Class Gst::QueryType


Dynamically register new query types.

Included in: Gst .

Index: == description each find id nick

Class methods
eacheach { |aQueryTypeObject| block } -> nil

Calls the block for each registered querytype, passing a reference to the Gst::QueryType object as parameter.

findfind(aNickString) -> aQueryTypeObject

Returns a reference to the Gst::QueryType object registered with the given nick, or nil if this query was not registered.

Instance methods
==== aQueryTypeObject -> aBoolean

Checks if two Gst::QueryType objects are registered under the same nick.

descriptiondescription -> aString

Gets a longer description of the querytype.

idid -> aFixnum

Gets the unique id of this querytype, as an integer value.

nicknick -> aString

Gets the short nick of the querytype.