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4.4 Processing Results

The result of a command or query placed by pg-exec satisfies predicate pg-result?. It may encapsulate an error, row data, or other status. See Procedures for Retrieving Data.

Guile-PG displays result objects in the following format:


status is the same as would be returned by pg-result-status except without the PGRES_ (it is redundant); ntuples and nfields are integers, the same as would be returned by pg-ntuples and pg-nfields, respectively. Everything else appears literally as shown here.

Procedure: pg-result? obj

Return #t iff obj is a result object returned by pg-exec.

Procedure: pg-result-error-field result fieldcode

Return information associated with result, on fieldcode, a keyword, or #f if either fieldcode is unrecognized or the field value is not available for some reason. The type of the return value depends on fieldcode:


A string. The value for #:message-primary is typically one line, whereas for #:message-detail, #:message-hint and #:context, it may run to multiple lines. For #:sqlstate, it is always five characters long.


An integer. Statement position counts characters (not bytes), starting from 1.


A symbol.

Procedure: pg-result-error-message result

Return the error message associated with result, or the empty string if there was no error. If the installation does not support PQRESULTERRORMESSAGE, return the empty string. The returned string has no trailing newlines.

Procedure: pg-error-message conn

Return the most-recent error message that occurred on the connection conn, or an empty string. For backward compatibility, if conn is actually a result object returned from calling pg-exec, delegate the call to pg-result-error-message transparently (new code should call that procedure directly).

Procedure: pg-result-status result

Return the symbolic status of the result returned by pg-exec.

Result Status Values


The statement returned zero or more tuples. The number of fields and tuples returned can be determined from calls to pg-nfields and pg-ntuples respectively. The value of a given attribute (field) of a given tuple can be determined by calling pg-getvalue.


The statement was a command (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE CREATE TABLE, DROP TABLE etc.), which was executed without error. The number of tuples affected by the command can be determined by a call to pg-cmdtuples.


It is not known under which circumstances this result-status is returned.


The statement was a COPY <table> TO STDOUT or COPY <table> FROM STDIN (respectively). See Procedures for Copying Data.


This occurs when the libpq interface receives an unexpected response from the back-end. It indicates a problem with PostgreSQL.


It is not known under which circumstances this result-status is returned.


The command was not executable for some reason. This is the returned status when a syntax error is detected in the command, for example.


This contrived example defines a procedure to insert a record into a given table, returning the number of tuples inserted (always one) or #f if an error occurred.

(define (insert-one-record conn table record)
  (let ((result (pg-exec conn
                         (format #f "INSERT INTO ~A VALUES ~A"
                                 table record))))
    (and result
         (eq? 'PGRES_COMMAND_OK (pg-result-status result))
         (string->number (pg-cmdtuples result)))))

The procedure could be called as follows

(insert-one-record conn "people" "('Warbucks', 'Oliver')")
Procedure: pg-binary-tuples? result

Return #t if result contains binary tuple data, #f otherwise.

The procedures pg-fmod, pg-ftype, pg-fname, pg-ftable, pg-ftablecol, pg-fformat, pg-ftype and pg-fsize can all throw an Argument out of range error if the specified field does not exist in the result.

Procedure: pg-fmod result num

Return the integer type-specific modification data for the given field (field number num) of result.

Procedure: pg-ntuples result

Return the number of tuples in result.

Procedure: pg-nfields result

Return the number of fields in result.

Procedure: pg-cmdtuples result

Return the number of tuples in result affected by a command. This is a string which is empty in the case of commands like CREATE TABLE, GRANT, REVOKE etc., which don’t affect tuples.

Procedure: pg-oid-value result

If the result is that of an SQL INSERT command, return the integer OID of the inserted tuple, otherwise #f.

Procedure: pg-fname result num

Return a string containing the canonical lower-case name of the field number num in result. SQL variables and field names are not case-sensitive.

Procedure: pg-fnumber result fname

Return the integer field-number corresponding to field fname (a string) if this exists in result, or -1 otherwise.

Procedure: pg-ftable result num

Return the OID of the table from which the field num was fetched in result.

Procedure: pg-ftablecol result num

Return the column number (within its table) of the column making up field num of result. Column numbers start at zero.

Procedure: pg-fformat result num

Return an integer indicating the format of field num of result. Zero (0) indicates textual data representation; while one (1) indicates binary.

Procedure: pg-getvalue result stuple sfield

Return a string containing the value of the attribute sfield, tuple stuple of result. It is up to the caller to convert this to the required type.

This example defines a procedure tuple->alist which returns a given tuple as an alist, keyed on the field name. It’s not an especially efficient procedure because it constructs the list of field-names afresh each time it’s called.

(define (field-names result)
  (map (lambda (field)
         (pg-fname result field))
       (iota (pg-nfields result))))

(define (get-values result tuple)
  (map (lambda (field)
         (pg-getvalue result tuple field))
       (iota (pg-nfields result))))

(define (tuple->alist result tuple)
  (map (lambda (n v) (cons (string->symbol n) v))
       (field-names result)
       (get-values result tuple)))

Field values can be extracted from the tuple using assq-ref, e.g.:

(assq-ref (tuple->alist result 0) 'firstname)

Using this procedure we can define a version of for-each which iterates through the tuples returned from a given SELECT query:

(define (for-each-tuple proc result)
  (let ((end (pg-ntuples result)))
    (do ((tuple 0 (1+ tuple)))
        ((= tuple end))
      (proc (tuple->alist result tuple)))))

This implementation of for-each-tuple inherits inefficiency from the tuple->alist procedure.


The pg-getvalue procedure throws out-of-range errors if either the tuple or field-number arguments are out of range.

Procedure: pg-getisnull result stuple sfield

Return #t if the value of the attribute sfield, tuple stuple of result, is NULL, #f otherwise.

Procedure: pg-ftype result num

Return the PostgreSQL internal integer representation of the type of the given attribute. The integer is actually an OID (object ID) which can be used as the primary key to reference a tuple from the system table pg_type. Throw misc-error if the field num is not valid for the given result.


This defines a procedure field-type-name which returns the type name of a given attribute in a string.

A more efficient implementation would be to define a type of connection which, when opened, issued the query to retrieve the pg_type system table once. An alist for looking up type names could then be associated with each connection for faster subsequent access.

(define CONN (pg-connectdb ...))

(define (field-type-name result fnum)
  (let ((result (pg-exec
                 (format #f "SELECT typname FROM pg_type WHERE oid = ~A"
                         (pg-ftype result fnum)))))
    (or (and result
             (eq? 'PGRES_TUPLES_OK (pg-result-status result))
             (< 0 (pg-ntuples result))
             (pg-getvalue result 0 0))
Procedure: pg-fsize result num

Return the size of a result field num in bytes, or -1 if the field is variable-length.

Procedure: pg-getlength result stuple sfield

Return the size in bytes of the value of the attribute sfield, tuple stuple of result.

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