class GEDCOMParser::FamilyEvent

Implements the GEDCOM 5.5 FAMILY_EVENT_STRUCTURE structure

Public Methods

[more] Accessors (set)
[more] Accessors (get)
[more] return(eve._type == (FamilyEvent::enumFamilyEvents)type)

Public Members

[more]enum _enumFamilyEvents
Implements the GEDCOM 5.5 EVENT_TYPE_FAMILY enumeration (typedef'd to enumFamilyEvents)


Implements the GEDCOM 5.5 FAMILY_EVENT_STRUCTURE structure
oenum _enumFamilyEvents
Implements the GEDCOM 5.5 EVENT_TYPE_FAMILY enumeration (typedef'd to enumFamilyEvents)

o e_None

o e_Anul

o e_Cens

o e_Div

o e_Divf

o e_Enga

o e_Marr

o e_Marb

o e_Marc

o e_Marl

o e_Mars

o e_Even

o Accessors (set)

ovoid setType(enumFamilyEvents)

ovoid setEvent(Event* )

ovoid setHusbAge(std::string const &)

ovoid setWifeAge(std::string const &)

o Accessors (get)

oenumFamilyEvents getType(void) const

oSmartPtr<Event> const& getEvent(void) const

ovirtual std::string const& getHusbAge(void) const

ovirtual std::string const& getWifeAge(void) const

o return(eve._type == (FamilyEvent::enumFamilyEvents)type)

This class has no child classes.
bool operator==(FamilyEvent const &eve, int type)

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