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9.1.14 @abbr{abbreviation[, meaning]}

You can use the @abbr command for general abbreviations. The abbreviation is given as the single argument in braces, as in `@abbr{Comput.}'. As a matter of style, or for particular abbreviations, you may prefer to omit periods, as in `@abbr{Mr} Stallman'.

@abbr accepts an optional second argument, intended to be used for the meaning of the abbreviation.

If the abbreviation ends with a lowercase letter and a period, and is not at the end of a sentence, and has no second argument, remember to use the @. command (see Not Ending a Sentence) to get the correct spacing. However, you do not have to use @. within the abbreviation itself; Texinfo automatically assumes periods within the abbreviation do not end a sentence.

In TeX and in the Info output, the first argument is printed as-is; if the second argument is present, it is printed in parentheses after the abbreviation. In HTML and XML, the <abbr> tag is used; in Docbook, the <abbrev> tag is used. For instance:

     @abbr{Comput. J., Computer Journal}


     Comput. J. (Computer Journal)

For abbreviations consisting of all capital letters, you may prefer to use the @acronym command instead. See the next section for more on the usage of these two commands.