class GEDCOMParser::SubmitterRecord

Implements the GEDCOM 5.5 SUBMITTER_RECORD structure

Public Methods

[more] Accessors (set)
[more] Accessors (get)

Public Members

[more] typedefs


Implements the GEDCOM 5.5 SUBMITTER_RECORD structure
o typedefs

otypedef std::vector<std::string> LanguagePreferences_t
handling of many language preferences

o Accessors (set)

ovoid setId(std::string const &)

ovoid setName(std::string const &)

ovoid setAddress(Address* const)

ovoid addMultimediaLink(MultimediaLink* const)

ovoid addLanguagePref(std::string const &)

ovoid setRfn(std::string const &)

ovoid setRin(std::string const &)

ovoid setChangeDate(ChangeDate* const)

o Accessors (get)

ovirtual std::string const& getId(void) const

ovirtual std::string const& getName(void) const

oSmartPtr<Address> const& getAddress(void) const

oMultimediaLinks_t const& getMultimediaLinks(void) const

oLanguagePreferences_t const& getLanguagePreferences(void) const

ovirtual std::string const& getRfn(void) const

ovirtual std::string const& getRin(void) const

oSmartPtr<ChangeDate> const& getChangeDate(void) const

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