The GNU Modula-2 front end to GCC

EBNF of GNU Modula-2

This chapter contains the EBNF of GNU Modula-2. This grammer currently supports both PIM and ISO dialects. The rules here are automatically extracted from the grammer files in GNU Modula-2 and serve to document the syntax of the extensions described earlier and how they fit in with the base language.

Note that the first six productions are built into the lexical analysis phase.

Ident := is a builtin and checks for an identifier

Integer := is a builtin and checks for an integer

Real := is a builtin and checks for an real constant

string := is a builtin and checks for an string constant

FileUnit := ( DefinitionModule  | ImplementationOrProgramModule  ) 

ProgramModule := 'MODULE' Ident [ Priority  ] ';' { Import  } 
                 Block Ident '.' 

ImplementationModule := 'IMPLEMENTATION' 'MODULE' Ident [ Priority  ] 
                        ';' { Import  } Block Ident '.' 

ImplementationOrProgramModule := ImplementationModule  | 

Number := Integer  | Real 

Qualident := Ident { '.' Ident  } 

ConstantDeclaration := Ident '=' ConstExpression 

ConstExpression := SimpleConstExpr [ Relation SimpleConstExpr  ] 

Relation := '='  | '#'  | '<>'  | '<'  | '<='  | '>'  | '>='  | 

SimpleConstExpr := UnaryOrConstTerm { AddOperator ConstTerm  } 

UnaryOrConstTerm := '+' ConstTerm  | '-' ConstTerm  | 

AddOperator := '+'  | '-'  | 'OR' 

ConstTerm := ConstFactor { MulOperator ConstFactor  } 

MulOperator := '*'  | '/'  | 'DIV'  | 'MOD'  | 'REM'  | 
               'AND'  | '&' 

ConstFactor := Number  | ConstString  | ConstSetOrQualidentOrFunction  | 
               '(' ConstExpression ')'  | 
               'NOT' ConstFactor  | ConstAttribute 

ConstString := string 

ComponentElement := ConstExpression [ '..' ConstExpression  ] 

ComponentValue := ComponentElement [ 'BY' ConstExpression  ] 

ArraySetRecordValue := ComponentValue { ',' ComponentValue  } 

Constructor := '{' [ ArraySetRecordValue  ] '}' 

ConstSetOrQualidentOrFunction := Constructor  | Qualident [ Constructor  | 
                                                            ConstActualParameters  ] 

ConstActualParameters := '(' [ ExpList  ] ')' 

ConstAttribute := '__ATTRIBUTE__' '__BUILTIN__' '(' '(' ConstAttributeExpression 
                  ')' ')' 

ConstAttributeExpression := Ident  | '<' Qualident ',' Ident 

ByteAlignment := '<*' AttributeExpression '*>' 

OptAlignmentExpression := [ AlignmentExpression  ] 

AlignmentExpression := '(' ConstExpression ')' 

Alignment := [ ByteAlignment  ] 

TypeDeclaration := Ident '=' Type Alignment 

Type := SimpleType  | ArrayType  | RecordType  | SetType  | 
        PointerType  | ProcedureType 

SimpleType := Qualident [ SubrangeType  ]  | 
              Enumeration  | SubrangeType 

Enumeration := '(' IdentList ')' 

IdentList := Ident { ',' Ident  } 

SubrangeType := '[' ConstExpression '..' ConstExpression ']' 

ArrayType := 'ARRAY' SimpleType { ',' SimpleType  } 'OF' Type 

RecordType := 'RECORD' [ DefaultRecordAttributes  ] FieldListSequence 

DefaultRecordAttributes := '<*' AttributeExpression '*>' 

RecordFieldPragma := [ '<*' FieldPragmaExpression { ',' FieldPragmaExpression  } 
                       '*>'  ] 

FieldPragmaExpression := Ident [ '(' ConstExpression ')'  ] 

AttributeExpression := Ident '(' ConstExpression ')' 

FieldListSequence := FieldListStatement { ';' FieldListStatement  } 

FieldListStatement := [ FieldList  ] 

FieldList := IdentList ':' Type RecordFieldPragma  | 
             'CASE' CaseTag 'OF' Varient { '|' Varient  } [ 
   'ELSE' FieldListSequence  ] 'END' 

TagIdent := [ Ident  ] 

CaseTag := TagIdent [ ':' Qualident  ] 

Varient := [ VarientCaseLabelList ':' FieldListSequence  ] 

VarientCaseLabelList := VarientCaseLabels { ',' VarientCaseLabels  } 

VarientCaseLabels := ConstExpression [ '..' ConstExpression  ] 

CaseLabelList := CaseLabels { ',' CaseLabels  } 

CaseLabels := ConstExpression [ '..' ConstExpression  ] 

SetType := ( 'SET'  | 'PACKEDSET'  ) 'OF' SimpleType 

PointerType := 'POINTER' 'TO' Type 

ProcedureType := 'PROCEDURE' [ FormalTypeList  ] 

FormalTypeList := '(' ( ')' FormalReturn  | 
                        ProcedureParameters ')' FormalReturn  ) 

FormalReturn := [ ':' OptReturnType  ] 

OptReturnType := '[' Qualident ']'  | Qualident 

ProcedureParameters := ProcedureParameter { ',' ProcedureParameter  } 

ProcedureParameter := '...'  | 'VAR' FormalType  | 

VarIdent := Ident [ '[' ConstExpression ']'  ] 

VariableDeclaration := VarIdentList ':' Type Alignment 

VarIdentList := VarIdent { ',' VarIdent  } 

Designator := Qualident { SubDesignator  } 

SubDesignator := '.' Ident  | '[' ExpList ']'  | 

ExpList := Expression { ',' Expression  } 

Expression := SimpleExpression [ Relation SimpleExpression  ] 

SimpleExpression := [ '+'  | '-'  ] Term { AddOperator Term  } 

Term := Factor { MulOperator Factor  } 

Factor := Number  | string  | SetOrDesignatorOrFunction  | 
          '(' Expression ')'  | 'NOT' Factor  | 

SetOrDesignatorOrFunction := ( Qualident [ Constructor  | 
                                           SimpleDes [ ActualParameters  ]  ]  | 
                               Constructor  ) 

SimpleDes := { '.' Ident  | '[' ExpList ']'  | 
                '^'  } 

ActualParameters := '(' [ ExpList  ] ')' 

Statement := [ AssignmentOrProcedureCall  | 
               IfStatement  | CaseStatement  | 
               WhileStatement  | RepeatStatement  | 
               LoopStatement  | ForStatement  | 
               WithStatement  | AsmStatement  | 
               'EXIT'  | 'RETURN' [ Expression  ]  | 
               RetryStatement  ] 

RetryStatement := 'RETRY' 

AssignmentOrProcedureCall := Designator ( ':=' Expression  | 
                                          ActualParameters  | 

StatementSequence := Statement { ';' Statement  } 

IfStatement := 'IF' Expression 'THEN' StatementSequence { 'ELSIF' 
                                                           StatementSequence  } 
               [ 'ELSE' StatementSequence  ] 'END' 

CaseStatement := 'CASE' Expression 'OF' Case { '|' Case  } 
                 [ 'ELSE' StatementSequence  ] 'END' 

Case := [ CaseLabelList ':' StatementSequence  ] 

WhileStatement := 'WHILE' Expression 'DO' StatementSequence 'END' 

RepeatStatement := 'REPEAT' StatementSequence 'UNTIL' Expression 

ForStatement := 'FOR' Ident ':=' Expression 'TO' Expression [ 
   'BY' ConstExpression  ] 'DO' StatementSequence 'END' 

LoopStatement := 'LOOP' StatementSequence 'END' 

WithStatement := 'WITH' Designator 'DO' StatementSequence 'END' 

ProcedureDeclaration := ProcedureHeading ';' ( ProcedureBlock 
                                               Ident  ) 

DefineBuiltinProcedure := [ '__ATTRIBUTE__' '__BUILTIN__' '(' 
                            '(' Ident ')' ')'  | 
                            '__INLINE__'  ] 

ProcedureHeading := 'PROCEDURE' DefineBuiltinProcedure ( Ident 
                                                         [ FormalParameters  ]  ) 

Builtin := [ '__BUILTIN__'  | '__INLINE__'  ] 

DefProcedureHeading := 'PROCEDURE' Builtin ( Ident [ DefFormalParameters  ]  ) 

ProcedureBlock := { Declaration  } [ 'BEGIN' BlockBody  ] 'END' 

Block := { Declaration  } InitialBlock FinalBlock 'END' 

InitialBlock := [ 'BEGIN' BlockBody  ] 

FinalBlock := [ 'FINALLY' BlockBody  ] 

BlockBody := NormalPart [ 'EXCEPT' ExceptionalPart  ] 

NormalPart := StatementSequence 

ExceptionalPart := StatementSequence 

Declaration := 'CONST' { ConstantDeclaration ';'  }  | 
               'TYPE' { TypeDeclaration ';'  }  | 
               'VAR' { VariableDeclaration ';'  }  | 
               ProcedureDeclaration ';'  | 
               ModuleDeclaration ';' 

DefFormalParameters := '(' [ DefMultiFPSection  ] ')' FormalReturn 

DefMultiFPSection := DefExtendedFP  | FPSection [ ';' DefMultiFPSection  ] 

FormalParameters := '(' [ MultiFPSection  ] ')' FormalReturn 

MultiFPSection := ExtendedFP  | FPSection [ ';' MultiFPSection  ] 

FPSection := NonVarFPSection  | VarFPSection 

DefExtendedFP := DefOptArg  | '...' 

ExtendedFP := OptArg  | '...' 

VarFPSection := 'VAR' IdentList ':' FormalType 

NonVarFPSection := IdentList ':' FormalType 

OptArg := '[' Ident ':' FormalType [ '=' ConstExpression  ] ']' 

DefOptArg := '[' Ident ':' FormalType '=' ConstExpression ']' 

FormalType := { 'ARRAY' 'OF'  } Qualident 

ModuleDeclaration := 'MODULE' Ident [ Priority  ] ';' { Import 
                     [ Export  ] Block Ident 

Priority := '[' ConstExpression ']' 

Export := 'EXPORT' ( 'QUALIFIED' IdentList  | 
                     'UNQUALIFIED' IdentList  | 
                     IdentList  ) ';' 

Import := 'FROM' Ident 'IMPORT' IdentList ';'  | 
          'IMPORT' IdentList ';' 

DefinitionModule := 'DEFINITION' 'MODULE' [ 'FOR' string  ] Ident 
                    ';' { Import  } [ Export  ] { Definition  } 
                    'END' Ident '.' 

Definition := 'CONST' { ConstantDeclaration ';'  }  | 
              'TYPE' { Ident ( ';'  | '=' Type Alignment ';'  )  }  | 
              'VAR' { VariableDeclaration ';'  }  | 
              DefProcedureHeading ';' 

AsmStatement := 'ASM' [ 'VOLATILE'  ] '(' AsmOperands ')' 

NamedOperand := '[' Ident ']' 

AsmOperandName := [ NamedOperand  ] 

AsmOperands := string [ ':' AsmList [ ':' AsmList [ ':' TrashList  ]  ]  ] 

AsmList := [ AsmElement  ] { ',' AsmElement  } 

AsmElement := AsmOperandName string '(' Expression ')' 

TrashList := [ string  ] { ',' string  } 