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Schedwi Manual V0.1.7

Herve Quatremain

This manual describes version 0.1.7 of Schedwi.

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To report a bug or make a suggestion regarding the Schedwi application or this manual, follow the directions in the Schedwi Help Page.

Revision History
Revision Schedwi Manual V0.1.7April 2015

Herve Quatremain

GNOME Documentation Project


Schedwi is a task scheduler. It can run scripts or commands on remote agents at a specified date and time and its chaining capability allows tasks to be run in sequence. Schedwi is composed of the following parts:

  • The server schedules the tasks and submits them to the agents. The execution of a task can be triggered by date and time but also by the result of a previous task or by the presence of a file on a remote agent (useful when a task must process a file generated by a previous task).

  • The agents (or clients) receive the task requests from the server and run them on the local host. They report the execution status to the server.

  • An interface (text and web) allows the administrators to follow the task scheduling in real time and to define new tasks.

Getting started

This is a quick guide to getting started. For a more in-depth overview of Schedwi, you may want to refer the appropriate sections of this documentation.

Install the server

The first step is to install the server side of Schedwi on a GNU/Linux system.

The easiest way is probably to use a pre-packaged version for your distribution. All the required packages and source files are available under http://download.savannah.gnu.org/releases/schedwi/0.1.7/.

For instance, for Debian, the following packages will have to be installed:

For Fedora, the packages are:

For Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (and all the related GNU/Linux distributions):

Otherwise, you can compile and install yourself from the source code (see the section called “Installation”).

DNS configuration

You must ensure that the correct DNS records exist for your Schedwi server. In particular you must ensure that the reverse look-up address is properly set.

Start the server

The server part of Schedwi is composed of three services. If you have installed a pre-packaged version, you can start these services the traditional way:

bash# /etc/init.d/schedwisrv start
bash# /etc/init.d/schedwireg start
bash# /etc/init.d/schedwigui start

or through the systemctl command on some distributions:

bash# systemctl start schedwisrv
bash# systemctl start schedwireg
bash# systemctl start schedwigui

Otherwise, simply start the daemons:

bash# schedwisrv
bash# schedwireg
bash# schedwigui &

The log files are available under /var/log/schedwisrv/ or /usr/local/var/log/schedwisrv/.

Install an agent

Only after the server has been installed and started, the agents can be configured. This is because when started for the first time, the agent will automatically register with the server.

Again, the easiest way to install clients is to use a pre-packaged version. All the required packages and source files are available under http://download.savannah.gnu.org/releases/schedwi/0.1.7/.

For instance, for Debian, the package is schedwiclnt_0.1.7-1_amd64.deb (64 bits)

For Fedora, the package is schedwiclnt-0.1.7-1.fc21.x86_64.rpm (64 bits)

For Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (and all the related GNU/Linux distributions), the package is schedwiclnt-0.1.7-1.el7.x86_64.rpm (64 bits)

Otherwise, you can compile and install yourself from the source code (see the section called “Installation”).

Configure the agent

The next step is to modify the configuration file of the agent to specify the host name of the Schedwi server.

The configuration file to edit is /etc/schedwiclnt.conf (or /usr/local/etc/schedwiclnt.conf). Look for the SERVER directive and set it to the full host name of the Schedwi server. Also, if you want to encrypt all the communications between the client and the server, you may want to set the SSLEngine directive to Y.

DNS configuration

You must ensure that the correct DNS records exist for each agent. In particular you must ensure that the reverse look-up address is properly set.

Start the agent

The Schedwi agent can then be started.

If you have installed a pre-packaged version, you can start the service the traditional way:

bash# /etc/init.d/schedwiclnt start


bash# systemctl start schedwiclnt

Otherwise, simply start the daemon:

bash# schedwiclnt

The log file is /var/log/schedwiclnt.log.

Approve the new agent

Before been able to be used, the agent must be approved by the Schedwi server. On the Schedwi server, the pending approvals can be listed by the schedwica command:

bash# schedwica -l

And to approve all the pending requests:

bash# schedwica -S

Create your first job

Now it's time to create your first job.

For this task, we are going to use the command-line interface (although there is a web interface). On the server, type the following command to access the command-line interface:

bash# schedwi
Schedwi version 0.1.7
Enter `help' for instructions

Let's say we want to backup with tar the /home directory on the client system at 22:30. The command we decided to use is tar cf /tmp/bkp_home.tar /home. To create that job, at the schedwi prompt, type the following command:

/> mk --host=agent_host --start=22:45 --user=root --command=/bin/tar --parameter=cf --parameter=/tmp/bkp_home.tar --parameter=/home   HomeBackup

Here are the details of the schedwi command we just entered:


This is the command to use to create new jobs. To list of all available commands, use the help command. Also all the commands accept the --help option to get a full description.


Client host on which the command must be run. The Schedwi agent must have been installed, started and approved beforehand.


Start time (24 hours format)


User account on the client under which the command (tar) must be run.


Command to run, without its parameters. It is always a good idea to specify the full path as the PATH variable set when running the job may not contain the appropriate path.

--parameter=cf, --parameter=/tmp/bkp_home.tar and --parameter=/home

Those are the parameters of the tar command, in order.


Name of the job. If you want to use spaces in this name, don't forget to use quotes (") around the name.

There are a lot more options than the ones used here — see mk --help for a full list. When not specified, the default values are used. Also rather than using the interactive form of the schedwi command, you can simply run schedwi followed by the command. For instance:

bash# schedwi "mk --host=agent_host --start=22:45 --command=/bin/tar \
             --parameter=cf --parameter=/tmp/bkp_home.tar --parameter=/home  HomeBackup"

Also, you can review your job with the cat command and change some parameters with the set command:

bash# schedwi
Schedwi version 0.1.7
Enter `help' for instructions
/> cat HomeBackup
                 Name   : HomeBackup
                 Type   : Job
              Enabled   : True
                 Host   : agent_host (SSL)
             Calendar * : /Samples/Every day
           Start time   : 22h45
              Command   : /bin/tar
           Parameters   : "cf" "/tmp/bkp_home.tar" "/home"
  Success return code * : 0
             Username   : root
          Output file * : /dev/null
           Error file * : /dev/null
               Detach * : False
               Manual * : False
 Alert cmd for manual * : cat "$SCHEDWI_TEMPLATE" | mail -s "A job is waiting" root@localhost
  Linux Control Group * : schedwi
         Max duration * : No limit
    Number of retries * : 0
     Interval retries * : 0h05
Limit past start time * : 24h00
        Load user env * : False
Use environment group   : True
          Description   :

/> set --description="My first job"  HomeBackup

You will probably notice that some commands look familiar (like the cat command we have just used) Don't be confused, Schedwi uses the same names for its own commands just to help you get a grip on the tool.

That's it for this new job! You just have to wait; the command will not run before 10.45pm tomorrow. But why the command is not going to run tonight? Because only once a day, at midnight, Schedwi plans the jobs to run for the day. This establishes the workload for the day. When new jobs are added from the command-line or the web interface, they are not added to the current existing workload. They are only going to be taken into account the next time that Schedwi establishes its workload — ie. at midnight. You cannot add new jobs to an existing workload but you can change most of the parameters of the already planned jobs.

Check the result of the planned command

From the command-line interface (the schedwi command), there are several ways to check the execution status of a job.

Globally to get all the workloads and jobs status:

/> status --status all
Wed 14 Aug 2013 00:00:02 PM CEST -  c /

Thu 15 Aug 2013 22:56:04 PM CEST -  c /
Thu 15 Aug 2013 22:56:03 PM CEST -  c /HomeBackup - Exit with return code 0 - try 0

   0 waiting
   0 running
   2 completed
   0 failed

The c character — for completed —, before the job name, specifies that the job has finished successfully.

Or, for a specific workload date and job:

/> wl 20130815
Type exit to leave the workload sub-command
20130815 /> cat /HomeBackup
                 Name   = HomeBackup
       Current status   : completed (10:56 PM - try 0 - Exit with return code 0)
             Duration   = 662 (0h11m02s)
                 Type   = Job
              Enabled   = True
                 Host   : agent_host (SSL)
             Calendar * = /Samples/Every day
           Start time   : 22h45
              Command   : /bin/tar
           Parameters   : "cf" "/tmp/bkp_home.tar" "/home"
  Success return code * : 0
             Username   : root
          Output file * : /dev/null
           Error file * : /dev/null
               Detach * : False
               Manual * : False
 Alert cmd for manual * : cat "$SCHEDWI_TEMPLATE" | mail -s "A job is waiting" root@localhost
  Linux Control Group * : schedwi
         Max duration * : No limit
    Number of retries * : 0
     Interval retries * : 0h05
Limit past start time * : 24h00
        Load user env * : False
Use environment group   : True
          Description   : My first job

The agent


The agent part of Schedwi must be installed and configured on all the computers on which tasks have to be run or files have to be checked. schedwiclnt, the agent program, must be running at all time to reply to the server requests.

To be able to run tasks under several user accounts, schedwiclnt must be started under the system administrator account (root on Unix systems). However, if all the tasks have to be run under a single user account, schedwiclnt may be started under this account.

Finally, for improved security, communications with the server can be secured using SSL (on systems that support it).



The following components are required for compilation:

  • A C compiler.

  • GnuTLS (visit the GnuTLS Web Site for more information) if the operating system supports it and you want a secure communication with the server (recommended).

    The GnuTLS version 2.2.0 or above is required. This can be checked with the GnuTLS certtool -v command.

    On some systems, pre-packaged versions are provided. You will have to install the libraries and the development packages for the compilation (usually gnutls, libgnutls26, libgnutls-dev or gnutls-devel)

  • Optionally the Linux cgroups (control groups) will be used by Schedwi if available. If you want to use this feature make sure that the library and the development package are installed before compilation. They are usually called libcgroup and libcgroup-devel or libcgroup-dev.

  • Optionally the TCP Wrappers may be used if available. Again, make sure to install the library and the development packages (usually tcp_wrappers, tcp_wrappers-devel or libwrap0 and libwrap0-dev)

The compilation process uses the Automake and Autoconf system.

With GnuTLS

The following steps describe how to compile and install schedwiclnt with GnuTLS support:

  1. Download the Schedwi agent in a temporary directory.


    To avoid the failure of the test suite (see below the section called “Validation test suite”), do not choose a directory which name contains spaces.

  2. Compile schedwiclnt with the following commands (you don't need to be root except for the make install part):

    bash$ gunzip -c schedwiclnt-0.1.7.tar.gz | tar xf -
    bash$ cd schedwiclnt-0.1.7
    bash$ ./configure --enable-ssl \
    bash$ make
    bash$ su root
    bash# make install

    The --with-libgnutls-prefix=/usr/local/gnutls option specifies the path to the GnuTLS installation directory. This parameter is optional if GnuTLS is installed in a directory known by the system. In this case, the --enable-ssl parameter is also optional, configure will try to detect your GnuTLS installation.

Without GnuTLS

The following steps describe how to compile and install schedwiclnt without GnuTLS support — for instance if the operating system does not support it:

  1. Download the Schedwi agent in a temporary directory.


    To avoid the failure of the test suite (see below the section called “Validation test suite”), do not choose a directory which name contains spaces.

  2. Compile schedwiclnt with the following commands (you don't need to be root except for the installation part):

    bash$ gunzip -c schedwiclnt-0.1.7.tar.gz | tar xf -
    bash$ cd schedwiclnt-0.1.7
    bash$ ./configure --disable-ssl
    bash$ make
    bash$ su root
    bash# make install

configure parameters

configure supports far more parameters than the ones described in the previous sections. A complete list can be obtain with configure -h.

Probably, the most common one is --prefix=path which is used to specify the installation directory (/usr/local by default)

Validation test suite

The Schedwi agent comes with a test suite which may be use to validate the agent build. This test suite can be run by make check, just before the make install command. For instance:

bash$ gunzip -c schedwiclnt-0.1.7.tar.gz | tar xf -
bash$ cd schedwiclnt-0.1.7
bash$ ./configure --without-gnutls
bash$ make
bash$ make check
bash$ su root
bash# make install

Here is an example of a successful test (denoted by ok):

## ------------------------------------------ ##
## schedwiclnt 0.1.7 test suite: schedwiclnt. ##
## ------------------------------------------ ##
  1: Schedwi agent test                           ok

## ------------- ##
## Test results. ##
## ------------- ##

1 test was successful.

The failure of the test suite does not always mean a failure of the build process. On some operating systems, it is the test suite program itself which fails!

On the other hand, a successful test is a strong sign that the Schedwi agent will work fine.


Configuration file location and syntax

All the configuration parameters are grouped in a single configuration file. By default, this file is named schedwiclnt.conf and is located in the /usr/local/etc directory.


If configure has been run with the --prefix=path option during the installation process (see the section called “configure parameters”), the default directory of the configuration file is relative to the provided path. For instance, with configure --prefix=/opt, the configuration file will be /opt/etc/schedwiclnt.conf.


Run schedwiclnt with the -h parameter. The path of the default configuration file is provided near the end.

Also, the configuration file name and path can be specified at run-time using the -c configuration_file option of schedwiclnt.

The format of the file is straightforward:

  • Each parameter is defined on a line by itself. The parameter name and its value are separated by the equal (=) sign. The continuation sign \ used to define a parameter on several lines is not allowed.

  • Empty lines are ignored.

  • Lines starting by # or ; are comments and are ignored. Comments must be on lines by themselves; they cannot follow a parameter definition.

The syntax of the configuration file can be checked with the -t option of schedwiclnt. With this option, schedwiclnt just tests the syntax and exits.

Finally, the configuration file provided by default is self documented. You can also read the schedwiclnt.conf(5) manual page for more help.

Basic configuration parameters


All the file paths specified in this section are the default ones. However, if configure has been run with the --prefix=path option during the installation (see the section called “configure parameters”), the paths are relative to the given path.


Path and name of the log file. This file is only used if the SYSLOG directive (see below) is not set.

LOG_FILE=/usr/local/var/log/schedwiclnt.log by default.


Specifies that the syslog mechanism must be used to log messages. If this directive is set, LOG_FILE is ignored. The provided parameter is the syslog facility to use (LOG_USER, LOG_LOCAL5, ...). See your syslog(3) manual page for a complete list of values.

No default value.


The date format for the date and time fields in the log file. This value is only used if the SYSLOG directive is not set. See the strftime(3) manual page for a format description.

For example: DATE_FORMAT=%Y%m%d - %H%M%S

DATE_FORMAT=%c by default.


Path and name of the file that will be used to store the process ID of the schedwiclnt daemon. This file is used by the schedwiclnt program at startup to be sure that an other instance is not already running.

PID_FILE=/usr/local/var/run/schedwiclnt.pid by default.


Host name of the Schedwi server. This name must be defined in your system (usually in /etc/hosts, in DNS or in NIS). An IP address (v4 or v6) in numbers-and-dots notation can also be used.

If SSL is used, this server name must match the one in the server certificate (so it's best to use the fully qualified name - FQDN - of the server).

For IPv6 you may need to use the address%scope-id notation for specifying the IPv6 scope-ID: fe80::211:d8af:f19e:7ae4%eth0.

For example: SERVER=cherry.foo.com

SERVER=localhost by default.


Network TCP port number used by the Schedwi server to listen to agents. A name defined in /etc/services can also be used.

The value defined here must be the same as the one defined in the SERVER_PORT directive in the server configuration file (see the section called “Global Configuration parameters”).

SERVER_PORT=2005 by default.


Network TCP port number used by the schedwireg daemon on the server side to listen to agents. A name defined in /etc/services can also be used.

When the agent is stated for the first time, it will use this connection to register itself with the Schedwi server. On the server side, it will then have to be manually approved with the schedwica command (see the section called “Using the schedwica program”)

The value defined here must be the same as the one defined in the REGISTRAR_PORT directive in the server configuration file (see the section called “Global Configuration parameters”).

REGISTRAR_PORT=2004 by default.


Allow access based on the host name, or host address, of the server. This directive may be used if the Schedwi server is known by several addresses (if it's clustered by instance).

ALLOW_FROM accepts a list of addresses or host names separated by a comma:,, fe80::211:d8af:f19e:7ae4, schedwisrv.your.organization.com, 172.24.0.*

Addresses can be prefixed with ! to explicitly deny access. Denies have precedence over allow rules. For instance, the following rule allows access only from the hosts in the network but except which is denied:, !

Also, notice that the TCP Wrappers can be used to filter the access to the Schedwi agent. See your hosts_access(5) manual page for more details.

The same value as SERVER by default.


Network TCP port number used by the Schedwi agent (schedwiclnt) to listen to the server. A name defined in /etc/services can also be used. On most operating systems, the schedwiclnt daemon will have to be started as root if the chosen port is below 1024.

AGENT_PORT=2006 by default.


Specifies which address family should be used. Valid arguments are any, inet (IPv4 only) or inet6 (IPv6 only).

any by default.


On a multihomed host (several IP addresses and/or network cards), IFACE_LISTEN specifies on which interface schedwiclnt must listen. A host name or an IP address (v4 or v6) in numbers-and-dots notation can be used.

For IPv6 you may need to use the address%scope-id notation for specifying the IPv6 scope-ID: fe80::211:d8af:f19e:7b41%eth0.

For example: IFACE_LISTEN=flower.foo.com

By default schedwiclnt will listen to all available network interfaces.


Directory name used by schedwiclnt as a working directory. Temporary job results are stored there before being sent to the server.

RESULT_DIR=/usr/local/var/lib/schedwiclnt/results by default.


Result files prefix (in the directory specified by the RESULT_DIR directive).

RESULT_PREFIX=job_ by default.


Result files suffix (in the directory specified by the RESULT_DIR directive).

Nothing by default.

SSL configuration parameters

All the following parameters are only used if the schedwiclnt program has been built with the GnuTLS support (see the section called “With GnuTLS” for more details). They are ignored otherwise.


All the file paths specified in this section are the default ones. If configure has been run with the --prefix=path option during the installation (see the section called “configure parameters”), the paths are relative to the given one.


Toggles the usage of the SSL Protocol Engine for all network communications. Use Y to enable SSL or N to disable it.

SSLEngine=N by default.


PEM-encoded certificate file name for the agent. A such file is build the first time the schedwiclnt daemon is started.

SSLCertificateFile=/usr/local/etc/schedwiclnt.crt by default.


PEM-encoded private key file for the agent. A such file is generated for you the first time the schedwiclnt daemon is started.

This private key cannot be encrypted.

SSLCertificateKeyFile=/usr/local/etc/schedwiclnt.key by default.


The private key file defined by this directive must not be copied on the server and must be protected. Use the chmod and chown commands to only allow access to this file and to its directory to the user running the schedwiclnt daemon.


PEM-encoded certificate file name for the server. This file is retrieved from the server the first time the schedwiclnt daemon is started.

SSLCACertificateFile=/usr/local/etc/schedwisrv-ca.crt by default.


At startup, schedwiclnt initializes the SSL network layer. This step requires good quality random numbers which are retrieved from the operating system. On some systems this may take a long time (sometimes more than 10 minutes). During this time, schedwiclnt is not yet available.

SSLQuickRandom can be used to speed up this startup time by using less good quality random numbers and therefore reducing encryption quality.

SSLQuickRandom=Y by default.

Running the agent

DNS configuration

Before starting the Schedwi agent daemons, it is crucial that your DNS configuration is working properly. Ensure that all the agents can resolve the Schedwi server name and that the Schedwi server can resolve all the agents. Also, make sure that the reverse resolution is working (from IP address to host name) For this purpose, the host, nslookup or dig commands can be used. Some examples are given below.

On each agent:

The host full.schedwi.server.host.name command must return the IP address of the Schedwi server. For instance:

bash$ host schedwi.example.com
schedwi.example.com has address

And the host IP_address_of_the_Schedwi_server command must return the full host name of the Schedwi server:

bash$ host domain name pointer schedwi.example.com.
On the Schedwi server:

The host full.agent.host.name command, to run for each agent, must return the IP address of the associated agent. For instance:

bash$ host cherry.example.com
cherry.example.com has address

And the following command, again to run for each agent, must return the full host name of the associated agent:

bash$ host domain name pointer cherry.example.com.

If you don't have a proper DNS configuration, you can instead use the /etc/hosts file on the server and on each agent.


To start the Schedwi agent daemon simply run the schedwiclnt command. This program goes automatically in the background. If your PATH environment variable does not contain the path to the schedwiclnt command, the full path must be specified. For example:

bash# /usr/local/bin/schedwiclnt

See the section called “Advanced configuration” if you don't want to start the daemon as root.

schedwiclnt records informations in a log file (or through the syslog mechanism — see the section called “Basic configuration parameters”). If the agent refuses to start, this file may contain precious information.


To stop the agent, simply send the TERM signal (15) to the schedwiclnt process. The process identification of this daemon is stored in the file defined by the PID_FILE configuration directive.


Never send the KILL signal (9) to the daemon. This signal does not allow the schedwiclnt daemon to stop in a clean state.

Reloading the configuration file

Changes to the configuration file whilst the schedwiclnt daemon is running are not automatically taken into account. A stop and a restart of the process will allow it to re-read its configuration file.

For minor changes, concerning the log file path or the date format for instance, it may be easier to send the HUP signal (1) to the schedwiclnt daemon. This signal forces the process to re-read its configuration file without having to be stopped. Moreover, this signal can be used to rotate the log file as schedwiclnt will close it and reopen a new one.


If schedwiclnt finds an error while reading its configuration file, it stops immediately. Therefore, before sending the HUP signal it is important to be sure that the configuration file is error free. This check can be done by running the schedwiclnt command with the -t option. With this option, schedwiclnt simply checks the configuration file and exits; it does not interfere with the running schedwiclnt daemon.

Sample startup scripts

Sample startup scripts are available under the scripts directory in the Schedwi agent archive. A logrotate sample file is also provided for the rotation of the log file (see the logrotate(8) manual page for more details) as well as an OCF Resource Agent script for Linux-HA.

For Windows 2000, schedwiclnt uses Cygwin. It can be invoked as a Windows 2000 service. Cygwin has its own cygrunsrv.exe program to define, remove, start, and stop services. The following command can be used to install schedwiclnt as a service:

C:\> cygrunsrv.exe --install schedwiclnt   \
                   --path /usr/local/bin/schedwiclnt.exe   \
                   --args \-f   \
                   --desc "Schedwi Agent"   \

The previous command has been split into several lines to fit in the page. It must be typed on a single line without the \'s.

Enabling SSL

This section describes the steps required to set up SSL for a secure communication between the Schedwi server and its agents.

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is a cryptographic protocol that provides secure communications between two hosts. For Schedwi, it is used for a mutual authentication between the server (schedwisrv) and the agents (schedwiclnt) and for the encryption of the network communications.

SSL can be enabled agent by agent. For instance, local agents, inside the company network, may not require a such security level. However, agents installed outside the company, which use an insecure network, should be configured to use SSL. Out of the box, schedwiclnt — the agent part of Schedwi — is not configured to use SSL: the SSLEngine parameter must be toggled to Y first.

For each end of the SSL network link, two files are required: a certificate file and a key file. On the server side — schedwisrv — these files have been generated automatically during the first start and they will be used for the SSL communications with all the agents. On the agent side the required files will also be generated the first time schedwiclnt is started. At that time a request will be sent to the server and will have to be validated by an administrator through the schedwica command (see the section called “Using the schedwica program” for more details). Only then, the agent will start listening to requests from the server.

Finally, the schedwiping tool on the server can be used to check that the SSL configuration on both the agent and the server is correct:

bash$ schedwiping <full_host_name_of_the_agent>

The following reply means that everything is working as expected:

The agent is running.

See the section called “Using the schedwiping program” for more details.

Advanced configuration

Most of the time, tasks will have to be run under different user accounts. For instance a task may backup a database into a file. The database administrator account dba must be used for this operation. A second task must then copy this file to a tape for external storage. This task needs to be run under the backup administrator account — say bkpadm — which has write access to the tape drive.

To be able to run tasks for several users like this, the schedwiclnt daemon must be run under the system administrator account (i.e. root on Unix systems). This may be a security issue as the agent will be able to run as a privileged user any command received from the server: the ones sent by the Schedwi server daemon but also the ones sent by a malicious user connected to the server (or using a server pretending to be the Schedwi server).

The recommended solution to this issue is to use the GnuTLS enabled agent. Using GnuTLS the agent and the server authentify to each other before running any command. Moreover, the communication between them is encrypted. Using this method, the agent is sure that the commands are issued by the Schedwi server.

An other solution is not to run the schedwiclnt daemon under the system administrator account but to run several daemons, one for each user account. Using this method, the daemons have no special privileges. However, each daemon must use a separate configuration file (using the -c option) and a separate TCP port.


On most operating systems, schedwiclnt will not be allowed to use port numbers below 1024 if not run as root.

On the server side, the agent host must be defined several times with the different TCP ports. The tasks must then be associated with the correct host/port.

In our previous example, two daemons will be running, one under the dba account and an other one under the bkpadm account. The configuration file for the daemon running under the dba account will be /home/dba/schedwiclnt_dba.conf:


schedwiclnt will then be started under the dba account by the following command:

bash$ schedwiclnt -c /home/dba/schedwiclnt_dba.conf

For the daemon to be started with the bkpadm account the configuration file will be /home/bkpadm/schedwiclnt_bkpadm.conf:


And the start command will be (under bkpadm):

bash$ schedwiclnt -c /home/bkpadm/schedwiclnt_bkpadm.conf

The server


The Schedwi server is composed of three parts:

  • The schedwisrv daemon which must be running at all time to schedule the jobs and request their execution on the agents.

  • The schedwireg daemon which must also be running at all time and is responsible to collect the new agents registration requests.

  • The database which contains all the parameters required by schedwisrv. For instance the jobs, the jobsets and the associated commands are all defined in this database. The command line and graphical tools allow administrators to define all those parameters.

    So far, Schedwi has been tested with SQLite, PostgreSQL, MariaDB and MySQL. By default, a SQLite database is create and configure at the end of the installation process.

    The installation of a database system is beyond the scope of this manual. Please refer to the official documentation of those databases or use a pre-packaged installation for your operating system.


The schedwisrv daemon and the database server do not have to be installed on the same computer (except for SQLite).

The schedwi, schedwigui, schedwiping, schedwica and schedwidbchecks commands are also part of the Schedwi server. schedwi is the command line user interface which is used to configure jobs and jobsets. schedwigui is the daemon which provides the Web interface. schedwiping allows the administrator to test the connection with the agents. schedwica is used to register new agents and sign agent certificates. schedwidbchecks can be used to detect and repair inconsistencies in the database.



The following components are required for compilation:

  • A C compiler.

  • GnuTLS (visit the GnuTLS Web Site for more information) version 2.2.0 or above. The GnuTLS certtool -v command can be used to check the installed version.

    On some systems, pre-packaged versions are provided. You have to install the libraries and, for the compilation, the development packages (usually gnutls, libgnutls26, libgnutls-dev or gnutls-devel)

  • The libdbi library. Again, some systems provide pre-packaged versions (look for the development package usually called libdbi-devel or libdbi0-dev). For more information on libdbi, visit the libdbi Web Site.

  • SQLite version 3 to create the initial database at installation time. This database can be replaced later on by PostgreSQL or MariaDB for instance.

  • Python 2.6 or above (but not version 3)

  • Optionally the TCP Wrappers may be used if available. Again, make sure to install the library and the development packages (usually tcp_wrappers, tcp_wrappers-devel or libwrap0 and libwrap0-dev)

To be able to run the Schedwi server and its command-line and web interfaces the following items will also be required:

  • The libdbi driver for the SQLite 3 database. The package is usually called libdbi-dbd-sqlite or libdbd-sqlite3.

  • The following Python libraries: python-sqlalchemy, python-babel, m2crypto (sometimes called python-m2crypto), PyPAM (or python-pam), python-mox, python-paste, python-paste-webkit (or python-pastewebkit), python-ordereddict. If you cannot find all of them, the Muntjac installation (see below) will take care of some for you.

  • The Python Muntjac web framework (visit the Muntjac Web Site for more informations) The easiest way to install this piece of software is by running the easy_install muntjac command which will also take care of missing dependencies (easy_install is usually provided by the python-setuptools package).

To be clear, on a GNU/Debian system (or similar), the following packages are required for the compilation: debhelper autotools-dev build-essential libwrap0-dev gnutls-bin gnutls-dev pkg-config automake libtool libdbi-dev sqlite3 sed python python-setuptools

And to run the Schedwi server and its associated tools: libdbd-sqlite3 libwrap0 libgnutls26 heirloom-mailx python-sqlalchemy python-babel python-m2crypto python-pam python-mox python-paste python-pastewebkit

On a Red Hat Linux system (or similar), the packages required for compilation are: python2-devel python-setuptools coreutils sed gnutls-devel tcp_wrappers-devel libdbi-devel sqlite gcc

And to run the Schedwi server: initscripts tcp_wrappers gnutls libdbi libdbi-dbd-sqlite mailx openssl python m2crypto python-sqlalchemy PyPAM python-mox python-babel python-paste python-ordereddict python-setuptools python-paste-deploy python-paste-script

Finally, the compilation process uses the Automake and Autoconf system.

Compilation and Installation

The following steps describe how to compile and install schedwisrv, schedwireg, schedwiping, schedwica and schedwidbchecks:

  1. Download the Schedwi server in a temporary directory.

  2. Compile it with the following commands (you don't need to be root except for the make install part):

    bash$ gunzip -c schedwisrv-0.1.7.tar.gz | tar xf -
    bash$ cd schedwisrv-0.1.7
    bash$ ./configure --with-libgnutls-prefix=/usr/local/gnutls
    bash$ make
    bash$ su root
    bash# make install

    The --with-libgnutls-prefix=/usr/local/gnutls option specifies the path to the GnuTLS installation directory. This parameter is optional if GnuTLS is installed in a directory known by the system.

configure parameters

configure supports far more parameters than the one described above. A complete list can be obtain with configure -h.

The most common one is --prefix=path which is used to specify the installation directory (/usr/local by default)

Database creation

The Schedwi server requires a database. All the Database Systems supported by the libdbi library can be used (see the libdbi Web Site for more details). In this manual, only the configuration of MariaDB/MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite is detailed.


A SQLite database has already been created and configured for you during the installation process.

MariaDB and MySQL

The installation of the MariaDB and MySQL Database Systems is not described in this manual. Visit the MariaDB Web Site for installation details (or the MySQL Web Site for MySQL). You can also use pre-packaged installations provided for your operating system.

Once the MariaDB or MySQL Database System is installed and running, the following steps can then be undertaken:

  1. The creation of a Schedwi dedicated database. This can be achieved with the following command:

    mysqladmin --user=root --password=root_password create schedwidb

    The --user=root option specifies a MariaDB (MySQL) user which is allowed to create databases.

    The associated password is provided with the --password=root_password option.

    The schedwidb parameter is the name given to the new database. Any name will do.

  2. The creation of a MariaDB (MySQL) user with full rights on the Schedwi database. For example, the following commands create the user schedwi with the password schedwi_password:

    bash$ mysql --user=root --password=root_password
    mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON schedwidb.*
    mysql> TO schedwi@localhost
    mysql> IDENTIFIED BY 'schedwi_password';
    mysql> quit

    Any user name can be chosen.

    The localhost parameter specifies that only connections to the database from the local host will be allowed. If the Schedwi server is not installed on the same host as the database, the host name parameter must be changed accordingly.

  3. Load of the Schedwi schema and initial data. This is done by the use of the provided schedwi_mariadb_mysql.sql SQL script under the sql directory in the Schedwi server archive. This script must be run as follow:

    bash$ cd schedwisrv-0.1.7/sql
    bash$ mysql --user=schedwi \
                   --password=schedwi_password schedwidb < schedwi_mariadb_mysql.sql

    The --user=schedwi, --password=schedwi_password and schedwidb options must obviously be set according to the values chosen in the previous steps.

  4. The libdbi driver for MariaDB (MySQL) must be installed. Your system probably provides a pre-packaged version for it (libdbi-dbd-mysql or libdbd-mysql)

  5. The database configuration directives in the schedwisrv.conf configuration file must be changed:


The installation of the PostgreSQL Database System is not described in this manual. Visit the PostgreSQL Web Site for installation details. You can also use pre-packaged installations provided for your operating system.

Once the PostgreSQL server is installed and started, the following basic steps can be used to set up the Schedwi database.

  1. Create a Linux user which is going to be assigned a role in PostgreSQL. For example, to create the schedwi user:

    useradd schedwi

  2. Create a PostgreSQL role for the newly created schedwi user:

    bash$ su postgres
    bash$ psql
      CREATE ROLE schedwi;
      ALTER ROLE schedwi LOGIN;
      ALTER ROLE schedwi CREATEDB;
  3. Create the schedwidb database:

    bash$ su schedwi
    bash$ createdb schedwidb
  4. Load the Schedwi schema and initial data. This can be done by the use of the provided SQL script under the sql directory of the Schedwi server archive:

    bash$ su schedwi
    bash$ cd schedwisrv-0.1.7/sql
    bash$ psql schedwidb < schedwi_postgresql.sql
  5. Install the libdbi driver for PostgreSQL. Your system probably provides a pre-packaged version for it (libdbi-dbd-pgsql or libdbd-pgsql)

  6. The database configuration directives in the schedwisrv.conf configuration file must be set accordingly:


SQLite is usually provided as a package on most systems (check for sqlite-3 or sqlite3)

Once SQLite is installed, follow these steps:

  1. Create and populate a database for Schedwi. For this step, a SQL script is provided under the sql directory of the Schedwi server archive:

    bash$ cd schedwisrv-0.1.7/sql
    bash$ sqlite3 /usr/local/var/lib/schedwidb < schedwi_sqlite.sql

    The location of the database file (/usr/local/var/lib/schedwidb in the example) can be changed as long as the DBI_DBDIR and the DBI_DBNAME directives are set accordingly in the configuration file (see below)

  2. Install the libdbi driver for SQLite. Your system probably provides a pre-packaged version for it (libdbi-dbd-sqlite3 or libdbd-sqlite3)

  3. The database configuration directives in the schedwisrv.conf configuration file must be set as follow:



Configuration file location and syntax

All the configuration parameters are grouped in a single configuration file. By default, this file is named schedwisrv.conf and is located in the /usr/local/etc directory.


If configure has been run with the --prefix=path option during the installation (see the section called “configure parameters”), the default directory of the configuration file is relative to the provided path. For instance, with configure --prefix=/opt, the configuration file will be /opt/etc/schedwisrv.conf.


Run schedwisrv with the -h parameter. The path of the default configuration file is provided near the end.

The configuration file name and path can also be specified at run-time using the -c configuration_file option of schedwisrv and schedwireg.

The format of the file is straightforward:

  • Each parameter is defined on a line by itself. The parameter name and its value are separated by the equal (=) sign. The continuation sign \ used to define a parameter on several lines is not allowed.

  • Empty lines are ignored.

  • Lines starting by # or ; are comments and are ignored. Comments must be on lines by themselves; they cannot follow a parameter definition.

Finally, the syntax of the configuration file can be tested with the -t option of schedwisrv. With this option, schedwisrv just tests the syntax and exits.

Global Configuration parameters


All the file paths specified in this section are the default ones. However, if configure has been run with the --prefix=path option during the installation (see the section called “configure parameters”), the paths are relative to the provided path.


User ID as which the schedwisrv daemon will run. For the process to be able to change its user ID, it must be initially started as root.

A name (in /etc/passwd) or a number are allowed.

By default, the server will not change to an other user and will continue running with the original one.


Group ID as which the schedwisrv daemon will run. For the process to be able to change its group ID, it must be initially started as root.

A name (in /etc/group) or a number are allowed.

By default, the server will not change to an other group and will continue running with the original one.


Path and name of the log file. This file is only used if the SYSLOG directive (see below) is not set.

LOG_FILE=/usr/local/var/log/schedwisrv/schedwisrv.log by default.


Specifies that the syslog mechanism must be used to log messages. If this directive is set, LOG_FILE is ignored. The provided parameter is the syslog facility to use (LOG_USER, LOG_LOCAL5, ...). See your syslog(3) manual page for a complete list of values.

No default value.


The date format for the date and time fields in the log file. This value is only used if the SYSLOG directive is not set. See your strftime(3) manual page for a format description.

For example: DATE_FORMAT=%Y%m%d - %H%M%S

DATE_FORMAT=%c by default.


Path and name of the file that will be used to store the process ID of the schedwisrv daemon. This file is used by the schedwisrv program at startup to be sure that an other instance is not already running.

PID_FILE=/usr/local/var/run/schedwisrv/schedwisrv.pid by default.


Path and name of the file that will be used to store the process ID of the schedwireg daemon. This file is used by the schedwireg program at startup to be sure that an other instance is not already running.

PID_FILE_REGISTRAR=/usr/local/var/run/schedwisrv/schedwireg.pid by default.


Path and name of the file that contains the message to send to the operators when a manual job is ready to start and is waiting for acknowledgement. The file can contain variables (surrounded by the % character — %SCHEDWI_JOBID% for instance) that will be substituted by schedwisrv before sending the message:


Name of the job or jobset.


Internal identifier of the job or jobset.


The configured start time of the job in the HH:MM format


The time limit (HH:MM) to start the job or jobset. If not specified, %SCHEDWI_TIME_LIMIT% is set to -


The uniq URN to access the web form to use to trigger the waiting job or jobset. This can be combined with the server name to provides a full URI (for instance http://schedwi.server.com/%SCHEDWI_URN%)


The one time password required by the web form.

MANUAL_TRIGGER_TEMPLATE_FILE=@SYSCONFDIR@/schedwitemplate.txt by default.

The command to use to send this message file is defined in the database at the job/jobset level.


Number of days to keep the completed workloads in the database.



Number of days to keep the failed or still running workloads in the database.



Do not load the workload for the current day if it's too late. This prevents the jobs for the day to run immediately when schedwisrv is started for the first time of the day. Expressed in minutes since midnight.

TODAY_WORKLOAD_SKIP=120 by default.


Network TCP port number used by the Schedwi server to listen to agents. A name defined in /etc/services can also be used.

SERVER_PORT=2005 by default.


Network TCP port number used by the schedwireg daemon to listen to agents. A name defined in /etc/services can also be used.

REGISTRAR_PORT=2004 by default.


Allow access based on the host name, or host address, of the agents.

ALLOW_FROM accepts a list of addresses or host names separated by a comma:,, fe80::211:d8af:f19e:7ae4, agent1.your.organization.com, 172.24.0.*

Addresses can be prefixed with ! to explicitly deny access. Denies have precedence over allow rules. For instance, the following rule allows access only from the hosts in the network but except which is denied:, !

Also, notice that the TCP Wrappers can be used to filter the access to the Schedwi server. See your hosts_access(5) manual page for more details.

No access control by default.


Specifies which address family should be used. Valid arguments are any, inet (IPv4 only) or inet6 (IPv6 only).

any by default.


On a multihomed host (several IP addresses and/or network cards), IFACE_LISTEN specifies on which interface schedwisrv must listen to the agents. A host name or an IP address in numbers-and-dots notation can be used.

For example: IFACE_LISTEN=bee.foo.com

By default schedwisrv will listen to all available network interfaces.


PEM-encoded certificate file name for the server. This file is generated automatically the first time schedwisrv is started. It is sent to the agent every time a session is established to allow the authentication of the server by the client.

SSLCertificateFile=/usr/local/etc/schedwisrv.crt by default.


PEM-encoded private key file for the server. This file is generated automatically the first time schedwisrv is started.

The private key file defined by this directive must not be copied on the agents and must be protected. Use the chmod and chown commands to only allow access to this file and to its directory to the user running the schedwisrv daemon.


Common name (CN) in the Schedwi server certificate (which is created the first time the schedwisrv daemon is started). This must be the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the server as defined in your DNS, NIS or /etc/hosts file.

If schedwisrv is running on a cluster, this must be the DNS name of the VIP (Virtual IP or service IP). Also, make sure on the Schedwi agents that the SERVER configuration directive is also set to the exact same name and the ALLOW_FROM directive contains the IP addresses of all the cluster nodes (not only the VIP)

If not set, the SSLCommonName directive is set to the hostname of your system.


PEM-encoded authority's certificate file name used to sign agent certificate requests. This file will be automatically created for you the first time the schedwisrv daemon is started.

SSLCACertificateFile=/usr/local/etc/schedwisrv-ca.crt by default.


PEM-encoded private key file for the authority. This file will be automatically created for you the first time the schedwisrv daemon is started.

Also, the private key file defined by this directive must be protected. Use the chmod and chown commands to only allow access to this file and to its directory to the user running the schedwisrv daemon.

SSLCACertificateKeyFile=/usr/local/etc/schedwisrv-ca.key by default.


PEM-encoded Certificate Revocation List (CRL). Agents with revoked certificates will not be able to access the schedwisrv daemon any more. This file is managed through the schedwica command.

SSLCACRLFile=/usr/local/etc/schedwisrv-ca.crl by default.


The country code to set in the authority's certificate file (which is created for you the first time the schedwisrv daemon is started)

SSLCaCountry=AU by default.


Organization name to set in the authority's certificate file (which is created for you the first time the schedwisrv daemon is started)

SSLCAOrganization=Bugarup Uni by default.


Organizational unit name to set in the authority's certificate file (which is created for you the first time the schedwisrv daemon is started)

SSLCaUnit=Library by default.


The locality to set in the authority's certificate file (which is created for you the first time the schedwisrv daemon is started)

SSLCALocality=Bugarup by default.


The state name to set in the authority's certificate file (which is created for you the first time the schedwisrv daemon is started)

SSLCAState=Fourecks by default.


The common name to set in the authority's certificate file (which is created for you the first time the schedwisrv daemon is started)

SSLCACommonName=Schedwi Certificate Authority by default.


E-mail address to set in the authority's certificate file (which is created for you the first time the schedwisrv daemon is started)

SSLCAEmail=dean@bu.edu.xxxx by default.


Directory used to store the signed agent certificates.

SSLAgentCertificateDir=/usr/local/var/lib/schedwisrv/crt by default.


Directory that contains the certificate signing requests (CSR) of the agents waiting to be registered. These pending requests must be approved by an administrator through the schedwica command.

SSLAgentRequestDir=/usr/local/var/lib/schedwisrv/csrpending by default.


Directory that contains a backup of the certificate signing requests (CSR) of the registered agents.

SSLAgentSaveRequestDir=/usr/local/var/lib/schedwisrv/csr by default.


At startup, schedwisrv initializes the SSL network layer. This step requires good quality random numbers which are retrieved from the operating system. On some systems this may take a long time (sometimes more than 10 minutes). During this time, schedwisrv is not yet available.

SSLQuickRandom can be used to speed up this startup time by using less good quality random numbers and therefore reducing encryption quality.

SSLQuickRandom=Y by default.

Database Configuration parameters

The following configuration parameters allow the Schedwi server to access the database. They are all optional. If not set, the schedwisrv daemon will use the SQLite3 database /usr/local/var/lib/schedwidb.

Also, for the command line tools and the Web interface, these parameters can be defined in the /usr/local/etc/schedwi.conf file in which case they will overwrite the same directives defined in the global schedwisrv.conf configuration file.

And finally, just for the command line tools, each user can define his own values through a .schedwirc file in his home directory.


The directory to search for libdbi database drivers. If not set, the default, libdbi will use its predefined directory.

For example, DBI_DRIVERDIR=/usr/lib/dbd


The database driver to use. Can be mysql (for MariaDB and MySQL), pgsql, freetds (for MS SQL Server and Sybase), sqlite, sqlite3, firebird or mSQL. Also, for each of these Database System a libdbi driver must be installed.

DBI_DRIVERNAME=sqlite3 by default.


Database server. A name or an IP address in numbers-and-dots notation can be used. This parameter is ignored if the database driver in use is sqlite or sqlite3 (see DBI_DRIVERNAME above)

DBI_DBHOSTNAME=localhost by default.


Database login name (not required for sqlite and sqlite3).

By default the current Unix login name.


Password for the database login name specified by the DBI_USER parameter.

No password by default.


Database name. For sqlite and sqlite3 this is the database file name under the DBI_DBDIR directory (see below).

DBI_DBNAME=schedwidb by default.


Only used for sqlite and sqlite3. This is the directory that contains the Sqlite database.

DBI_DBDIR=/usr/local/var/run by default.


FreeTDS protocol version:

  • 4.2 for Sybase before System 10, Microsoft SQL Server 6.x

  • 5.0 for Sybase System 10 and above

  • 7.0 for Microsoft SQL Server 7.0

  • 8.0 for Microsoft SQL Server 2000

DBI_FREETDS_VERSION=8.0 by default.


Character encoding which is to be used as the connection encoding.

Not set by default.

DBI_ENCODING=UTF-8 for example.

Web interface parameters

The following parameters can be used to configure the behavior of the Web interface.

The Web interface will also look in the /usr/local/etc/schedwi.conf file in which the parameters will overwrite the same directives defined in the global schedwisrv.conf configuration file.


Path and name of the log file for the Web interface.

GUI_LOG_FILE=/usr/local/var/log/schedwigui.log by default.


Web interface auto-refresh interval in seconds. 0 means no auto-refresh.

GUI_REFRESH=60 by default.


Web interface user name for authentication.

GUI_USERNAME=admin by default.


Web interface user password.

GUI_PASSWORD=admin by default.


On a multihomed host (several IP addresses and/or network cards), GUI_IFACE_LISTEN specifies on which interface the Web interface service must listen. A host name or an IP address (v4) in numbers-and-dots notation can be used. To listen on all interfaces, you can use

GUI_IFACE_LISTEN= by default.


Network TCP port number used by the Web interface service. A name defined in /etc/services can also be used.

GUI_PORT=8880 by default.


This is the directory that contains the Schedwi Web interface data (icons, themes, style sheets, ...) To help you locate this directory, it should contain a VAADIN sub-directory (ie. /usr/local/share/schedwisrv/VAADIN)

GUI_CONTEXT_ROOT=/usr/local/share/schedwisrv by default.


PEM-encoded certificate file name for the Schedwi Web interface.

GUI_SSLCertificateFile is the same as SSLCertificateFile by default.


PEM-encoded private key file for the Schedwi Web interface.

This private key cannot be encrypted.

GUI_SSLCertificateKeyFile is the same as SSLCertificateKeyFile by default.


The private key file defined by this directive must be protected. Use the chmod and chown commands to only allow access to this file and to its directory to the user running the schedwigui daemon.


Specifies if the user authentication to access the Schedwi Web interface should use pam(8) or not. If yes, the PAM_AUTH_SERVICE directive will give the service name.

PAM_AUTH=N by default.


If the user authentication is done through pam(8) (see the PAM_AUTH directive above), then this directive specifies the pam(8) service to use (ie. /etc/pam.d/service)

PAM_AUTH_SERVICE=passwd by default.

Here is a sample pam file for a kerberos authentication (also, some kerberos configuration will be needed, probably in /etc/krb5.conf):

auth     required    pam_env.so
auth     sufficient  pam_krb5.so no_user_check
auth     required    pam_deny.so
account  required    pam_krb5.so no_user_check

Modules Configuration parameters

Modules (or plug-ins) can be used to extend the capabilities of the Schedwi server. Such plug-ins are called in two places:

  • when the status of a job or jobset changes. This can be used for example to report failed jobs to a centralized monitoring system such as Nagios.

  • when a job or jobset is ready to start. This can be used to check for external constraints and to block the job until such contraints are resolved.

Out of the box, Schedwi is provided with one module, mod_shell, which can be used to run external scripts or commands. Also, sample scripts to be used by this module include mod_shell_mail.sh to send e-mails whenever the status of a job changes, mod_shell_snmp.sh to send snmp traps and mod_shell_nagios.sh to report status changes to a Nagios Monitoring server.

A module skeleton is provided in the doc directory under the Schedwi server archive (mod_example.c). Alternatively, the mod_shell.c file in the src directory is a good example.

The following configuration file parameters are related to the module management:


Search directory for the modules. When a module to load (see below the MODULE_LOAD directive) is provided without its path, it is searched in this directory. This directive can be repeated several times to define more than one search directory.

MODULE_DIR=/usr/local/lib/schedwisrv by default.


Specifies the name of a module to load. If the full path to the module file is not provided, the module is searched in the directories defined by the MODULE_DIR directives. The extension (.la, .so, ...) can be omitted. MODULE_LOAD can be used multiple times to load several modules.

For example: MODULE_LOAD=mod_shell


This special directive is used to transmit configuration parameters to modules. module_name is the module name as defined by the MODULE_LOAD directive (without the path and the extension). module_directive is a parameter name known by the module. See the specific module documentation to get a list of these parameters.

For example: MODULE:mod_shell:CMD_STATUS=/usr/local/libexec/mod_shell_mail.sh

Running the server


To start the Schedwi server daemon simply run the schedwisrv and schedwireg commands. These programs go automatically in the background. If your PATH environment variable does not contain the path to the schedwisrv and schedwireg commands, the full path must be specified. For example:

bash# /usr/local/bin/schedwisrv
bash# /usr/local/bin/schedwireg

The schedwisrv and schedwireg daemons do not need to be run as the root user. For security reasons it is then highly recommended to use an unprivileged user account by defining the USER and GROUP directives in the configuration file (see the section called “Global Configuration parameters” for details).

schedwisrv and schedwireg record information in a log file (or in the syslog mechanism — see the section called “Global Configuration parameters”). In case of a failure to start the server, this file may contain some more details.


To stop the server, simply send the TERM signal (15) to the schedwisrv and schedwireg processes. The process identification of these daemons are stored in the files defined by the PID_FILE and PID_FILE_REGISTRAR configuration directives.


Never send the KILL signal (9) to these daemons. This signal does not allow them to stop in a clean state.

Reloading the configuration file

Changes to the configuration file whilst the schedwisrv and schedwireg daemons are running are not automatically taken into account. A stop and a restart of the processes will allow them to re-read the configuration file.

For minor changes, concerning the log file path or date format for instance, it may be easier to send the HUP signal (1) to the daemons. This signal forces the processes to re-read the configuration file without having to be stopped. Moreover, this signal can be used to rotate the log file as schedwisrv and schedwireg will close and reopen a new one.


If schedwisrv or schedwireg find an error while reading the configuration file, they stop immediately. Therefore, before sending the HUP signal it is important to be sure that the configuration file is error free. This check can be done by running the schedwisrv command with the -t option. With this option, schedwisrv simply checks the configuration file and exits; it does not interfere with the running schedwisrv daemon.

Sample startup scripts

Sample startup scripts are available under the scripts directory in the Schedwi server archive. A logrotate sample file is also provided for the rotation of the log files (see the logrotate(8) manual page for more details) as well as an OCF Resource Agent script for Linux-HA.

Using the schedwiping program

The schedwiping diagnostic tool is part of the Schedwi server and is installed alongside the schedwisrv and schedwireg programs. As its name suggests (from the ping network tool), it allows to test the connection with the agents and ensure that the network and Schedwi configuration is right on both sides.

To use the tool simply run it with the agent host name as parameter. For instance :

bash# /usr/local/bin/schedwiping flower.foo.com
The agent is running.

Run schedwiping with the -h parameter to display the command help message.

schedwiping must be run on the same host as the server as it reads the same configuration file (/usr/local/etc/schedwisrv.conf by default) and uses the same database to retrieve agent details (such as the agent TCP port number or whether SSL should be used).

If the agent is defined by its IPv6 address in the database, the address must be surrounded by square brakets on the command line:

bash# /usr/local/bin/schedwiping '[fe80::6a10:59ef:ffe5:5db8]'

Using the schedwica program

schedwica is part of the Schedwi server. This tool is used to register the new agents with the Schedwi server and to distribute and revoke agent certificates.

When an agent is started for the first time it generates a certificate signing request and send it to the schedwireg daemon on the server. This pending request must then be acknowledged by an administrator via the schedwica command. SSL or non-SSL agents are managed the same way, although a certificate is not generated for non-SSL agents.

Finally, in some special cases when a certificate has already been generated through an other mecanism (a company CA for instance) it can be used instead and loaded in the Schedwi database by schedwica CERTFILE.

schedwica accepts a few command line parameters. You can use the -h option to get a complete list.

With the -l option, the list of pending certificate signature requests is displayed.

From this list, an agent can be registered and a certificate generated with the -s option. In that case, you can provide a description for the new agent with the -d option.

With the -R option, all records of the specified agent are removed (certificate signing requests and certificate) and its certificate is revoked. The agent stays in the database but cannot be used anymore until a new certificate is generated for it.

To get more details, consult the schedwica(8) man page.

Using the schedwidbchecks program

schedwidbchecks is part of the Schedwi server. This tool can be used to detect object inconsistencies in the database. If asked, it can try to fix them. schedwidbchecks accepts a few command line parameters. All are optional. The complete list can be obtain with the -h parameter. Specifically, the -f option can be used to fix the database when inconsistencies have been detected by a previous run of schedwidbchecks (without this parameter). schedwidbchecks can be run when a database issue is suspected.

The command-line program

A command line tool, schedwi, is also provided to create and manage jobs and jobsets. Through this tool you can control all aspects of the scheduling of your jobs, like configuring new calendars, force start a job, getting the status of your workload.

But first, some definitions:


A job is simply a command to be run at a specific date and time on a remote host. A lot of parameters can be associated with a job like for instance the user name under which to run the command, the file names in which to store the output of the command, or the expected return code.


A jobset is a group of jobs or other jobsets. This allows you to organize logically your jobs in a tree-like fashion. Like jobs, jobsets also have parameters. In fact, they can store exactly the same parameters as jobs. Those parameters will be inherited by jobs bellow the jobset. Think of them as default values for jobs. For instance, if you define the remote host name at the jobset level, then all the jobs inside it will run on this host (if not specifically defined at the job level). If you need to change this host name, simply changing it in the jobset will change it in all the jobs.


Dependency links are a way to chain together jobs and jobsets. This way you can specify that for the job B to start, then job A must be successfully completed. A job can be linked to several other jobs/jobsets and the status code to wait for can also be failed (to recover from a error) or running (to start a job at the same time as an other one).


A calendar is one of the job or jobset parameter. It specifies on which days the job/jobset should run. Calendars must be defined before been associated with jobs and jobsets.

In the schedwi command-line tool, a special mode is used to administer the calendars — the cal command is used to enter this mode.

Each calendar has a name and a formula that defines the associated days. The formula can be as simple as Jan/23 (23rd of January) to the more complex Jan-Mar/Open/Last (last open day of January, February and March). Hopefully, Schedwi comes with pre-defined calendars for common situations (Every day, Every week day, ...) See the section called “Calendar formula” for more details.

Finally, calendars are showed in a tree-like fashion, just for you to organize them as you like.


Remote hosts on which jobs are going to be run must be declared; the Schedwi agent must have been installed on those hosts. Through the schedwi command line tool, the hosts mode allows you to define these hosts and their parameters (SSL encryption, TCP port, ...)


Clusters are simply a way to group hosts together. Jobs and jobsets can then be associated with clusters rather than hosts. When a such job starts, Schedwi will pick one of the host in the cluster and run the job on it. Obviously, you must make sure that the command to run is available on each of those hosts. The algorithm used by Schedwi to select a host in the cluster is quite simple. First, all non-responding hosts are skipped. Then, the host with is actually running the least number of jobs is chosen.

The clust mode of the schedwi command is used to define clusters.

Environment groups

Environment variables can be associated with jobs. Whenever the command associated with a job starts, the defined environment variables are automatically set. Environment variables can also be associated with hosts; every time a command starts on a host, the variables are set.

Environment variables are grouped in environment groups which are then associated with jobs, jobsets and hosts. The env mode of the schedwi tool is used to administer these groups and define new variables.


Every day, the Schedwi server will decide, based on the calendars, which jobs and jobsets are going to be run. This is the workload for the day. Workloads that failed — at least one job failed — are kept a few days so you can restart or retry failed jobs. Workloads can be listed with the wl command.

When the Schedwi server decides that a job is planned for the day, it will copy all its parameters in a special area of its database. The changes you may carry on a job are then not applied for its instances in workloads (only a few parameters can be changed on these instances).


Each job and jobset in a workload has an associated status. These status are represented in the following schema. The links represent the transition from a state to an other.

Figure 1. Jobs and jobsets status

Shows the jobs and jobsets status and their transitions


The job is planned to run but its start time or other constraints are not yet satisfied.


For a job it means that the associated command is running. For a jobset, it means that all its constraints are satisfied (start time, links, ...) Its jobs can then be started.


The job is successfully completed. For a jobset, all its jobs are completed.


The associated job command has failed. For a jobset it means that at least one job has failed.


The schedwi command line tool is part of the Schedwi server package and is installed at the same time. It uses the same configuration file — schedwisrv.conf — but can also use two other files that can overwrite parameters defined in the server configuration file: schedwi.conf and ~/.schedwirc (in that order).

Only a few parameters are required, they specify how to access the Schedwi database: DBI_DRIVERNAME, DBI_USER, DBI_PASSWORD, DBI_DBHOSTNAME, DBI_DBNAME and DBI_DBDIR (see the section called “Database Configuration parameters” for a full description of these parameters).


To start the Schedwi command line tool, just type schedwi at the command line prompt:

bash# schedwi
Schedwi version 0.1.7
Enter "help" for instructions

Then, to get the list of available commands type help. The help on a specific command can be displayed with help command.


You will probably notice that some commands look familiar (cat, ls, cd, ...) Don't be confused, Schedwi uses the same names for its own commands just to help you get a grip on the tool.



The mk command can be used to create a new job. The job parameters can be specified as options. If not set, they will inherit their value from the parent jobset. See help mk for the list of parameters.


/> mk --start=18:00 --command=/usr/local/bin/send_report.sh /Dev/Report/send
Display parameters

The cat command shows all the job parameters:

/> cat /Dev/Report/send
                 Name   : send
                 Type   : Job
              Enabled   : True
                 Host * : localhost (2006)
             Calendar * : /Samples/Every day
           Start time   : 18h00
              Command   : /usr/local/bin/send_report.sh
           Parameters * :
  Success return code * : 0
             Username * : nobody
          Output file * : /dev/null
           Error file * : /dev/null
               Detach * : True
               Manual * : False
 Alert cmd for manual   : echo $SCHEDWI_JOBPATH is waiting | wall
         Max duration * : No limit
    Number of retries * : 0
     Interval retries * : 0h05
Limit past start time * : 24h00
        Load user env * : False
          Description   :

The * character specifies that the parameter is inherited from the parent jobset.

Change parameters

Once a job is created, you can change any of its parameter with the set command. For instance, to change the start time and the user, the following command can be used:

/> set --start=18:30 --user=john /Dev/Report/send

Also, to remove a parameter so its value is rather inherited from its parent jobset, you can prefix the parameter with del. For instance to remove the start time and get the one from the parent jobset, you can type:

/> set --delstart /Dev/Report/send

Dependency links can be established between jobs. This way you can specify for instance that for the job B to start, the job A must have been executed successfully. Links with jobsets are also allowed: you can define a link between the job B and the jobset C. For the job B to start, all the jobs and jobsets inside jobset C must be completed.

You can define links not only on the successful completion of an other job but also on all the other status. For instance you can define a job to start when an other job fails, or when it starts running.

Finally, a job can be linked to several other jobs. All the linked jobs must be validated for the job to start (logical AND).

To create a link, use the ln command:

/> ln jobB jobA

which means that jobA must be completed for jobB to start. Also, you can specify the status to wait for (by default it’s completed as in the previous example):

/> ln --failed jobB jobA
/> ln --running jobB jobA

Finally, links can be removed with the rmln command and displayed with the cat command (look for the link parameter near the end):

/> cat /Dev/Report/send
                 Name   : send
                 Type   : Job
              Enabled   : True
                 Host * : localhost (2006/SSL)
             Calendar * : /Samples/Every day
           Start time   : 18h00
              Command   : /usr/local/bin/send_report.sh
           Parameters * :
  Success return code * : 0
             Username * : nobody
          Output file * : /dev/null
           Error file * : /dev/null
               Detach * : True
               Manual * : False
 Alert cmd for manual   : echo $SCHEDWI_JOBPATH is waiting | wall
         Max duration * : No limit
    Number of retries * : 0
     Interval retries * : 0h05
Limit past start time * : 24h00
        Load user env * : False
                 Link   : /Dev/Report/build must be completed
          Description   :
Renaming, copying and moving jobs

Jobs can be renamed and moved with the mv command. They can be copied with the cp command:

/> mv /Dev/Report/send "/Dev/Report/Send Report"
/> cp "/Dev/Report/Send Report" /Prod/Report

Notice how you need to use quotes for names that contain spaces.


Change the current jobset

By default, when you start schedwi, the current jobset is the root one (/). You can change this current jobset with the cd command so you won’t have to specify the full path name of jobs you want to access:

/> cd /Dev/Report
/Dev/Report> pwd
List content of jobsets

The ls command can be used to list the jobs and jobsets inside a specific jobset. If no jobset is specified, then the content of the current jobset is displayed. As an alternate way, the tree command will list the jobs and jobsets in a tree-like format.


The mkjs command can be used to create a new jobset. The jobset parameters can be specified as options. If not set, they will inherit their value from the parent jobset. See help mkjs for the list of parameters.


/> mkjs --host=flower.example.com --calendar="/Samples/Every Day" --start=16:00 /Dev/Backups
Change parameters

The set command is used to change the jobset parameters. For more details, see help set.


As for jobs, dependency links can be created between jobsets. See help link for more details.

Renaming, copying and moving jobsets

Like jobs, jobsets can be renamed and moved with the mv command. They can be copied with the cp command (with the -r option):

/> cp -r /Prod /Test


New calendars can be created and managed through the cal sub-command. At the schedwi prompt, just type cal to enter this mode:

/> cal
Type exit to leave the cal sub-command

Calendars are arranged in directories. These directories are simply a way for you to organize and group your calendars. To navigate the calendar directory tree, you can use the cd, pwd, ls and tree commands:

cal:/> pwd
cal:/> ls
Custom   Samples
cal:/> cd Samples
cal:/Samples> ls
Every Friday                 Every Monday
Every Saturday               Every Sunday
Every Thursday               Every Tuesday
Every Wednesday              Every day
Every weekday                Every weekend
First day of the month       First open day of the month
Last day of the month        Last open day of the month

New directories are created with the mkdir command. New calendars are created with the mk command:

cal:/> mk --formula=Aug/* --description="Every day in August" /Custom/august

For a full presentation on calendar formulas, type help formula or see the section called “Calendar formula” below.

Display a calendar

A calendar can be displayed with the cat command:

cal:/> cat /Custom/august
        Name : august
        Type : Calendar
     Formula : Aug/*
 Description : Every day in August.

Also, you can have an overview of the matching days with the show command:

cal:/> show -m 0 /Custom/august
         January                         February          
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun    Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
                     1   2           1   2   3   4   5   6  
 3   4   5   6   7   8   9       7   8   9  10  11  12  13  
10  11  12  13  14  15  16      14  15  16  17  18  19  20  
17  18  19  20  21  22  23      21  22  23  24  25  26  27  
24  25  26  27  28  29  30      28                          

          March                           April            
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun    Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
     1   2   3   4   5   6                       1   2   3  
 7   8   9  10  11  12  13       4   5   6   7   8   9  10  
14  15  16  17  18  19  20      11  12  13  14  15  16  17  
21  22  23  24  25  26  27      18  19  20  21  22  23  24  
28  29  30  31                  25  26  27  28  29  30      

           May                             June            
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun    Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
                         1               1   2   3   4   5  
 2   3   4   5   6   7   8       6   7   8   9  10  11  12  
 9  10  11  12  13  14  15      13  14  15  16  17  18  19  
16  17  18  19  20  21  22      20  21  22  23  24  25  26  
23  24  25  26  27  28  29      27  28  29  30              

           July                           August           
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun    Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
                 1   2   3     [ 1][ 2][ 3][ 4][ 5][ 6][ 7] 
 4   5   6   7   8   9  10     [ 8][ 9][10][11][12][13][14] 
11  12  13  14  15  16  17     [15][16][17][18][19][20][21] 
18  19  20  21  22  23  24     [22][23][24][25][26][27][28] 
25  26  27  28  29  30  31     [29][30][31]                 

        September                        October           
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun    Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
             1   2   3   4                           1   2  
 5   6   7   8   9  10  11       3   4   5   6   7   8   9  
12  13  14  15  16  17  18      10  11  12  13  14  15  16  
19  20  21  22  23  24  25      17  18  19  20  21  22  23  
26  27  28  29  30              24  25  26  27  28  29  30  

         November                        December          
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun    Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
     1   2   3   4   5   6                   1   2   3   4  
 7   8   9  10  11  12  13       5   6   7   8   9  10  11  
14  15  16  17  18  19  20      12  13  14  15  16  17  18  
21  22  23  24  25  26  27      19  20  21  22  23  24  25  
28  29  30                      26  27  28  29  30  31     
Change parameters

Once a calendar is created, you can change any of its parameter with the set command.

Jobs and jobsets using a specific calendar

To get the list of jobs and jobsets associated with a calendar, you can use the whatuses command:

cal:/> whatuses "/Samples/Every Day"
/Samples/Every day:
    Jobset : /
    Jobset : /Dev
    Jobset : /Dev/Backups
    Jobset : /Dev/Reports
    Jobset : /Prod
    Jobset : /Prod/Reports
    Jobset : /Test
    Jobset : /Test/Reports
       Job : /Dev/Reports/Send Report
       Job : /Prod/Reports/Send Report
       Job : /Test/Reports/Send Report


Before being able to run jobs on a remote host, the Schedwi agent must be installed on this host and also the host must be defined in the Schedwi database.

To manage hosts in the database, you first need to enter the hosts mode:

/> hosts
Type exit to leave the hosts sub-command

Hosts are usually created through the schedwica command which is the recommended way. See the section called “Using the schedwica program” for more details.

However, to define a new host, you can use the mk command:

hosts> mk flower.example.com

Also, if you want to define a host that uses ssl for its communications, you should use the --ssl and --sslcert options:

hosts> mk --ssl=True --sslcert=/tmp/cherry.crt cherry.example.com

with /tmp/cherry.crt the certificate file of the remote host.

See help mk for all the possible options.

Change a host parameter

The set command can be use to change a parameter to an already defined host. Any change (like port, description, ...) will be applied immediately.

View host parameters

To list all the details of a specific host, use the cat command:

hosts> cat flower.example.com:2006
        Hostname : flower.example.com
            Port : 2006
             SSL : False
     Certificate :
     Description :
List defined hosts

To list all defined hosts, simply use the ls command.

Jobs and jobsets using a specific host

To get the list of jobs and jobsets associated with a specific host, you can use the whatuses command:

hosts> whatuses flower.example.com
flower.example.com (2006):
         Jobset : /Dev
         Jobset : /Dev/Backups
         Jobset : /Dev/Reports
         Jobset : /Test
         Jobset : /Test/Reports
            Job : /Prod/Reports/Send Report
Constraint file : /Prod/Reports/Send Report: /tmp/report.xml must exist

Environment groups and variables

Environment groups are groups of environment variables. These groups can be associated with jobs and jobsets but also with hosts.

The environment variables from a group:

  • are automatically set when running the job command on the remote host.

  • can be used when defining new jobs. For instance, if you define the LOGDIR variable in the myvargroup environment group, then you will be able to use this variable that way:

    /> mk --command=/usr/local/bin/myprog --stdout=$LOGDIR/myprog.out --addenv=myvargroup  testjob

    Variables can be used that way with the --command, --parameter, --stdout, --stderr and --addfile parameters.

    Also, the variable expansion is mainly the same as the Unix shell:

    $parameter or ${parameter}

    The value of parameter is substituted. The braces are required when parameter is followed by a character which is not to be interpreted as part of its name.


    If parameter is unset or null, the expansion of word is substituted. Otherwise, the value of parameter is substituted.


    If parameter is unset or null, the expansion of word is assigned to parameter. The value of parameter is then substituted.


    If parameter is unset or null, the expansion of word is substituted if not empty. Otherwise the string parameter null or not set is substituted. This is a different behavior than the Unix shells.


    If parameter is unset or null, nothing is substituted, otherwise the expansion of word is substituted.

When a group is associated with a host, the variables are set every time a job is started on that host.

Environment groups associated with jobsets are inherited by lower jobs and jobsets but added up. For instance, if the environment group A is associated with the jobset /test and the environment group B is associated with the job /test/job1 then, when run, /test/job1 will have defined the variables from A and from B (in that order — so a variable can be overwritten at the job level) Furthermore, if the environment group C is associated with the host on which /test/jobs1 is going to run, then the variables from C, A and B (in that order) are going to be set.

To manage environment groups, you first need to enter the specific mode:

/> env
Type exit to leave the env sub-command
Create a group and add environment variables

To create a new environment group, simply use the mk command:

env> mk prod_env

Then, to add environment variables to the new group the set command can be used with the --append option:

env> set --append=DEBUG=0 --append=BINPATH=/usr/local/bin prod_env

In this case, two variables have been added:


Also the --insert, --position and --delete parameters can be used to insert a new variable in a specific position in the group or to delete an existing variable. See help set for more details.

View a group details

To list all the variables defined in a group, use the cat command:

env> cat prod_env
       Name : prod_env
      Var 1 : DEBUG=0
      Var 2 : BINPATH=/usr/local/bin
Description :
List environment groups

The ls command is used to list all defined environment groups.

Jobs, jobsets and hosts associated with a specific group

The whatuses command can be used to list all the jobs, jobsets and hosts associated with a specific environment group.

env> whatuses test_env
    Jobset : /Dev
      Job : /Test/Report/Send Report
      Job : /Test/Report/Print
     Host : cheese.example.com (2006)

Calendar formula

A calendar formula is a way to define a calendar; it specifies days in a year. The syntax is powerful but not straightforward. The Schedwi Web interface can be a great help to define simple calendar formulas. Predefined calendars (in the /Samples calendar folder) can directly be used by your jobs and jobsets. They also provide a good source of examples of formulas.

A formula may contain several lines, each of them defining a set of days. A comment can be added, on a line by itself, and must start by the # character.

The syntax of each line may take several forms.

The day number form

This form is described in the following figure and can be used to define a day number in a month.

Figure 2. Day number calendar formula form

Shows the day number calendar formula form

Example 1. Day number calendar formula examples

Mar/14 or 3/14

14th of March.


Every 15th. The * character, which stands for all the month in this example, can also be used in the day number side of the formula as in the following example.


Every day in August.

Jan-Jun/23 or 1-6/23

Every 23rd from January to June. The - character is used to specify a range. It can also be used in the day number side of the formula as in the next example.


Every day between the 15th and the 31st of December (included).


Last day of every month. A negative day number specifies a day from the end of the month. -1 stands for the last day of the month, -2 for the day before the last day of the month and so on.


The 1st, 15th and last day of January and June. The , character is used to specify a list of months or days.


23rd of October or, if the 23rd is a Saturday, 25th of October. The optional last part (Sat+2 in this example) specifies that if a day falls on a specific week day, it must be moved by the number of specified days.


1st January or, if it's a week-end (a Saturday or a Sunday), the following Monday.


4th of July. If it's a Saturday then the previous Friday or if it's a Sunday then the following Monday.

The weekday name form

This form is described in the following schema.

Figure 3. Day weekday name calendar formula form

Shows the weekday name calendar formula form

Example 2. Weekday name calendar formula examples


Every Monday in January.


All Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays in November.

May/Mon/first or May/Mon/1

First Monday of May. The optional last part (first or 1 in this example) specifies the week number in the month.

Apr/Fri/Last or Apr/Fri/-1

Last Friday of April.

The open day form

This syntax is described in the following schema and is used to define calendars based on open days.

Figure 4. Open day calendar formula form

Shows the openday calendar formula form

Example 3. Openday calendar formula examples


All open days. The Open keyword specifies all the days of the week except Saturday and Sunday (it is a shortcut for Mon-Fri).

*/Open/Last or */Open/-1

The last open day in every month.

The Easter and Paskha form

This form is described in the following schema and can be used to define calendars based on Easter and Paskha (Orthodox Easter).

Figure 5. Easter calendar formula form

Shows the Easter calendar formula form

Figure 6. Paskha calendar formula form

Shows the Paskha calendar formula form

Example 4. Easter and Paskha calendar formula examples


Easter day.


Two days after Easter.


Two days before Paskha (Orthodox Easter).

Logical operator

The special operator Not (or !) can be added in front of a formula to inverse the day selection.

Example 5. Logical operator examples

Not Jan/15 or ! Jan/15

Every day of the year except the 15th of January.

Not */Wed

Every day except Wednesdays.

Schedwi firewalls and security

Firewall systems must be configured to allow the communication between the Schedwi server and its agents. Four TCP network streams are used:

Alternatively, and if available on the operating system, schedwiclnt, schedwisrv and schedwireg can all use the TCP Wrappers to filter the network access. See your hosts_access(5) manual page for more details. The daemon names are schedwiclnt for the agent, and schedwisrv for both schedwisrv and schedwireg.

Example on the agent to only allow the server (cherry.foo.com):

     schedwiclnt: cherry.foo.com

     schedwiclnt: ALL

On the server, to only allow agents from the network:


     schedwisrv: ALL

Finally, the ALLOW_FROM directive in the configuration file of both the agent (schedwiclnt.conf) and the server (schedwisrv.conf) can also be used to filter the network access. For a complete description of this directive, see the section called “Basic configuration parameters” for schedwiclnt. For schedwisrv see the section called “Global Configuration parameters”.

About Schedwi

Schedwi was written by Herve Quatremain (). To find more information about Schedwi, please visit the Schedwi Web page.

To report a bug or make a suggestion regarding this application or this manual, follow the directions in this document.

This program is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public license as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. A copy of this license can be found at this link, or in the file COPYING included with the source code of this program.