File List

Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
rapp.h [code]RAPP - Raster Processing Primitives, main header
rapp_bitblt.h [code]RAPP bitblt operations
rapp_cond.h [code]RAPP conditional set, copy, and add operations
rapp_contour.h [code]RAPP contour chain code generation
rapp_crop.h [code]RAPP binary image cropping
rapp_error.h [code]RAPP error handling
rapp_expand_bin.h [code]RAPP binary 2x expansion
rapp_fill.h [code]RAPP connected-components seed fill
rapp_filter.h [code]RAPP fixed-filter convolutions
rapp_gather.h [code]RAPP 8-bit pixel gather
rapp_gather_bin.h [code]RAPP binary pixel gather
rapp_info.h [code]RAPP build information string
rapp_integral.h [code]RAPP integral images
rapp_main.h [code]RAPP library initialization
rapp_malloc.h [code]RAPP aligned memory allocation
rapp_margin.h [code]RAPP binary logical margins
rapp_moment_bin.h [code]RAPP binary image moments
rapp_morph_bin.h [code]RAPP binary morphology
rapp_pad.h [code]RAPP 8-bit image padding
rapp_pad_bin.h [code]RAPP binary image padding
rapp_pixel.h [code]RAPP pixel access functions
rapp_pixop.h [code]RAPP pixelwise operations
rapp_rasterize.h [code]RAPP chain code line rasterization
rapp_reduce.h [code]RAPP 8-bit 2x reduction
rapp_reduce_bin.h [code]RAPP binary 2x reduction
rapp_rotate.h [code]RAPP 8-bit image rotation
rapp_rotate_bin.h [code]RAPP binary image rotation
rapp_scatter.h [code]RAPP 8-bit pixel scatter
rapp_scatter_bin.h [code]RAPP binary pixel scatter
rapp_stat.h [code]RAPP statistical functions
rapp_thresh.h [code]RAPP thresholding to binary
rapp_type.h [code]RAPP type conversions
rapp_version.h [code]RAPP version numbers

Generated on 1 Jun 2016 for RAPP by  doxygen 1.6.1