., 0., 0.], [1., 1., 0.]], <BLANKLINE> [[1., 1., 0.], [0., 1., 0.], [0., 0., 0.]]]) >>> print(F.toSurface()) TriSurface: nnodes: 4, nelems: 2, nplex: 3, level: 2, eltype: tri3 BBox: [0. 0. 0.], [1. 1. 0.] Size: [1. 1. 0.] Length: 4.0 Area: 1.0 """ return self.toMesh().toSurface()
[docs] def toCurve(self, closed=False): """Convert a Formex to a Curve. The following Formices can be converted to a Curve: - plex 1 : to PolyLine, connecting the points - plex 2 : to PolyLine - plex 3 : to BezierSpline of degree 2 - plex 4 : to BezierSpline of degree 3 Parameters ---------- closed: bool Create a closed curve Returns ------- BezierSpline | PolyLine A BezierSpline or PolyLine created from the points in the Formex. Notes ----- It is expected that the elements of the Formex form a continuous line, i.e. each element of the Formex starts with the same point as the previous element ends. """ from pyformex.curve import PolyLine, BezierSpline if self.nplex() == 1: curve = PolyLine(self.points(), closed=closed) elif self.nplex() == 2: curve = PolyLine( Coords.concatenate([self.coords[:, 0], self.coords[-1, 1]]), closed=closed) elif self.nplex() in (3, 4): curve = BezierSpline( Coords.concatenate([self.coords[:, :-1], self.coords[-1, -1]]), closed=closed, degree=self.nplex()-1) else: raise ValueError( f"Can not convert {self.nplex()}-plex Formex to a Curve") return curve
####################################################################### # # String representations of a Formex # #################
[docs] def info(self): """Return information about a Formex. Returns ------- A multiline string with some basic information about the Formex: its shape, bounding box, center and maxprop. Examples -------- >>> print(Formex('3:.12.34').info()) shape = (2, 3, 3) bbox[lo] = [0. 0. 0.] bbox[hi] = [1. 1. 0.] center = [0.5 0.5 0. ] maxprop = -1 <BLANKLINE> """ bb = self.bbox() return (f"shape = {self.shape}\n" f"bbox[lo] = {bb[0]}\n" f"bbox[hi] = {bb[1]}\n" f"center = {}\n" f"maxprop = {self.maxProp()}")
[docs] def report(self, full=False, **kargs): """Create a report on the Formex shape and size. Parameters ---------- full: bool If False (default), the report only contains the number of points, the number of elements, the plexitude, the dimensionality, and the element type (None in most cases). If True, it also contains the coordinates array. **kargs: Numpy print options to be used in the formatting of the coords array. Returns ------- str A multiline string with the report. """ bb = self.bbox() s = (f"{self.__class__.__name__}: " f"npoints: {self.npoints()}, nelems: {self.nelems()}, " f"nplex: {self.nplex()}, level: {self.level()}, " f"eltype: {self.eltype}" f"\n BBox: {bb[0]}, {bb[1]}" f"\n Size: {bb[1]-bb[0]}") if full: with np.printoptions(**kargs): s += '\n' + at.stringar(" Coords: ", self.coords) return s
[docs] @classmethod def point2str(clas, point): """Return a string representation of a point Parameters ---------- elem: float :term:`array_like` (3,) The coordinates of athe point to return as a string. Returns ------- str A string with the representation of a single point. Examples -------- >>> Formex.point2str([1.,2.,3.]) '1.0,2.0,3.0' """ return ",".join([str(c) for c in point])
[docs] @classmethod def element2str(clas, elem): """Return a string representation of an element Parameters ---------- elem: float :term:`array_like` (nplex,3) The element to return as a string. Returns ------- str A string with the representation of a single element. Examples -------- >>> Formex.element2str([[1.,2.,3.],[4.,5.,6.]]) '[1.0,2.0,3.0; 4.0,5.0,6.0]' """ return '[' + '; '.join([clas.point2str(p) for p in elem]) + ']'
[docs] def asFormex(self): """Return string representation of all the coordinates in a Formex. Returns ------- str A single string with all the coordinates of the Formex. Coordinates are separated by commas, points are separated by semicolons and grouped between brackets, elements are separated by commas and grouped between braces. Examples -------- >>> F = Formex([[[1,0],[0,1]],[[0,1],[1,2]]]) >>> F.asFormex() '{[1.0,0.0,0.0; 0.0,1.0,0.0], [0.0,1.0,0.0; 1.0,2.0,0.0]}' """ return '{' + ', '.join([self.element2str(e) for e in self.coords]) + '}'
[docs] def asFormexWithProp(self): """Return string representation as Formex with properties. Returns ------- str The string representation as done by :meth:`asFormex`, followed by the words "with prop" and a list of the properties. Examples -------- >>> F = Formex([[[1,0],[0,1]],[[0,1],[1,2]]]).setProp([1,2]) >>> F.asFormexWithProp() '{[1.0,0.0,0.0; 0.0,1.0,0.0], [0.0,1.0,0.0; 1.0,2.0,0.0]} with prop [1 2]' """ s = self.asFormex() if self.prop is None: s += " no prop" else: s += " with prop " + self.prop.__str__() return s
[docs] def asCoords(self): """Return string representation as a Coords. Returns ------- str A multiline string with the coordinates of the Formex as formatted by the meth:`coords.Coords.__repr__` method. Examples -------- >>> F = Formex([[[1,0],[0,1]],[[0,1],[1,2]]]) >>> print(F.asCoords()) Formex([[[1., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0.]], <BLANKLINE> [[0., 1., 0.], [1., 2., 0.]]]) """ return self.coords.__repr__().replace('Coords', 'Formex')
[docs] def asarray(self): """Return string representation as a numpy array. Returns ------- str A multiline string with the coordinates of the Formex as formatted by the meth:`coords.Coords.__str__` method. Examples -------- >>> F = Formex([[[1,0],[0,1]],[[0,1],[1,2]]]) >>> print(F.asarray()) [[[1. 0. 0.] [0. 1. 0.]] <BLANKLINE> [[0. 1. 0.] [1. 2. 0.]]] """ return self.coords.__str__()
# default string representations __repr__ = asCoords __str__ = report def fprint(self, *args, **kargs): self.coords.fprint(*args, **kargs) ####################################################################### # # Methods that change a Formex # ################# # TODO: deprecate ? def append(self, F): """Append the elements of Formex F to self. Warning ------- This function changes the calling object and its use is discouraged. It is better to use the :meth:`concatenate` method or the addition operator, wich just return the concatenation without changing the object itself Parameters ---------- F: Formex A Formex with the same plexitude as self Returns ------- Formex The original Formex which has been changed by appending the elements of F to it. See Also -------- concatenate: concatenate a list of Formices __add__: concatenate two Formices Examples -------- >>> F = Formex([[[1.0,1.0,1.0]]]) >>> G = F.append(F) >>> print(F) {[1.0,1.0,1.0], [1.0,1.0,1.0]} >>> G is F True """ if F.coords.size == 0: return self if self.coords.size == 0: self.coords = F.coords self.prop = F.prop return self self.coords = Coords(np.concatenate((self.coords, F.coords))) ## What to do if one of the formices has properties, the other one not? ## The current policy is to use zero property values for the Formex ## without props if self.prop is not None or F.prop is not None: if self.prop is None: self.prop = np.zeros(shape=self.coords.shape[:1], dtype=at.Int) if F.prop is None: p = np.zeros(shape=F.coords.shape[:1], dtype=at.Int) else: p = F.prop self.prop = np.concatenate((self.prop, p)) return self ####################################################################### ## ## All the following functions leave the original Formex unchanged and ## return a new Formex instead. This is a design decision intended so ## that the user can write chained statements as ## G = F.op1().op2().op3() ## without having an impact on F. If the user wishes, he can always ## change an existing Formex by a statement such as ## F = F.op() ## While this may seem to create a lot of intermediate array data, ## Python and numpy are clever enough to release the memory that is ## no longer used. ## ####################################################################### ####################################################################### # # Create copies, concatenations, subtractions, connections, ... # #################
[docs] @classmethod def concatenate(clas, Flist): """Concatenate a list of Formices. All the Formices in the list should have the same plexitude, If any of the Formices has property numbers, the resulting Formex will inherit the properties. In that case, any Formices without properties will be assigned property 0. If all Formices are without properties, so will be the result. The eltype of the resulting Formex will be that of the first Formex in the list. Parameters ---------- Flist: list of Formex objects A list of Formices all having the same plexitude. Returns ------- Formex The concatenation of all the Formices in the list. The number of elements in the Formex is the sum of the number of elements in all the Formices. Note ---- This is a class method, not an instance method. It is commonly invoked as ``Formex.concatenate``. See Also -------- __add__: implements concatenation as simple addition (F+G) Examples -------- >>> F = Formex([1.,1.,1.]).setProp(1) >>> G = Formex([2.,2.,2.]) >>> H = Formex([3.,3.,3.]).setProp(3) >>> K = Formex.concatenate([F,G,H]) >>> print(K.asFormexWithProp()) {[1.0,1.0,1.0], [2.0,2.0,2.0], [3.0,3.0,3.0]} with prop [1 0 3] """ def _force_prop(m): if m.prop is None: return np.zeros(m.nelems(), dtype=at.Int) else: return m.prop f = Coords.concatenate([F.coords for F in Flist]) # Keep the available props prop = [F.prop for F in Flist if F.prop is not None] if len(prop) == 0: prop = None elif len(prop) < len(Flist): prop = np.concatenate([_force_prop(F) for F in Flist]) else: prop = np.concatenate(prop) return Formex(f, prop, Flist[0].eltype)
[docs] def __add__(self, F): """Concatenate two formices. Parameters ---------- F: Formex A Formex with the same plexitude as self. Returns ------- Formex The concatenation of the Formices self and F. Note ---- This method implements the addition operation and allows to write simple expressions as F+G to concatenate the Formices F and G. When concatenating many Formices, :meth:`concatenate` is more efficient however, because all the Formices in the list are concatenated in one operation. See Also -------- concatenate: concatenate a list of Formices Examples -------- >>> F = Formex([1.,1.,1.]).setProp(1) >>> G = Formex([2.,2.,2.]) >>> H = Formex([3.,3.,3.]).setProp(3) >>> K = F+G+H >>> print(K.asFormexWithProp()) {[1.0,1.0,1.0], [2.0,2.0,2.0], [3.0,3.0,3.0]} with prop [1 0 3] """ if len(F) == 0: return self elif len(self) == 0: return Formex(F.coords, F.prop, self.eltype) else: return Formex.concatenate([self, F])
[docs] def split(self, n=1): """Split a Formex in Formices containing n elements. Parameters ---------- n: int Number of elements per Formex Returns ------- list of Formices A list of Formices all containing n elements, except for the last, which may contain less. Examples -------- >>> Formex('l:111').split(2) [Formex([[[0., 0., 0.], [1., 0., 0.]], <BLANKLINE> [[1., 0., 0.], [2., 0., 0.]]]), Formex([[[2., 0., 0.], [3., 0., 0.]]])] """ m = (self.nelems()+n-1) // n if self.prop is None: return [Formex(self.coords[n*i:n*(i+1)], self.eltype) for i in range(m)] else: return [Formex(self.coords[n*i:n*(i+1)], self.prop[n*i:n*(i+1)], self.eltype) for i in range(m)]
def _select(self, selected, **kargs): """Return a Formex only holding the selected elements. This is the low level select method. The normal user interface is via the method. """ selected = at.checkArray1D(selected) if self.prop is None: return Formex(self.coords[selected], eltype=self.eltype) else: return Formex(self.coords[selected], self.prop[selected], self.eltype)
[docs] def selectNodes(self, idx): """Extract a Formex holding only some points of the parent. This creates subentities of all elements in the Formex. The returned Formex inherits the properties of the parent. Parameters ---------- idx: list of ints Indices of the points to retain in the new Formex. Notes ----- For example, if F is a plex-3 Formex representing triangles, the sides of the triangles are given by F.selectNodes([0,1]) + F.selectNodes([1,2]) + F.selectNodes([2,0]) See Also -------- select: Select elements from a Formex Examples -------- >>> F = Formex('3:.12.34') >>> print(F.selectNodes((0,1))) {[0.0,0.0,0.0; 1.0,0.0,0.0], [1.0,1.0,0.0; 0.0,1.0,0.0]} """ return Formex(self.coords[:, idx, :], self.prop, self.eltype)
[docs] def asPoints(self): """Reduce the Formex to a simple set of points. This removes the element structure of the Formex. Returns ------- Formex A Formex with plexitude 1 and number of elements (points) equal to ``self.nelems() * self.nplex()``. The Formex shares the coordinate data with the parent. If the parent has properties, they are multiplexed so that each point has the property of its parent element. The eltype of the returned Formex is None. See Also -------- points: returns the list of points as a Coords object Examples -------- >>> F = Formex('3:.12.34',prop=[1,2]).asPoints() >>> print(F.asFormexWithProp()) {[0.0,0.0,0.0], [1.0,0.0,0.0], [1.0,1.0,0.0], [1.0,1.0,0.0], \ [0.0,1.0,0.0], [0.0,0.0,0.0]} with prop [1 1 1 2 2 2] """ if self.prop is not None: prop = at.repeatValues(self.prop, self.nplex()) else: prop = None return Formex(self.coords.reshape((-1, 1, 3)), prop=prop)
# TODO: it would be better to create a method match() # then the user can do with them what he wants
[docs] def remove(self, F, permutations='roll', rtol=1.e-5, atol=1.e-5): """Remove elements that also occur in another Formex. Parameters ---------- F: Formex Another Formex with the same plexitude as self. permutations: bool, optional If True, elements consisting of the This is also the subtraction of the current Formex with F. Elements are only removed if they have the same nodes in the same order. Examples -------- >>> F = Formex('l:111') >>> G = Formex('l:1') >>> print(F.remove(G)) {[1.0,0.0,0.0; 2.0,0.0,0.0], [2.0,0.0,0.0; 3.0,0.0,0.0]} """ M = (self+F).toMesh(rtol=rtol, atol=atol) VA = at.equalRows(M.elems) remove = [] for row in VA: if row.min() < self.nelems() and row.max() >= self.nelems(): # equal rows in self and F: remove from self remove.append(row[row<self.nelems()]) return self.cselect(remove)
[docs] def removeDuplicate(self, permutations='all', rtol=1.e-5, atol=1.e-8): """Return a Formex which holds only the unique elements. Parameters ---------- permutations: str Defines which permutations of the element points are allowed while still considering the elements equal. Possible values are: - 'none': no permutations are allowed: elements must have matching points at all locations. This is the default; - 'roll': rolling is allowed. Elements that can be transformed into each other by rolling their points are considered equal; - 'all': any permutation of the same points will be considered an equal element. rtol: float, optional Relative tolerance used when considering two points being equal. atol: float, optional Absolute tolerance used when considering two points being equal. Notes ----- ``rtol`` and ``atol`` are passed to :meth:`coords.Coords.fuse` to find equal points. ``permutation`` is passed to :func:`arraytools.unique` to remove the duplicates. Examples -------- >>> F = Formex('l:111') + Formex('l:1') >>> print(F.removeDuplicate()) {[0.0,0.0,0.0; 1.0,0.0,0.0], [1.0,0.0,0.0; 2.0,0.0,0.0], \ [2.0,0.0,0.0; 3.0,0.0,0.0]} """ x, e = self.coords.fuse(rtol=rtol, atol=atol) return, permutations))
# REMOVED IN 1.0.0 ## unique = removeDuplicate ####################################################################### # # Test and clipping functions # #################
[docs] def test(self, nodes='all', dir=0, min=None, max=None, atol=0.): """Flag elements having coordinates between min and max. This is comparable with :meth:`coords.Coords.test` but operates at the Formex element level. It tests the position of one or more points of the elements of the :class:`Formex` with respect to one or two parallel planes. This is very useful in clipping a Formex in a specified direction. In most cases the clipping direction is one of the global coordinate axes, but a general direction may be used as well. Testing along global axis directions is highly efficient. It tests whether the corresponding coordinate is above or equal to the `min` value and/or below or equal to the `max` value. Testing in a general direction tests whether the distance to the `min` plane is positive or zero and/or the distance to the `max` plane is negative or zero. Parameters ---------- nodes: int, list of ints or string Specifies which points of the elements are taken into account in the tests. It should be one of the following: - a single point index (smaller than self.nplex()), - a list of point numbers ( all smaller than < self.nplex()), - one of the special strings: 'all', 'any', 'none'. The default ('all') will flag the elements that have all their nodes between the planes x=min and x=max, i.e. the elements that fall completely between these planes. dir: a single int or a float :term:`array_like` (3,) The direction in which to measure distances. If an int, it is one of the global axes (0,1,2). Else it is a vector with 3 components. The default direction is the global x-axis. min: float or point-like, optional Position of the minimal clipping plane. If `dir` is an int, this is a single float giving the coordinate along the specified global axis. If `dir` is a vector, this must be a point and the minimal clipping plane is defined by this point and the normal vector `dir`. If not provided, there is no clipping at the minimal side. max: float or point-like. Position of the maximal clipping plane. If `dir` is an int, this is a single float giving the coordinate along the specified global axis. If `dir` is a vector, this must be a point and the maximal clipping plane is defined by this point and the normal vector `dir`. If not provided, there is no clipping at the maximal side. atol: float Tolerance value added to the tests to account for accuracy and rounding errors. A `min` test will be ok if the point's distance from the `min` clipping plane is `> -atol` and/or the distance from the `max` clipping plane is `< atol`. Thus a positive atol widens the clipping planes. Returns ------- : 1-dim bool array Array with length ``self.nelems()`` flagging the elements that pass the test(s). The return value can directly be used as an index in :meth:`select` or `cselect` to obtain a :class:`Formex` with the elements satisfying the test or not. Or you can use ``np.where(result)[0]`` to get the indices of the elements passing the test. Raises ------ ValueError: At least one of min or max have to be specified If neither `min` nor `max` are provided. See Also -------- select: return only the selected elements cselect: return all but the selected elements Examples -------- >>> F = Formex('l:1122') >>> print(F.asFormex()) {[0.0,0.0,0.0; 1.0,0.0,0.0], [1.0,0.0,0.0; 2.0,0.0,0.0], \ [2.0,0.0,0.0; 2.0,1.0,0.0], [2.0,1.0,0.0; 2.0,2.0,0.0]} >>> F.test(min=0.0,max=1.0) array([ True, False, False, False]) >>> F.test(nodes=[0],min=0.0,max=1.0) array([ True, True, False, False]) >>> F.test(dir=[-1.,1.,0.],min=[1.,0.,0.]) array([ True, False, False, True]) >>> F.test(dir=[-1.,1.,0.],min=[1.,0.,0.],nodes='any') array([ True, True, True, True]) """ if min is None and max is None: raise ValueError("At least one of min or max have to be specified.") if isinstance(nodes, str): nod = np.arange(self.nplex()) else: nod = nodes # Perform the test on the selected nodes X = self.coords[:, nod] T = X.test(dir=dir, min=min, max=max, atol=atol) if len(T.shape) > 1: # We have results for more than 1 node per element if nodes == 'any': T = T.any(axis=1) elif nodes == 'none': T = ~T.any(axis=1) else: T = T.all(axis=1) return np.asarray(T)
####################################################################### # # Transformations that preserve the topology (but change coordinates) # #################
[docs] def shrink(self, factor): """Scale all elements with respect to their own center. Parameters ---------- factor: float Scaling factor for the elements. A value < 1.0 will shrink the elements, while a facter > 1.0 will enlarge them. Returns ------- Formex A Formex where each element has been scaled with the specified factor in local axes with origin at the element's center. Notes ----- This operation is called 'shrink' because it is commonly used with a factor smaller that 1 (often around 0.9) to draw an exploded view where touching elements are disconnected. Examples -------- >>> Formex('l:12').shrink(0.8) Formex([[[0.1, 0. , 0. ], [0.9, 0. , 0. ]], <BLANKLINE> [[1. , 0.1, 0. ], [1. , 0.9, 0. ]]]) """ c = self.coords.mean(1).reshape((self.coords.shape[0], 1, self.coords.shape[2])) return Formex(factor*(self.coords-c)+c, self.prop, self.eltype)
[docs] def circulize1(self): """Transforms the first octant of the 0-1 plane into 1/6 of a circle. Points on the 0-axis keep their position. Lines parallel to the 1-axis are transformed into circular arcs. The bisector of the first quadrant is transformed in a straight line at an angle Pi/6. This function is especially suited to create circular domains where all bars have nearly same length. See the Diamatic example. """ with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): res = x, y, z: [np.where(x>0, x-y*y/(x+x), 0), np.where(x>0, y*np.sqrt(4*x*x-y*y)/(x+x), y), 0]) return res
####################################################################### # # Transformations that change the topology # #################
[docs] def reverse(self): """Return a Formex where all elements have been reversed. Reversing an element means reversing the order of its points. Returns ------- Formex A Formex with same shape, where the points of all elements are in reverse order. Notes ----- This is equivalent to ``self.selectNodes(np.arange(self.nplex()-1,-1,-1))``. Examples -------- >>> F = Formex('l:11') >>> F.reverse() Formex([[[1., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 0.]], <BLANKLINE> [[2., 0., 0.], [1., 0., 0.]]]) """ return Formex(self.coords[:, ::-1], self.prop, self.eltype)
[docs] def mirror(self, dir=0, pos=0., keep_orig=True): """Add a reflection in one of the coordinate directions. This method is like :meth:`~geometry.Geometry.reflect`, but by default adds the reflected part to the original. Parameters ---------- dir: int (0,1,2) Global axis direction of the reflection (default 0 or x-axis). pos: float Offset of the mirror plane from origin (default 0.0) keep_orig: bool, optional If True (default) the original plus the mirrored geometry is returned. Setting it to False will only return the mirror, and thus behaves just like :meth:`~geometry.Geometry.reflect`. Returns ------- Formex A Formex with the original and the mirrored elements, or only the mirrored elements if ``keep_orig`` is False. Examples -------- >>> F = Formex('l:11') >>> F.mirror() Formex([[[ 0., 0., 0.], [ 1., 0., 0.]], <BLANKLINE> [[ 1., 0., 0.], [ 2., 0., 0.]], <BLANKLINE> [[ 0., 0., 0.], [-1., 0., 0.]], <BLANKLINE> [[-1., 0., 0.], [-2., 0., 0.]]]) >>> F.mirror(keep_orig=False) Formex([[[ 0., 0., 0.], [-1., 0., 0.]], <BLANKLINE> [[-1., 0., 0.], [-2., 0., 0.]]]) """ if keep_orig: return self+self.reflect(dir, pos) else: return self.reflect(dir, pos)
[docs] def translatem(self, *args): """Multiple subsequent translations in axis directions. Parameters ---------- *args: one or more tuples (axis, step). Each argument is a tuple (axis, step) which will do a translation over a length ``step`` in the direction of the global axis ``axis``. Returns ------- Formex The input Formex translated over the combined translation vector of the arguments. Notes ----- This function is especially convenient to translate over computed steps. See Also -------- translate: translate a Formex Examples -------- >>> F = Formex('l:11') >>> d = np.random.random(3) >>> np.allclose(F.translatem((0,d[0]),(2,d[2]),(1,d[1])).coords, \ F.translate(d).coords) True """ tr = [0., 0., 0.] for d, t in args: tr[d] += t return self.translate(tr)
[docs] def replicate(self, n, dir=0, step=1.0): """Create copies at regular distances along a straight line. Parameters ---------- n: int Number of copies to create dir: int (0,1,2) or float :term:`array_like` (3,) The translation vector. If an int, it specifies a global axis and the translation is in the direction of that axis. step: float If ``dir`` is an int, this is the length of the translation. Else, it is a multiplying factor applied to the translation vector. Returns ------- Formex A Formex with the concatenation of n copies of the original. Each copy is equal to the previous one translated over a distance ``step * length(dir)`` in the direction ``dir``. The first of the copies is equal to the original. See Also -------- rep: short alias for replicate repm: replicate in multiple directions replic2: replicate in two directions with bias and taper Examples -------- >>> Formex('l:1').replicate(4,1) Formex([[[0., 0., 0.], [1., 0., 0.]], <BLANKLINE> [[0., 1., 0.], [1., 1., 0.]], <BLANKLINE> [[0., 2., 0.], [1., 2., 0.]], <BLANKLINE> [[0., 3., 0.], [1., 3., 0.]]]) """ f = self.coords.replicate(n, dir, step=step) f.shape = (f.shape[0]*f.shape[1], f.shape[2], f.shape[3]) ## the replication of the properties is automatic! return Formex(f, self.prop, self.eltype)
# Easy to use alias rep = replicate
[docs] def repm(self, n, dir=(0, 1, 2), step=(1., 1., 1.)): """Repeatedly replication in different directions This repeatedly applies :meth:`replicate` a number of times. The parameters are lists of values like those for replicate. Parameters ---------- n: list of int Number of copies to create in the subsequent replications. dir: list of int (0,1,2) or list of float :term:`array_like` (3,) Subsequent translation vectors. See :meth:`replicate`. step: list of floats The step for the subsequent replications. Returns ------- Formex A Formex with the concatenation of prod(n) copies of the original, translated as specified by the dir and step parameters. The first of the copies is equal to the original. Note ---- If the parameter lists ``n``, ``dir``, ``step`` have different lengths, the operation is executed only for the shortest of the three. See Also -------- replicate: replicate in a single direction replic2: replicate in two directions with bias and taper Examples -------- >>> Formex('l:1').repm((2,2),(1,2)) Formex([[[0., 0., 0.], [1., 0., 0.]], <BLANKLINE> [[0., 1., 0.], [1., 1., 0.]], <BLANKLINE> [[0., 0., 1.], [1., 0., 1.]], <BLANKLINE> [[0., 1., 1.], [1., 1., 1.]]]) >>> print(Formex([origin()]).repm((2,2))) {[0.0,0.0,0.0], [1.0,0.0,0.0], [0.0,1.0,0.0], [1.0,1.0,0.0]} """ F = self if dir is None: dir = list(range(len(n))) if step is None: step = [1.]*len(n) for ni, diri, stepi in zip(n, dir, step): F = F.replicate(ni, diri, stepi) return F
# TODO: deprecate replic, but beware: it is used a lot!!!! # so maybe keep for compatibility reasons. # @utils.deprecated_by('Formex.replic','Formex.replicate')
[docs] def replic(self, n, step=1.0, dir=0): """Return a Formex with n replications in direction dir with step. Note ---- This works exactly like :meth:`replicate` but has another order of the parameters. It is kept for historical reasons, but should not be used in new code. """ return self.replicate(n, dir=dir, step=step)
[docs] def replic2(self, n1, n2, t1=1.0, t2=1.0, d1=0, d2=1, bias=0, taper=0): """Replicate in two directions with bias and taper. Parameters ---------- n1: int Number of replications in first direction n2: int Number of replications in second direction t1: float Step length in the first direction t2: float Step length in the second direction d1: int Global axis of the first direction d2: int Global axis of the second direction bias: float Extra translation in direction d1 for each step in direction d2 taper: int Extra number of copies generated in direction d1 for each step in direction d2 Note ---- If no bias nor taper is needed, the use of :meth:`repm` is recommended. See Also -------- replicate: replicate in a single direction repm: replicate in multiple directions Examples -------- >>> print(Formex([origin()]).replic2(2,2)) {[0.0,0.0,0.0], [1.0,0.0,0.0], [0.0,1.0,0.0], [1.0,1.0,0.0]} >>> print(Formex([origin()]).replic2(2,2,bias=0.2)) {[0.0,0.0,0.0], [1.0,0.0,0.0], [0.2,1.0,0.0], [1.2,1.0,0.0]} >>> print(Formex([origin()]).replic2(2,2,taper=-1)) {[0.0,0.0,0.0], [1.0,0.0,0.0], [0.0,1.0,0.0]} """ P = [self.translatem((d1, i*bias), (d2, i*t2)).replic(n1+i*taper, t1, d1) for i in range(n2)] ## We should replace the Formex concatenation here by ## separate data and prop concatenations, because we are ## guaranteed that either none or all formices in P have props. return Formex.concatenate(P)
# TODO: deprecate replicm, but beware: it is used a lot!!!! # so maybe keep for compatibility reasons. # @utils.deprecated_by('Formex.replicm','Formex.repm')
[docs] def replicm(self, n, step=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), dir=(0, 1, 2)): """Replicate in multiple global axis directions. Note ---- This works exactly like :meth:`repm` but has another order of the parameters. It is kept for historical reasons, but should not be used in new code. """ return self.repm(n, dir=dir, step=step)
[docs] def rosette(self, n, angle=None, axis=2, around=(0., 0., 0.), angle_spec=at.DEG): """Create rotational replications of a Formex. Parameters ---------- n: int Number of copies to create angle: float Angle in between successive copies. If not provided, it is set to 360 / n. axis: int (0,1,2) or float :term:`array_like` (3,) The rotation axis. An int speficies one of the global axes. Else, it is the direction vector of the axis. around: float :term:`array_like` (3,), optional If provided, it species a point on the rotation axis. If not, the rotation axis goes through the origin of the global axes. angle_spec: float, DEG or RAD, optional The default (DEG) interpretes the angle in degrees. Use RAD to specify the angle in radians. Returns ------- Formex A Formex with n rotational replications with given angular step. The original Formex is the first of the n replicas. Examples -------- >>> Formex('l:1').rosette(4,90.) Formex([[[ 0., 0., 0.], [ 1., 0., 0.]], <BLANKLINE> [[ 0., 0., 0.], [ 0., 1., 0.]], <BLANKLINE> [[ 0., 0., 0.], [-1., 0., 0.]], <BLANKLINE> [[ 0., 0., 0.], [-0., -1., 0.]]]) >>> Formex('l:1').rosette(3,90.,around=(0.,1.,0.)) Formex([[[ 0., 0., 0.], [ 1., 0., 0.]], <BLANKLINE> [[ 1., 1., 0.], [ 1., 2., 0.]], <BLANKLINE> [[ 0., 2., 0.], [-1., 2., 0.]]]) """ f = self.coords.rosette(n, angle, axis, around, angle_spec) f.shape = (f.shape[0]*f.shape[1], f.shape[2], f.shape[3]) return Formex(f, self.prop, self.eltype)
########################################################################## # # Transformations that change the plexitude #
[docs] def extrude(self, *args, **kargs): """Extrude a Formex along a straight line. The Formex is extruded over a given length in the given direction. This operates by converting the Formex to a :class:`~mesh.Mesh`, extruding the Mesh with the given parameters, and converting the result back to a Formex. Parameters: see :meth:`~mesh.Mesh.extrude`. Returns ------- Formex The Formex obtained by extruding the input Formex over the given `length` in direction `dir`, subdividing this length according to the seeds specified by `dir`. The plexitude of the result will be double that of the input. This method works by converting the Formex to a :class:`~mesh.Mesh`, using the :func:`Mesh.extrude` and then converting the result back to a Formex. See Also -------- connect: create a higher plexitude Formex by connecting Formices Examples -------- >>> Formex(origin()).extrude(4,dir=0,length=3) Formex([[[0. , 0. , 0. ], [0.75, 0. , 0. ]], <BLANKLINE> [[0.75, 0. , 0. ], [1.5 , 0. , 0. ]], <BLANKLINE> [[1.5 , 0. , 0. ], [2.25, 0. , 0. ]], <BLANKLINE> [[2.25, 0. , 0. ], [3. , 0. , 0. ]]]) """ return self.toMesh().extrude(*args, **kargs).toFormex()
[docs] def interpolate(self, G, div, swap=False): """Create linear interpolations between two Formices. A linear interpolation of two equally shaped Formices F and G at parameter value t is an equally shaped Formex H where each coordinate is obtained from: Hijk = Fijk + t * (Gijk-Fijk). Thus, a ``F.interpolate(G,[0.,0.5,1.0])`` will contain all elements of F and G and all elements with mean coordinates between those of F and G. Parameters ---------- G: Formex A Formex with same shape as `self`. div: int or list of floats The list of parameter values for which to compute the interpolation. Usually, they are in the range 0.0 (self) to 1.0 (X). Values outside the range can be used however and result in linear extrapolations. If an int is provided, a list with ``(div+1)`` parameter values is used, obtained by dividing the interval [0..1] into `div` equal segments. Then, specifying ``div=n`` is equivalent to specifying ``div=np.arange(n+1)/float(n))``. swap: bool, optional If swap=True, the returned Formex will have the elements of the interpolation Formices interleaved. The default is to return a simple concatenation. Returns ------- Formex A Formex with the concatenation of all generated interpolations, if swap is False (default). With swap=True, the elements of the interpolations are interleaved: first all the first elements from all the interpolations, then all the second elements, etc. The elements inherit the property numbers from self, if any. The Formex has the same eltype as self, if it is set. See Also -------- coords.Coords.interpolate Notes ----- See also example Interpolate. Examples -------- >>> F = Formex([[[0.0,0.0,0.0],[1.0,0.0,0.0]]]) >>> G = Formex([[[1.5,1.5,0.0],[4.0,3.0,0.0]]]) >>> F.interpolate(G,div=3) Formex([[[0. , 0. , 0. ], [1. , 0. , 0. ]], <BLANKLINE> [[0.5, 0.5, 0. ], [2. , 1. , 0. ]], <BLANKLINE> [[1. , 1. , 0. ], [3. , 2. , 0. ]], <BLANKLINE> [[1.5, 1.5, 0. ], [4. , 3. , 0. ]]]) >>> F = Formex([[[0.0,0.0,0.0]],[[1.0,0.0,0.0]]]) >>> G = Formex([[[1.5,1.5,0.0]],[[4.0,3.0,0.0]]]) >>> F.interpolate(G,div=3) Formex([[[0. , 0. , 0. ]], <BLANKLINE> [[1. , 0. , 0. ]], <BLANKLINE> [[0.5, 0.5, 0. ]], <BLANKLINE> [[2. , 1. , 0. ]], <BLANKLINE> [[1. , 1. , 0. ]], <BLANKLINE> [[3. , 2. , 0. ]], <BLANKLINE> [[1.5, 1.5, 0. ]], <BLANKLINE> [[4. , 3. , 0. ]]]) >>> F.interpolate(G,div=3,swap=True) Formex([[[0. , 0. , 0. ]], <BLANKLINE> [[0.5, 0.5, 0. ]], <BLANKLINE> [[1. , 1. , 0. ]], <BLANKLINE> [[1.5, 1.5, 0. ]], <BLANKLINE> [[1. , 0. , 0. ]], <BLANKLINE> [[2. , 1. , 0. ]], <BLANKLINE> [[3. , 2. , 0. ]], <BLANKLINE> [[4. , 3. , 0. ]]]) """ r = self.coords.interpolate(G.coords, div) # r is a 4-dim array n = r.shape[0] prop = self.prop if swap: if prop is not None: prop = at.repeatValues(prop, n) r = r.swapaxes(0, 1) # Remove the first axis r = r.reshape((-1,) + r.shape[-2:]) return Formex(r, prop=prop, eltype=self.eltype)
########################################################################### # # Transformations that work only for some plexitudes # # !! It is not clear if they really belong here, or should go to a subclass
[docs] def subdivide(self, div): """Subdivide a plex-2 Formex at the parameter values in div. Replaces each element of the plex-2 Formex (line segments) by a sequence of elementsobtained by subdividing the Formex at the specified parameter values. Parameters ---------- div: int or list of floats The list of parameter values at which to subdivide the elements. Usually, they are in the range 0.0 to 1.0. If an int is provided, a list with ``(div+1)`` parameter values is used, obtained by dividing the interval [0..1] into `div` equal segments. Thus, specifying ``div=n`` is equivalent to specifying ``div=np.arange(n+1)/float(n))``. Examples -------- >>> Formex('l:1').subdivide(4) Formex([[[0. , 0. , 0. ], [0.25, 0. , 0. ]], <BLANKLINE> [[0.25, 0. , 0. ], [0.5 , 0. , 0. ]], <BLANKLINE> [[0.5 , 0. , 0. ], [0.75, 0. , 0. ]], <BLANKLINE> [[0.75, 0. , 0. ], [1. , 0. , 0. ]]]) >>> Formex('l:1').subdivide([-0.1,0.3,0.7,1.1]) Formex([[[-0.1, 0. , 0. ], [ 0.3, 0. , 0. ]], <BLANKLINE> [[ 0.3, 0. , 0. ], [ 0.7, 0. , 0. ]], <BLANKLINE> [[ 0.7, 0. , 0. ], [ 1.1, 0. , 0. ]]]) """ if self.nplex() == 2: div = at.unitDivisor(div) point0, point1 = self.selectNodes([0]), self.selectNodes([1]) A = point0.interpolate(point1, div[:-1], swap=True) B = point0.interpolate(point1, div[1:], swap=True) return connect([A, B]) else: raise ValueError("Can only subdivide Formex with plexitude 2")
# TODO: returned Formex could inherit properties of parent # TODO: remove this and leave it to Mesh subclasses?? TriSurface, WireFrame
[docs] def intersectionWithPlane(self, p, n, atol=0.): """Compute the intersection of a Formex with a plane. Note ---- This is currently only available for plexitude 2 (lines) and 3 (triangles). Parameters ---------- p: :term:`array_like` (3,) A point in the plane n: :term:`array_like` (3,) The normal vector on the plane. atol: float A tolerance value: points whose distance from the plane is less than ``atol`` are considered to be lying in the plane. Returns ------- Formex A Formex of plexitude self.nplex()-1 holding the intersection with the plane (p,n). For a plex-2 Formex (lines), the returned Formex has plexitude 1 (points). For a plex-3 Formex (triangles) the returned Formex has plexitude 2 (lines). See Also -------- cutWithPlane: return parts of Formex after cutting with a plane Examples -------- >>> Formex('l:1212').intersectionWithPlane([0.5,0.,0.],[-1.,1.,0.]) Formex([[[0.5, 0. , 0. ]], <BLANKLINE> [[1. , 0.5, 0. ]], <BLANKLINE> [[1.5, 1. , 0. ]], <BLANKLINE> [[2. , 1.5, 0. ]]]) >>> Formex('3:.12.34').intersectionWithPlane([0.5,0.,0.],[1.,0.,0.]) Formex([[[0.5, 0. , 0. ], [0.5, 0.5, 0. ]], <BLANKLINE> [[0.5, 0.5, 0. ], [0.5, 1. , 0. ]]]) """ if self.nplex() == 2: x, i = geomtools.intersectSegmentWithPlane( self.coords, p, n, mode='pair', atol=atol, returns='xi') return Formex(x.reshape(-1, 1, 3)) elif self.nplex() == 3: m = self.toSurface().intersectionWithPlane(p, n, atol=atol) if m.nelems() > 0: return m.toFormex() else: return Formex(np.asarray([], dtype=at.Float).reshape(0, 2, 3)) else: # OTHER PLEXITUDES NEED TO BE IMPLEMENTED raise ValueError("Formex should be plex-2 or plex-3")
# TODO: The plexitude=3 case allows for multiple cutting planes. # However, it is not fully correct in cases where you want to # return a concave part. And in case of a convex cutting, one # can just as well do the cutting one by one. Therefore, we should # probably remove this possibility, because the concave case is # difficult to fix. The best option is to do sequential cutting # and then merge the parts together again with gts. # Anyhow, the docstring does not mention the multiple plane case.
[docs] def cutWithPlane(self, p, n, side='', atol=None, newprops=None): """Cut a Formex with the plane (p,n). Note ---- This is currently only available for plexitude 2 (lines) and 3 (triangles). Parameters ---------- p: :term:`array_like` (3,) A point in the cutting plane. n: :term:`array_like` (3,) The normal vector to the cutting plane. side: str, one of '', '+' or '-' Specifies which side of the plane should be returned. If an empty string (default), both sides are returned. If '+' or '-', only the part at the positive, resp. negative side of the plane (as defined by its normal) is returned. Returns ------- Fpos: Formex Formex with the part of the Formex at the positive side of the plane. This part is not returned if side=='-'. Fneg: Formex Formex with the part of the Formex at the negative side of the plane. This part is not returned if side=='+'. Notes ----- Elements of the input Formex that are lying completely on one side of the plane will return unaltered. Elements that are cut by the plane are split up into multiple parts. See Also -------- intersectionWithPlane: return intersection of Formex and plane """ if atol is None: atol = 1.e-5*self.dsize() if self.nplex() == 2: return _cut2AtPlane(self, p, n, side, atol, newprops) elif self.nplex() == 3: return _cut3AtPlane(self, p, n, side, atol, newprops) else: # OTHER PLEXITUDES NEED TO BE IMPLEMENTED raise ValueError("Formex should be plex-2 or plex-3")
#################### Misc Operations #####################################
[docs] def lengths(self): """Compute the length of all elements of a 2-plex Formex. The length of an element is the distance between its two points. Returns ------- float array (self.nelem(),) An array with the length of each element. Raises ------ ValueError If the Formex is not of plexitude 2. Examples -------- >>> Formex('l:127').lengths() array([1. , 1. , 1.4142]) """ if self.nplex() != 2: raise ValueError(f"Expected a 2-plex Formex, got {self.nplex()}") return geomtools.levelVolumes(self.coords)
[docs] def areas(self): """Compute the areas of all elements of a 3-plex Formex. The area of an element is the area of the triangle formed by its three points. Returns ------- float array (self.nelem(),) An array with the area of each element. Raises ------ ValueError If the Formex is not of plexitude 3. Examples -------- >>> Formex('3:.12.34').areas() array([0.5, 0.5]) """ if self.nplex() != 3: raise ValueError(f"Expected a 3-plex Formex, got {self.nplex()}") return geomtools.levelVolumes(self.coords)
[docs] def volumes(self): """Compute the volume of all elements of a 4-plex Formex. The volume of an element is the volume of the tetraeder formed by its 4 points. Returns ------- float array (self.nelem(),) An array with the volume of each element. Raises ------ ValueError If the Formex is not of plexitude 4. Examples -------- >>> Formex('4:164I').volumes() array([0.1667]) """ if self.nplex() != 4: raise ValueError(f"Expected a 4-plex Formex, got {self.nplex()}") return geomtools.levelVolumes(self.coords)
#################### Read from string/file ################################ # # See also and Geometry.write #
[docs] @classmethod def fromstring(clas, s, sep=' ', nplex=1, ndim=3, count=-1): """Create a :class:`Formex` reading coordinates from a string. This uses the :meth:`Coords.fromstring` method to read coordinates from a string and restructures them into a Formex of the specified plexitude. Parameters ---------- s: str A string containing a single sequence of float numbers separated by whitespace and a possible separator string. sep: str, optional The separator used between the coordinates. If not a space, all extra whitespace is ignored. nplex: int, optional Plexitude of the elements to be read. ndim: int, optional Number of coordinates per point. Should be 1, 2 or 3 (default). If 1, resp. 2, the coordinate string only holds x, resp. x,y values. count: int, optional Total number of coordinates to read. This should be a multiple of `ndim`. The default is to read all the coordinates in the string. Returns ------- Formex A Formex object of the given plexitude, with the coordinates read from the string. Raises ------ ValueError If count was provided and the string does not contain that exact number of coordinates. If the number of points read is not a multiple of nplex. Examples -------- >>> Formex.fromstring('4 0 0 3 1 2 6 5 7',nplex=3) Formex([[[4., 0., 0.], [3., 1., 2.], [6., 5., 7.]]]) """ x = Coords.fromstring(s, sep=sep, ndim=ndim, count=count) if x.shape[0] % nplex != 0: raise RuntimeError(f"Number of points read: {x.shape[0]}, " f"expected a multiple of {nplex}!") return clas(x.reshape(-1, nplex, 3))
[docs] @classmethod def fromfile(clas, fil, nplex=1, **kargs): """Read the coordinates of a Formex from a file This uses :meth:`Coords.fromfile` to read coordinates from a file and create a Formex of the specified plexitude. Coordinates X, Y and Z for subsequent points are read from the file. The total number of coordinates on the file should be a multiple of 3. Parameters ---------- fil: str or file If str, it is a file name. An open file object can also be passed nplex: int, optional Plexitude of the elements to be read. **kargs: Arguments to be passed to :func:`numpy.fromfile`. Returns ------- Formex A Formex object of the given plexitude, with the coordinates read from the specified file. Raises ------ ValueError If the number of coordinates read is not a multiple of 3 * nplex. See Also -------- Coords.fromfile: read a Coords object from file numpy.fromfile: read an array to file """ x = Coords.fromfile(fil, **kargs) if x.shape[0] % nplex != 0: raise RuntimeError( f"Number of points read: {x.shape[0]}, " f"should be multiple of {nplex}!") return clas(x.reshape(-1, nplex, 3))
def actor(self, **kargs): """Create a drawable representation of the Formex""" from pyformex.opengl.actors import Actor if self.nelems() == 0: return None return Actor(self, **kargs) ######################################################################### # # Obsolete and deprecated methods # nnodes = npoints @utils.deprecated_by('Formex.divide', 'Formex.subdivide') def divide(self, div): return self.subdivide(div) @utils.deprecated_by('Formex.withProp', 'Formex.selectProp') def withProp(self, val): return self.selectProp(val) @utils.deprecated_by('Formex.elbbox', 'Formex.bboxes') def elbbox(self): return Formex(self.bboxes()) ################### ## PZF interface ##
[docs] def pzf_dict(self): kargs = Geometry.pzf_dict(self) if self.eltype: kargs[f"eltype:s__{self.eltype}"] = None return kargs
pzf_args = ['coords']
############################################################################## # # Functions which are not Formex class methods # ################################################## # TODO: this should be made a Formex class method
[docs]def connect(Flist, nodid=None, bias=None, loop=False, eltype=None): """Return a Formex which connects the Formices in list. Creates a Formex of any plexitude by combining corresponding points from a number of Formices. Parameters ---------- Flist: list of Formices The Formices to connect. The number of Formices in the list will be the plexitude of the newly created Formex. One point of an element in each Formex is taken to create a new element in the output Formex. nodid: list of int, optional List of point indices to be used from each of the input Formices. If provided, the list should have the same length as ``Flist``. The default is to use the first point of each element. bias: list of int, optional List of element bias values for each of the input Formices. Element iteration in the Formices will start at this number. If provided,, the list should have the same length as ``Flist``. The default is to start at element 0. loop: bool If False (default), element generation will stop when the first input Formex runs out of elements. If True, element iteration in the shorted Formices will wrap around until all elements in all Formices have been used. Returns ------- Formex A Formex with plexitude equal to ``len(Flist)``. Each element of the Formex consists of a point from the corresponding element of each of the Formices in list. By default this is the first point of that element, but a ``nodid`` list may specify another point index. Corresponding elements in the Formices are by default those with the same element index; the ``bias`` argument may specify another value to start the element indexing for each of the input Formices. If loop is False (default), the number of elements is the minimum over all Formices of the number of elements minus the corresponding bias. If loop is True, the number of elements is the maximum of the number of elements of all input Formices. Notes ----- See also example Connect. Examples -------- >>> F = Formex('1:1111') >>> G = Formex('l:222') >>> connect([F,G]) Formex([[[1., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 0.]], <BLANKLINE> [[2., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0.]], <BLANKLINE> [[3., 0., 0.], [0., 2., 0.]]]) >>> connect([F,G],nodid=[0,1]) Formex([[[1., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0.]], <BLANKLINE> [[2., 0., 0.], [0., 2., 0.]], <BLANKLINE> [[3., 0., 0.], [0., 3., 0.]]]) >>> connect([F,F],bias=[0,1]) Formex([[[1., 0., 0.], [2., 0., 0.]], <BLANKLINE> [[2., 0., 0.], [3., 0., 0.]], <BLANKLINE> [[3., 0., 0.], [4., 0., 0.]]]) >>> connect([F,F],bias=[0,1],loop=True) Formex([[[1., 0., 0.], [2., 0., 0.]], <BLANKLINE> [[2., 0., 0.], [3., 0., 0.]], <BLANKLINE> [[3., 0., 0.], [4., 0., 0.]], <BLANKLINE> [[4., 0., 0.], [1., 0., 0.]]]) """ try: m = len(Flist) for i in range(m): if isinstance(Flist[i], Formex): pass elif isinstance(Flist[i], np.ndarray): Flist[i] = Formex(Flist[i]) else: raise TypeError except TypeError: raise TypeError('connect(): first argument should be a list of formices') if not nodid: nodid = [0 for i in range(m)] if not bias: bias = [0 for i in range(m)] if loop: n = max([Flist[i].nelems() for i in range(m)]) else: n = min([Flist[i].nelems() - bias[i] for i in range(m)]) f = np.zeros((n, m, 3), dtype=at.Float) for i, j, k in zip(range(m), nodid, bias): v = Flist[i].coords[k:k+n, j, :] if loop and k > 0: v = np.concatenate([v, Flist[i].coords[:k, j, :]]) f[:, i, :] = np.resize(v, (n, 3)) return Formex(f, eltype=eltype)
def _sane_side(side): """Allow some old variants of arguments_""" if isinstance(side, str): if side.startswith('pos'): side = '+' if side.startswith('neg'): side = '-' if not (side == '+' or side == '-'): side = '' return side def _select_side(side, alist): """Return selected parts dependent on side_""" if side == '+': return alist[0] elif side == '-': return alist[1] else: return List(alist) def _cut2AtPlane(F, p, n, side='', atol=None, newprops=None): """Returns all elements of the Formex cut at plane. F is a Formex of plexitude 2. p is a point specified by 3 coordinates. n is the normal vector to a plane, specified by 3 components. The return value is: - with side = '+' or '-' : a Formex of the same plexitude with all elements located completely at the positive/negative side of the plane(s) (p,n) retained, all elements lying completely at the negative/positive side removed and the elements intersecting the plane(s) replaced by new elements filling up the parts at the positive/negative side. - with side = '': two Formices of the same plexitude, one representing the positive side and one representing the negative side. To avoid roundoff errors and creation of very small elements, a tolerance can be specified. Points lying within the tolerance distance will be considered lying in the plane, and no cutting near these points. >>> F = Formex('l:2').replic(2) """ side = _sane_side(side) if atol is None: atol = 1.e-5 * F.dsize() tp, tc, tn = F.testPlane(p, n, atol) A = B = if newprops: A.setProp(newprops[0]) B.setProp(newprops[1]) if tc.any(): G = H = G.copy() x = geomtools.intersectSegmentWithPlane( G.coords, p, n, mode='pair', atol=atol) i0 = G.coords[:, 1].distanceFromPlane(p, n) >= 0.0 i1 = ~i0 G[i0, 0, :] = H[i0, 1, :] = x[i0] G[i1, 1, :] = H[i1, 0, :] = x[i1] if newprops: G.setProp(newprops[2]) H.setProp(newprops[3]) A += G B += H return _select_side(side, [A, B]) def _cut3AtPlane(F, p, n, side='', atol=None, newprops=None): """_Returns all elements of the Formex cut at plane(s). F is a Formex of plexitude 3. p is a point or a list of points. n is the normal vector to a plane or a list of normal vectors. Both p and n have shape (3) or (npoints,3). The return value is: - with side='+' or '-' or 'positive'or 'negative' : a Formex of the same plexitude with all elements located completely at the positive/negative side of the plane(s) (p,n) retained, all elements lying completely at the negative/positive side removed and the elements intersecting the plane(s) replaced by new elements filling up the parts at the positive/negative side. - with side='': two Formices of the same plexitude, one representing the positive side and one representing the negative side. Let :math:`dist` be the signed distance of the vertices to a plane. The elements located completely at the positive or negative side of a plane have three vertices for which :math:`|dist|>atol`. The elements intersecting a plane can have one or more vertices for which :math:`|dist|<atol`. These vertices are projected on the plane so that their distance is zero. If the Formex has a property set, the new elements will get the property numbers defined in newprops. This is a list of 7 property numbers flagging elements with following properties: 0) no vertices with :math:`|dist|<atol`, triangle after cut 1) no vertices with :math:`|dist|<atol`, triangle 1 from quad after cut 2) no vertices with :math:`|dist|<atol`, triangle 2 from quad after cut 3) one vertex with :math:`|dist|<atol`, two vertices at pos. or neg. side 4) one vertex with :math:`|dist|<atol`, one vertex at pos. side, one at neg. 5) two vertices with :math:`|dist|<atol`, one vertex at pos. or neg. side 6) three vertices with :math:`|dist|<atol` """ if atol is None: atol = 1.e-5*F.dsize() # make sure we have sane newprops if newprops is None: newprops = [None, ]*7 else: try: newprops = newprops[:7] for prop in newprops: if not (prop is None or at.isInt(prop)): raise ValueError("newprops values should be int") except ValueError: newprops = np.arange(7) side = _sane_side(side) p = np.asarray(p).reshape(-1, 3) n = np.asarray(n).reshape(-1, 3) nplanes = len(p) # elements having part at positive side of all planes test = np.stack([F.test('any', n[i], p[i], atol=atol) for i in range(nplanes)]).all(axis=0) # save elements having part at positive side of all planes F_pos = F.clip(test) if side in '-': # Dirty trick: this also includes side='' ! # save elements completely at negative side of one of the planes F_neg = F.cclip(test) else: F_neg = None if F_pos.nelems() != 0: # elements completely at positive side of all planes test = np.stack([F_pos.test('all', n[i], p[i], atol=-atol) for i in range(nplanes)]).all(axis=0) # save elements that will be cut by one of the planes F_cut = F_pos.cclip(test) # save elements completely at positive side of all planes F_pos = F_pos.clip(test) if F_cut.nelems() != 0: if nplanes == 1: if side == '+': F_pos += _cutElements3AtPlane( F_cut, p[0], n[0], newprops, side, atol) elif side == '-': F_neg += _cutElements3AtPlane( F_cut, p[0], n[0], newprops, side, atol) elif side == '': cut_pos, cut_neg = _cutElements3AtPlane( F_cut, p[0], n[0], newprops, side, atol) F_pos += cut_pos F_neg += cut_neg elif nplanes > 1: S = F_cut for i in range(nplanes): if i > 0: # due to the projection of vertices with |distance| < # atol on plane i-1, some elements can be completely # at negative side of plane i instead of cut by plane i t = S.test('any', n[i], p[i], atol=atol) if side in '-': # save elements at negative side of plane i F_neg += S.cclip(t) S = S.clip(t) # save at positive side of plane i t = S.test('all', n[i], p[i], atol=-atol) R = S.clip(t) # save elements at + side of plane i S = S.cclip(t) # save elements cut by plane i if side == '+': cut_pos = _cutElements3AtPlane( S, p[i], n[i], newprops, '+', atol) elif side in '-': cut_pos, cut_neg = _cutElements3AtPlane( S, p[i], n[i], newprops, '', atol) F_neg += cut_neg S = R + cut_pos F_pos += S return _select_side(side, [F_pos, F_neg]) def _cutElements3AtPlane(F, p, n, newprops=None, side='', atol=0.): """_This function needs documentation. Should it be called by the user? or only via _cut3AtPlane? For now, lets suppose the last, so no need to check arguments here. newprops should be a list of 7 values: each an integer or None side is either '+', '-' or '' """ if atol is None: atol = 1.e-5*F.dsize() def get_new_prop(p, ind, newp): """Determines the value of the new props for a subset. p are the original props (possibly None) ind is the list of elements to treat newp is the new property value. The return value is determined as follows: - If p is None: return None (no property set) - If p is set, but newp is None: return p[ind] : keep original - if p is set, and newp is set: return newp (single value) """ if p is None: return None elif newp is None: return p[ind] else: return newp # TODO: this should go via trisurface? C = [connect([F, F], nodid=ax) for ax in [[0, 1], [1, 2], [2, 0]]] with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): res = [geomtools.intersectSegmentWithPlane( Ci.coords, p, n, mode='pair', atol=atol, returns='tx' ) for Ci in C] t = np.column_stack([r[0] for r in res]) P = np.stack([r[1] for r in res], axis=1) del res T = (t >= 0.)*(t <= 1.) d = F.coords.distanceFromPlane(p, n) U = abs(d) < atol V = U.sum(axis=-1) # number of vertices with |distance| < atol F1_pos = F2_pos = F3_pos = F4_pos = F5_pos = F6_pos = F7_pos = F1_neg = \ F2_neg = F3_neg = F4_neg = F5_neg = F6_neg = F7_neg = Formex() # No vertices with |distance| < atol => triangles with 2 intersections w1 = np.where(V==0)[0] if w1.size > 0: T1 = T[w1] P1 = P[w1][T1].reshape(-1, 2, 3) F1 = F[w1] d1 = d[w1] if F.prop is None: p1 = None else: p1 = F.prop[w1] # split problem in two cases # case 1: triangle at positive side after cut w11 = np.where(d1[:, 0]*d1[:, 1]*d1[:, 2] > 0.)[0] # case 2: quadrilateral at positive side after cut w12 = np.where(d1[:, 0]*d1[:, 1]*d1[:, 2] < 0.)[0] # case 1: triangle at positive side after cut if w11.size > 0: T11 = T1[w11] P11 = P1[w11] F11 = F1[w11] if side in '+': v1 = np.where(T11[:, 0]*T11[:, 2] == 1, 0, np.where(T11[:, 0]*T11[:, 1] == 1, 1, 2)) K1 = np.asarray([F11[j, v1[j]] for j in range(F11.shape[0])]).reshape(-1, 1, 3) E1_pos = np.column_stack([P11, K1]) F1_pos = Formex(E1_pos, get_new_prop(p1, w11, newprops[0])) if side in '-': # quadrilateral at negative side after cut v2 = np.where(T11[:, 0]*T11[:, 2] == 1, 2, np.where(T11[:, 0]*T11[:, 1] == 1, 2, 0)) v3 = np.where(T11[:, 0]*T11[:, 2] == 1, 1, np.where(T11[:, 0]*T11[:, 1] == 1, 0, 1)) K2 = np.asarray([F11[j, v2[j]] for j in range(F11.shape[0])]).reshape(-1, 1, 3) K3 = np.asarray([F11[j, v3[j]] for j in range(F11.shape[0])]).reshape(-1, 1, 3) E2_neg = np.column_stack([P11, K2]) F2_neg = Formex(E2_neg, get_new_prop(p1, w11, newprops[1])) E3_neg = np.column_stack([P11[:, 0].reshape(-1, 1, 3), K2, K3]) F3_neg = Formex(E3_neg, get_new_prop(p1, w11, newprops[2])) # case 2: quadrilateral at positive side after cut if w12.size > 0: T12 = T1[w12] P12 = P1[w12] F12 = F1[w12] if side in '+': v2 = np.where(T12[:, 0]*T12[:, 2] == 1, 2, np.where(T12[:, 0]*T12[:, 1] == 1, 2, 0)) v3 = np.where(T12[:, 0]*T12[:, 2] == 1, 1, np.where(T12[:, 0]*T12[:, 1] == 1, 0, 1)) K2 = np.asarray([F12[j, v2[j]] for j in range(F12.shape[0])]).reshape(-1, 1, 3) K3 = np.asarray([F12[j, v3[j]] for j in range(F12.shape[0])]).reshape(-1, 1, 3) E2_pos = np.column_stack([P12, K2]) F2_pos = Formex(E2_pos, get_new_prop(p1, w12, newprops[1])) E3_pos = np.column_stack([P12[:, 0].reshape(-1, 1, 3), K2, K3]) F3_pos = Formex(E3_pos, get_new_prop(p1, w12, newprops[2])) if side in '-': # triangle at negative side after cut v1 = np.where(T12[:, 0]*T12[:, 2] == 1, 0, np.where(T12[:, 0]*T12[:, 1] == 1, 1, 2)) K1 = np.asarray([F12[j, v1[j]] for j in range(F12.shape[0])]).reshape(-1, 1, 3) E1_neg = np.column_stack([P12, K1]) F1_neg = Formex(E1_neg, get_new_prop(p1, w12, newprops[0])) # One vertex with |distance| < atol w2 = np.where(V==1)[0] if w2.size > 0: F2 = F[w2] d2 = d[w2] U2 = U[w2] if F.prop is None: p2 = None else: p2 = F.prop[w2] # split problem in three cases W = (d2 > atol).sum(axis=-1) w21 = np.where(W == 2)[0] # case 1: two vertices at positive side w22 = np.where(W == 1)[0] # case 2: one vertex at positive side w23 = np.where(W == 0)[0] # case 3: no vertices at positive side # case 1: two vertices at positive side if w21.size > 0 and side in '+': F21 = F2[w21] U21 = U2[w21] K1 = F21[U21] # vertices with |distance| < atol n = at.normalize(n) # project vertices on plane (p,n) K1 = (K1 - n*d2[w21][U21].reshape(-1, 1)).reshape(-1, 1, 3) K2 = F21[d2[w21]>atol].reshape(-1, 2, 3) # verts with dist > atol E4_pos = np.column_stack([K1, K2]) F4_pos = Formex(E4_pos, get_new_prop(p2, w21, newprops[3])) # case 2: one vertex at positive side if w22.size > 0: F22 = F2[w22] U22 = U2[w22] K1 = F22[U22] # vertices with |distance| < atol # project vertices on plane (p,n) K1 = (K1 - n*d2[w22][U22].reshape(-1, 1)).reshape(-1, 1, 3) # intersection points P22 = P[w2][w22][np.roll(U22, 1, axis=-1)].reshape(-1, 1, 3) if side in '+': K2 = F22[d2[w22]>atol].reshape(-1, 1, 3) # verts with dist > atol E5_pos = np.column_stack([P22, K1, K2]) F5_pos = Formex(E5_pos, get_new_prop(p2, w22, newprops[4])) if side in '-': K3 = F22[d2[w22]<-atol].reshape(-1, 1, 3) # verts with dist < -atol E5_neg = np.column_stack([P22, K1, K3]) F5_neg = Formex(E5_neg, get_new_prop(p2, w22, newprops[4])) # case 3: no vertices at positive side if w23.size > 0 and side in '-': F23 = F2[w23] U23 = U2[w23] K1 = F23[U23] # vertices with |distance| < atol # project vertices on plane (p,n) K1 = (K1 - n*d2[w23][U23].reshape(-1, 1)).reshape(-1, 1, 3) # vertices with distance < - atol K2 = F23[d2[w23]<-atol].reshape(-1, 2, 3) E4_neg = np.column_stack([K1, K2]) F4_neg = Formex(E4_neg, get_new_prop(p2, w23, newprops[3])) # Two vertices with |distance| < atol w3 = np.where(V==2)[0] if w3.size > 0: F3 = F[w3] d3 = d[w3] U3 = U[w3] # split problem in two cases W = (d3 > atol).sum(axis=-1) w31 = np.where(W == 1)[0] # case 1: one vertex at positive side w32 = np.where(W == 0)[0] # case 2: no vertices at positive side # case 1: one vertex at positive side if w31.size > 0 and side in '+': F31 = F3[w31] U31 = U3[w31] K1 = F31[U31] # vertices with |distance| < atol # project vertices on plane (p,n) K1 = (K1 - n*d3[w31][U31].reshape(-1, 1)).reshape(-1, 2, 3) K2 = F31[d3[w31]>atol].reshape(-1, 1, 3) # verts with dist > atol E6_pos = np.column_stack([K1, K2]) F6_pos = Formex(E6_pos, get_new_prop(F.prop, w31, newprops[5])) # case 2: no vertices at positive side if w32.size > 0 and side in '-': F32 = F3[w32] U32 = U3[w32] K1 = F32[U32] # vertices with |distance| < atol # project vertices on plane (p,n) K1 = (K1 - n*d3[w32][U32].reshape(-1, 1)).reshape(-1, 2, 3) K2 = F32[d3[w32]<-atol].reshape(-1, 1, 3) # verts with dist < -atol E6_neg = np.column_stack([K1, K2]) F6_neg = Formex(E6_neg, get_new_prop(F.prop, w32, newprops[5])) # Three vertices with |distance| < atol w4 = np.where(V==3)[0] if w4.size > 0: F4 = F[w4] d4 = d[w4] U4 = U[w4] if side in '+': K1 = F4[U4] # vertices with |distance| < atol # project vertices on plane (p,n) K1 = (K1 - n*d4[U4].reshape(-1, 1)).reshape(-1, 3, 3) E7_pos = K1 F7_pos = Formex(E7_pos, get_new_prop(F.prop, w4, newprops[6])) if side in '-': E7_neg = K1 F7_neg = Formex(E7_neg, get_new_prop(F.prop, w4, newprops[6])) # join all the pieces if side in '+': cut_pos = F1_pos+F2_pos+F3_pos+F4_pos+F5_pos+F6_pos+F7_pos if side in '-': cut_neg = F1_neg+F2_neg+F3_neg+F4_neg+F5_neg+F6_neg+F7_neg if side == '+': return cut_pos elif side == '-': return cut_neg else: return [cut_pos, cut_neg] # End