trustPeer/trustNet true anonymous p2p for the non-free countries

If you don't want a dictatorship, a corrupt government, or greedy corporations to know whether you are exchanging forbidden files then you have to hide the fact that you are using a forbidden anonymous p2p software.

That means that you can only use your anonymous p2p with friends that you trust.

    If you connect to some random strangers using a forbidden p2p, or if random strangers can connect to your p2p, then they will know that you use an illegal p2p software. And you will soon be busted.

 That means that you should only forward files and queries to one of your close friends, then he will forward to one of his close friends, and so on. And no IP address should be associated with queries and files, only randomly generated numbers.

If strong crypto is also forbidden, you also have to use strong steganography to communicate with your friends.

Stegano has some advantages, one is that you can publish normal looking documents on famous public servers, and only one of your friends can see what is hidden inside. It is then impossible to know if you were sending some illegal material,  neither who was the recipient.

Stegano (or crypto if allowed) is not enough.
Trusted peers are not enough.
You have to use both stegano and trusted peers to be sure you won't be busted !

Help me in the making of a true anonymous p2p for non-free countries

Soon, your country can become non-free too. It may already be !

Read on what the MPAA and Roadrunner (an access provider) do with people using p2p !

We also think that "trustNets" allow each citizen to censor what goes through his node since his friends trust him enough to give him the key to decrypt all the contents that he forwards

We are thinking about adding trustNet features to the MNET project and other P2P projects.

you can talk to us on IRC/xchat: #trustpeer

email: savannah email form

community: savannah project page

trustnet architecture: software architecture page

trustnet coding guidelines: secure coding page