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The two classes of this subsection are concrete instantiations of Barnett and Smart’s VTMF primitive [BS03]. More formally, the authors specify four different protocols:

Each protocol uses low-level operations on an appropriately chosen algebraic group G. The choice of this group is crucial to the security of the card encoding scheme and thus also to the security of high-level operations on cards resp. stacks.

There are just a few methods and members of these classes that might be of general interest for an application programmer, e.g. the methods of the key generation protocol. The other stuff is only used internally by high-level operations of SchindelhauerTMCG. Therefore this manual omits the description of such internal functions and members.

Class: BarnettSmartVTMF_dlog

This class implements the discrete logarithm instantiation of the VTMF primitive in the field {\bf Z}/p{\bf Z}, where p is a large prime number. The mathematical computations are performed in the finite cyclic subgroup G of prime order q such that p = kq + 1 holds for some k\in {\bf Z}. The security relies on the DDH assumption in G, i.e., the distribution \{g^a, g^b, g^{ab}\} is computationally indistinguishable from \{g^a, g^b, g^c\}, where g is a generator of G and a, b, c are chosen at random from {\bf Z}_q. Currently, this well-established assumption is believed to hold, if p and q are chosen according to the predefined security parameters of LibTMCG.

Member of BarnettSmartVTMF_dlog: mpz_t p

This is the public prime number p which defines the underlying finite field {\bf Z}/p{\bf Z}.

Member of BarnettSmartVTMF_dlog: mpz_t q

This is the public prime number q which defines the underlying cyclic group G. G is a subgroup of {\bf Z}/p{\bf Z} and is exactly of order q.

Member of BarnettSmartVTMF_dlog: mpz_t g

This is the fixed public generator g of the underlying group G.

Member of BarnettSmartVTMF_dlog: mpz_t k

This is a public integer k such that p = kq + 1 holds.

Member of BarnettSmartVTMF_dlog: mpz_t h

This is the common public key h = \prod_{i=1}^k h_i which contains the public keys h_i of each player P_i. Note that in the above formula k denotes the number of players.

Member of BarnettSmartVTMF_dlog: mpz_t h_i

This is the public key h_i of this player instance.

Constructor on BarnettSmartVTMF_dlog: BarnettSmartVTMF_dlog (const unsigned long int fieldsize =TMCG_DDH_SIZE, const unsigned long int subgroupsize =TMCG_DLSE_SIZE, const bool canonical_g_usage =false, const bool initialize_group =true)

This constructor creates a new VTMF instance. That means, the primes p and q are randomly and uniformly chosen such that they have length fieldsize bit and subgroupsize bit, respectively. Further, either a generator g for the unique subgroup of order q is chosen at random or, if canonical_g_usage is set true, the generator g is chosen in a verifiable way (cf. FIPS 186-3 A.2.3). If the arguments are omitted, then fieldsize, subgroupsize and canonical_g_usage are set to their default values TMCG_DDH_SIZE, TMCG_DLSE_SIZE, and false, respectively. The argument initialize_group should be always set true. Depending on fieldsize and subgroupsize the group generation is a very time-consuming task that should be taken into account by the application designer.

Constructor on BarnettSmartVTMF_dlog: BarnettSmartVTMF_dlog (std::istream& in, const unsigned long int fieldsize =TMCG_DDH_SIZE, const unsigned long int subgroupsize =TMCG_DLSE_SIZE, bool canonical_g_usage =false, const bool precompute =true)

This constructor initializes the VTMF instance from a correctly formatted input stream in. For example, such a stream can be generated by calling the method PublishGroup of an already created instance. The arguments fieldsize, subgroupsize, and canonical_g_usage are stored for later following usage, e.g. by the method CheckGroup as explained below. The argument precompute should be always set true. If these arguments are omitted, then they are set to the default values TMCG_DDH_SIZE, TMCG_DLSE_SIZE, false, and true respectively.

Method on BarnettSmartVTMF_dlog: bool CheckGroup ()

This method checks whether p and q have appropriate sizes with respect to the bit lengths given during the initialization of the corresponding instance. Further, it checks whether p has the correct form (i.e. p = kq +1), whether p and q are probable prime, and whether g is a generator of the subgroup G. If canonical_g_usage is set true during the call of constructor, then it additionally checks whether g was generated in a verifiable way (cf. FIPS 186-3 A.2.3). It returns true, if all of these checks have been passed successfully.

Method on BarnettSmartVTMF_dlog: void PublishGroup (std::ostream& out)

This method exports all necessary group parameters of G to the given output stream out, so other VTMF instances of G can be initialized, e.g. with the second constructor of BarnettSmartVTMF_dlog.

Method on BarnettSmartVTMF_dlog: void KeyGenerationProtocol_GenerateKey ()

This method generates a VTMF key pair and stores the numbers internally for a later following usage. It must be called before any other part of the key generation protocol is executed. Otherwise, the produced results are wrong.

Method on BarnettSmartVTMF_dlog: void KeyGenerationProtocol_PublishKey (std::ostream& out)

This method exports the public part h_i of the generated VTMF key pair to the given output stream out. Further, it appends a non-interactive zero-knowledge proof of knowledge (NIZK) which shows that the instance knows the secret part x_i such that h_i \equiv g^{x_i} \pmod{p} holds. Due to the non-interactive nature of this proof the method has to be called only once while the computed output can be reused multiple times if necessary.

Method on BarnettSmartVTMF_dlog: bool KeyGenerationProtocol_UpdateKey (std::istream& in)

This method reads the public part of a VTMF key and the NIZK from the input stream in. It appends the key to the common public key and returns true, if the given proof was sound. Otherwise, false is returned.

Method on BarnettSmartVTMF_dlog: bool KeyGenerationProtocol_RemoveKey (std::istream& in)

This method reads the public part of a VTMF key and the corresponding NIZK from the input stream in. It removes the key from the common public key and returns true, if the key was previously appended by KeyGenerationProtocol_UpdateKey as explained above.

Method on BarnettSmartVTMF_dlog: void KeyGenerationProtocol_Finalize ()

This method must be called after any update (KeyGenerationProtocol_UpdateKey) or removal (KeyGenerationProtocol_RemoveKey) has been performed on the common public key.

Destructor on BarnettSmartVTMF_dlog: ~BarnettSmartVTMF_dlog ()

This destructor releases all occupied resources.

Subclass of BarnettSmartVTMF_dlog: BarnettSmartVTMF_dlog_GroupQR

This subclass implements the discrete logarithm instantiation of the VTMF primitive in the field {\bf Z}/p{\bf Z}, where p is a large prime number. The mathematical computations are performed in a special finite cyclic subgroup G (quadratic residues modulo p) of prime order q, where p = 2q + 1 holds. The security also relies on the DDH assumption w.r.t. G, i.e., the distribution \{g^a, g^b, g^{ab}\} is computationally indistinguishable from \{g^a, g^b, g^c\}, where g is a generator of G and a, b, c are chosen at random from {\bf Z}_q. Currently, this well-established assumption is believed to hold, if p and q are chosen according to the predefined security parameters of LibTMCG.

Member of BarnettSmartVTMF_dlog: mpz_t p

This is the public prime number p which defines the underlying finite field {\bf Z}/p{\bf Z}.

Member of BarnettSmartVTMF_dlog: mpz_t q

This is the public prime number q which defines the underlying cyclic group G. G denotes the unique subgroup of quadratic residues modulo p which is exactly of order q, if p = 2q + 1 holds.

Member of BarnettSmartVTMF_dlog: mpz_t g

This is the fixed public generator g of the underlying group G.

Member of BarnettSmartVTMF_dlog: mpz_t k

This integer is fixed here by k = 2.

Member of BarnettSmartVTMF_dlog: mpz_t h

This is the common public key h = \prod_{i=1}^k h_i which contains the public keys h_i of each player P_i. Note that in the above formula k denotes the number of players.

Member of BarnettSmartVTMF_dlog: mpz_t h_i

This is the public key h_i of this player instance.

Constructor on BarnettSmartVTMF_dlog_GroupQR: BarnettSmartVTMF_dlog_GroupQR (const unsigned long int fieldsize =TMCG_DDH_SIZE, const unsigned long int exponentsize =TMCG_DLSE_SIZE)

This constructor creates a new VTMF instance. That means, the safe prime p is randomly and uniformly chosen such that it has a length of fieldsize bit. Further, the generator g is initially set up by 2 and then shifted by fieldsize - exponentsize bit positions, according to the procedure described by Koshiba and Kurosawa (see Short Exponent Diffie-Hellman Problems, PKC 2004, LNCS 2947). If the arguments of the constructor are omitted, then fieldsize and exponentsize are set to their default values TMCG_DDH_SIZE and TMCG_DLSE_SIZE, respectively. Depending on fieldsize and exponentsize the group generation is a very time-consuming task that should be taken into account by the application designer.

Constructor on BarnettSmartVTMF_dlog_GroupQR: BarnettSmartVTMF_dlog_GroupQR (std::istream& in, const unsigned long int fieldsize =TMCG_DDH_SIZE, const unsigned long int exponentsize =TMCG_DLSE_SIZE)

This constructor initializes the VTMF instance from a correctly formatted input stream in. For example, such a stream can be generated by calling the method PublishGroup of an already created instance. The arguments fieldsize and exponentsize are stored for later following usage, e.g. by the method CheckGroup as explained below. If these arguments are omitted, then they are set to the default values TMCG_DDH_SIZE and TMCG_DLSE_SIZE, respectively.

Method on BarnettSmartVTMF_dlog_GroupQR: bool CheckGroup ()

This method checks whether p and q have appropriate sizes with respect to the bit lengths given during the initialization of the corresponding instance. Further, it checks whether p has the correct form (i.e. p = 2q +1), whether p and q are probable prime, and whether g is a generator of the subgroup G. It returns true, if all of these checks have been passed successfully.

Destructor on BarnettSmartVTMF_dlog_GroupQR: ~BarnettSmartVTMF_dlog_GroupQR ()

This destructor releases all occupied resources.

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