
What is MicroBenchmark?

MicroBenchmark is a library to measure the performance of code fragments. The comparison of these kind of measurements between different implementations and/or environments is usually called micro benchmark, hence the library name.

MicroBenchmark can be used with the following languages:

How does MicroBenchmark work?

The main unit of MicroBenchmark framework is the test case. A test case encapsulates a code fragment whose performance will be measured. One or more test cases compose a suite, which is responsible for their execution lifecycle. The acquired performance measurements are aggregated into a report that can be examined and printed.

Note that MicroBenchmark is on an early stage of development:


MicroBenchmark is Free Software distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3 or later.

No source code releases are available for MicroBenchmark yet.


MicroBenchmark comes with a texinfo manual, try info mbenchmark after installing it. The manual is also available with HTML format as a single web page or as multiple web nodes.


MicroBenchmark uses git for its source code development.

You can browse its repository or clone it with the following command:

git clone https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/mbenchmark.git

Its development is coordinated through Savannah.