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This file documents PGQA, PostgreSQL Query Analyzer.

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1. Introduction

PGQA (PostgreSQL Query Analyzer) is a major mode of GNU Emacs editor, designed to parse, format and analyze SQL queries for PostgreSQL database server.

Besides providing the user with particular functionality (accessible via menu and key sequences), the project aims to offer low-level functions to search in the query tree and to modify it.

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2. Getting Started

First, make sure you have GNU Emacs 25 or later installed.

Then download the latest version of PGQA from http://www.melesmeles.cz/pgqa and use M-x package-install-file sequence to install it. That is, press <ESC> followed by <x>, type package-install-file command name, press <RET> and enter path to the PGQA package.

Once you open a file having ‘sql’ suffix, major mode of the containing buffer should automatically become the PGQA mode. If the file has different suffix, you can use M-x pgqa-mode sequence to activate the mode. Once the mode has been activated, "PGQA" string should appear in the mode line.

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2.1 Installation for Developers

If you want to hack PGQA, you’ll probably prefer the following installation procedure:

  1. Clone the Git repository
  2. To ensure that the code gets loaded, add the repository directory to the value of EMACSLOADPATH. For example, run the following command (and add it to your ‘.bashrc’ file so that you don’t have to run it in next time again):
    export EMACSLOADPATH=:~/repos/pgqa/

    (The initial colon ensures that the existing value of load-path variable is not discarded.)

  3. Then add the following lines to the init file of GNU Emacs (‘.gnu-emacs’ in your home directory):
    ;; Enable autoloading of the PGQA mode.
    (autoload 'pgqa-mode "pgqa" "PGQA major mode function." t)
    ;; Make sure *.sql file suffix activates the PGQA mode automatically.
    (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist (cons "\\.sql\\'" 'pgqa-mode))
    ;; pgqa-format-query does not require the pgqa-mode. (Syntax
    ;; highlighting is not active w/o the pgqa-mode.)
    (autoload 'pgqa-format-query "pgqa" "Format SQL query." t)
  4. Finally restart the GNU Emacs editor.

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3. Customization

C-c + key sequence runs pgqa-customize command which opens a window containing all customization settings of the PGQA mode. Particular settings are explained in the related sections.

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4. Query Parsing

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4.1 Interactive Mode

If the PGQA mode is active, C-c > key sequence runs command pgqa-parse, which considers the current buffer to contain a single SQL query. The command parses the query string and puts the internal format (tree) to pgqa-query-tree buffer-local variable. The tree consists of nodes that represent query parts such as tables, joins, expressions, etc. The tree is displayed in *pgqa-query-tree-text* buffer.

In addition, the pgqa-parse function sets highlights some nodes of the query by setting their font-lock-face text property, see section Customization.

Problems that PGQA finds in the query during parsing (or during subsequent analysis) appear in the *pgqa-log* buffer. Each error / warning message appears there as a hyper-link so you can navigate to the related part of the query by clicking on the message text.

If you only want to parse part of the buffer (the current buffer may contain some other text besides the SQL query that PGQA parser does not recognize, e.g. constructs of PL/pgSQL language), or if the buffer contains multiple queries, user can mark the query (i.e. put it into “region”). Thus the pgqa-parse command only processes the region contents.

The region is remembered, so the there’s no need to select the query again before the next run of pgqa-parse.

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4.2 Batch Mode

PGQA can parse query in batch mode. This requires EMACSLOADPATH environment variable to be adjusted as described in see section Getting Started.

To get file parsed in batch mode, run GNU Emacs this way (query.sql is the file containing your SQL query):

emacs -batch --insert query.sql -l pgqa.el -f pgqa-parse-query-batch

The (raw) query will be sent to the standard output.

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4.3 Customization

This section summarizes the subset of customization settings (see section Customization) that affect SQL query parsing.

pgqa-query-tree-print-region tells whether the machine-readable output of the parser should contain region information for each node, i.e. where particular node is located in the source buffer (i.e. the buffer that contains the query in the textual form). The default value is t, i.e. the region info is displayed.

Note that the region info might not be accurate if the buffer specified by pgqa-query-tree-buffer was refreshed by pgqa-format-query function, as opposed to pgqa-parse. The point is that pgqa-format-query displays the query tree before the actual formatting starts, and the formatting essentially changes node positions. If you’re interested in the region info of the formatted query, run pgqa-parse on it.

pgqa-operator-face contains the face to highlight SQL operators. This setting also applies to customization of query formatting.

pgqa-func-call-face contains the face to highlight SQL function calls. This setting also applies to customization of query formatting.

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5. Query Formatting

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5.1 Interactive Mode

If the PGQA mode is active, C-c < key sequence runs command pgqa-format-query, which considers the current buffer to contain a single SQL query. The command parses the query string, turns the internal format back into text and replaces the original query with it.

The command tries not to change position of the query within the buffer. In particular, the formatted query starts on the same line as the original did. If the first character of the query does not start at the beginning of a line, indentation of the whole query is adjusted so that the number of spaces in front of each line of the query is whole multiple of tab-width. (Spaces are added or removed so that the closest TAB position is reached.)

If the command is called with a prefix argument N, then N is considered the desired TAB position and no estimate is calculated.

If the region is used and the first line is preceded by at least one non-whitespace character, then the indentation is still estimated (or accepted as a prefix argument), but it’s not applied to the first line. The idea is that user should know why the non-white character is there.

As for query selection (region), pgqa-format-query behaves in the same way as pgqa-parse, i.e. the last region is used for the next executions until user performs a new selection.

pgqa-format-query can (as long as autoloading is configured, see section Getting Started) be used even in buffer whose major mode is not PGQA, but no syntax highlighting is active in that case. Also no key sequence is automatically bound to the command.

fill-column variable is honored during the formatting.

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5.2 Batch Mode

PGQA can be used to format queries in batch mode. This requires EMACSLOADPATH environment variable to be adjusted as described in see section Getting Started.

In order to get a query formatted, run GNU Emacs this way (query.sql is the file containing your SQL query):

emacs -batch --insert query.sql -l pgqa.el -f pgqa-format-query-batch

The formatted query will be sent to the standard output.

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5.3 Customization

This section summarizes the subset of customization settings (see section Customization) that affect SQL query formatting.

pgqa-multiline-query setting can effectively disable formatting if it’s value is nil. In that case line is only broken if the column of the next character is greater than the value of fill-column setting.

For example, if fill-column is set to 40 (just to demonstrate how lines are broken, without using too complex query), pgqa-format-query will produce this:

SELECT p.name, l.name, r.version, r.date
FROM projects AS p JOIN licenses AS l ON
l.id = p.license_id JOIN releases AS r
ON r.project_id = p.id WHERE r.date <=
'2012-06-30' AND p.name LIKE '%GNU%'
ORDER BY r.date, p.name;

(Note that all the following formatting settings must be set to nil in this case, otherwise the formatting will result in error message.)

If you set pgqa-multiline-query option, each query “clause keyword” (SELECT, FROM, etc.) of the formatted query will start on a new line:

SELECT      p.name, l.name, r.version,
FROM        projects AS p JOIN licenses
            AS l ON l.id = p.license_id
            JOIN releases AS r ON
            r.project_id = p.id
WHERE       r.date <= '2012-06-30' AND
            p.name LIKE '%GNU%'
ORDER BY    r.date, p.name;

pgqa-clause-newline can be set in addition to ensure that the actual “top-level clause” will start on a new line. The clause will be given extra indentation relative to the “clause keyword”. For example, if the value of tab-width setting is equal to 4, the query will looke like this:

    p.name, l.name, r.version, r.date
    projects AS p JOIN licenses AS l ON l.id =
    p.license_id JOIN releases AS r ON
    r.project_id = p.id
    r.date <= '2012-06-30' AND p.name LIKE '%GNU%'
    r.date, p.name;

pgqa-clause-newline requires pgqa-multiline-query to be set.

Furthermore, pgqa-clause-item-newline setting ensures that comma in the “top-level” clause is always followed by a new line:

    projects AS p JOIN licenses AS l ON l.id =
    p.license_id JOIN releases AS r ON
    r.project_id = p.id
    r.date <= '2012-06-30' AND p.name LIKE '%GNU%'

pgqa-clause-item-newline requires pgqa-clause-newline to be set.

pgqa-multiline-join setting ensures that JOIN keyword is always printed on a new line, following the appropriate indentation:

    projects AS p
    JOIN licenses AS l ON l.id = p.license_id
    JOIN releases AS r ON r.project_id = p.id
    r.date <= '2012-06-30' AND p.name LIKE '%GNU%'

pgqa-multiline-join requires pgqa-multiline-query to be set.

If pgqa-join-newline is enabled, line delimiter and indentation are also printed out in front of the right side of the join:

    projects AS p
    licenses AS l ON l.id = p.license_id
    releases AS r ON r.project_id = p.id
    r.date <= '2012-06-30' AND p.name LIKE '%GNU%'

pgqa-join-newline requires pgqa-multiline-join to be set.

If pgqa-clause-keyword-right is enabled, the clause keywords are right-aligned:

         SELECT p.name, l.name, r.version, r.date
           FROM projects AS p
                licenses AS l ON l.id = p.license_id
                releases AS r ON r.project_id = p.id
          WHERE r.date <= '2012-06-30' AND p.name LIKE '%GNU%'
       ORDER BY r.date, p.name

pgqa-clause-keyword-right requires pgqa-multiline-query to be set.

If pgqa-multiline-case is enabled, each branch of CASE expression is printed on a new line:

                WHEN l.name = 'GPL' THEN 'copyleft'
                WHEN l.name IN ('BSD', 'MIT') THEN 'permissive'
                ELSE 'unrecognized'
        projects AS p
        JOIN licenses AS l ON l.id = p.license_id;

pgqa-multiline-case requires pgqa-multiline-join to be set.

If pgqa-multiline-case-branch is enabled, each branch of CASE expression is broken into 2 lines. In addition, the branches are separated by an empty line.

                WHEN l.name = 'GPL'
                THEN 'copyleft'

                WHEN l.name IN ('BSD', 'MIT')
                THEN 'permissive'

                ELSE 'unrecognized'
        projects AS p
        JOIN licenses AS l ON l.id = p.license_id;

pgqa-multiline-case-branch requires pgqa-multiline-case to be set.

pgqa-multiline-operator setting can help you understand complex expressions. If this is set, operator expressions are printed out in structured way — exactly the way PGQA understands them:

    projects AS p
    licenses AS l ON
    releases AS r ON

pgqa-multiline-operator requires both pgqa-multiline-join and pgqa-multiline-case-branch to be set.

pgqa-print-as setting determines whether expression or table alias will be denoted by the AS keyword.

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6. Sending SQL Queries to Database

If region has been marked and if it contains an SQL query, pgqa-send-region function can be used to send it to (PostgreSQL) database server. The output will be written (appended) to buffer whose name is in the pgqa-psql-output variable. (If the region contents is not a valid SQL query, it’ll be sent but the appropriate error message will appear in the output buffer instead of query result.)

C-c ) key sequence can be used to invoke the pgqa-send-region function.

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6.1 Customization

This section summarizes the subset of customization settings (see section Customization) that affect SQL query parsing.

pgqa-host variable specifies network name of the machine on which PostgreSQL server is running. The default value is localhost.

pgqa-port variable specifies TCP port on which PostgreSQL server is running. The default value is 5432.

pgqa-database variable specifies name of the database to which the pgqa-send-region function will send queries. The default value is postgres.

pgqa-rolevariable specifies the role (user) that the pgqa-send-region function uses to connect to the database. The default value is postgres.

pgqq-psql-path variable specifies path to the psql client appication that pgqa-send-region function uses to connect to database. The default value is psql.

pgqa-query-tree-buffer variable specifies name of the buffer that will receive response of the PostgreSQL database server to the query. The default value is *pgqa-psql-output*.

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7. Treating Query as SQL String

Sometimes it’s useful to have application (typically PL/pgSQL function, see Executing Dynamic Commands) construct the SQL query in a form of SQL string. The PGQA mode supports this approach by providing the following functions.

pgqa-query-to-string converts the query in the current region to an SQL string. Formatting of the query is controlled by the same customization as if it was performed by pgqa-format-query. Likewise, if a prefix argument is passed, the function interprets it as the desired indentation of the resulting query.

The pgqa-query-to-string function can be executed by C-c { key sequence.

pgqa-create-insertion turns text in the current region into an “SQL insertion”. The next call of pgqa-query-to-string will not convert this part into the SQL string. Instead, the conversion to the SQL string will stop just in front of the insertion and continue after that. The insertion will be separated from the preceding and the following SQL strings by SQL concatenation operator (||).

For example, if foo in the following query is marked


and pgqa-create-insertion is called, user is prompted for an “Insertion key”. Assuming that PL/pgSQL variable v_table will be used to provide the table name, v_table seems like a suitable key. Once the insertion is there, pgqa-query-to-string produces this query string:

'SELECT * FROM ' || v_table || ' WHERE i = 1'

pgqa-string-to-query function does the oposite to pgqa-query-to-string, i.e. it converts SQL string to the actual query. If the query string contains unquoted parts separated from the rest by SQL concatenation operator (||), these are treated as SQL insertions.

PGQA remembers the region used as input by pgqa-string-to-query. Thus, after you’ve modified the query (which might include addition of new insertions), you do not need to mark the query again before calling pgqa-query-to-string.

The pgqa-string-to-query function can be executed by C-c } key sequence.

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