Package fr.gouv.culture.sdx.repository

A repository stores documents.


Interface Summary
Repository A generic storage location for SDX documents.
RepositoryConnection A generic connection to a repository.

Class Summary
AbstractDatabaseBackedRepository A basic implementation of a repository.
AbstractRepository A basic implementation of a repository.
FSRepository Implements a repository where files are stored in the server's filesystem.
HSQLRepository The same as JDBCRespository, but the method for the table creation query is overridden.
JDBCRepository An implementation of a repository using a JDBC datasource.
JDBCRepositoryConnection This classes represents a SQL Connection to JDBC Source
MSSQLRepository The same as JDBCRespository, but the method for the table creation query is overridden.
MYSQLRepository The same as JDBCRespository, but the method for the table creation query is overridden.
URLRepository Implements a repository where url's are referenced.

Package fr.gouv.culture.sdx.repository Description

A repository stores documents.

A repository is responsible for storing documents managed by SDX. There are currently three types of repositories :

  1. Filesystem repository, which copies the files to the server filesystem, in its own structure.
  2. URL repository, which keep tracks of document by their URL and won't try to move them, but can, if needed, cache them.
  3. JDBC repository, which uses a RDBMS to store the files.

Other repositories could be used, such as XML:DB databases.

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