The First Guide for Newcomers!

Table of Contents

First of all: Welcome!.

1 For All

This are first instructions/rules for all people that involves the project.

1.1 Behaviour

The following are a must, if you don't follow this rules you have a high risk to be banned!

  • Be polite!
  • Respect others!
  • Don't say bad words and, hence: be respectful!

Of course: verbal harassment is prohibited and no tolerated.

2 For Artists

This are first instructions for artists(people that creates creative contents like sounds, images, models, etc.).

  • Use CC-By-SA (Creative Commons Atribution and Share Alike). In other words, free(as in freedom) contents.
    • Non-comercial contents is forbidden.
    • Non-derivatives contents is forbidden.
  • Try not to use violent language, nudity contents, harassment contents. This may be banned or moved without warning.

Artist that create non-polite material may be tolerated because of the free speech. But you must warn people for violent contents and language or nudity contents.

Remember: Childs may want to play your game. So if proper warnings is not well visible we'll bann the content until is corrected.

This material may be moved to a correct section even if you warn.

Please, be respectful with other people (and more with users!).

3 For Coders

This are first instructions for programmers.

3.1 What to do?

3.2 What to keep in mind?

  • You are not alone!

Other people may want to read, study and colaborate starting from your code or documentation. Please, create a neat and tidy work.

3.2.1 License

  • Only Free Software, specially GPLv3+ licensed.
  • Other non-GPL licenses may not be accepted.

3.2.2 Code

  • Write well documented code! Use Doxygen syntax!
  • Design if you know how to use UML. Use Dia!

Remember: We don't emphasize in the use of UML like in a big comercial project. For three reasons:

  • It is not an obligation to understand UML.
  • People may not want to use such degree of rigidness.
  • Also: This project is for having fun!

Despite all, if you want to design something important, you're welcome!

4 License


first-guide.org by Giménez, Christian N.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Atribución-CompartirIgual 2.5 Argentina License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5/ar/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View, California, 94041, USA.

Viernes 03 De Mayo Del 2013


Author : Giménez, Christian

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