




Getting Involved


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  • 01/03/2002 : Gnobog has found a new home

    The only drawback is that this home does not speak php ;-)

  • 05/06/2001 : New RPMs for RedHat 7 are available.

  • 05/03/2001 : Gnobog 0.4.3 "The Unexpected Larch" released

    Changes since last release :
    - Full DND with Konqueror and Opera
    - "Browse" popup menu handles Opera and Nautilus
    - Fix a nasty bug in Netscape/Mozilla importer
    - Fix a nasty bug in "Bookmark Properties" dialog box

    And, well, should we say again that upgrading is nonetheless recommended ? ;-)

  • 12/06/2000 : Gnobog 0.4.2 "The PatriLarch" released

    Changes since last release :
    - Numerous bug fixes - We hope that all crashers have been killed
    - Gnobog can now send URL to various URL crunchers (Galeon, gFTP, Konqueror, etc...)
    - Improved Drag'n'Drop. Try dropping on Kedit for example :-)
    - Keyboard accelerators have appeared
    - Pop-up menu is now contextual
    - I18N infastructure done. Everything's ready for translations. French translation is done.
    - Help now works :-)
    - Gnobog now creates a backup of your file before modifying it
    - New edition features : "Save Copy As", "Paste as New Document", "Select All", ...

    Note that Mozilla (and so Netscape 6) support is still a bit broken (we don't read the profile file to find the bookmarks, so you may have to browse with the file selector - don't forget you can use tab completion in it). But one great thing works with Mozilla : When you drop an URL from Mozilla on Gnobog, Gnobog gets back URL and page title :-)

    And, well, should we say that upgrading is nonetheless recommended ? ;-)

  • 09/19/2000 : Released 0.4.1 - "The Return of the Larch".
    This releases include a fix for a severe bug and new dialog boxes.
    Upgrade Highly Recommended.

  • 09/03/2000 : First public release 0.4.0 - "The Larch"