The m17n Library 1.8.4
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Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 CM17NObjectHeadThe first member of a managed object
 CMCodingInfoISO2022Structure for a coding system of type MCODING_TYPE_ISO_2022
 CMCodingInfoUTFStructure for extra information about a coding system of type MCODING_TYPE_UTF
 CMConverterStructure to be used in code conversion
 CMDrawControlType of a text drawing control
 CMDrawGlyphType of information about a glyph metric and font
 CMDrawGlyphInfoType of information about a glyph
 CMDrawMetricType of metric for glyphs and texts
 CMDrawTextItemType of textitems
 CMFaceType of faces
 CMFaceBoxPropType of box spec of face
 CMFaceHLinePropType of horizontal line spec of face
 CMFLTFontType of font to be used by the FLT driver
 CMFLTGlyphType of information about a glyph
 CMFLTGlyphAdjustmentType of information about a glyph position adjustment
 CMFLTGlyphStringType of information about a glyph sequence
 CMFLTOtfSpecType of specification of GSUB and GPOS OpenType tables
 CMFontType of fonts
 CMFrameType of frames
 CMInputContextStructure of input context
 CMInputDriverStructure of input method driver
 CMInputGUIArgICType of the argument to the function minput_create_ic()
 CMInputMethodStructure of input method
 CMInputXIMArgICStructure pointed to by the argument arg of the function minput_create_ic()
 CMInputXIMArgIMStructure pointed to by the argument arg of the function minput_open_im()
 CMPlistType of property list objects
 CMSymbolType of symbols
 CMTextType of M-texts
 CMTextPropertyType of text properties

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