Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
oCFastcgipp::Http::AddressEfficiently stores IPv6 addresses
oCFastcgipp::Protocol::BeginRequestData structure used as the body for FastCGI records with a RecordType of BEGIN_REQUEST
oCASql::Data::BlobDerive from this to create your own Blob types
oCFastcgipp::BlockA raw block of memory
oCFastcgipp::Transceiver::BufferBuffer type for transmission of FastCGI records
oCFastcgipp::Transceiver::Buffer::ChunkChunk of data in Buffer
oCFastcgipp::Exceptions::CodeCvtException for code conversion errors between UTF-16/32 and UTF-8
oCFastcgipp::Exceptions::CodedExceptionGeneral exception class for container errnos and messages
|oCFastcgipp::Exceptions::SocketGeneral exception for socket related errors
||oCFastcgipp::Exceptions::SocketReadException for read errors to sockets
||\CFastcgipp::Exceptions::SocketWriteException for write errors to sockets
|\CFastcgipp::Exceptions::SocketPollException for poll() errors
oCASql::ConnectionSQL Connection
|oCASql::ConnectionPar< T >Defines some functions and data types shared between ASql engines
|\CASql::ConnectionPar< MySQL::Statement >
| \CASql::MySQL::ConnectionConnection to a MySQL database
oCASql::Data::ConversionHandle data conversion from standard data types to internal SQL engine types
|oCASql::MySQL::TypedConversion< T >Handle retrieval of variable length data chunks
|oCASql::MySQL::TypedConversion< Data::Datetime >Handle conversion from MYSQL_TIME to Data::Datetime
||oCASql::MySQL::TypedConversion< Data::Date >Handle conversion from MYSQL_TIME to Data::Date
||\CASql::MySQL::TypedConversion< Data::Time >Handle conversion from MYSQL_TIME to Data::Time
|\CASql::MySQL::TypedConversion< Data::Blob >
| \CASql::MySQL::TypedConversion< Data::Wtext >Handle retrieval and code conversion of utf-8 textual data
oCFastcgipp::Fcgistream< charT >::Encoder
oCFastcgipp::encodingStream manipulator for setting output encoding
oCFastcgipp::Protocol::EndRequestData structure used as the body for FastCGI records with a RecordType of END_REQUEST
oCFastcgipp::Http::Environment< charT >Data structure of HTTP environment data
oCFastcgipp::equalsFdPredicate for comparing the file descriptor of a pollfd
oCASql::ErrorSQL Error
|\CASql::MySQL::ErrorMySQL Error
oCFastcgipp::Fcgistream< charT >Stream class for output of client data through FastCGI
oCFastcgipp::FcgistreamSinkEncapsulates data into FastCGI records to be sent back to the web server
oCFastcgipp::Transceiver::fdBufferBuffer type for receiving FastCGI records
oCFastcgipp::Transceiver::Buffer::FrameFrame of data associated with a file descriptor
oCFastcgipp::Protocol::FullIdA full ID value for a FastCGI request
oCFastcgipp::Protocol::HeaderData structure used as the header for FastCGI records
oCASql::Data::IndexStores on index value from a Set
oCASql::Transaction< T >::ItemTies query objects to their statements
oCFastcgipp::Protocol::ManagementReply< NAMELENGTH, VALUELENGTH, PADDINGLENGTH >Used for the reply of FastCGI management records of type GET_VALUES
oCFastcgipp::ManagerParGeneral task and protocol management class
|\CFastcgipp::Manager< T >General task and protocol management class
oCFastcgipp::MessageData structure used to pass messages within the fastcgi++ task management system
oCFastcgipp::Request< charT >::MessagesQueue type for pending messages
oCASql::Data::NullableParBase class to the Nullable template class
|oCASql::Data::Nullable< T >Class for adding null capabilities to any type. Needed for SQL queries involving
|\CASql::Data::NullableArray< T, size >Class for adding null capabilities to character arrays
oCFastcgipp::Http::Post< charT >Holds a piece of HTTP post data
oCASql::ConnectionPar< T >::QueriesThread safe queue of queries
oCASql::QueryParParent class for storing query data to be passed and retrieved from statements
|oCASql::Query< Parameters, Results, ParametersParent, ResultsParent >Class for storing query data to be passed to and retrieved from statements
|oCASql::Query< Parameters, Results, typename boost::enable_if< boost::is_base_of< Data::Set, Parameters > >::type, typename boost::enable_if< boost::is_base_of< Data::Set, Results > >::type >Query specialization for results of Data::Set type and parameters of Data::Set type
|oCASql::Query< Parameters, Results, typename boost::enable_if< boost::is_base_of< Data::Set, Parameters > >::type, typename boost::enable_if< boost::is_base_of< Data::SetContainer, Results > >::type >Query specialization for results of Data::SetContainer type and parameters of Data::Set type
|oCASql::Query< Parameters, void, typename boost::enable_if< boost::is_base_of< Data::Set, Parameters > >::type, void >Query specialization for no results (type void) and parameters of Data::Set type
|oCASql::Query< Parameters, void, typename boost::enable_if< boost::is_base_of< Data::SetContainer, Parameters > >::type, void >Query specialization for no results (type void) and parameters of Data::SetContainer type
|oCASql::Query< void, Results, void, typename boost::enable_if< boost::is_base_of< Data::Set, Results > >::type >Query specialization for results of Data::Set type and empty parameters (type void)
|oCASql::Query< void, Results, void, typename boost::enable_if< boost::is_base_of< Data::SetContainer, Results > >::type >Query specialization for results of Data::SetContainer type and empty parameters (type void)
|\CASql::Query< void, void, void, void >Query specialization for no results or parameters
oCASql::ConnectionPar< T >::QuerySet
oCFastcgipp::Exceptions::RecordsOutOfOrderThrown if FastCGI records are received out of order
oCFastcgipp::Request< charT >Request handling class
oCFastcgipp::Manager< T >::RequestsAssociative container type for active requests
oCFastcgipp::Transceiver::Buffer::SendBlockBlock of memory for extraction from Buffer
oCFastcgipp::Http::SessionIdDefines ID values for HTTP sessions
oCFastcgipp::Http::Sessions< T >Container for HTTP sessions
|oCASql::Data::IndySetBuilder< T >Wraps a Set object around an new auto-allocated individual object of type T
|oCASql::Data::IndySetPtrBuilder< T >Wraps a Set object around a pointer to an individual object of type T
|oCASql::Data::IndySetRefBuilder< T >Wraps a Set object around a reference to an individual object of type T
|oCASql::Data::SetBuilder< T >Wraps a Set object around an new auto-allocated dataset of type T
|oCASql::Data::SetPtrBuilder< T >Wraps a Set object around a pointer to a dataset of type T
|oCASql::Data::SetRefBuilder< T >Wraps a Set object around a reference to a dataset of type T
|\CASql::Data::SetSharedPtrBuilder< T >Wraps a Set object around a shared pointer to a dataset of type T
oCASql::ConnectionPar< T >::SetCancelerLocks the mutex on a statement and set's the canceller to the queries canceller
oCASql::Data::SetContainerBase class for containers of Data::Set objects to be used for result/parameter data in SQL queries
|oCASql::Data::IndySTLSetContainer< T >Wraps a SetContainer object around a new auto-allocated STL container of type T
|oCASql::Data::STLSetContainer< T >Wraps a SetContainer object around a new auto-allocated STL container of type T
|oCASql::Data::STLSetRefContainer< T >Wraps a SetContainer object around a reference to an STL container of type T
|\CASql::Data::STLSharedSetContainer< T >Wraps a SetContainer object around a shared pointer to an STL container of type T
oCASql::QueryPar::SharedDataSub-structure to store shared data for the query
oCASql::StatementSQL Statement
|\CASql::MySQL::StatementMySQL query statement
oCFastcgipp::ManagerPar::TasksQueue type for pending tasks
oCASql::Transaction< T >Build a series of queries into a transaction
oCFastcgipp::TransceiverHandles low level communication with "the other side"
oCFastcgipp::Exceptions::UnknownContentTypeThrown if a incoming content type is unknown
\CFastcgipp::Protocol::UnknownTypeData structure used as the body for FastCGI records with a RecordType of UNKNOWN_TYPE