assh/assh_compress.h header reference

Description [link] 

This header file contains API descriptors for compression algorithm modules implemented in the library.

See also compalgos and coremod.

Header inclusion [link] 

Members [link] 

Types [link] 

Functions [link] 

  • const struct assh_algo_compress_s * assh_algo_compress(const struct assh_algo_s *algo)
  • assh_status_t assh_algo_compress_by_name_static(const struct assh_algo_s **table, const char *name, size_t name_len, const struct assh_algo_compress_s **cpa, const struct assh_algo_name_s **namep)
  • assh_status_t assh_algo_compress_by_name(struct assh_context_s *c, const char *name, size_t name_len, const struct assh_algo_compress_s **cpa, const struct assh_algo_name_s **namep)

Constant [link] 

Macros [link] 

Members detail [link] 

const struct assh_algo_compress_s * assh_algo_compress(const struct assh_algo_s *algo) [link] 

This function is declared in assh/assh_compress.h source file, line 86.

This function casts and returns the passed pointer if the algorithm class is ASSH_ALGO_COMPRESS. In other cases, NULL is returned.

assh_status_t assh_algo_compress_by_name_static(const struct assh_algo_s **table, const char *name, size_t name_len, const struct assh_algo_compress_s **cpa, const struct assh_algo_name_s **namep) [link] 

This function is declared in assh/assh_compress.h source file, line 100.

This function finds a compression algorithm in a NULL terminated array of pointers to algorithm descriptors.

See also assh_algo_by_name_static.

struct assh_algo_compress_s [link] 

This struct is declared in assh/assh_compress.h source file, line 72.

This struct is the compression algorithm descriptor structure. It can be casted to the struct assh_algo_s type.

See also coremod.

struct assh_algo_s algo;
size_t ctx_size;Size of the context structure needed to initialize the algorithm.
assh_compress_init_t * f_init;
assh_compress_process_t * f_process;
assh_compress_cleanup_t * f_cleanup;

const struct assh_algo_compress_s assh_compress_none [link] 

This constant is declared in assh/assh_compress.h source file, line 119.

#define ASSH_COMPRESS_CLEANUP_FCN(n) [link] 

This macro is for internal use only.

This macro is declared in assh/assh_compress.h source file, line 60.

This macro expands to:

void (n)(struct assh_context_s *c, void *ctx_)

See also assh_compress_cleanup_t.

#define ASSH_COMPRESS_INIT_FCN(n) [link] 

This macro is for internal use only.

This macro is declared in assh/assh_compress.h source file, line 40.

This macro expands to:

ASSH_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT assh_status_t (n)(struct assh_context_s *c,
void *ctx_, assh_bool_t compress)

See also assh_compress_init_t.

#define ASSH_COMPRESS_PROCESS_FCN(n) [link] 

This macro is for internal use only.

This macro is declared in assh/assh_compress.h source file, line 49.

This macro expands to:

ASSH_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT assh_status_t (n)(struct assh_context_s *c,
void *ctx_, struct assh_packet_s **p_,
assh_bool_t auth_done)

See also assh_compress_process_t.

assh_status_t assh_algo_compress_by_name(struct assh_context_s *c, const char *name, size_t name_len, const struct assh_algo_compress_s **cpa, const struct assh_algo_name_s **namep) [link] 

This function is for internal use only.

This function is declared in assh/assh_compress.h source file, line 111.

This function finds a registered compression algorithm.

See also assh_algo_by_name.

typedef void (assh_compress_cleanup_t)(struct assh_context_s *c, void *ctx_) [link] 

This typedef is for internal use only.

This typedef is declared in assh/assh_compress.h source file, line 66.

This declaration involves expansion of the ASSH_COMPRESS_CLEANUP_FCN macro.

This typedef defines the function type for the hash context cleanup operation of the hash module interface.

typedef assh_status_t (assh_compress_init_t)(struct assh_context_s *c, void *ctx_, assh_bool_t compress) [link] 

This typedef is for internal use only.

This typedef is declared in assh/assh_compress.h source file, line 47.

This declaration involves expansion of the ASSH_COMPRESS_INIT_FCN macro.

This typedef defines the function type for the initialization operation of the compression module interface.

typedef assh_status_t (assh_compress_process_t)(struct assh_context_s *c, void *ctx_, struct assh_packet_s **p_, assh_bool_t auth_done) [link] 

This typedef is for internal use only.

This typedef is declared in assh/assh_compress.h source file, line 58.

This declaration involves expansion of the ASSH_COMPRESS_PROCESS_FCN macro.

This typedef defines the function type for the data processing operation of the compression module interface. This function should rely on the assh_packet_realloc_raw function.

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