deletes old backups according to the rules you defined. These rules (keep$*$) are described as options of You should configure with a configuration file and read this configuration file with if you want to delete old backups asynchronously from the backup itself (see also Example 6, section 9.7).

      $prog [-f configFile] [--print]
       [-b backupDirectory] [-S series] [--doNotDelete]
       [--deleteNotFinishedDirs] [-L lockFile]
       [--keepAll timePeriod] [--keepWeekday entry] [--keepFirstOfYear]
       [--keepLastOfYear] [--keepFirstOfMonth] [--keepLastOfMonth]
       [--keepFirstOfWeek] [--keepLastOfWeek]
       [--keepDuplicate] [--keepMinNumber] [--keepMaxNumber]
       [-l logFile
        [--plusLogStdout] [--suppressTime] [-m maxFilelen]
        [[-n noOfOldFiles] | [--saveLogs]
        [--compressWith compressprog]]

You have to set at least two options: --backupDir and --series. It doesn't matter if you set them on the command line, in the configuration file or mixed.

First the options which can be used only on command line. There is always a long option (like --configFile) and sometimes also a shortcut (-f).

Prints the options used (from command line and from the configuration file) and stops after printing the options. In case of difficult quoting (especially on the command line) this gives you the chance to see what's really used in the program.
--configFile / -f
Name of the configuration file you want to use.

You can easily overwrite the options saved in the configuration file (especially changing backupDir and unsetting doNotDelete) on the command line. See also configuration file and command line.
The following options are identical to the ones in

Heinz-Josef Claes 2014-04-20