DispatchProxy::Target struct reference
[Base module]






#include <QtLua/qtluadispatchproxy.hh>

namespace QtLua {
class DispatchProxy {
template <typename T> struct Target;

This struct is a member of the DispatchProxy class.

This template struct is declared in QtLua/qtluadispatchproxy.hh source file, line 184.

This member access is private.


Inherited members  

  • 12 members inherited from DispatchProxy::TargetBase


  • Target(UserData *ud, ValueBase::Operations ops, bool new_keys)
  • virtual ValueBase::List _meta_call(State *ls, const ValueBase::List &args) const
  • virtual bool _meta_contains(State *ls, const Value &key) const
  • virtual Value _meta_index(State *ls, const Value &key) const
  • virtual void _meta_newindex(State *ls, const Value &key, const Value &value) const
  • virtual Value _meta_operation(State *ls, ValueBase::Operation op, const Value &a, const Value &b) const
  • virtual Ref<Iterator> _new_iterator(State *ls) const
  • virtual bool _support(ValueBase::Operation c) const

Members detail  

Target(UserData *ud, ValueBase::Operations ops, bool new_keys)  

This constructor is declared in QtLua/qtluadispatchproxy.hh source file, line 185.

virtual ValueBase::List _meta_call(State *ls, const ValueBase::List &args) const  

This virtual function is declared in QtLua/qtluadispatchproxy.hh source file, line 196.

This virtual function implements the _meta_call pure function declared in the TargetBase base abstract struct.

virtual bool _meta_contains(State *ls, const Value &key) const  

This virtual function is declared in QtLua/qtluadispatchproxy.hh source file, line 192.

This virtual function implements the _meta_contains pure function declared in the TargetBase base abstract struct.

virtual Value _meta_index(State *ls, const Value &key) const  

This virtual function is declared in QtLua/qtluadispatchproxy.hh source file, line 190.

This virtual function implements the _meta_index pure function declared in the TargetBase base abstract struct.

virtual void _meta_newindex(State *ls, const Value &key, const Value &value) const  

This virtual function is declared in QtLua/qtluadispatchproxy.hh source file, line 194.

This virtual function implements the _meta_newindex pure function declared in the TargetBase base abstract struct.

virtual Value _meta_operation(State *ls, ValueBase::Operation op, const Value &a, const Value &b) const  

This virtual function is declared in QtLua/qtluadispatchproxy.hh source file, line 188.

This virtual function implements the _meta_operation pure function declared in the TargetBase base abstract struct.

virtual Ref<Iterator> _new_iterator(State *ls) const  

This virtual function is declared in QtLua/qtluadispatchproxy.hh source file, line 198.

This virtual function implements the _new_iterator pure function declared in the TargetBase base abstract struct.

virtual bool _support(ValueBase::Operation c) const  

This virtual function is declared in QtLua/qtluadispatchproxy.hh source file, line 200.

This virtual function implements the _support pure function declared in the TargetBase base abstract struct.

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