Anticipated Frequently Asked Questions

Conf4C is a library for reading configuration files. It is meant to provide simple and direct access to configuration file values so that you, the developer, can read your configuration file with just a few lines of code, allowing you to concentrate on your application's code and not on parsing your configuration file.
Absolutely nothing; well except for GCC and a working installation of LibC. But these two things are pretty much a given on just about any Linux or BSD system.
No not yet, however feel free to email jpbarto at with any questions.
For latest packages see the download page.
The usual ./configure && make && make install should do it. If you encounter problems however feel free to email me: jpbarto at
Conf4C is licensed under the GNU GPL meaning it's source code is free, as in speech. So feel free to drop it right into your source directory tree and add it to any Makefiles you may have.
From the top source directory execute cd tests; make. This will create in several binaries all of which are packaged with 'expected' output. Simply execute a binary and capture its output. For example: ./testconfreader > output.txt then using 'diff' or some other comparison utility compare it to the expected output file 'testconfreader.output'. If differences occurred then it is a good chance that errors occurred.
Every source package comes with testing software which can be used as example code. Also the entire library is documented and is available for download as well as online reading on the documentation page. The page includes both an API reference as well as a brief overview and tutorial of the library.