Source code for plugins.neu_exp

##  This file is part of pyFormex 2.0  (Mon Sep 14 12:29:05 CEST 2020)
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"""Gambit neutral file exporter.

This module contains some functions to export
pyFormex mesh models to Gambit neutral files.


from time import strftime, gmtime
from numpy import *

from pyformex import Path
from pyformex.plugins import tetgen

# Gambit starts counting at 1 for elements and nodes
# this defines the offset for nodes (nofs), elements (eofs) and faces (fofs
nofs, eofs, fofs=1, 1, 1

[docs]def writeHeading(fil, nodes, elems, nbsets=0, heading=''): """Write the heading of the Gambit neutral file. `nbsets`: number of boundary condition sets (border patches). """ fil.write(" CONTROL INFO 2.4.6\n") fil.write("** GAMBIT NEUTRAL FILE\n") fil.write('%s\n' %heading) fil.write('PROGRAM: Gambit VERSION: 2.4.6\n') fil.write(strftime('%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S\n', gmtime())) fil.write(' NUMNP NELEM NGRPS NBSETS NDFCD NDFVL\n') fil.write('%10i%10i%10i%10i%10i%10i\n' % (shape(nodes)[0], shape(elems)[0], 1, nbsets, 3, 3)) fil.write('ENDOFSECTION\n')
[docs]def writeNodes(fil, nodes): """Write nodal coordinates. """ fil.write(' NODAL COORDINATES 2.4.6\n') for i, n in enumerate(nodes): fil.write("%10d%20.11e%20.11e%20.11e\n" % ((i+nofs,)+tuple(n))) fil.write('ENDOFSECTION\n')
[docs]def writeElems(fil, elems): """Write element connectivity. """ shape = elems.shape[1] # Library to define the gambit element type number gamb_el_library = { # 'line2':1, #Edge 'quad4': 2, #Quadrilateral 'tri3': 3, #Triangle 'hex8': 4, #Brick 'wedge6': 5, # Wedge (Prism) 'tet4': 6, #Tetrahedron #'pyr5':7, #Pyramid } try: gamb_shape = gamb_el_library[] except KeyError: raise TypeError("Mesh element type '%s' not convertable"%( #Gambit uses a different convention for the numbering of hex-8 elements if gamb_shape==4: # hex-8 elems = elems[:, (0, 1, 3, 2, 4, 5, 7, 6)] fmt = '%8d %2d %2d %8d%8d%8d%8d%8d%8d%8d\n %8d\n' elif gamb_shape==6: # tet-4 elems = elems[:, (0, 2, 3, 1)] fmt = '%8d %2d %2d %8d%8d%8d%8d\n' fil.write(' ELEMENTS/CELLS 2.4.6\n') for i, e in enumerate(elems+nofs): fil.write(fmt%((i+eofs, gamb_shape, shape)+tuple(e))) fil.write('ENDOFSECTION\n')
[docs]def writeGroup(fil, elems): """Write group of elements. """ fil.write(' ELEMENT GROUP 2.4.6\n') fil.write('GROUP:%11d ELEMENTS:%11d MATERIAL:%11d NFLAGS:%11d\n' % (1, shape(elems)[0], 2, 1)) fil.write('%32s\n' %'fluid') fil.write('%8d\n' %0) n = shape(elems)[0]//10 for i in range(n): fil.write('%8d%8d%8d%8d%8d%8d%8d%8d%8d%8d\n' %(10*i+1, 10*i+2, 10*i+3, 10*i+4, 10*i+5, 10*i+6, 10*i+7, 10*i+8, 10*i+9, 10*i+10)) for j in range(shape(elems)[0]-10*n): fil.write('%8d' %(10*n+j+1)) fil.write('\n') fil.write('ENDOFSECTION\n')
[docs]def writeBCsets(fil, bcsets, elgeotype): """Write boundary condition sets of faces. Parameters: - `bcsets`: a dict where the values are BorderFace arrays (see below). - `elgeotype`: element geometry type: 4 for hexahedrons, 6 for tetrahedrons. BorderFace array: A set of border faces defined as a (n,2) shaped int array: echo row contains an element number (enr) and face number (fnr). There are 2 ways to construct the BorderFace arrays: # find border both as mesh and enr/fnr and keep correspondence:: brde, brdfaces = M.getFreeEntities(level=-1,return_indices=True) brd = Mesh(M.coords, brde) .. note: This needs further explanation. Gianluca? # matchFaces: Given a volume mesh M and a surface meshes S, being (part of) the border of M, BorderFace array for the surface S can be obtained from:: bf = M.matchFaces(S)[1] To define other boundary types: Value - Boundary Entity Type, 0 UNSPECIFIED, 1 AXIS, 2 CONJUGATE, 3 CONVECTION, 4 CYCLIC, 5 DEAD, 6 ELEMENT_SIDE, 7 ESPECIES, 8 EXHAUST_FAN, 9 FAN, 10 FREE_SURFACE, 11 GAP, 12 INFLOW, 13 INLET, 14 INLET_VENT, 15 INTAKE_FAN, 16 INTERFACE, 17 INTERIOR, 18 INTERNAL, 19 LIVE, 20 MASS_FLOW_INLET, 21 MELT, 22 MELT_INTERFACE, 23 MOVING_BOUNDARY, 24 NODE, 25 OUTFLOW, 26 OUTLET, 27 OUTLET_VENT, 28 PERIODIC, 29 PLOT, 30 POROUS, 31 POROUS_JUMP, 32 PRESSURE, 33 PRESSURE_FAR_FIELD, 34 PRESSURE_INFLOW, 35 PRESSURE_INLET, 36 PRESSURE_OUTFLOW, 37 PRESSURE_OUTLET, 38 RADIATION, 39 RADIATOR , 40 RECIRCULATION_INLET, 41 RECIRCULATION_OUTLET, 42 SLIP, 43 SREACTION, 44 SURFACE, 45 SYMMETRY, 46 TRACTION, 47 TRAJECTORY, 48 VELOCITY, 49 VELOCITY_INLET, 50 VENT, 51 WALL, 52 SPRING See also for the description of the neu file syntax. """ if elgeotype==4: py2neuHF = asarray([3, 1, 0, 2, 4, 5]) # hex faces numbering conversion (pyformex to gambit neu) elif elgeotype==6: py2neuHF = asarray([1, 3, 2, 0]) # tet faces numbering conversion (pyformex to gambit neu) if bcsets is not None: for k in bcsets: print ('Writing BC set : %s\n'%k) fil.write('BOUNDARY CONDITIONS 2.4.6\n') val = bcsets[k] val[:, 1]=py2neuHF[val[:, 1]] val+=fofs # faces are counted starting from 1 fil.write('%32s 1%8d 0%8d\n'%(k, len(val), 6)) # patchname, 0/1 is node/face,nr of faces, 0, #type of BC (6 = ELEMENT_SIDE : OK if you import the neu file in fluent) for v in val: txt='%10d%5d%5d\n'%(v[0], elgeotype, v[1]) # elem nr, el type (4 is hex, 6 is tet), face nr fil.write(txt) fil.write('ENDOFSECTION\n')
[docs]def write_neu(fil, mesh, bcsets=None, heading='generated with pyFormex'): """Export a mesh as .neu file (For use in Gambit/Fluent) - `fil`: file name - `mesh`: pyFormex Mesh - `heading`: heading text to be shown in the gambit header - `bcsets`: dictionary of 2D arrays: {'name1': brdfaces1, ...}, see writeBCsets """ if mesh.elName()=='hex8': elgeotype=4 elif mesh.elName()=='tet4': elgeotype=6 else: raise ValueError("Can only write 'hex8' or 'tet4' Mesh to .neu file") if not fil.endswith('.neu'): fil += '.neu' f = open(fil, 'w') if bcsets is None: nbsets =0 else: nbsets=len(bcsets) print ('Writing %d BC sets'%nbsets) writeHeading(f, mesh.coords, mesh.elems, nbsets=nbsets, heading=heading) print('Writing %s nodes to .neu file'% len(mesh.coords)) writeNodes(f, mesh.coords) print("Writing %s elements of type '%s' to .neu file"%(len(mesh.elems), writeElems(f, mesh.elems) writeGroup(f, mesh.elems) writeBCsets(f, bcsets, elgeotype) f.close() print("Mesh exported to '%s'"%fil)
def testConverts(): """_This debug function generates a .neu file for each element type""" chdir('~') testdir = Path.cwd() / 'f2fluTests' testdir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) chdir(testdir) from pyformex.simple import cuboid mesh = Formex([0., 0., 0.]).extrude(3, dir=0).toMesh().extrude(3, dir=1) write_neu('test-quad4.neu', mesh) write_neu('test-tri3.neu', mesh.convert('tri3')) mesh = cuboid().toMesh().convert('hex8-8') write_neu('test-hex8.neu', mesh) mesh = Mesh([[0., 0., 0.], [1., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0.], [0., 0., 1.], [1., 0., 1.], [0., 1., 1.]], [[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]) write_neu('test-wed6.neu', mesh) mesh = Mesh([[0., 0., 0.], [1., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0.], [0., 0., 1.]], [[0, 1, 2, 3]], eltype='tet4') write_neu('test-tet4.neu', mesh) # This is special for pyFormex scripts ! if __name__ == '__draw__': testConverts() # End