The m17n Library 1.8.4
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Data Structures | Typedefs | Functions | Variables
m17n-gui.h File Reference

Data Structures

struct  MFaceHLineProp
 Type of horizontal line spec of face. More...
struct  MFaceBoxProp
 Type of box spec of face. More...
struct  MDrawControl
 Type of a text drawing control. More...
struct  MDrawMetric
 Type of metric for glyphs and texts. More...
struct  MDrawGlyphInfo
 Type of information about a glyph. More...
struct  MDrawGlyph
 Type of information about a glyph metric and font. More...
struct  MDrawTextItem
 Type of textitems. More...
struct  MInputGUIArgIC
 Type of the argument to the function minput_create_ic(). More...


typedef struct MFontset MFontset
typedef void(* MFaceHookFunc) (MFace *face, void *arg, void *info)
 Type of hook function of face.
typedef void * MDrawWindow
 Window system dependent type for a window.
typedef void * MDrawRegion
 Window system dependent type for a region.


MFramemframe (MPlist *plist)
 Create a new frame.
void * mframe_get_prop (MFrame *frame, MSymbol key)
MFontmfont ()
 Create a new font.
MFontmfont_copy (MFont *font)
 Make a copy of a font.
MFontmfont_parse_name (const char *name, MSymbol format)
 Create a font by parsing a fontname.
char * mfont_unparse_name (MFont *font, MSymbol format)
 Create a fontname from a font.
char * mfont_name (MFont *font)
 Create a fontname from a font.
MFontmfont_from_name (const char *name)
 Create a new font from fontname.
void * mfont_get_prop (MFont *font, MSymbol key)
 Get a property value of a font.
int mfont_put_prop (MFont *font, MSymbol key, void *val)
 Put a property value to a font.
int mfont_set_encoding (MFont *font, MSymbol encoding_name, MSymbol repertory_name)
 Set encoding of a font.
MFontmfont_find (MFrame *frame, MFont *spec, int *score, int limited_size)
 Find a font.
MSymbol * mfont_selection_priority ()
 Return the font selection priority.
int mfont_set_selection_priority (MSymbol *keys)
 Set the font selection priority.
int mfont_resize_ratio (MFont *font)
 Get resize information of a font.
MPlistmfont_list (MFrame *frame, MFont *font, MSymbol language, int maxnum)
 Get a list of fonts.
MPlistmfont_list_family_names (MFrame *frame)
 Get a list of font famiy names.
int mfont_check (MFrame *frame, MFontset *fontset, MSymbol script, MSymbol language, MFont *font)
 Check the usability of a font.
int mfont_match_p (MFont *font, MFont *spec)
 Check is a font matches with a font spec.
MFontmfont_open (MFrame *frame, MFont *font)
 Open a font.
MFontmfont_encapsulate (MFrame *frame, MSymbol data_type, void *data)
 Encapusulate a font.
int mfont_close (MFont *font)
 Close a font.
MFontsetmfontset (char *name)
 Return a fontset.
MSymbol mfontset_name (MFontset *fontset)
 Return the name of a fontset.
MFontsetmfontset_copy (MFontset *fontset, char *name)
 Make a copy of a fontset.
int mfontset_modify_entry (MFontset *fontset, MSymbol script, MSymbol language, MSymbol charset, MFont *spec, MSymbol layouter_name, int how)
 Modify the contents of a fontset.
MPlistmfontset_lookup (MFontset *fontset, MSymbol script, MSymbol language, MSymbol charset)
 Lookup a fontset.
MFacemface ()
 Create a new face.
int mface_equal (MFace *face1, MFace *face2)
 Compare faces.
MFacemface_copy (MFace *face)
 Make a copy of a face.
MFacemface_merge (MFace *dst, MFace *src)
 Merge faces.
MFacemface_from_font (MFont *font)
 Make a face from a font.
void * mface_get_prop (MFace *face, MSymbol key)
 Get the value of a face property.
int mface_put_prop (MFace *face, MSymbol key, void *val)
 Set a value of a face property.
MFaceHookFunc mface_get_hook (MFace *face)
 Get the hook function of a face.
int mface_put_hook (MFace *face, MFaceHookFunc func)
 Set a hook function to a face.
void mface_update (MFrame *frame, MFace *face)
 Update a face.
int mdraw_text (MFrame *frame, MDrawWindow win, int x, int y, MText *mt, int from, int to)
 Draw an M-text on a window.
int mdraw_image_text (MFrame *frame, MDrawWindow win, int x, int y, MText *mt, int from, int to)
 Draw an M-text on a window as an image.
int mdraw_text_with_control (MFrame *frame, MDrawWindow win, int x, int y, MText *mt, int from, int to, MDrawControl *control)
 Draw an M-text on a window with fine control.
int mdraw_coordinates_position (MFrame *frame, MText *mt, int from, int to, int x, int y, MDrawControl *control)
 Return the character position nearest to the coordinates.
int mdraw_text_extents (MFrame *frame, MText *mt, int from, int to, MDrawControl *control, MDrawMetric *overall_ink_return, MDrawMetric *overall_logical_return, MDrawMetric *overall_line_return)
 Compute text pixel width.
int mdraw_text_per_char_extents (MFrame *frame, MText *mt, int from, int to, MDrawControl *control, MDrawMetric *ink_array_return, MDrawMetric *logical_array_return, int array_size, int *num_chars_return, MDrawMetric *overall_ink_return, MDrawMetric *overall_logical_return)
 Compute the text dimensions of each character of M-text.
int mdraw_glyph_info (MFrame *frame, MText *mt, int from, int pos, MDrawControl *control, MDrawGlyphInfo *info)
 Compute information about a glyph.
int mdraw_glyph_list (MFrame *frame, MText *mt, int from, int to, MDrawControl *control, MDrawGlyph *glyphs, int array_size, int *num_glyphs_return)
 Compute information about glyph sequence.
void mdraw_text_items (MFrame *frame, MDrawWindow win, int x, int y, MDrawTextItem *items, int nitems)
 Draw one or more textitems.
void mdraw_per_char_extents (MFrame *frame, MText *mt, MDrawMetric *array_return, MDrawMetric *overall_return)
 Obtain per character dimension information.
int mdraw_default_line_break (MText *mt, int pos, int from, int to, int line, int y)
 Calculate a line breaking position.
void mdraw_clear_cache (MText *mt)
 clear cached information.

MSymbol minput_event_to_key (MFrame *frame, void *event)
 Convert an event to an input key.
MFacemdebug_dump_face (MFace *face, int indent)
 Dump a face.
MFontmdebug_dump_font (MFont *font)
 Dump a font.
MFontsetmdebug_dump_fontset (MFontset *fontset, int indent)
 Dump a fontset.


MSymbol Mdevice
MSymbol Mfont
MSymbol Mfont_width
MSymbol Mfont_ascent
MSymbol Mfont_descent
 The default frame.
MSymbol Mdisplay
MSymbol Mscreen
MSymbol Mdrawable
MSymbol Mwidget
MSymbol Mdepth
MSymbol Mcolormap
MSymbol Mx
 Symbol of name "x".
MSymbol Mfreetype
MSymbol Mxft
 List of font files and directories that contain font files.
MSymbol Mfoundry
 Key of font property specifying foundry.
MSymbol Mfamily
 Key of font property specifying family.
MSymbol Mweight
 Key of font property specifying weight.
MSymbol Mstyle
 Key of font property specifying style.
MSymbol Mstretch
 Key of font property specifying stretch.
MSymbol Madstyle
 Key of font property specifying additional style.
MSymbol Mspacing
 Key of font property specifying spacing.
MSymbol Mregistry
 Key of font property specifying registry.
MSymbol Msize
 Key of font property specifying size.
MSymbol Mresolution
 Key of font property specifying resolution.
MSymbol Mmax_advance
 Key of font property specifying max advance width.
MSymbol Motf
 Key of font property specifying file name.
MSymbol Mfontfile
 Key of font property specifying file name.
MSymbol Mfontconfig
 Symbol of name "fontconfig".
MSymbol Mforeground
 Key of a face property specifying foreground color.
MSymbol Mbackground
 Key of a face property specifying background color.
MSymbol Mvideomode
 Key of a face property specifying video mode.
MSymbol Mnormal
MSymbol Mreverse
MSymbol Mhline
 Key of a face property specifying horizontal line.
MSymbol Mbox
 Key of a face property specifying box.
MSymbol Mfontset
 Key of a face property specifying fontset.
MSymbol Mratio
 Key of a face property specifying font size ratio.
MSymbol Mhook_func
 Key of a face property specifying hook.
MSymbol Mhook_arg
 Key of a face property specifying argument of hook.
 Normal video face.
 Reverse video face.
 Medium face.
 Bold face.
 Italic face.
 Bold italic face.
 Smallest face.
 Smaller face.
 Small face.
 Normalsize face.
 Large face.
 Larger face.
 Largest face.
 Black face.
 White face.
 Red face.
 Green face.
 Blue face.
 Cyan face.
 yellow face.
 Magenta face.
MSymbol Mface
 Key of a text property specifying a face.
int mdraw_line_break_option
 Option of line breaking for drawing text.
MInputDriver minput_gui_driver
 Input driver for internal input methods on window systems.

Typedef Documentation

◆ MFontset

typedef struct MFontset MFontset

Function Documentation

◆ mdebug_dump_font()

MFont * mdebug_dump_font ( MFont font)

Dump a font.

The mdebug_dump_font() function prints font font in a human readable way to the stderr or to what specified by the environment variable MDEBUG_OUTPUT_FILE.

Return value:
This function returns font.

◆ mdebug_dump_fontset()

MFontset * mdebug_dump_fontset ( MFontset fontset,
int  indent 

Dump a fontset.

The mdebug_dump_fontset() function prints fontset fontset in a human readable way to the stderr or to what specified by the environment variable MDEBUG_OUTPUT_FILE. indent specifies how many columns to indent the lines but the first one.

Return value:
This function returns fontset.

Variable Documentation

◆ Mfreetype

MSymbol Mfreetype

◆ Mxft

MSymbol Mxft

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