QtLua namespace reference






Members detail  

enum Library  

This enum is declared in QtLua/qtluastate.hh source file, line 58.

Specify lua standard libraries and QtLua lua libraries to load with the State::openlib function.

BaseLib0standard lua base library
CoroutineLib1standard lua coroutine library, included in base before lua 5.2
PackageLib2standard lua package library
StringLib3standard lua string library
TableLib4standard lua table library
MathLib5standard lua math library
IoLib6standard lua io library
OsLib7standard lua os library
DebugLib8standard lua debug library
Bit32Lib9standard lua bit library
JitLib10luajit jit library
FfiLib11luajit ffi library
QtLuaLib12lua library with base functions, see the Predefined lua functions section.
QtLib13lua library with wrapped Qt functions, see the Qt related functions section.
AllLibs14All libraries wildcard

typedef QMap<String, Ref<Member>> member_cache_t  

This typedef is declared in internal/qtluametacache.hh source file, line 35.

typedef QHash<const QMetaObject*, MetaCache> meta_cache_t  

This typedef is declared in internal/qtluametacache.hh source file, line 36.

struct meta_object_table_s  

This struct is declared in internal/qtluaqmetaobjectwrapper.hh source file, line 32.

const QMetaObject *_mo;
qobject_creator *_creator;

QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const ValueBase &c)  

This function is declared in QtLua/qtluavaluebase.hh source file, line 584.

template <typename QObject_T> QObject * create_qobject()  

This template function is for internal use only.

This template function is declared in QtLua/qtluastate.hh source file, line 43.

const meta_object_table_s meta_object_table[]  

This variable is for internal use only.

This variable is declared in internal/qtluaqmetaobjectwrapper.hh source file, line 40.

typedef QMap<int, metatype_void_t*> metatype_map_t  

This typedef is for internal use only.

This typedef is declared in QtLua/qtluametatype.hh source file, line 43.

typedef MetaType<void> metatype_void_t  

This typedef is for internal use only.

This typedef is declared in QtLua/qtluametatype.hh source file, line 41.

typedef QMap<String, UserData*> plugin_map_t  

This typedef is for internal use only.

This typedef is declared in QtLua/qtluaplugin.hh source file, line 38.

uint qHash(const Value &lv)  

This function is for internal use only.

This function is declared in QtLua/qtluavaluebase.hh source file, line 46.

typedef QObject *qobject_creator  

This typedef is for internal use only.

This typedef is declared in QtLua/qtluastate.hh source file, line 39.

void qtlib_register_meta(const QMetaObject *mo, qobject_creator *creator)  

This function is for internal use only.

This function is declared in QtLua/qtluastate.hh source file, line 46.

This variable is for internal use only.

This variable is declared in QtLua/qtluametatype.hh source file, line 45.

typedef QHash<QObject*, QObjectWrapper*> wrapper_hash_t  

This typedef is for internal use only.

This typedef is declared in QtLua/qtluastate.hh source file, line 53.

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