@scope tag

This tag changes the symbol lookup scope used in plain documentation for current section and its subsections.

This affects symbol lookup with @ref tag, @see tag, @code tag, @example tag and some @insert tag usage, and may also change the way qualified names are written out depending on configuration.

The default lookup scope in plain documentation is the global scope. When writing inline code documentation, lookup scope is automatically set according to documented symbol.

See also qualified_name_scope.

Syntax [link] 

@scope {<scope identifier>}

Example [link] 

@section {Section with @scope tag}

@scope {Foo}

The @ref{Foo:bar} function reference will look like @tt {bar}.
The @ref{bar} function reference will look like @tt {bar}.

using namespace Foo;
@end code

@end section

@section {Section without @scope tag}

The @ref{Foo:bar} function reference will look like @tt {Foo::bar}.
The @ref{bar} function reference will be undefined.

@code {Foo}
using namespace Foo;
@end code

@end section
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