for libags_gui. The latest version of this documentation can be found on-line at

Copyright (C)

UI Widgets
AgsCartesian — A cartesian widget
AgsDial — A dial widget
AgsExpander — A expander widget
AgsExpanderSet — A container
AgsIndicator — A indicator widget
AgsLed — A led widget
AgsLedArray — A led array widget
AgsLevel — A level widget
AgsLevelBox — box widget
AgsScrolledLevelBox — scrolled level box widget
AgsNotebook — selection widget
AgsPiano — A piano widget
AgsScrolledPiano — scrolled piano widget
AgsScale — A scale widget
AgsScaleBox — box widget
AgsScrolledScaleBox — scrolled scale box widget
AgsTempo — A tempo widget
AgsRuler — A ruler widget
API Index
Annotation Glossary
appendix. Tree Index