59. plugins.pyformex_gts — Operations on triangulated surfaces using GTS functions.

This module provides access to GTS from insisde pyFormex.

59.1. Functions defined in module plugins.pyformex_gts

plugins.pyformex_gts.boolean(self, surf, op, check=False, verbose=False)[source]

Perform a boolean operation with another surface.

Boolean operations between surfaces are a basic operation in free surface modeling. Both surfaces should be closed orientable non-intersecting manifolds. Use the check() method to find out.

The boolean operations are set operations on the enclosed volumes: union(‘+’), difference(‘-‘) or intersection(‘*’).

  • surf (TriSurface) – Another TriSurface that is a closed manifold surface.
  • op ('+', '-' or '*') – The boolean operation to perform: union(‘+’), difference(‘-‘) or intersection(‘*’).
  • check (bool) – If True, a check is done that the surfaces are not self-intersecting; if one of them is, the set of self-intersecting faces is written (as a GtsSurface) on standard output
  • verbose (bool) – If True, print statistics about the surface.

TriSurface – A closed manifold TriSurface that is the volume union, difference or intersection of self with surf.


This method uses the external command ‘gtsset’ and will not run if it is not installed (available from pyformex/extras).

plugins.pyformex_gts.intersection(self, surf, check=False, verbose=False)[source]

Return the intersection curve of two surfaces.

Boolean operations between surfaces are a basic operation in free surface modeling. Both surfaces should be closed orientable non-intersecting manifolds. Use the check() method to find out.


  • surf: a closed manifold surface
  • check: boolean: check that the surfaces are not self-intersecting; if one of them is, the set of self-intersecting faces is written (as a GtsSurface) on standard output
  • verbose: boolean: print statistics about the surface

Returns: a list of intersection curves.

plugins.pyformex_gts.inside(self, pts, atol='auto', multi=True)[source]

Test which of the points pts are inside the surface.


  • pts: a (usually 1-plex) Formex or a data structure that can be used to initialize a Formex.

Returns an integer array with the indices of the points that are inside the surface. The indices refer to the onedimensional list of points as obtained from pts.points().