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Donate to support our projects in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Balkans

Your contribution towards helping those less fortunate in the southern hemisphere is fundamental. Just a little help can truly make the difference.

Improve the health service system to strengthen vulnerable communities...

Potable water and public health and sanitary infrastructures to fight hunger and disease...

Increased training opportunities to reduce poverty and forced migration...

Rapid and effective intervention to help people overcome wars and calamities...

Environmental protection and maintenance programs to reclaim degraded areas necessary for local economies...

Together we can do a lot. Here are a few examples of what we can do with your contribution: with 10 euro guarantee an adequate therapy against malaria with 40 euro provide pens and paper to an Ethiopian school for an entire year with 100 euro contribute to restructuring health facilities in Bolivia with 250 euro participate in constructing a well in Darfur.

How to donate