Example daytime service

Serve the current time of day.

See also:
Example inet daemon
#include <ioxx/core.hpp>
#include <boost/enable_shared_from_this.hpp>
#include <boost/array.hpp>
#include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>

template <class IOCore>
class daytime : public boost::enable_shared_from_this< daytime<IOCore> >
  typedef IOCore                        io_core;
  typedef typename io_core::timeout     timeout;
  typedef typename io_core::event_set   event_set;
  typedef typename io_core::socket      socket;
  typedef boost::scoped_ptr<socket>     socket_ptr;
  typedef typename socket::address      address;
  typedef typename socket::native_t     native_socket_t;

  static void accept(io_core & io, native_socket_t s, address const & peer)
    boost::shared_ptr<daytime> p;
    p.reset(new daytime(io, s, peer));
    io.query_ptr(peer, boost::bind(&daytime::start, p, _1));

  daytime(io_core & io, native_socket_t s, address const & addr)
  : _sock(new socket(io, s)), _timeout(io), _peer(addr)
    LOGXX_GET_TARGET(LOGXX_SCOPE_NAME, "ioxx.daytime(" + ioxx::detail::show(s) + ')');
    LOGXX_TRACE("received daytime request from " << addr);
    tm tstamp;
    localtime_r(&io.current_time_t(), &tstamp);
    size_t const len( strftime( &_buf[0], _buf.size()
                              , "%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z\r\n"
                              , &tstamp
    BOOST_ASSERT(len > 0);
    _data_begin = _buf.begin();
    _data_end   = _data_begin + len;

  void start(typename io_core::hostname * peer)
    LOGXX_INFO("peer " << _peer << " resolves to \"" << (peer ? *peer : "NONE") << '"');
    _sock->modify(boost::bind(&daytime::run, this->shared_from_this(), _1), socket::writable);;
    _timeout.in(10u, boost::bind(&daytime::shutdown, this->shared_from_this()));

  void run(event_set ev)
      BOOST_ASSERT(ev == socket::writable);
      BOOST_ASSERT(_data_begin != _data_end);
      char const * const p( _sock->send_to(_data_begin, _data_end, _peer) );
      if (!p || p == _data_begin) return shutdown(); // connection reset by peer
      _data_begin = p;
      BOOST_ASSERT(_data_begin <= _data_end);
      if (_data_begin == _data_end) return shutdown();
      _timeout.in(10u, boost::bind(&daytime::shutdown, this->shared_from_this()));
    catch(std::exception const & e)

  void shutdown()
    LOGXX_TRACE("shut down");

  socket_ptr                    _sock;
  timeout                       _timeout;
  address                       _peer;

  boost::array<char, 64u>       _buf;
  char const *                  _data_begin;
  char const *                  _data_end;


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