@showcontent tag

This tag indicates that the content or body of a symbol must be displayed in the detailed documentation:

  • Macro body will be exposed in a code snippet box

  • Variable initialization value will appear in a code snippet box

The @showvalue tag can be used instead to avoid code snippet boxes for short content.

This can be enforced globally using the show_macro_content configuration option.

See also @hidecontent tag and @showvalue tag.

Example [link] 

The following declarations:

This is the macro description.

#define SC_FOO do { ... } while (0);

This is the variable description.

static const char* sc_str[] = {
"foo", "bar"

generate the following detailed member documentation sections:

#define SC_FOO [link] 

This macro is declared in doc/examples.h source file, line 45.

This is the macro description.

This macro expands to:

do { ... } while (0);

const char * sc_str[] [link] 

This constant is declared in doc/examples.h source file, line 54.

This is the variable description.

Initialization value of this constant is:

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