When a appears in the , its value is shared with the variable of the same name declared in the user interface of the Logix system. Thus the variables X,Y declared in the user interface: @X = 777 @Y = michaelis share the values 777,"michaelis" with the s X,Y declared in the of a : public(X,Y). Such a "public" variable is an implicit argument of every process in the program. It may be used in place of: in the or in any ; in any ; in any . The value of the public variable should agree in type and constraint with the replaced argument. See BNF.txt for the full syntax and constraints. Examples: 1. @X = 1.4 baserate(X). public(X, a). A + b ::= a ! {b} , b ? [] , 0 . 2. @X = 1.4 @Y = michaelis @Z = 7 public(a, X, Y, Z). A ::= {Z > 0} , << b(X, Y(Z)) . a ! {b} , {Z--} , A >> ; {Z = 0} , 0 . Note that in this example, the first instance of A declares and sends the local channel b with "michaelis" argument 7, while subsequent iterations use the computed values of Z. This document is licensed under Gnu General Public License - Version 3 http://www.nongnu.org/efcp/gnu-gpl3.html