[orm-devel] No such attribute or function 'oid'

Diedrich Vorberg orm-devel@mailman.tux4web.de
Mon, 13 Jan 2003 14:50:29 +0100

Hi Eric,

>I guess that I can't work with PostgreSQL views as orm objects because 
>views don't have oid's(?).  It seems orm is reliant on oid (at least for 
>PostgreSQL).  It might be nice to be able to specify the primary key in 
>when creating the dbclass subclass and having it us the pk instead of 
>the oid.  Just a thought.
Yes, the pgsql adapter uses oids. It will add 'oid,' to any SELECT 
statement it creates.

Check out this thread on orm-devel:


which contains a patch to adapters.pgsql.datasource that you might
find helpfull. Also it might be possible to write the query on the
view by hand and use the datasource.runSelect method to execute it. I
think that's they way Mike went. The selectResult class does not rely
on the oid to be present.

Take a look at the patch: do you think it should be included with 
orm? After Mike found a solution he thought satisfactory the patch  
didn't make it to the distribution...

(Uh.. I don't think it will work nicely, you might need to insert it 
by hand... sorry about that...)


           _..._                            Diedrich Vorberg
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