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Mainwindow of LEO-Lookup version 0.2
Mainwindow of LEO-Lookup version 0.2

About LEO-Lookup

LEO-Lookup is an effort, to make learning of words in a foreign language, more easier. It provides an easy to use GUI and the possibility to extend itself using plugins. One plugin has already been written for the flashcard learning system jMemorize.
LEO-Lookup is targeted at the average computer user of free operating systems like GNU/Linux variants or similar environments.
LEO-Lookup is free software, since it is licensed under the terms of the General Public License Version 3 published by the Free Software Foundation. Your rights arising thereby are to study, modify and distribute the source code of LEO-Lookup.
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There are different versions of LEO-Lookup available. Visit to the following link to see available files to download. Get LEO-Lookup!

Source Code

Since LEO-Lookup is licensed under the terms of the General Public License Version 3, you are welcome to download, study, modify and distribute the source code of LEO-Lookup.
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Coming soon.


Coming soon.


The people behind LEO-Lookup are pleased to have Savannah as partner for hosting the source code of this website and, of course LEO-Lookup's code.