Source code for gui.guimain

##  This file is part of pyFormex 2.0  (Mon Sep 14 12:29:05 CEST 2020)
##  pyFormex is a tool for generating, manipulating and transforming 3D
##  geometrical models by sequences of mathematical operations.
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##  Copyright 2004-2020 (C) Benedict Verhegghe (
##  Distributed under the GNU General Public License version 3 or later.
##  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
##  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
##  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
##  (at your option) any later version.
##  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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"""Graphical User Interface for pyFormex.

This module contains the main functions responsible for constructing
and starting the pyFormex GUI.

import sys, os
import types
import warnings

import pyformex as pf
from pyformex import Path
from pyformex import process
from pyformex import utils
from pyformex import software

# If we get here, either PySide2, PySide, PyQt5 or PyQt4 are imported
# Check for OpenGL
software.Module.has('pyopengl', fatal=True)
software.Module.has('pil', fatal=True)

from pyformex.gui import (
    signals, QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets, QPixmap,
    menu, appMenu,
    toolbar, viewport, guifunc, draw, widgets, drawlock, views,
from pyformex.gui.menus import File, Settings, Viewport, Globals
from pyformex.opengl import canvas
from pyformex.gui.qtutils import *

[docs]def hasDRI(): """Check whether the OpenGL canvas has DRI enabled.""" viewport.setOpenGLFormat() dri = viewport.opengl_format.directRendering() return dri
################# Message Board ###############
[docs]class Board(QtWidgets.QTextEdit): """Message board for displaying read-only plain text messages.""" def __init__(self, parent=None): """Construct the Message Board widget.""" super(Board, self).__init__(parent) self.setReadOnly(True) self.setAcceptRichText(False) self.setFrameStyle(QtWidgets.QFrame.StyledPanel | QtWidgets.QFrame.Sunken) self.setMinimumSize(24, 24) self.setSizePolicy(QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.MinimumExpanding, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.MinimumExpanding) self.cursor = self.textCursor() font = QtGui.QFont("DejaVu Sans Mono") #font.setStyle(QtGui.QFont.StyleNormal) self.setFont(font) self.stdout = self.stderr = None # redirected streams ## def textColor(self): ## p = self.palette() ## return p.color(QtGui.QPalette.WindowText) ## def setTextColor(self,qcolor): ## print("SET COLOR TO %s" % qcolor) ## p = self.palette() ## p.setColor(QtGui.QPalette.WindowText, ## p.setColor(QtGui.QPalette.Window,QtCore.Qt.yellow) ## self.setPalette(p)
[docs] def write(self, s, color='black'): """Write a string to the message board. If a color is specified, the text is shown in the specified color, but the default board color remains unchanged. """ self.setTextColor(QtGui.QColor(color)) # A single blank character seems to be generated by a print # instruction containing a comma: skip it if s == ' ': return s = s.rstrip('\n') if len(s) > 0: self.append(s) self.cursor.movePosition(QtGui.QTextCursor.End) self.setTextCursor(self.cursor)
[docs] def save(self, filename): """Save the contents of the board to a file""" fil = open(filename, 'w') fil.write(self.toPlainText()) fil.close()
def flush(self): if sys.stdout == self or sys.stderr == self: self.update()
[docs] def redirect(self, onoff): """Redirect standard and error output to this message board""" if onoff: # redirect to Message board sys.stderr.flush() sys.stdout.flush() self.stderr = sys.stderr self.stdout = sys.stdout sys.stderr = self sys.stdout = self else: # redirect back to previous if self.stderr: sys.stderr = self.stderr if self.stdout: sys.stdout = self.stdout self.stderr = None self.stdout = None
##################################### ################# GUI ############### ##################################### def toggleAppScript(): pf.debug("Toggle between app and script", pf.DEBUG.APPS) from pyformex import apps appname = pf.cfg['curfile'] if utils.is_script(appname): path = Path(appname).parent appdir = apps.findAppDir(path) if appdir: appname = appname.stem pkgname = appdir.pkg appname = "%s.%s" % (pkgname, appname) pf.GUI.setcurfile(appname) else: if pf.warning("This script is not in an application directory.\n\nYou should add the directory path '%s' to the application paths before you can run this file as an application." % path, actions=['Not this time', 'Add this directory now']).startswith('Add'): #print("Adding directory %s" % path) #from pyformex.gui.menus.Settings import addAppdir Settings.addAppdir(path, dircfg='appdirs') draw.showInfo('Added the path %s' % path) else: fn = apps.findAppSource(appname) if fn.exists(): pf.GUI.setcurfile(fn) else: pf.warning("I can not find the source file for this application.") ######################################################################### ## The File watcher ## ######################
[docs]class FileWatcher(QtCore.QFileSystemWatcher): """Watch for changes in files and then execute the associated function. """ def __init__(self, *args): QtCore.QFileSystemWatcher.__init__(self, *args) self.filesWatched = {} self.dirsWatched = {}
[docs] def addWatch(self, path, func): """Watch for changes in file and the execute func. When the specified file is changed, func is executed. Parameters: - `path`: path of the file to be watched. - `func`: function to be executed. """ self.filesWatched[path] = func self.addPath(path) self.fileChanged.connect(self.onFileChanged)
[docs] def removeWatch(self, path): """Remove the watch for file path""" try: del self.filesWatched[path] self.removeWatch(path) except Exception: pass
def onFileChanged(self, path): print("FileWatcher: file %s has changed" % path) f = self.filesWatched.get(path, None) if f: f(path)
######################################################################### ## The GUI ## ############# def getMenuData(name): modname = 'pyformex.gui.menus.'+name __import__(modname) module = sys.modules[modname] return module.MenuData # try: # print("Importing %s menu" % name) # __import__('pyformex.plugins.menus.'+name) # except Exception: # print("Could not load menu '%s'" % name) # module = globals().get(name, None) # if isinstance(module, types.ModuleType) and hasattr(module, 'MenuData'): # return module.MenuData # TODO: THESE FUNCTION SHOULD BECOME app METHODS after we create an app class
[docs]def setAppStyle(style): """Set the main application style.""" style = QtWidgets.QStyleFactory().create(style) print(style)
# Causes segmentation fault
[docs]def setAppFont(font): """Set the main application font. font is either a QFont or a string resulting from the QFont.toString() method """ if not isinstance(font, QtGui.QFont): f = QtGui.QFont() f.fromString(font) font = f
[docs]def setAppFontFamily(family): """Set the main application font family to the given family.""" font = font.setFamily(family) setAppFont(font)
[docs]def setAppFontSize(size): """Set the main application font size to the given point size.""" font = font.setPointSize(int(size)) setAppFont(font)
[docs]def setAppearance(): """Set all the GUI appearance elements. Sets the GUI appearance from the current configuration values 'gui/style', 'gui/font', 'gui/fontfamily', 'gui/fontsize'. """ style = pf.cfg['gui/style'] font = pf.cfg['gui/font'] family = pf.cfg['gui/fontfamily'] size = pf.cfg['gui/fontsize'] # Setting style causes segmentation errors with pyside2 # if style: # print("DEBUG: set style to %s" % style) # setAppStyle(style) if font or family or size: if not font: font = #print("CURRENT FONT %s" % font) if family: #print("DEBUG: set family to %s" % family) font.setFamily(family) if size: #print("DEBUG: set size to %s" % size) font.setPointSize(size) setAppFont(font)
[docs]class Gui(QtWidgets.QMainWindow): """Implements a GUI for pyformex.""" toolbar_area = {'top': QtCore.Qt.TopToolBarArea, 'bottom': QtCore.Qt.BottomToolBarArea, 'left': QtCore.Qt.LeftToolBarArea, 'right': QtCore.Qt.RightToolBarArea, } def __init__(self, windowname, size=(800, 600), pos=(0, 0), bdsize=(0, 0)): """Constructs the GUI. The GUI has a central canvas for drawing, a menubar and a toolbar on top, and a statusbar at the bottom. """ pf.debug('Creating Main Window', pf.DEBUG.GUI) self.on_exit = [] QtWidgets.QMainWindow.__init__(self) self.fullscreen = False self.setWindowTitle(windowname) # add widgets to the main window # The status bar pf.debug('Creating Status Bar', pf.DEBUG.GUI) self.statusbar = self.statusBar() #self.statusbar.setSizePolicy(QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Minimum,QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Minimum) #self.statusbar.setFixedHeight(32) #self.statusbar.setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0) #widgets.addEffect(self.statusbar,color=(255,0,0)) from pyformex.gui.menus import File self.curproj = widgets.ButtonBox('Project:', [('None', File.openExistingProject)]) self.curfile = widgets.ButtonBox('', [('Script:', toggleAppScript), ('None', File.openScript)]) self.curdir = widgets.ButtonBox('Cwd:', [('None', draw.askDirname)]) self.canPlay = False self.canEdit = False # The menu bar pf.debug('Creating Menu Bar', pf.DEBUG.GUI) = menu.MenuBar('TopMenu') self.setMenuBar( # The toolbar pf.debug('Creating ToolBar', pf.DEBUG.GUI) self.toolbar = self.addToolBar('Top ToolBar') self.editor = None # Create a box for the central widget = QtWidgets.QWidget() self.setCentralWidget( self.boxlayout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() self.boxlayout.setContentsMargins(*pf.cfg['gui/boxmargins']) | qt.QFrame.Panel) # Create a splitter self.splitter = QtWidgets.QSplitter() self.boxlayout.addWidget(self.splitter) self.splitter.setOrientation(QtCore.Qt.Vertical) # self.central is the central widget of the main window # self.viewports is its layout, containing multiple viewports pf.debug('Creating Central Widget', pf.DEBUG.GUI) self.central = QtWidgets.QWidget() self.central.autoFillBackground() #self.central.setFrameStyle(QtWidgets.QFrame.StyledPanel | QtWidgets.QFrame.Sunken) self.central.setSizePolicy(QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.MinimumExpanding, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.MinimumExpanding) self.central.resize(*pf.cfg['gui/size']) self.centralgrid = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() if pf.options.canvas: self.viewports = viewport.MultiCanvas(parent=self.central) self.centralgrid.addLayout(self.viewports, 0, 0) self.central.setLayout(self.centralgrid) self.splitter.addWidget(self.central) # Create the message board / interpreter self.board = self.console = None self.createConsole(pf.cfg['gui/console']) #self.splitter.setSizes([(800,200),(800,600)]) ################# MENU ########################### pf.debug('Creating Menus: %s' % pf.cfg['gui/menu'], pf.DEBUG.GUI) menudata = [getMenuData(key) for key in pf.cfg['gui/menu']] # Define Toolbar contents self.actions = toolbar.addActionButtons(self.toolbar) # timeout button toolbar.addTimeoutButton(self.toolbar) pf.debug('Creating Toolbars', pf.DEBUG.GUI) self.camerabar = self.updateToolBar('camerabar', 'Camera ToolBar') self.modebar = self.updateToolBar('modebar', 'RenderMode ToolBar') self.viewbar = self.updateToolBar('viewbar', 'Views ToolBar') self.toolbars = [self.toolbar, self.camerabar, self.modebar, self.viewbar] self.enableToolbars(False) ############### CAMERA menu and toolbar ############# if self.camerabar: toolbar.addCameraButtons(self.camerabar) toolbar.addButton(self.camerabar, "Pick to focus", 'focus', draw.pickFocus) toolbar.addPerspectiveButton(self.camerabar) ############### RENDERMODE menu and toolbar ############# pmenu ='viewport') mmenu = QtWidgets.QMenu('Render Mode') modes = ['wireframe', 'smooth', 'smoothwire', 'flat', 'flatwire'] self.modebtns = menu.ActionList( modes, guifunc.renderMode, menu=mmenu, toolbar=self.modebar) pmenu.insertMenu(pmenu.item('background color'), mmenu) mmenu = QtWidgets.QMenu('Wire Mode') modes = ['none', 'all', 'border', 'feature'] self.wmodebtns = menu.ActionList( modes, guifunc.wireMode, menu=mmenu, toolbar=None) pmenu.insertMenu(pmenu.item('background color'), mmenu) # Add the toggle type buttons if self.modebar and pf.cfg['gui/wirebutton']: toolbar.addWireButton(self.modebar) if self.modebar and pf.cfg['gui/transbutton']: toolbar.addTransparencyButton(self.modebar) if self.modebar and pf.cfg['gui/lightbutton']: toolbar.addLightButton(self.modebar) if self.modebar and pf.cfg['gui/normalsbutton']: toolbar.addNormalsButton(self.modebar) if self.modebar and pf.cfg['gui/shrinkbutton']: toolbar.addShrinkButton(self.modebar) if self.modebar: toolbar.addButton(self.modebar, "Popup dialog to interactively change object rendering", 'objects', Viewport.showObjectDialog) ############### VIEWS menu ################ if pf.cfg['gui/viewmenu']: if pf.cfg['gui/viewmenu'] == 'main': parent = before = 'help' else: parent ='camera') before = parent.item('---') self.viewsMenu = menu.Menu('&Views', parent=parent, before=before) else: self.viewsMenu = None # Save front orientation self.frontview = None self.setViewButtons(pf.cfg['gui/frontview'] ) ## TESTING SAVE CURRENT VIEW ## self.saved_views = {} self.saved_views_name = utils.NameSequence('View') if self.viewsMenu: name = next(self.saved_views_name)'camera').addAction('Save View', self.saveView) # Restore previous pos/size pf.debug('Restore size/pos', pf.DEBUG.GUI) self.resize(*size) self.move(*pos) self.board.resize(*bdsize) pf.debug('Set Curdir', pf.DEBUG.GUI) self.setcurdir() # redirect standard/error output if option set # # TODO: we should redirect it to a buffer and # wait until GUI shown, then show in board # else show on stdout/err #self.board.redirect(pf.cfg['gui/redirect']) if pf.options.debuglevel: s = sizeReport(self, 'DEBUG: Main:') + \ sizeReport(self.central, 'DEBUG: Canvas:') + \ sizeReport(self.board, 'DEBUG: Board:') pf.debug(s, pf.DEBUG.GUI) # Drawing lock self.drawwait = pf.cfg['draw/wait'] self.drawlock = drawlock.DrawLock() # Runall mode register self.runallmode = False # Materials and Lights database self.materials = canvas.createMaterials() ## for m in self.materials: ## print self.materials[m] # Modeless child dialogs self.doc_dialog = None pf.debug('Done initializing GUI', pf.DEBUG.GUI) # Set up signal/slot connections self.signals = signals.Signals() self.signals.FULLSCREEN.connect(self.fullScreen) self.filewatch = FileWatcher() # Set up hot keys: hitting the key will emit the corresponding signal self.hotkey = { QtCore.Qt.Key_F2: self.signals.SAVE, # QtCore.Qt.Key_F5: self.signals.FULLSCREEN, QtCore.Qt.Key_F11: self.signals.FULLSCREEN, }
[docs] def createConsole(self, config): """Create the message board and console config should be one of the following: 'b' : only board, no console 'bc': a board and separate console 'c' : only console, taking ove the board functions """ if 'b' in config: if self.board is None or self.board == self.console: self.board = Board() self.splitter.addWidget(self.board) if 'c' in config: if self.console is None:"Added experimental console") from pyformex.gui import pyconsole self.console = pyconsole.PyConsole(pf.interpreter) self.console.interpreter.globals = draw.Globals() self.splitter.addWidget(self.console) if 'b' not in config: pf.warning('Running pyFormex without the message board is currently not working correctly yet!') if self.board is not None and self.board != self.console: self.board.close() self.board = self.console if 'c' not in config: if self.console is not None: self.console.close() self.console = None pf.console = self.console
[docs] def close_doc_dialog(self): """Close the doc_dialog if it is open.""" if self.doc_dialog is not None: self.doc_dialog.close() self.doc_dialog = None
[docs] def clearViewButtons(self): """Clear the view buttons in views toolbar and views menu. This is typically use from setViewButtons to change the current buttons to a new set. """ viewbtns = getattr(self, 'viewbtns', None) if viewbtns: viewbtns.removeAll() self.viewbtns = None self.update()
[docs] def setViewButtons(self, defviews): """Set view buttons in views toolbar and views menu. defviews can be on of 'xy' or 'xz', or else it is a list of tuple (viewname, viewicon) """ if isinstance(defviews, str): self.frontview = defviews viewnames, realnames, viewicons = views.setOrientation(defviews) else: viewnames = [v[0] for v in defviews] viewicons = [v[1] for v in defviews] self.clearViewButtons() self.viewbtns = menu.ActionList( viewnames, self.setView, menu=self.viewsMenu, toolbar=self.viewbar, icons = viewicons ) self.update()
[docs] def createView(self, name, angles): """Create a new view and add it to the list of predefined views. This creates a named view with specified angles or, if the name already exists, changes its angles to the new values. It adds the view to the views Menu and Toolbar, if these exist and do not have the name yet. """ if name not in self.viewbtns.names(): iconpath = utils.findIcon('userview') self.viewbtns.add(name, iconpath) views.setAngles(name, angles)
[docs] def saveView(self, name=None, addtogui=True): """Save the current view and optionally create a button for it. This saves the current viewport ModelView and Projection matrices under the specified name. It adds the view to the views Menu and Toolbar, if these exist and do not have the name yet. """ if name is None: name = next(self.saved_views_name) self.saved_views[name] = (, None) if name not in self.viewbtns.names(): iconpath = utils.findIcon('userview') self.viewbtns.add(name, iconpath)
[docs] def applyView(self, name): """Apply a saved view to the current camera. """ m, p = self.saved_views.get(name, (None, None)) if m is not None:
[docs] def setView(self, view): """Change the view of the current GUI viewport, keeping the bbox. view is the name of one of the defined views. """ view = str(view) if view in self.saved_views: self.applyView(view) else: self.viewports.current.setCamera(angles=view) self.viewports.current.update()
def updateAppdirs(self): appMenu.reloadMenu() def updateToolBars(self): for t in ['camerabar', 'modebar', 'viewbar']: self.updateToolBar(t)
[docs] def updateToolBar(self, shortname, fullname=None): """Add a toolbar or change its position. This function adds a toolbar to the GUI main window at the position specified in the configuration. If the toolbar already exists, it is moved from its previous location to the requested position. If the toolbar does not exist, it is created with the given fullname, or the shortname by default. The full name is the name as displayed to the user. The short name is the name as used in the config settings. The config setting for the toolbar determines its placement: - None: the toolbar is not created - 'left', 'right', 'top' or 'bottom': a separate toolbar is created - 'default': the default top toolbar is used and a separator is added. """ area = pf.cfg['gui/%s' % shortname] try: toolbar = getattr(self, shortname) except Exception: toolbar = None if area: area = self.toolbar_area.get(area, 4) # default is top # Add/reposition the toolbar if toolbar is None: if fullname is None: fullname = shortname toolbar = QtWidgets.QToolBar(fullname, self) self.addToolBar(area, toolbar) else: if toolbar is not None: self.removeToolBar(toolbar) toolbar = None return toolbar
def addStatusBarButtons(self): self.statusbar.addWidget(self.curproj) self.statusbar.addWidget(self.curfile) self.statusbar.addWidget(self.curdir) r = self.statusbar.childrenRect() self.statusbar.setFixedHeight(r.height()+4) def addInputBox(self): self.input = widgets.InputString('Input:', '') self.statusbar.addWidget(self.input) def toggleInputBox(self, onoff=None): if onoff is None: onoff = self.input.isHidden() self.input.setVisible(onoff) def addCoordsTracker(self): self.coordsbox = widgets.CoordsBox() self.statusbar.addPermanentWidget(self.coordsbox) def toggleCoordsTracker(self, onoff=None): def track(x, y, z): (X, Y, Z), = pf.canvas.unproject(x, y, z, True) # print("%s --> %s" % ((x, y, z), (X, Y, Z))) pf.GUI.coordsbox.setValues([X, Y, Z]) if onoff is None: onoff = self.coordsbox.isHidden() if onoff: func = track else: func = None for vp in self.viewports.all: vp.trackfunc = func self.coordsbox.setVisible(onoff)
[docs] def maxCanvasSize(self): """Return the maximum canvas size. The maximum canvas size is the size of the central space in the main window, occupied by the OpenGL viewports. """ return Size(pf.GUI.central)
[docs] def showEditor(self): """Start the editor.""" if not hasattr(self, 'editor'): self.editor = Editor(self, 'Editor') self.editor.setText("Hallo\n")
[docs] def closeEditor(self): """Close the editor.""" if hasattr(self, 'editor'): self.editor.close() self.editor = None
[docs] def setcurproj(self, project=''): """Show the current project name.""" self.curproj.setText(Path(project).name)
[docs] def setcurfile(self, appname): """Set the current application or script. appname is either an application module name or a script file. """ is_app = appname != '' and not utils.is_script(appname) if is_app: # application label = 'App:' name = appname from pyformex import apps app = apps.load(appname) if app is None: self.canPlay = False try: self.canEdit = apps.findAppSource(appname).exists() except Exception: self.canEdit = False else: self.canPlay = hasattr(app, 'run') appsource = apps.findAppSource(app) if appsource: self.canEdit = apps.findAppSource(app).exists() else: print("Could not find source of app '%s'" % app) self.canEdit = False else: # script file label = 'Script:' name = Path(appname).name self.canPlay = self.canEdit = utils.is_pyFormex(appname) or appname.endswith('.pye') pf.prefcfg['curfile'] = appname #self.curfile.label.setText(label) self.curfile.setText(label, 0) self.curfile.setText(name, 1) self.enableButtons(self.actions, ['Play', 'Info'], self.canPlay) self.enableButtons(self.actions, ['Edit'], self.canEdit) self.enableButtons(self.actions, ['ReRun'], is_app and(self.canEdit or self.canPlay)) self.enableButtons(self.actions, ['Step', 'Continue'], False) icon = 'ok' if self.canPlay else 'notok' iconpath = utils.findIcon(icon) self.curfile.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(QPixmap(iconpath)), 1)
[docs] def setcurdir(self): """Show the current workdir.""" dirname = Path.cwd() shortname = self.curdir.setText(shortname) self.curdir.setToolTip(str(dirname))
def setBusy(self, busy=True, force=False): if busy: else: self.processEvents()
[docs] def resetCursor(self): """Clear the override cursor stack. This will reset the application cursor to the initial default. """ while self.processEvents()
[docs] def keyPressEvent(self, e): """Top level key press event handler. Events get here if they are not handled by a lower level handler. Every key press arriving here generates a WAKEUP signal, and if a dedicated signal for the key was installed in the keypress table, that signal is emitted too. Finally, the event is removed. """ key = e.key() pf.debug('Key %s pressed' % key, pf.DEBUG.GUI) self.signals.WAKEUP.emit() signal = self.hotkey.get(key, None) if signal is not None: signal.emit() e.ignore()
# TODO: check if this is still needed !
[docs] def XPos(self): """Get the main window position from the xwininfo command. The Qt position does not get updated when changing the window size from the left. This substitute function will find the correct position from the xwininfo command output. """ res = xwininfo(self.winId()) ax, ay, rx, ry = [int(res[key]) for key in [ 'Absolute upper-left X', 'Absolute upper-left Y', 'Relative upper-left X', 'Relative upper-left Y', ]] return ax-rx, ay-ry
[docs] def XGeometry(self): """Get the main window position and size from the xwininfo command. """ res = xwininfo(self.winId()) x, y, w, h = [int(res[key]) for key in [ 'Absolute upper-left X', 'Absolute upper-left Y', 'Width', 'Height', ]] return x, y, w, h
[docs] def writeSettings(self): """Store the GUI settings """ pf.debug('Store current settings', pf.DEBUG.CONFIG) # TODO: check if this is still needed # FIX QT4 BUG # Make sure QT4 has position right self.move(*self.XPos()) # store the history and main window size/pos pf.prefcfg['gui/scripthistory'] = pf.GUI.scripthistory.files pf.prefcfg['gui/apphistory'] = pf.GUI.apphistory.files pf.prefcfg.update({'size': Size(pf.GUI), 'pos': Pos(pf.GUI), 'bdsize': Size(pf.GUI.board), }, name='gui')
# TODO: this can be removed?
[docs] def processEvents(self): """Process interactive GUI events.""" if
[docs] def findDialog(self, name): """Find the InputDialog with the specified name. Returns the list with maching dialogs, possibly empty. """ return self.findChildren(widgets.InputDialog, str(name))
[docs] def closeDialog(self, name): """Close the InputDialog with the specified name. Closest all the InputDialogs with the specified caption owned by the GUI. """ for w in self.findDialog(name): w.close()
# TODO: This should go to a toolbar class
[docs] def enableButtons(self, toolbar, buttons, enable): """Enable or disable a button in a toolbar. toolbar is a toolbar dict. buttons is a list of button names. For each button in the list: - If it exists in toolbar, en/disables the button. - Else does nothing """ for b in buttons: if b in toolbar: toolbar[b].setEnabled(enable)
def reloadActionButtons(self): for b in self.actions: self.toolbar.removeAction(self.actions[b].defaultAction()) self.actions = toolbar.addActionButtons(self.toolbar)
[docs] def startRun(self): """Change the GUI when an app/script starts running. This method enables/disables the parts of the GUI that should or should not be available while a script is running It is called by the application executor. """ self.drawlock.allow() if pf.options.canvas: pf.canvas.update() self.enableButtons(self.actions, ['ReRun'], False) self.enableButtons(self.actions, ['Play', 'Step', 'Continue', 'Stop'], True) # by default, we run the script in the current GUI viewport if pf.options.canvas: pf.canvas = pf.GUI.viewports.current if pf.GUI.board == pf.GUI.console: pf.GUI.console.boardmode = True
[docs] def stopRun(self): """Change the GUI when an app/script stops running. This method enables/disables the parts of the GUI that should or should not be available when no script is being executed. It is called by the application executor when an application stops. """ self.drawlock.release() pf.canvas.update() self.enableButtons(self.actions, ['Play', 'ReRun'], True) self.enableButtons(self.actions, ['Step', 'Continue', 'Stop'], False) # acknowledge viewport switching pf.canvas = pf.GUI.viewports.current if pf.GUI.board == pf.GUI.console: pf.GUI.console.boardmode = False
[docs] def cleanup(self): """Cleanup the GUI (restore default state).""" pf.debug('GUI cleanup', pf.DEBUG.GUI) self.drawlock.release() pf.canvas.cancel_selection() pf.canvas.cancel_draw() draw.clear_canvas() self.resetCursor()
[docs] def onExit(self, func): """Register a function for execution on exit""" self.on_exit.append(func)
[docs] def closeEvent(self, event): """Override the close event handler. We override the default close event handler for the main window, to allow the user to cancel the exit, and to save the latest settings. """ # # DEV: things going wrong during the event handler are hard to debug! # You can add those things to a function and add the function to a # menu for testing. At the end of the file there is an # example (commented out). # from pyformex import script pf.GUI.cleanup() if pf.options.gui: script.force_finish() if exitDialog(): dooze = pf.cfg['gui/dooze'] if dooze > 0: print("Exiting in %s seconds" % dooze) draw.sleep(dooze) # force reset redirect sys.stderr.flush() sys.stdout.flush() sys.stderr = sys.__stderr__ sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ pf.debug("Executing registered exit functions", pf.DEBUG.GUI) for f in self.on_exit: pf.debug(f, pf.DEBUG.GUI) f() self.writeSettings() event.accept() else: event.ignore()
[docs] def fullScreen(self, onoff=None): """Toggle the canvas full screen mode. Fullscreen mode hides all the components of the main window, except for the central canvas, maximizes the main window, and removes the window decorations, thus leaving only the OpenGL canvas on the full screen. (Currently there is also still a small border remaining.) This mode is activated by pressing the F5 key. A second F5 press will revert to normal display mode. """ hide = [self.board, self.statusbar,] + self.toolbars if self.console: hide.append(self.console) if onoff is None: onoff = not self.fullscreen if onoff: # goto fullscreen for w in hide: w.hide() self.boxlayout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.showFullScreen() else: # go to normal mode for w in hide: self.boxlayout.setContentsMargins(*pf.cfg['gui/boxmargins']) self.showNormal() self.update() self.fullscreen = onoff
[docs] def enableToolbars(self, enable=True): """En/disable the toolbars.""" for tb in self.toolbars: tb.setEnabled(enable)
[docs]def exitDialog(): """Show the exit dialog to the user. """ from pyformex.gui.menus import File confirm = pf.cfg['gui/exitconfirm'] ## print "confirm = %s" % confirm ## print "pf.PF.filename = %s" % pf.PF.filename ## print "pf.PF.hits = %s" % pf.PF.hits if confirm == 'never': return True if confirm == 'smart' and (pf.PF.filename is None or pf.PF.hits == 0): return True print("Project variable changes: %s" % pf.PF.hits) print("pyFormex globals: %s" % list(pf.PF.keys())) save_opts = ['To current project file', 'Under another name', 'Do not save'] res = draw.askItems( [draw._I('info', itemtype='label', value="You have unsaved global variables. What shall I do?"), draw._I('save', itemtype='vradio', choices=save_opts, text='Save the current globals'), draw._I('reopen', pf.cfg['openlastproj'], text="Reopen the project on next startup"), ], caption='pyFormex exit dialog') if not res: # Cancel the exit return False save = save_opts.index(res['save']) if save == 0: File.saveProject() elif save == 1: File.saveAsProject() if not res['reopen']: File.closeProject(save=False, clear=False) return True
[docs]def xwininfo(windowid=None, name=None): """Returns the X window info parsed as a dict. Either the windowid or the window name has to be specified. """ cmd = 'xwininfo %s' if windowid is not None: args = " -id %s" % windowid elif name is not None: args = " -name '%s'" % name else: raise ValueError("Either windowid or name have to be specified") P = % args) res = {} if not P.returncode: for line in P.stdout.split('\n'): s = line.split(':') if len(s) < 2: s = s[0].strip().split(' ') if len(s) < 2: continue elif len(s) > 2: if s[0] == 'xwininfo': s = s[-2:] # remove the xwininfo string t = s[1].split() s[1] = t[0] # windowid name = ' '.join(t[1:]).strip().strip('"') res['Window name'] = name if s[0][0] == '-': s[0] = s[0][1:] res[s[0].strip()] = s[1].strip() return res
[docs]def pidofxwin(windowid): """Returns the PID of the process that has created the window. Remark: Not all processes store the PID information in the way it is retrieved here. In many cases (X over network) the PID can not be retrieved. However, the intent of this function is just to find a dangling pyFormex process, and should probably work on a normal desktop configuration. """ import re # # We need a new shell here, otherwise we get a 127 exit. # P ="xprop -id '%s' _NET_WM_PID" % windowid, shell=True) m = re.match(r"_NET_WM_PID\(.*\)\s*=\s*(?P<pid>\d+)", P.stdout) if m: pid ='pid') return int(pid) return None
[docs]def windowExists(windowname): """Check if a GUI window with the given name exists. On X-Window systems, we can use the xwininfo command to find out whether a window with the specified name exists. """ P ='xwininfo -name "%s" > /dev/null 2>&1' % windowname, shell=True) return P.returncode == 0
[docs]def findOldProcesses(max=16): """Find old pyFormex GUI processes still running. There is a maximum to the number of processes that can be detected. 16 will suffice largely, because there is no sane reason to open that many pyFormex GUI's on the same screen. Returns the next available main window name, and a list of running pyFormex GUI processes, if any. """ windowname = pf.Version() count = 0 running = [] while count < max: info = xwininfo(name=windowname) if info: name = info['Window name'] windowid = info['Window id'] if name == windowname: pid = pidofxwin(windowid) else: pid = None # pid control needed for invisible windows on ubuntu if pid: running.append((windowid, name, pid)) count += 1 windowname = '%s (%s)' % (pf.Version(), count) else: break else: break return windowname, running
[docs]def killProcesses(pids): """Kill the processes in the pids list.""" warning = """.. Killing processes ----------------- I will now try to kill the following processes:: %s You can choose the signal to be sent to the processes: - KILL (9) - TERM (15) We advice you to first try the TERM(15) signal, and only if that does not seem to work, use the KILL(9) signal. """ % pids actions = ['Cancel the operation', 'KILL(9)', 'TERM(15)'] answer = draw.ask(warning, actions) if answer == 'TERM(15)': utils.killProcesses(pids, 15) elif answer == 'KILL(9)': utils.killProcesses(pids, 9)
######################## # Main application ########################
[docs]class Application(QtWidgets.QApplication): """The interactive Qt application""" def __init__(self, args): QtWidgets.QApplication.__init__(self, args) def currentStyle(self): return[1:-5] def getStyles(self): return [str(k) for k in QtWidgets.QStyleFactory().keys()]
[docs]def showSplash(): """Show the splash screen""" pf.debug("Loading the splash image", pf.DEBUG.GUI) splash = None splash_path = pf.cfg['gui/splash'] if splash_path.exists(): pf.debug('Loading splash %s' % splash_path, pf.DEBUG.GUI) splashimage = QPixmap(splash_path) splash = QtWidgets.QSplashScreen(splashimage) splash.setWindowFlags(QtCore.Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint|QtCore.Qt.SplashScreen) splash.setFont(QtGui.QFont("Helvetica", 20)) splash.showMessage(pf.Version(), QtCore.Qt.AlignHCenter|QtCore.Qt.AlignTop, return splash
[docs]def startGUI(args): """Create the Qt application and GUI. A (possibly empty) list of command line options should be provided. Qt wil remove the recognized Qt and X11 options. """ # This seems to be the only way to make sure the numeric conversion is # always correct # QtCore.QLocale.setDefault(QtCore.QLocale.c()) # #pf.options.debug = -1 pf.debug("Arguments passed to the QApplication: %s" % args, pf.DEBUG.INFO) = Application(args) # pf.debug("Arguments left after constructing the QApplication: %s" % args, pf.DEBUG.INFO) pf.debug("Arguments left after constructing the QApplication: %s" % '\n'.join(, pf.DEBUG.INFO) #pf.options.debug = 0 # As far as I have been testing this, the args passed to the Qt application are # NOT acknowledged and neither are they removed!! pf.debug("Setting application attributes", pf.DEBUG.INFO)"")"")"pyFormex") ## pf.settings = QtCore.QSettings("", "pyFormex") ## pf.settings.setValue("testje","testvalue") # set the appearance pf.debug("Setting Appearance", pf.DEBUG.GUI) setAppearance() # Quit application if last window closed # Set OpenGL format and check if we have DRI dri = hasDRI() # Check for existing pyFormex processes pf.debug("Checking for running pyFormex", pf.DEBUG.INFO) if pf.X11: windowname, running = findOldProcesses() else: windowname, running = "UNKOWN", [] pf.debug("%s,%s" % (windowname, running), pf.DEBUG.INFO) while len(running) > 0: if len(running) >= 16: print("Too many open pyFormex windows --- bailing out") return -1 pids = [i[2] for i in running if i[2] is not None] warning = """.. pyFormex is already running on this screen ------------------------------------------ A main pyFormex window already exists on your screen. If you really intended to start another instance of pyFormex, you can just continue now. The window might however be a leftover from a previously crashed pyFormex session, in which case you might not even see the window anymore, nor be able to shut down that running process. In that case, you would better bail out now and try to fix the problem by killing the related process(es). If you think you have already killed those processes, you may check it by rerunning the tests. """ actions = ['Really Continue', 'Rerun the tests', 'Bail out and fix the problem'] if pids: warning += """ I have identified the process(es) by their PID as:: %s If you trust me enough, you can also have me kill this processes for you. """ % pids actions[2:2] = ['Kill the running processes'] if dri: answer = draw.ask(warning, actions) else: warning += """ I have detected that the Direct Rendering Infrastructure is not activated on your system. Continuing with a second instance of pyFormex may crash your XWindow system. You should seriously consider to bail out now!!! """ answer = draw.warning(warning, actions) if answer == 'Really Continue': break # OK, Go ahead elif answer == 'Rerun the tests': windowname, running = findOldProcesses() # try again elif answer == 'Kill the running processes': killProcesses(pids) windowname, running = findOldProcesses() # try again else: return -1 # I'm out of here! splash = showSplash() # create GUI, show it, run it pf.debug("Creating the GUI", pf.DEBUG.GUI) if splash is not None: splash.showMessage("Creating the GUI"); desktop = pf.maxsize = Size(desktop.availableGeometry()) size = pf.cfg['gui/size'] pos = pf.cfg['gui/pos'] bdsize = pf.cfg['gui/bdsize'] size = MinSize(size, pf.maxsize) # Create the GUI pf.GUI = Gui(windowname, pf.cfg['gui/size'], pf.cfg['gui/pos'], pf.cfg['gui/bdsize'], ) # # set the appearance # pf.debug("Setting Appearance", pf.DEBUG.GUI) # pf.GUI.setAppearance() # setup the message board pf.GUI.board.clear() pf.GUI.board.write("""%s (C) Benedict Verhegghe pyFormex comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under the conditions of the GNU General Public License, version 3 or later. See Help->License or the file COPYING for details. """ % pf.fullVersion()) if pf.GUI.console: pf.GUI.console.showPrompt() # Set interaction functions def show_warning(message, category, filename, lineno, file=None, line=None): """Replace the default warnings.showwarning We display the warnings using our interactive warning widget. This feature can be turned off by setting cfg['warnings/popup'] = False """ message = str(message) # NOTE: the following will expand our short message identifier # with the expanded message text from full_message = warnings.formatwarning(message, category, filename, lineno, line) print(full_message) res, check = draw.showMessage(full_message, level='warning', check="Do not show this warning anymore in this and future sessions") utils.filterWarning(message, category=category, save=check[0]) if pf.cfg['warnings/popup']: warnings.showwarning = show_warning pf.warning = draw.warning pf.error = draw.error # setup the canvas if pf.options.canvas: if splash is not None: splash.showMessage("Creating the canvas"); pf.debug("Setting the canvas", pf.DEBUG.GUI) pf.GUI.processEvents() pf.GUI.viewports.changeLayout(1) pf.GUI.viewports.setCurrent(0) #pf.canvas = pf.GUI.viewports.current pf.canvas.setRenderMode(pf.cfg['draw/rendermode']) draw.reset() # set canvas background # (does not work before a draw.reset, do not know why) pf.canvas.setBackground(color=pf.cfg['canvas/bgcolor'], image=pf.cfg['canvas/bgimage']) pf.canvas.update() # setup the status bar pf.debug("Setup status bar", pf.DEBUG.GUI) pf.GUI.addInputBox() pf.GUI.toggleInputBox(False) if pf.options.canvas: pf.GUI.addCoordsTracker() pf.GUI.toggleCoordsTracker(pf.cfg['gui/coordsbox']) pf.debug("Using window name %s" % pf.GUI.windowTitle(), pf.DEBUG.GUI) # Script/App menu if splash is not None: splash.showMessage("Loading script/app menu") pf.GUI.scriptmenu = appMenu.createAppMenu(, before='help', mode='script') pf.GUI.appmenu = appMenu.createAppMenu(, before='help') # Create databases createDatabases() # Link them in Globals menu Globals._init_(pf.GUI.database, pf.GUI.selection['geometry']) # Plugin menus if splash is not None: splash.showMessage("Loading plugins"); from pyformex import plugins filemenu ='file') pf.gui.plugin_menu = plugins.create_plugin_menu(filemenu, before='---1') # Load configured plugins, ignore if not found plugins.loadConfiguredPlugins() # show current application/file if splash is not None: splash.showMessage("Load current application"); appname = pf.cfg['curfile'] pf.GUI.setcurfile(appname) # Last minute menu modifications can go here # cleanup if splash is not None: splash.showMessage("Set status bar"); pf.GUI.addStatusBarButtons() pf.debug("Showing the GUI", pf.DEBUG.GUI) if splash is not None: splash.showMessage("Show the GUI"); if splash is not None: # remove the splash window splash.finish(pf.GUI) # redirect standard output to board # TODO: this should disappear when we have buffered stdout # and moved this up into GUI init pf.debug("Redirection", pf.DEBUG.GUI) if pf.cfg['gui/redirect']: pf.GUI.board.redirect(True) pf.debug("Update", pf.DEBUG.GUI) pf.GUI.update() if pf.cfg['gui/fortune']: P =['fortune']) if P.returncode == 0: draw.showInfo(P.stdout) # display startup warning if pf.cfg['gui/startup_warning']: utils.warn(pf.cfg['gui/startup_warning']) # Enable the toolbars pf.GUI.enableToolbars() pf.debug("ProcessEvents", pf.DEBUG.GUI) pf.app_started = True pf.GUI.processEvents() # load last project # # TODO if pf.cfg['openlastproj'] and pf.cfg['curproj']: fn = Path(pf.cfg['curproj']) if fn.exists(): proj = File.readProjectFile(fn) if proj: File.setProject(proj) # pf.debug("GUI Started", pf.DEBUG.GUI) return 0
[docs]def createDatabases(): """Create unified database objects for all menus.""" from pyformex.plugins import objects from pyformex.geometry import Geometry from pyformex.formex import Formex from pyformex.mesh import Mesh from pyformex.trisurface import TriSurface from pyformex.plugins.curve import PolyLine, BezierSpline from pyformex.plugins.nurbs import NurbsCurve pf.GUI.database = objects.Objects() pf.GUI.drawable = objects.DrawableObjects() pf.GUI.selection = { 'geometry': objects.DrawableObjects(clas=Geometry), 'formex': objects.DrawableObjects(clas=Formex), 'mesh': objects.DrawableObjects(clas=Mesh), 'surface': objects.DrawableObjects(clas=TriSurface), 'polyline': objects.DrawableObjects(clas=PolyLine), 'nurbs': objects.DrawableObjects(clas=NurbsCurve), 'curve': objects.DrawableObjects(clas=BezierSpline), }
[docs]def runGUI(): """Go into interactive mode""" try: # Make the workdir the current dir os.chdir(pf.cfg['workdir']) pf.debug("Setting workdir to %s" % pf.cfg['workdir'], pf.DEBUG.INFO) except Exception: # Save the current dir as workdir Settings.updateSettings({'workdir': Path.cwd(), '_save_': True}) # correctly display the current workdir pf.GUI.setcurdir() pf.interactive = True if pf.cfg['gui/easter_egg'] and True: pf.debug("Show easter egg", pf.DEBUG.INFO) try: draw.playScript(easter_egg, encoding='egg') except Exception: pass pf.debug("Start main loop", pf.DEBUG.INFO) res = pf.debug("Exit main loop with value %s" % res, pf.DEBUG.INFO) return res
#### End