Package pygsear :: Module Drawable
[show private | hide private]
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Module pygsear.Drawable

Things to show on the Pygame display.
AnimatedImage Animated sprite using multiple images
Circle Circle.
Drawable Things to draw on screen.
EuclidTurtle Turtle with altered co-ordinate system.
Image Static sprite from image in a file
Layer Screen that can be used as a sprite
Multi Made up of a group of sprites.
MultiImage Multiple images from multiple files.
MultiRotated Sprite with multiple auto-generated rotated images
PSprite New pygsear sprite class.
Rectangle Rectangle, aligned with no rotation
RotatedImage Sprite with auto-generated rotated images
Shape Simple geometric shapes.
SpriteGroup Specialized pygame.sprite.Group with more functionality.
Square Square, aligned with no rotation.
Stationary Drawable things which never move.
StationaryStack A Stack of Stationary Drawables.
String A string of numbers, letters, or other characters.
Turtle Turtle-graphics-like object

Generated by Epydoc 2.0 on Sat Dec 9 14:11:19 2006