
These are major/minor releases of ReCaged and older versions and tests. You can use either gnupg (recommended) or md5sum for validating:

To check that a downloaded file is correct, either use gpg (after importing the key above and downloading the tarball and the signature): "gpg --verify recaged_x.y.z.tar.gz.sig", or md5sum (after downloading the checksum file and the tarball): "md5sum -c MD5SUM"

The "w32" archives contains a Windows (32 bit) compiled executable and the data+document files. They are 7z archives, which can be extracted using (for example): 7-Zip.

GIT development repository

For the latest, greatest (and/or most unstable...) state of ReCaged, have a look at the git repository:

GIT repository on savannah

Latest "ReCaged" Releases

Major/minor releases of ReCaged, sorted with newest version first:

Version 0.7.0

First release under the name "ReCaged" and using three-sequence versioning. Library dependencies: ode, sdl and glew. Also needs some standard libraries and g++, make, etc... A quick list of packages needed for compilation on debian: build-essential, libsdl-dev, libode-dev and libglew-dev. See included README for more details.


ReCaged v0.7.0

w32 GPG w32 GPG Tarball

Features a lot of improvements. Among the most noticeable additions are: loading of 3D models from external files (.obj/.mtl and custom .road) for both rendering and collision detection, and a much more realistic tyre friction simulation (inspired by the Pacejka Magic Formula).


ReCaged v0.7.0 HudHack

w32 GPG w32 GPG Tarball

The same version as above, but with a hackish OSD/HUD providing some useful information when configuring cars and experimenting

Versions before "ReCaged"

Available for history. You'll notice some initial versions are missing, that's because they were "proof of concepts" and the work needed to cleaning up+add licensing would be a lot considering the result would be of no real interest.


More primitive, but shows the progress step by step until the current versions. Requires SDL and ODE libraries (and dev libs). Note: v0.05 and v0.06 requires ODE built with single-precision (float), and not double (on debian, just install the "libode-sp-dev" package instad of "libode-dev").


RollCageX v0.06

w32 GPG w32 GPG Tarball

Mostly internal changes: move from C to C++, major cleaning up of code and building process, addition of a camera following the car and more

You need ODE built with single-precision


RollCageX v0.05

w32 GPG w32 GPG Tarball

A much more developed version than "0.04": cleaner directory tree, addition of shading for graphics, configuration file loading and (dummy) "object" loading and much more

You need ODE built with single-precision

Remove the "mtune" and "march" arguments from the makefile (if you're not using i686)


RollCageX v0.04

w32 GPG w32 GPG Tarball

The first proper version, written from scratch. Does not feature a lot but uses ODE (for simulation), SDL (for window handling) and (quite obsolete) opengl 3D rendering


An old concept: a script-based game engine, with all functions provided by shared objects (C/C++) loaded at runtime: "plugins". Requires SDL library (and dev lib). While the idea has been revived for a future release, it will now be based on LUA scripting and will not load "plugins" (better to just link everything into one executable).


MicroEngine v4

GPG Tarball

More mature and adds some basic library functions (prints some text, opens up a window, sleeps a few seconds then closes it)


MicroEngine v3

GPG Tarball

An attempt on a working system: loads libraries ("plugins") and processes custom script language