H5MD - proposal 102: Storage of charges --------------------------------------- **status:** Accepted in H5MD 1.1 ### Objective This proposal aims at defining the storage of the charge associated with each particle. ### Motivations Charge data is missing from H5MD 1.0. It is, at the very least, useful for atomic-level simulations. The interpretation of the value depends however on the situation. See the original request and the subsequent discussion http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.science.simulation.h5md.user/685 This proposal does not list explicitly all use cases but clarifies the most common interpretations. ### Comparison to other file formats #### PDB PDB stores integer atomic charge . ### MOSAIC The [Mosaic format](http://mosaic-data-model.github.io/) relies on so-called conventions to clarify the interpretation of data elements. See the article on MOSAIC and the [Mosaic PDB convention](http://mosaic-data-model.github.io/mosaic-specification/pdb_convention.html). ### Other file formats Currently, no other file format clarifies the meaning of the `charge` data element. ### Data in particles group `charge` : An element that contains the charge associated to each particle as a scalar, of `Integer` or `Float` type. `charge` has the optional attribute `type` of fixed-length string datatype and of scalar dataspace, possible values are `effective` and `formal`. In the case `effective`, the charge is part of an effective description of the interactions with the precise meaning depending on the underlying empirical force fields or coarse-grained models. In the case `formal`, the charge is the so-called "formal charge" assigned to an atom (see ) and must be of `Integer` type. This case corresponds to the entries in PDB files (see definition in the PDBx/mmCIF dictionary ). If none of `effective` or `formal` describes the data properly, the attribute `type` may be omitted.