Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
png::detail::allowed_bit_depth< 1 >
png::detail::allowed_bit_depth< 2 >
png::detail::allowed_bit_depth< 4 >
png::basic_alpha_pixel_traits< component >Basic pixel traits class template for pixels with alpha channel
png::basic_ga_pixel< T >Basic Gray+Alpha pixel type
png::detail::basic_packed_pixel_proxy< pixel, reference >
png::basic_pixel_buffer< pixel, row, traits >The basic class template to represent image pixel data
png::basic_pixel_traits< pixel, component, pixel_color_type, channels, bit_depth >Basic pixel traits class template
png::basic_rgb_pixel< T >RGB pixel type
png::basic_rgba_pixel< T >RGBA pixel type
png::colorPNG color struct extension. Adds constructors
png::detail::const_packed_pixel_proxy< pixel >
png::consumer< pixel, pixcon, info_holder, interlacing_supported >Pixel consumer class template
png::convert_color_space< pixel >IO transformation class template. Converts image color space
png::convert_color_space< ga_pixel >Converts image color space. A specialization for ga_pixel type
png::convert_color_space< ga_pixel_16 >Converts image color space. A specialization for ga_pixel_16 type
png::convert_color_space< gray_pixel >Converts image color space. A specialization for gray_pixel type
png::convert_color_space< gray_pixel_16 >Converts image color space. A specialization for gray_pixel_16 type
png::convert_color_space< rgb_pixel >Converts image color space. A specialization for rgb_pixel type
png::convert_color_space< rgb_pixel_16 >Converts image color space. A specialization for rgb_pixel_16 type
png::convert_color_space< rgba_pixel >Converts image color space. A specialization for rgba_pixel type
png::convert_color_space< rgba_pixel_16 >Converts image color space. A specialization for rgba_pixel_16 type
png::detail::convert_color_space_impl< pixel >IO transformation class template. Converts image color space
png::def_image_info_holderThe default image_info holder class. Stores image_info member object
png::end_infoInternal class to hold PNG ending info
png::errorException class to represent runtime errors related to png++ operation
png::generator< pixel, pixgen, info_holder, interlacing_supported >Pixel generator class template
png::image< pixel >Class template to represent PNG image
png::image_infoHolds information about PNG image
png::image_info_ref_holderAn image_info holder class. Stores a reference to the image_info object. The image_info object itself should be stored elsewhere
png::index_pixelThe 8-bit Indexed (colormap) pixel type
png::infoHolds information about PNG image. Adapter class for IO image operations
png::info_baseInternal class to hold PNG info or end_info
png::io_baseBase class for PNG reader/writer classes
png::packed_gray_pixel< bits >The packed gray pixel class template. The available specializations are for 1-, 2- and 4-bit pixels
png::packed_index_pixel< bits >The packed indexed pixel class template. The available specializations are for 1-, 2- and 4-bit pixels
png::packed_pixel< bits >The packed pixel class template
png::detail::packed_pixel_proxy< pixel >
png::packed_pixel_row< pixel >The packed pixel row class template
png::pixel_buffer< pixel >
png::pixel_buffer< packed_gray_pixel< bits > >The pixel buffer class template specialization for the packed_gray_pixel type
png::pixel_buffer< packed_index_pixel< bits > >The pixel buffer class template specialization for the packed_index_pixel type
png::image< pixel >::pixel_consumerThe pixel buffer adapter for reading pixel data
png::image< pixel >::pixel_generatorThe pixel buffer adapter for writing pixel data
png::pixel_traits< basic_ga_pixel< T > >Pixel traits specialization for basic_ga_pixel
png::pixel_traits< basic_rgb_pixel< T > >Pixel traits specialization for basic_rgb_pixel
png::pixel_traits< basic_rgba_pixel< T > >Pixel traits specialization for basic_rgba_pixel
png::pixel_traits< gray_pixel >Pixel traits specialization for gray_pixel
png::pixel_traits< gray_pixel_16 >Pixel traits specialization for gray_pixel_16
png::pixel_traits< index_pixel >Pixel traits specialization for index_pixel
png::pixel_traits< packed_gray_pixel< bits > >Pixel traits specialization for packed_gray_pixel
png::pixel_traits< packed_index_pixel< bits > >Pixel traits specialization for packed_index_pixel
png::reader< istream >The PNG reader class template. This is the low-level reading interface--use image class or consumer class to actually read images
png::require_color_space< pixel >IO transformation class template. Enforces image color space
png::row_traits< packed_pixel_row< pixel > >The row_traits class template specialization for packed pixel row type
png::row_traits< std::vector< pixel > >The row_traits specialization for unpacked pixel rows
png::std_errorException class to represent standard library errors (generally IO)
png::streaming_base< pixel, info_holder >A base class template for consumer and generator classes. Provides default reset() method implementation as well as info_holder policy
png::image< pixel >::streaming_impl< base_impl >A common base class template for pixel_consumer and pixel_generator classes
png::image< pixel >::transform_identityThe default io transformation: does nothing
png::consumer< pixel, pixcon, info_holder, interlacing_supported >::transform_identityThe default io transformation: does nothing
png::writer< ostream >PNG writer class template. This is the low-level writing interface--use image class or generator class to actually write images
png::detail::wrong_color_space< pixel >