Org Edna

Table of Contents


Copyright (C) 2017-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see


Extensible Dependencies ’N’ Actions (EDNA) for Org Mode tasks

Edna provides an extensible means of specifying conditions which must be fulfilled before a task can be completed and actions to take once it is.

Org Edna runs when either the BLOCKER or TRIGGER properties are set on a heading, and when it is changing from a TODO state to a DONE state.

For brevity, we use TODO state to indicate any state in org-not-done-keywords, and DONE state to indicate any state in org-done-keywords.

Installation and Setup


Emacs 25.1
seq 2.19
org 9.0.5

There are two ways to install Edna: From GNU ELPA, or from source.

From ELPA:

M-x package-install org-edna

From Source:

bzr branch org-edna

After that, add the following to your init file (typically .emacs):

;; Only necessary if installing from source
(add-to-list 'load-path "/full/path/to/org-edna/")
(require 'org-edna)

;; Always necessary

If you ever want to disable Edna, run (org-edna-mode) again.

To determine if Edna is active, check the org-edna-mode variable.

Basic Operation

Let’s start with an example: Say you want to do laundry, but once you’ve put your clothes in the washer, you forget about it. Even with a tool like org-notify or appt, Org won’t know when to remind you. If you’ve got them scheduled for an hour after the other, maybe you forgot one time, or ran a little late. Now Org will remind you too early.

Edna can handle this for you like so:

* TODO Put clothes in washer
  SCHEDULED: <2017-04-08 Sat 09:00>
  :TRIGGER: next-sibling scheduled!("++1h")
* TODO Put clothes in dryer
  :TRIGGER: next-sibling scheduled!("++1h")
  :BLOCKER:  previous-sibling
* TODO Fold laundry
  :TRIGGER: next-sibling scheduled!("++1h")
  :BLOCKER:  previous-sibling
* TODO Put clothes away
  :TRIGGER: next-sibling scheduled!("++1h")
  :BLOCKER:  previous-sibling

After you’ve put your clothes in the washer and mark the task DONE, Edna will schedule the following task for one hour after you set the first heading as done.

Another example might be a checklist that you’ve done so many times that you do part of it on autopilot:

* TODO Address all TODOs in code
* TODO Commit Code to Repository

The last thing anyone wants is to find out that some part of the code on which they’ve been working for days has a surprise waiting for them. Once again, Edna can help:

* TODO Address all TODOs in code
  :BLOCKER: file("main.cpp") file("code.cpp") re-search?("TODO")
* TODO Commit Code to Repository


A blocker indicates conditions which must be met in order for a heading to be marked as DONE. Typically, this will be a list of headings that must be marked as DONE.


A trigger is an action to take when a heading is set to done. For example, scheduling another task, marking another task as TODO, or renaming a file.


Edna has its own language for commands, the basic form of which is KEYWORD(ARG1 ARG2 ...)

KEYWORD can be any valid lisp symbol, such as key-word, KEY_WORD!, or keyword?.

Each argument can be one of the following:

  • A symbol, such as arg or org-mode
  • A quoted string, such as “hello” or “My name is Edna”
  • A number, such as 0.5, +1e3, or -5
  • A UUID, such as c5e30c76-879a-494d-9281-3a4b559c1a3c

Each argument takes specific datatypes as input, so be sure to read the entry before using it.

The parentheses can be omitted for commands with no arguments.

Basic Features

The most basic features of Edna are finders and actions.


A finder specifies locations from which to test conditions or perform actions. These locations are referred to as “targets”. The current heading, i.e. the one that is being blocked or triggered, is referred to as the “source” heading.

More than one finder may be used. In this case, the targets are merged together, removing any duplicates.

Many finders take additional options, marked “OPTIONS”. See relatives for information on these options.


  • Syntax: ancestors(OPTIONS...)

The ancestors finder returns a list of the source heading’s ancestors.

For example:

* TODO Heading 1
** TODO Heading 2
** TODO Heading 3
*** TODO Heading 4
**** TODO Heading 5
     :BLOCKER:  ancestors

In the above example, “Heading 5” will be blocked until “Heading 1”, “Heading 3”, and “Heading 4” are marked “DONE”, while “Heading 2” is ignored.


  • Syntax: children(OPTIONS...)

The children finder returns a list of the immediate children of the source heading. If the source has no children, no target is returned.

In order to get all levels of children of the source heading, use the descendants keyword instead.


  • Syntax: descendants(OPTIONS...)

The descendants finder returns a list of all descendants of the source heading.

* TODO Heading 1
   :BLOCKER:  descendants
** TODO Heading 2
*** TODO Heading 3
**** TODO Heading 4
***** TODO Heading 5

In the above example, “Heading 1” will block until Headings 2, 3, 4, and 5 are DONE.


  • Syntax: file(“FILE”)

The file finder finds a single file, specified as a string. The returned target will be the minimum point in the file.

Note that this does not give a valid heading, so any conditions or actions that require will throw an error. Consult the documentation for individual actions or conditions to determine which ones will and won’t work.

See conditions for how to set a different condition. For example:

* TODO Test
  :BLOCKER:  file("~/") headings?

Here, “Test” will block until is clear of headings.


  • Syntax: first-child(OPTIONS...)

Return the first child of the source heading. If the source heading has no children, no target is returned.


  • Syntax: id(ID1 ID2 ...)

The ids finder will search for headings with given IDs, using org-id. Any number of UUIDs may be specified. For example:

* TODO Test
  :BLOCKER:  ids(62209a9a-c63b-45ef-b8a8-12e47a9ceed9 6dbd7921-a25c-4e20-b035-365677e00f30)

Here, “Test” will block until the heading with ID 62209a9a-c63b-45ef-b8a8-12e47a9ceed9 and the heading with ID 6dbd7921-a25c-4e20-b035-365677e00f30 are set to “DONE”.

Note that UUIDs need not be quoted; Edna will handle that for you.

The IDs may also be prefixed with id:, allowing the links to the headings themselves to be used.


  • Syntax: match(“MATCH-STRING” SCOPE SKIP)

The match keyword will take any arguments that org-map-entries usually takes. In fact, the arguments to match are passed straight into org-map-entries.

* TODO Test
  :BLOCKER:  match("test&mine" agenda)

“Test” will block until all entries tagged “test” and “mine” in the agenda files are marked DONE.

See the documentation for org-map-entries for a full explanation of the first argument.


  • Syntax: next-sibling(OPTIONS...)

The next-sibling keyword returns the next sibling of the source heading, if any.


  • Syntax: next-sibling-wrap(OPTIONS...)

Find the next sibling of the source heading, if any. If there isn’t, wrap back around to the first heading in the same subtree.


  • Syntax: olp(“FILE” “OLP”)

Finds the heading given by OLP in FILE. Both arguments are strings.

* TODO Test
  :BLOCKER:  olp("" "path/to/heading")

“Test” will block if the heading “path/to/heading” in “” is not DONE.


  • Syntax: org-file(“FILE”)

A special form of file, org-file will find FILE in org-directory.

FILE is the relative path of a file in org-directory. Nested files are allowed, such as “my-directory/”. The returned target is the minimum point of FILE.

* TODO Test
  :BLOCKER:  org-file("")

Note that the file still requires an extension; the “org” here just means to look in org-directory, not necessarily an Org mode file.


  • Syntax: parent(OPTIONS...)

Returns the parent of the source heading, if any.


  • Syntax: previous-sibling(OPTIONS...)

Returns the previous sibling of the source heading on the same level.


  • Syntax: previous-sibling-wrap(OPTIONS...)

Returns the previous sibling of the source heading on the same level.


Find some relative of the current heading.

  • Syntax: relatives(OPTION OPTION...)
  • Syntax: chain-find(OPTION OPTION...)

Identical to the chain argument in org-depend, relatives selects its single target using the following method:

  1. Creates a list of possible targets
  2. Filters the targets from Step 1
  3. Sorts the targets from Step 2

One option from each of the following three categories may be used; if more than one is specified, the last will be used. Filtering is the exception to this; each filter argument adds to the current filter. Apart from that, argument order is irrelevant.

The chain-find finder is also provided for backwards compatibility, and for similarity to org-depend.

All arguments are symbols, unless noted otherwise.


  • from-top: Select siblings of the current heading, starting at the top
  • from-bottom: As above, but from the bottom
  • from-current: Selects siblings, starting from the heading (wraps)
  • no-wrap: As above, but without wrapping
  • forward-no-wrap: Find entries on the same level, going forward
  • forward-wrap: As above, but wrap when the end is reached
  • backward-no-wrap: Find entries on the same level, going backward
  • backward-wrap: As above, but wrap when the start is reached
  • walk-up: Walk up the tree, excluding self
  • walk-up-with-self: As above, but including self
  • walk-down: Recursively walk down the tree, excluding self
  • walk-down-with-self: As above, but including self
  • step-down: Collect headings from one level down


  • todo-only: Select only targets with TODO state set that isn’t a DONE state
  • todo-and-done-only: Select all targets with a TODO state set
  • no-comments: Skip commented headings
  • no-archive: Skip archived headings
  • NUMBER: Only use that many headings, starting from the first one If passed 0, use all headings If <0, omit that many headings from the end
  • “+tag”: Only select headings with given tag
  • “-tag”: Only select headings without tag
  • “REGEX”: select headings whose titles match REGEX


  • no-sort: Remove other sorting in affect
  • reverse-sort: Reverse other sorts (stacks with other sort methods)
  • random-sort: Sort in a random order
  • priority-up: Sort by priority, highest first
  • priority-down: Same, but lowest first
  • effort-up: Sort by effort, highest first
  • effort-down: Sort by effort, lowest first
  • scheduled-up: Scheduled time, farthest first
  • scheduled-down: Scheduled time, closest first
  • deadline-up: Deadline time, farthest first
  • deadline-down: Deadline time, closest first
  • timestamp-up: Timestamp time, farthest first
  • timestamp-down: Timestamp time, closest first

Many of the other finders are shorthand for argument combinations of relative:

step-down 1
forward-no-wrap 1
forward-wrap 1
walk-up 1
backward-no-wrap 1
backward-wrap 1

Because these are implemented as shorthand, any arguments for relatives may also be passed to one of these finders.


  • Syntax: rest-of-siblings(OPTIONS...)

Starting from the heading following the current one, all same-level siblings are returned.


  • Syntax: rest-of-siblings-wrap(OPTIONS...)

Starting from the heading following the current one, all same-level siblings are returned. When the end is reached, wrap back to the beginning.


  • Syntax: self

Returns the source heading.


  • Syntax: siblings(OPTIONS...)

Returns all siblings of the source heading as targets, starting from the first sibling.


  • Syntax: siblings-wrap(OPTIONS...)

Finds the siblings on the same level as the source heading, wrapping when it reaches the end.

Identical to the rest-of-siblings-wrap finder.


Once Edna has collected its targets for a trigger, it will perform actions on them.

Actions must always end with ’!’.


  • Syntax: scheduled!(OPTIONS)
  • Syntax: deadline!(OPTIONS)

Set the scheduled or deadline time of any target headings.

There are several forms that the planning keywords can take. In the following, PLANNING is either scheduled or deadline.


    Sets PLANNING to DATE at TIME. If DATE is a weekday instead of a date, then set PLANNING to the following weekday. If TIME is not specified, only a date will be added to the target.

    Any string recognized by org-read-date may be used for DATE.

    TIME is a time string, such as HH:MM.

  • PLANNING!(rm|remove)

    Remove PLANNING from all targets. The argument to this form may be either a string or a symbol.

  • PLANNING!(copy|cp)

    Copy PLANNING info verbatim from the source heading to all targets. The argument to this form may be either a string or a symbol.

  • PLANNING!(“[+|-|++|--]NTHING[ [+|-]LANDING]”)

    Increment(+) or decrement(-) target’s PLANNING by N THINGs relative to either itself (+/-) or the current time (++/--).

    N is an integer

    THING is one of y (years), m (months), d (days), h (hours), M (minutes), a (case-insensitive) day of the week or its abbreviation, or the strings “weekday” or “wkdy”.

    If a day of the week is given as THING, move forward or backward N weeks to find that day of the week.

    If one of “weekday” or “wkdy” is given as THING, move forward or backward N days, moving forward or backward to the next weekday.

    This form may also include a “landing” specifier to control where in the week the final date lands. LANDING may be one of the following:

    • A day of the week, which means adjust the final date forward (+) or backward (-) to land on that day of the week.
    • One of “weekday” or “wkdy”, which means adjust the target date to the closest weekday.
    • One of “weekend” or “wknd”, which means adjust the target date to the closest weekend.
  • PLANNING!(“float [+|-|++|--]N DAYNAME[ MONTH[ DAY]]”)

    Set time to the date of the Nth DAYNAME before/after MONTH DAY, as per diary-float.

    N is an integer.

    DAYNAME may be either an integer, where 0=Sunday, 1=Monday, etc., or a string for that day.

    MONTH may be an integer, 1-12, or a month’s string. If MONTH is empty, the following (+) or previous (-) month relative to the target’s time (+/-) or the current time (++/--).

    DAY is an integer, or empty or 0 to use the first of the month (+) or the last of the month (-).


scheduled!(“Mon 09:00”)
Set SCHEDULED to the following Monday at 9:00
Set DEADLINE to two hours from now.
deadline!(copy) deadline!(“+1h”)
Copy the source deadline to the target, then increment it by an hour.
Set SCHEDULED to the next weekday
scheduled!(“+1d +wkdy”)
Same as above
deadline!(“+1m -wkdy”)
Set DEADLINE up one month, but move backward to find a weekend
scheduled!(“float 2 Tue Feb”)
Set SCHEDULED to the second Tuesday in the following February
scheduled!(“float 3 Thu”)
Set SCHEDULED to the third Thursday in the following month
Timestamp Format

When using one of the planning modifiers, it isn’t always possible to deduce how the timestamp format will be chosen if using ++ or --. The following method is used:

  1. If the target heading already has a timestamp, that format is used.
  2. If the modifier with the ++ or -- is “h” or “M” (hours or minutes), long format (includes time) is used.
  3. If the property EDNA_TS_FORMAT is set on the target heading, its value will be used. It should be either long for long format (includes time) or short for short format (does not include time).
  4. The user variable org-edna-timestamp-format is the final fallback. It should be either the symbol long or short. It defaults to short.

TODO State

  • Syntax: todo!(NEW-STATE)

Sets the TODO state of the target heading to NEW-STATE.

NEW-STATE may either be a string or a symbol denoting the new TODO state. It can also be the empty string, in which case the TODO state is removed.


* TODO Heading 1
  :TRIGGER: next-sibling todo!(DONE)
* TODO Heading 2

In this example, when “Heading 1” is marked as DONE, it will also mark “Heading 2” as DONE:

* DONE Heading 1
  :TRIGGER: next-sibling todo!(DONE)
* DONE Heading 2


  • Syntax: archive!

Archives all targets with confirmation.

Confirmation is controlled with org-edna-prompt-for-archive. If this option is nil, Edna will not ask before archiving targets.

Chain Property

  • Syntax: chain!(“PROPERTY”)

Copies PROPERTY from the source entry to all targets. Does nothing if the source heading has no property PROPERTY.


* TODO Heading 1
  :TRIGGER: next-sibling chain!("COUNTER")
* TODO Heading 2

In this example, when “Heading 1” is marked as DONE, it will copy its COUNTER property to “Heading 2”:

* DONE Heading 1
  :TRIGGER: next-sibling chain!("COUNTER")
* TODO Heading 2


  • Syntax: clock-in!
  • Syntax: clock-out!

Clocks into or out of all targets.

clock-in! has no special handling of targets, so be careful when specifying multiple targets.

In contrast, clock-out! ignores its targets and only clocks out of the current clock, if any.


  • Syntax: set-property!(“PROPERTY” “VALUE”)
  • Syntax: set-property!(“PROPERTY” inc)
  • Syntax: set-property!(“PROPERTY” dec)
  • Syntax: set-property!(“PROPERTY” next)
  • Syntax: set-property!(“PROPERTY” prev)
  • Syntax: set-property!(“PROPERTY” previous)

The first form sets the property PROPERTY on all targets to VALUE.

If VALUE is a symbol, it is interpreted as follows:

Increment a numeric property value by one
Decrement a numeric property value by one

If either inc or dec attempt to modify a non-numeric property value, Edna will fail with an error message.

Cycle the property through to the next allowed property value
Cycle the property through to the previous allowed property value

The symbol prev may be used as an abbreviation for previous. Similar to inc and dec, any of these will fail if there are no defined properties. When reaching the end of the list of allowed properties, next will cycle back to the beginning.



* TODO Test Heading
  :TEST:     d
  :TRIGGER:  self set-property!("TEST" next)

When “Test Heading” is set to DONE, its TEST property will change to “a”. This also works with previous, but in the opposite direction.

Additionally, all special forms will fail if the property is not already set:

* TODO Test
  :TRIGGER: self set-property!("TEST" inc)

In the above example, if “Test” is set to DONE, Edna will fail to increment the TEST property, since it doesn’t exist.

  • Syntax: delete-property!(“PROPERTY”)

Deletes the property PROPERTY from all targets.


set-property!(“COUNTER” “1”)
Sets the property COUNTER to 1 on all targets
set-property!(“COUNTER” inc)
Increments the property COUNTER by 1. Following the previous example, it would be 2.


Sets the priority of all targets.

  • Syntax: set-priority!(“PRIORITY”)

    Set the priority to the first character of PRIORITY.

  • Syntax: set-priority!(up)

    Cycle the target’s priority up through the list of allowed priorities.

  • Syntax: set-priority!(down)

    Cycle the target’s priority down through the list of allowed priorities.

  • Syntax: set-priority!(P)

    Set the target’s priority to the character P.


  • Syntax: tag!(“TAG-SPEC”)

Tags all targets with TAG-SPEC, which is any valid tag specification, e.g. tag1:tag2


Modifies the effort of all targets.

  • Syntax: set-effort!(“VALUE”)

    Set the effort of all targets to “VALUE”.

  • Syntax: set-effort!(NUMBER)

    Sets the effort to the NUMBER’th allowed effort property.

  • Syntax: set-effort!(increment)

    Increment the effort value.

Getting Help

Edna provides help for any keyword with M-x org-edna-describe-keyword. When invoked, a list of keywords (finders, actions, etc.) known to Edna will be provided. Select any one to get its description.

This description includes the syntax and an explanation of what the keyword does. Some descriptions also contain examples.

Advanced Features

Finder Cache

Some finders, match in particular, can take a long time to run. Oftentimes, this can make it unappealing to use Edna at all, especially with long checklists.

The finder cache is one solution to this. To enable it, set org-edna-finder-use-cache to non-nil. This can be done through the customization interface, or manually with setq.

When enabled, the cache will store the results of every finder form for a configurable amount of time. This timeout is controlled by org-edna-finder-cache-timeout. The cache is also invalidated if any of the results are invalid, which can happen if their target files have been closed.

For example, if there are several entries in a checklist that all use the form match("daily") as part of their trigger, the results of that form will be cached. When the next item is marked as DONE, the results will be searched for in cache, not recomputed.

When reverting Org mode files, the cache will often be invalidated. This isn’t the case for every Org mode file, so we can’t just tell Emacs to automatically reset the cache when reverting a file. Instead, we provide the command org-edna-reset-cache to reset the finder cache. If you notice headings that should be blocking but aren’t while cache is enabled, reset the cache and check again.


Edna gives you he option to specify blocking conditions. Each condition is checked for each of the specified targets; if one of the conditions returns true for that target, then the source heading is blocked.

If no condition is specified, !done? is used by default, which means block if any target heading isn’t done.

Heading is DONE

  • Syntax: done?

Blocks the source heading if any target heading is DONE.

File Has Headings

  • Syntax: headings?

Blocks the source heading if any target belongs to a file that has an Org heading. This means that target does not have to be a heading.

org-file("") headings?

The above example blocks if has any headings.

Heading TODO State

  • Syntax: todo-state?(STATE)

Blocks if any target heading has TODO state set to STATE.

STATE may be a string or a symbol.

Lisp Variable Set

  • Syntax: variable-set?(VARIABLE VALUE)

Evaluate VARIABLE when visiting a target, and compare it with equal against VALUE. Block the source heading if VARIABLE = VALUE.

VARIABLE should be a symbol, and VALUE is any valid lisp expression.


self variable-set?(test-variable 12)
Blocks if the variable test-variable is set to 12.
self variable-set?(buffer-file-name “”)
Blocks if the variable buffer-file-name is set to “”.

Heading Has Property

  • Syntax: has-property?(“PROPERTY” “VALUE”)

Tests each target for the property PROPERTY, and blocks if it’s set to VALUE.


* TODO Take Shower
  :COUNT:  1
  :TRIGGER: self set-property!("COUNT" inc) todo!("TODO")
* TODO Wash Towels
  :BLOCKER:  previous-sibling !has-property?("COUNT" "3")
  :TRIGGER:  previous-sibling set-property!("COUNT" "0")

In this example, “Wash Towels” can’t be completed until the user has showered at least three times.

Checking Tags

  • Syntax: has-tags?(“TAG1” “TAG2” ...)

Blocks the source heading if any of the target headings have one or more of the given tags.

* TODO Task 1                                                          :tag1:
* TODO Task 2                                                     :tag3:tag2:
* TODO Task 3
  :BLOCKER:  rest-of-siblings-wrap has-tags?("tag1" "tag2")

In the above example, Tasks 1 and 2 will block Task 3. Task 1 will block it because it contains “tag1” as one of its tags, and likewise for Task 2 and “tag2”.

Note that marking “Task 1” or “Task 2” as DONE will not unblock “Task 3”. If you want to set up such a system, use the match finder.

Matching Headings

  • Syntax: matches?(“MATCH-STRING”)

Blocks the source heading if any of the target headings match against MATCH-STRING.

MATCH-STRING is a string passed to org-map-entries.

* TODO Task 1
* TODO Task 2
* TODO Task 3
  :BLOCKER:  rest-of-siblings-wrap !matches?("TODO==\"DONE\"")

In the above example, Tasks 1 and 2 will block Task 3 until they’re marked as DONE.

Negating Conditions

Any condition can be negated by using ’!’ before the condition.

match("test") !has-property?("PROP" "1")

The above example will cause the source heading to block if any heading tagged “test” does not have the property PROP set to “1”.

Multiple Conditions

Multiple blocking conditions can be used for a single entry. The heading will block if any of the provided conditions evaluate to true.

* TODO Heading 1
  :ID:       1942caf2-caad-4757-b689-3c0029c1d8a5
* TODO Heading 2
* TODO Heading 3
  :BLOCKER:  previous-sibling !done? ids(1942caf2-caad-4757-b689-3c0029c1d8a5) !done?

“Heading 3” will block if either “Heading 1” isn’t done (ids) or “Heading 2” isn’t done (previous-sibling).


“Consideration” and “consider” are special keywords that are only valid for blockers.

A blocker says “If ANY heading in TARGETS meets CONDITION, block this task”.

In order to modify the ANY part of that statement, the consider keyword may be used:

  1. consider(any)
  2. consider(all)
  3. consider(FRACTION)
  4. consider(NUMBER)

(1) blocks the current task if any target meets the blocking condition. This is the default case.

(2) blocks the current task only if all targets meet the blocking condition.

* Shovel Snow
** TODO Shovel on Monday
** TODO Shovel on Tuesday
** TODO Shovel on Wednesday
** TODO Put shovel away
   :BLOCKER: consider(all) rest-of-siblings-wrap

The above example blocks “Put shovel away” so long as all of the siblings are still marked TODO.

(3) blocks the current task if at least FRACTION of the targets meet the blocking condition.

* Work
** TODO Shovel Snow
** TODO Clean room
** TODO Vacuum
** TODO Eat lunch
** TODO Work on Edna
   :BLOCKER: consider(0.5) rest-of-siblings-wrap

The above example blocks “Work on Edna” so long as at least half of the siblings are marked TODO. This means that three of them must be completed before development can begin on Edna.

(4) blocks the current task if at least NUMBER of the targets meet the blocking condition.

* Work
** TODO Shovel Snow
** TODO Clean room
** TODO Vacuum
** TODO Eat lunch
** TODO Work on Edna
   :BLOCKER: consider(2) rest-of-siblings-wrap

The above example blocks “Work on Edna” so long as two of the siblings are marked TODO. This means that NUMBER=1 is the same as specifying any.

A consideration must be specified before the conditions to which it applies.

Both “consider” and “consideration” are valid keywords; they both mean the same thing.

Conditional Forms

Let’s say you’ve got the following checklist:

* TODO Nightly
  DEADLINE: <2017-12-22 Fri 22:00 +1d>
  :ID:       12345
  :BLOCKER:  match("nightly")
  :TRIGGER:  match("nightly") todo!(TODO)
* TODO Prepare Tomorrow's Lunch                                     :nightly:
* TODO Lock Back Door                                               :nightly:
* TODO Feed Dog                                                     :nightly:

You don’t know in what order you want to perform each task, nor should it matter. However, you also want the parent heading, “Nightly”, to be marked as DONE when you’re finished with the last task.

There are two solutions to this: 1. Have each task attempt to mark “Nightly” as DONE, which will spam blocking messages after each task.

The second is to use conditional forms. Conditional forms are simple; it’s just if/then/else/endif:

if CONDITION then THEN else ELSE endif

Here’s how that reads:

“If CONDITION would not block, execute THEN. Otherwise, execute ELSE.”

For our nightly entries, this looks as follows:

* TODO Prepare Tomorrow's Lunch                                     :nightly:
  :TRIGGER:  if match("nightly") then ids(12345) todo!(DONE) endif

Thus, we replicate our original blocking condition on all of them, so it won’t trigger the original until the last one is marked DONE.

Occasionally, you may find that you’d rather execute a form if the condition would block. There are two options.

The first is to use consider(all). This will tell Edna to block only if all of the targets meets the condition, and thus not block if at least one of them does not meet the condition. This is the opposite of Edna’s standard operation, which only allows passage if all targets meet the condition.

* TODO Prepare Tomorrow's Lunch                                     :nightly:
  :TRIGGER:  if consider(all) match("nightly") then ids(12345) todo!(DONE) endif

The second is to switch the then and else clauses:

* TODO Prepare Tomorrow's Lunch                                     :nightly:
  :TRIGGER:  if match("nightly") then else ids(12345) todo!(DONE) endif

The conditional block tells it to evaluate that section. Thus, you can conditionally add targets, or conditionally check conditions.

Another common use case is to check for a property:

* TODO My Task
  :TRIGGER: if self has-property?("REPEAT" "2") then self set-property!("REPEAT" inc) todo!("TODO") endif
  :REPEAT: 0

When “My Task” is set to DONE, REPEAT will be incremented, then the task will be set back to TODO. This happens until REPEAT is 2. Once that happens, the task will be left alone, staying in the DONE state.

Be warned that trying the above example with a repeater will not work. In order for that to work, Edna must take over the repeater:

* TODO My Task
  SCHEDULED: <2020-09-02 Wed>
  :TRIGGER: if self has-property?("REPEAT" "2") then self set-property!("REPEAT" inc) scheduled!("+1d") todo!("TODO") endif
  :REPEAT: 0

This example will increment the SCHEDULED time by one day every time the task is marked DONE.

What Constitutes “Not Done”?

Sometimes, you have a heading like this:

* My Task
  :TRIGGER:  self set-property!("TEST" inc)

You want to mark it as DONE because that’s how you do things. Will Edna run when you do that?

The answer is it can. There is user variable called org-edna-from-todo-states that controls the categories of TODO states from which changing a heading will cause Edna to run. This has two possible values:

Edna will only run if the old TODO state is in org-not-done-keywords. This is the default.
Edna will run if the old TODO state is not in org-done-keywords. This includes no state at all.

Further, using conditional forms, it is possible to take different actions depending on the new TODO state. For example:

* My Task
  :TRIGGER:  if self todo-state?("COMPLETE") then self set-property!("TEST" inc) endif
  :TEST:     0

This will only increment the TEST property if the new TODO state is not “COMPLETE”. Currently, there is no way to take different actions depending on the old TODO state.

Setting the Properties

There are two ways to set the BLOCKER and TRIGGER properties: by hand, or the easy way. You can probably guess which way we prefer.

With point within the heading you want to edit, type M-x org-edna-edit. You end up in a buffer that looks like this:

Edit blockers and triggers in this buffer under their respective sections below.
All lines under a given section will be merged into one when saving back to
the source buffer.  Finish with `C-c C-c' or abort with `C-c C-k'.



In here, you can edit the blocker and trigger properties for the original heading in a cleaner environment. More importantly, you can complete the names of any valid keyword within the BLOCKER or TRIGGER sections using completion-at-point.

When finished, type C-c C-c to apply the changes, or C-c C-k to throw out your changes.

Extending Edna

Extending Edna is (relatively) simple.

During operation, Edna searches for functions of the form org-edna-TYPE/KEYWORD.

Naming Conventions

In order to distinguish between actions, finders, and conditions, we add ’?’ to conditions and ’!’ to actions. This is taken from the practice in Guile and Scheme to suffix destructive functions with ’!’ and predicates with ’?’.

Thus, one can have an action that files a target, and a finder that finds a file.

We recommend that you don’t name a finder with a special character at the end of its name. As we devise new ideas, we consider using special characters for additional categories of keywords. Thus, to avoid complications in the future, it’s best if everyone avoids using characters that may become reserved in the future.


Finders have the form org-edna-finder/KEYWORD, like so:

(defun org-edna-finder/test-finder ()
  (list (point-marker)))

All finders must return a list of markers, one for each target found, or nil if no targets were found.


Actions have the form org-edna-action/KEYWORD!:

(defun org-edna-action/test-action! (last-entry arg1 arg2)

Each action has at least one argument: last-entry. This is a marker for the current entry (not to be confused with the current target).

The rest of the arguments are the arguments specified in the form.


(defun org-edna-condition/test-cond? (neg))

All conditions have at least one argument, “NEG”. If NEG is non-nil, the condition should be negated.

Most conditions have the following form:

(defun org-edna-condition/test-condition? (neg)
  (let ((condition (my-test-for-condition)))
    (when (org-xor condition neg)

For conditions, we return true if condition is true and neg is false, or if condition is false and neg is true:

cond neg res
t t f
t f t
f t t
f f f

This is an XOR table, so we pass CONDITION and NEG into org-xor to get our result.

A condition must return a string if the current entry should be blocked.


We are all happy for any help you may provide.

First, check out the source code on Savannah:

bzr branch org-edna

You’ll also want a copy of the most recent Org Mode source:

git clone git://


There are two ways to submit bug reports:

  1. Using the bug tracker at Savannah
  2. Sending an email using org-edna-submit-bug-report

When submitting a bug report, be sure to include the Edna form that caused the bug, with as much context as possible.

Working with EDE

Our build system uses EDE. EDE can be a little finicky at times, but we feel the benefits, namely package dependency handling and Makefile generation, outweigh the costs.

One of the issues that many will likely encounter is the error “Corrupt file on disk”. This is most often due to EDE not loading all its subprojects as needed. If you find yourself dealing with this error often, place the following in your .emacs file:

;; Target types needed for working with edna
(require 'ede/proj-elisp)
(require 'ede/proj-aux)
(require 'ede/proj-misc)

These are the three target types that edna uses: elisp for compilation and autoloads; aux for auxiliary files such as documentation; and misc for tests.

When creating a new file, EDE will ask if you want to add it to a target. Consult with one of the edna devs for guidance, but usually selecting “none” and letting one of us handle it is a good way to go.

Compiling Edna

To compile Edna, you’ve got to have EDE create the Makefile first. Run the following in your Emacs instance to generate the Makefile:

M-x ede-proj-regenerate

This will create the Makefile and point it to the correct version of Org. The targets are as follows:

Compiles the code. This should be done to verify that everything will compile, as ELPA requires this.
Creates the autoloads file. This should also run without problems, so it’s a good idea to check this one as well.
Runs the tests in org-edna-tests.el.

To run any target, call make:

make compile autoloads

The above command compiles Edna and generates the autoloads file.

Testing Edna

There are two ways to test Edna: the command-line and through Emacs.

The command-line version is simple, and we ask that you do any final testing using this method. This is how we periodically check to verify that new versions of Org mode haven’t broken Edna. It uses the Makefile, which is generated with EDE. See Compiling Edna for how to do that. Once you have, run make check on the command line.

Edna tests are written using ERT, the Emacs Regression Testing framework. In order to use it interactively in Emacs, the following must be done:

  1. Load org-edna-tests.el
  2. Run M-x ert-run-tests-interactively
  3. Select which tests to run, or just the letter “t” to run all of them.

Results are printed in their own buffer. See the ERT documentation for more details.

Before Sending Changes

There are a few rules to follow:

  • Verify that any new Edna keywords follow the appropriate naming conventions
  • Any new keywords should be documented
  • We operate on headings, not headlines
    • Use one word in documentation to avoid confusion
  • Make sure your changes compile
  • Run ’make check’ to verify that your mods don’t break anything
  • Avoid additional or altered dependencies if at all possible
    • Exception: New versions of Org mode are allowed

Developing with Bazaar

If you’re new to bazaar, we recommend using Emacs’s built-in VC package. It eases the overhead of dealing with a brand new VCS with a few standard commands. For more information, see the info page on it (In Emacs, this is C-h r m Introduction to VC RET).

To contribute with bazaar, you can do the following:

# Hack away and make your changes
$ bzr commit -m "Changes I've made"
$ bzr send -o file-name.txt

Then, use org-edna-submit-bug-report and attach “file-name.txt”. We can then merge that into the main development branch.


Documentation is always helpful to us. Please be sure to do the following after making any changes:

  1. Update the info page in the repository with C-c C-e i i
  2. If you’re updating the HTML documentation, switch to a theme that can easily be read on a white background; we recommend the “adwaita” theme




  • Marked org-edna-load and org-edna-unload as deprecated
  • Renamed to org-edna--load and org-edna--unload to reflect internal use only intention


  • Added org-edna-mode as a minor mode, as opposed to org-edna-load and org-edna-unload


  • Added org-edna-reset-cache to allow a user to reset the finder cache
  • Fixed timestamp format bug with scheduled! and deadline!


  • Fixed bug in multiple blocking conditions


  • Various bugs fixes
    • Fixed parsing of consideration
    • Limited cache to just the finders that don’t depend on current position
  • Added “buffer” option for match finder
  • Added timestamp sorting to relatives finder
  • Inverted meaning of consideration to avoid confusion
  • Added has-tags? and matches? conditions


Quick fix for beta7.


Biggest change here is the cache.

  • Added cache to the finders to improve performance
  • Updated documentation to include EDE
  • Added testing and compiling documentation


Lots of parsing fixes.

  • Fixed error reporting
  • Fixed parsing of negations in conditions
  • Fixed parsing of multiple forms inside if/then/else blocks


Some new forms and a new build system.

  • Added new forms to set-property!
    • Now allows ’inc, ’dec, ’previous, and ’next as values
  • Changed build system to EDE to properly handle dependencies
  • Fixed compatibility with new Org effort functions


Just some bug fixes from the new form parsing.

  • Fixed multiple forms getting incorrect targets
  • Fixed multiple forms not evaluating


HUGE addition here

  • Conditional Forms
  • Overhauled Internal Parsing
  • Fixed consideration keywords
  • Both consider and consideration are accepted now
  • Added ’any consideration
    • Allows passage if just one target is fulfilled


Big release here, with three new features.

  • Added interactive keyword editor with completion
  • New uses of schedule! and deadline!
    • New “float” form that mimics diary-float
    • New “landing” addition to “+1d” and friends to force planning changes to land on a certain day or type of day (weekend/weekday)
    • See Scheduled/Deadline for details
  • New “relatives” finder
    • Renamed from chain-find with tons of new keywords
    • Modified all other relative finders (previous-sibling, first-child, etc.) to use the same keywords
    • See relatives for details
  • New finders

