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3 Procedures for managing connections

All sessions with a PostgreSQL database require a connection to be opened with pg-connectdb. When the default values of the options are sufficient, you don’t need to specify them. Default values are also useful in creating a connection dialog (user-interface element).

Guile-PG displays connection objects in one of the following formats:

#<PG-CONN:->                      ; closed

db is the database name, or ?; host is the host name, or socket directory name in the case of Unix-domain connections; port is the TCP port where the server is listening, empty in the case of Unix-domain connections; and options is the same as would be returned by pg-get-options. Everything else appears literally as shown here. It is very strange to have db be ?; usually that indicates a bug either in Guile-PG or in PostgreSQL.

Procedure: pg-connection? obj

Return #t iff obj is a connection object returned by pg-connectdb.

Procedure: pg-connectdb constr

Open and return a connection to the database specified and configured by constr, a possibly empty string consisting of space-separated name=value pairs. The name can be any of:


The host-name or dotted-decimal IP address of the host on which the postmaster is running. If no host= sub-string is given then consult in order: the environment variable PGHOST, otherwise the name of the local host.


The TCP or Unix socket on which the backend is listening. If this is not specified then consult in order: the environment variable PGPORT, otherwise the default port (5432).


A string containing the options to the backend server. The options given here are in addition to the options given by the environment variable PGOPTIONS. The options string should be a set of command line switches as would be passed to the backend. See the postgres(1) man page for more details.


A string defining the file or device on which error messages from the backend are to be displayed. If this is empty (""), then consult the environment variable PGTTY. If the specified tty is a file then the file will be readable only by the user the postmaster runs as (usually ‘postgres’). Similarly, if the specified tty is a device then it must have permissions allowing the postmaster user to write to it.


The name of the database. If no dbname= sub-string is given then consult in order: the environment variable PGDATABASE, the environment variable USER, otherwise the user value.


The login name of the user to authenticate. If none is given then consult in order: the environment variable PGUSER, otherwise the login name of the user owning the process.


The password. Whether or not this is used depends upon the contents of the pg_hba.conf file. See the pg_hba.conf(5) man page for details.


This must be set to password if password authentication is in use, otherwise it must not be specified.

If value contains spaces it must be enclosed in single quotes, and any single quotes appearing in value must be escaped using backslashes. Backslashes appearing in value must similarly be escaped. Note that if the constr is a Guile string literal then all the backslashes will themselves need to be escaped a second time.

Procedure: pg-conndefaults

Return an alist associating options with their connection defaults. The option name is a keyword. Each associated value is in turn a sub-alist, with the following keys:

  • #:envvar
  • #:compiled
  • #:val
  • #:label
  • #:dispchar (character: #\* or #\D; or #f)
  • #:dispsize (integer)

Values are strings or #f, unless noted otherwise. A dispchar of #\* means the option should be treated like a password: user dialogs should hide the value; while #\D means the option is for debugging purposes: probably a good idea to entirely avoid presenting this option in the first place.


(define (user-count host tcp-port)
  (let* ((conn (pg-connectdb
                (format #f "host=~A port=~A dbname=template1"
                        host tcp-port)))
         (result (pg-exec conn "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pg_user")))
    (and result
         (eq? 'PGRES_TUPLES_OK (pg-result-status result))
         (string->number (pg-getvalue result 0 0)))))

Use pg-finish to close an open connection. Although this is not strictly necessary (Guile-PG arranges for unreferenced connection objects to be properly closed when they are garbage collected), failure to do so before the process exits normally results in a (server side) logfile entry “unexpected EOF on client connection”.

Procedure: pg-finish conn

Close the connection conn with the backend.

PostgreSQL 7.4 and later support the concept of protocol version. See Miscellaneous Procedures, for another way to find installation metainfo.

Procedure: pg-protocol-version conn

Return the client protocol version for conn. This (integer) will be 2 prior to PostgreSQL 7.4. If conn is not a connection object, return #f.

Notices are messages sent from the back- to the front-end, sometimes prefixed with the word NOTICE, and always followed by a trailing newline. By default, they are sent to the current output port.

Procedure: pg-set-notice-out! conn out

Set notice output handler of conn to out. out can be #f, which means discard notices; #t, which means send them to the current error port; an output port to send the notice to; or a procedure that takes one argument, the notice string. It’s usually a good idea to call pg-set-notice-out! soon after establishing the connection.

Procedure: pg-reset conn

Reset the connection conn with the backend. Equivalent to closing the connection and re-opening it again with the same connect options as given to pg-connectdb. conn must be a valid PG_CONN object returned by pg-connectdb.

Procedure: pg-server-version conn

Return an integer representation of the server version at conn. This is basically

(+ (* 10000 major) (* 100 minor) micro)

which yields 40725 for PostgreSQL 4.7.25, for example. However, for PostgreSQL 10 and later, the number represents

(+ (* 10000 major) minor)

although the documentation recommends considering it to be

(+ (* 100 effective-major) minor)

for the purposes of feature comparison. Return #f if conn is closed.

Procedure: pg-get-db conn

Return a string containing the name of the database to which conn represents a connection.

Procedure: pg-get-user conn

Return a string containing the user name used to authenticate the connection conn.

Procedure: pg-get-pass conn

Return a string containing the password used to authenticate the connection conn.

Procedure: pg-get-host conn

Return a string containing the name of the host to which conn represents a connection.

Procedure: pg-get-port conn

Return a string containing the port number to which conn represents a connection.

Procedure: pg-get-tty conn

Return a string containing the the name of the diagnostic tty for conn.

Procedure: pg-get-options conn

Return a string containing the options string for conn.

Procedure: pg-backend-pid conn

Return an integer which is the the PID of the backend process for conn.

Procedure: pg-transaction-status conn

Return a keyword describing the current transaction status, one of: #:idle (connection idle), #:active (command in progress), #:intrans (idle, within transaction block), #:inerror (idle, within failed transaction), #:unknown (cannot determine status).

Procedure: pg-parameter-status conn parm

Return the status (a string) of parm for conn, or #f if there is no such parameter. parm is a symbol, such as client_encoding.

3.1 Asynchronous Notifications

The PostgreSQL back-end supports asynchronous notifications with the commands LISTEN and NOTIFY. You can use pg-notifies to query the pending notifications queue (see Asynchronous Retrieval).

Procedure: pg-notifies conn [tickle]

Return the next as-yet-unhandled notification from conn, or #f if there are none available. The notification is a pair with CAR relname, a string naming the relation containing data; and CDR pid, the integer PID of the backend delivering the notification. Optional arg tickle non-#f means to do a “consume input” operation prior to the query.

3.2 Character Encoding

The client’s character encoding, represented by a string such as "UNICODE", can be queried and set.

Procedure: pg-client-encoding conn

Return the current client encoding for conn as a string.

Procedure: pg-set-client-encoding! conn encoding

Set the client encoding for conn to encoding (a symbol or string). Return #t if successful, #f otherwise.

3.3 Non-Blocking Mode

Procedure: pg-set-nonblocking! conn mode

Set the nonblocking status of conn to mode. If mode is non-#f, set it to nonblocking, otherwise set it to blocking. Return #t if successful.

Procedure: pg-is-nonblocking? conn

Return #t if conn is in nonblocking mode.

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